ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { AddonManager: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs", AddonTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/AddonTestUtils.sys.mjs", AboutNewTab: "resource:///modules/AboutNewTab.sys.mjs", AppConstants: "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs", ASRouterTargeting: "resource:///modules/asrouter/ASRouterTargeting.sys.mjs", AttributionCode: "resource:///modules/AttributionCode.sys.mjs", BrowserWindowTracker: "resource:///modules/BrowserWindowTracker.sys.mjs", BuiltInThemes: "resource:///modules/BuiltInThemes.sys.mjs", CFRMessageProvider: "resource:///modules/asrouter/CFRMessageProvider.sys.mjs", ExperimentAPI: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", ExperimentFakes: "resource://testing-common/NimbusTestUtils.sys.mjs", FxAccounts: "resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.sys.mjs", HomePage: "resource:///modules/HomePage.sys.mjs", NewTabUtils: "resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.sys.mjs", NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", PlacesTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/PlacesTestUtils.sys.mjs", ProfileAge: "resource://gre/modules/ProfileAge.sys.mjs", QueryCache: "resource:///modules/asrouter/ASRouterTargeting.sys.mjs", Region: "resource://gre/modules/Region.sys.mjs", ShellService: "resource:///modules/ShellService.sys.mjs", TargetingContext: "resource://messaging-system/targeting/Targeting.sys.mjs", TelemetryEnvironment: "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryEnvironment.sys.mjs", TelemetrySession: "resource://gre/modules/TelemetrySession.sys.mjs", }); function sendFormAutofillMessage(name, data) { let actor = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.getActor( "FormAutofill" ); return actor.receiveMessage({ name, data }); } async function removeAutofillRecords() { let addresses = ( await sendFormAutofillMessage("FormAutofill:GetRecords", { collectionName: "addresses", }) ).records; if (addresses.length) { let observePromise = TestUtils.topicObserved( "formautofill-storage-changed" ); await sendFormAutofillMessage("FormAutofill:RemoveAddresses", { guids: => address.guid), }); await observePromise; } let creditCards = ( await sendFormAutofillMessage("FormAutofill:GetRecords", { collectionName: "creditCards", }) ).records; if (creditCards.length) { let observePromise = TestUtils.topicObserved( "formautofill-storage-changed" ); await sendFormAutofillMessage("FormAutofill:RemoveCreditCards", { guids: => cc.guid), }); await observePromise; } } // ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage add_task(async function find_matching_message() { const messages = [ { id: "foo", targeting: "FOO" }, { id: "bar", targeting: "!FOO" }, ]; const context = { FOO: true }; const match = await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages, context, }); is(match, messages[0], "should match and return the correct message"); }); add_task(async function return_nothing_for_no_matching_message() { const messages = [{ id: "bar", targeting: "!FOO" }]; const context = { FOO: true }; const match = await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages, context, }); ok(!match, "should return nothing since no matching message exists"); }); add_task(async function check_other_error_handling() { let called = false; function onError(...args) { called = true; } const messages = [{ id: "foo", targeting: "foo" }]; const context = { get foo() { throw new Error("test error"); }, }; const match = await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages, context, onError, }); ok(!match, "should return nothing since no valid matching message exists"); Assert.ok(called, "Attribute error caught"); }); // ASRouterTargeting.Environment add_task(async function check_locale() { ok( Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47, "Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47 exists" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: `locale == "${Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47}"`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item when filtering by locale" ); }); add_task(async function check_localeLanguageCode() { const currentLanguageCode = Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47.substr(0, 2); is( Services.locale.negotiateLanguages( [currentLanguageCode], [Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47] )[0], Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47, "currentLanguageCode should resolve to the current locale (e.g en => en-US)" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: `localeLanguageCode == "${currentLanguageCode}"`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item when filtering by localeLanguageCode" ); }); add_task(async function checkProfileAgeCreated() { let profileAccessor = await ProfileAge(); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.profileAgeCreated, await profileAccessor.created, "should return correct profile age creation date" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: `profileAgeCreated > ${(await profileAccessor.created) - 100}`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by profile age created" ); }); add_task(async function checkProfileAgeReset() { let profileAccessor = await ProfileAge(); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.profileAgeReset, await profileAccessor.reset, "should return correct profile age reset" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: `profileAgeReset == ${await profileAccessor.reset}`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by profile age reset" ); }); add_task(async function checkCurrentDate() { let message = { id: "foo", targeting: `currentDate < '${new Date( + 5000)}'|date`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select message based on currentDate < timestamp" ); message = { id: "foo", targeting: `currentDate > '${new Date( - 5000)}'|date`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select message based on currentDate > timestamp" ); }); add_task(async function check_usesFirefoxSync() { await pushPrefs(["services.sync.username", ""]); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.usesFirefoxSync, true, "should return true if a fx account is set" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "usesFirefoxSync" }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by usesFirefoxSync" ); }); add_task(async function check_isFxAEnabled() { await pushPrefs(["identity.fxaccounts.enabled", false]); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isFxAEnabled, false, "should return false if fxa is disabled" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "isFxAEnabled" }; ok( !(await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] })), "should not select a message if fxa is disabled" ); }); add_task(async function check_isFxAEnabled() { await pushPrefs(["identity.fxaccounts.enabled", true]); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isFxAEnabled, true, "should return true if fxa is enabled" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "isFxAEnabled" }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select the correct message" ); }); add_task(async function check_isFxASignedIn_false() { await pushPrefs( ["identity.fxaccounts.enabled", true], ["services.sync.username", ""] ); const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => sandbox.restore()); sandbox.stub(FxAccounts.prototype, "getSignedInUser").resolves(null); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isFxASignedIn, false, "user should not appear signed in" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "isFxASignedIn" }; isnot( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should not select the message since user is not signed in" ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function check_isFxASignedIn_true() { await pushPrefs( ["identity.fxaccounts.enabled", true], ["services.sync.username", ""] ); const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => sandbox.restore()); sandbox.stub(FxAccounts.prototype, "getSignedInUser").resolves({}); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isFxASignedIn, true, "user should appear signed in" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "isFxASignedIn" }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select the correct message" ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function check_totalBookmarksCount() { // Make sure we remove default bookmarks so they don't interfere await clearHistoryAndBookmarks(); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "totalBookmarksCount > 0" }; const results = await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message], }); ok( !(results ? JSON.stringify(results) : results), "Should not select any message because bookmarks count is not 0" ); const bookmark = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, title: "foo", url: "", }); QueryCache.queries.TotalBookmarksCount.expire(); is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "Should select correct item after bookmarks are added." ); // Cleanup await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark.guid); }); add_task(async function check_needsUpdate() { QueryCache.queries.CheckBrowserNeedsUpdate.setUp(true); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "needsUpdate" }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "Should select message because update count > 0" ); QueryCache.queries.CheckBrowserNeedsUpdate.setUp(false); is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), null, "Should not select message because update count == 0" ); }); add_task(async function checksearchEngines() { const result = await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.searchEngines; const expectedInstalled = (await .map(engine => engine.identifier) .sort() .join(","); ok( result.installed.length, "searchEngines.installed should be a non-empty array" ); is( result.installed.sort().join(","), expectedInstalled, "searchEngines.installed should be an array of visible search engines" ); ok( result.current && typeof result.current === "string", "searchEngines.current should be a truthy string" ); is( result.current, (await, "searchEngines.current should be the current engine name" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: `searchEngines[.current == ${ (await }]`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by searchEngines.current" ); const message2 = { id: "foo", targeting: `searchEngines[${ (await[0].identifier } in .installed]`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message2] }), message2, "should select correct item by searchEngines.installed" ); }); add_task(async function checkisDefaultBrowser() { const expected = ShellService.isDefaultBrowser(); const result = await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isDefaultBrowser; is(typeof result, "boolean", "isDefaultBrowser should be a boolean value"); is( result, expected, "isDefaultBrowser should be equal to ShellService.isDefaultBrowser()" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: `isDefaultBrowser == ${expected.toString()}`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by isDefaultBrowser" ); }); add_task(async function checkdevToolsOpenedCount() { await pushPrefs(["devtools.selfxss.count", 5]); is( ASRouterTargeting.Environment.devToolsOpenedCount, 5, "devToolsOpenedCount should be equal to devtools.selfxss.count pref value" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "devToolsOpenedCount >= 5" }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by devToolsOpenedCount" ); }); add_task(async function check_platformName() { const message = { id: "foo", targeting: `platformName == "${AppConstants.platform}"`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by platformName" ); }); AddonTestUtils.initMochitest(this); add_task(async function checkAddonsInfo() { const FAKE_ID = ""; const FAKE_NAME = "Test Addon"; const FAKE_VERSION = "0.5.7"; const xpi = AddonTestUtils.createTempWebExtensionFile({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: FAKE_ID } }, name: FAKE_NAME, version: FAKE_VERSION, }, }); await Promise.all([ AddonTestUtils.promiseWebExtensionStartup(FAKE_ID), AddonManager.installTemporaryAddon(xpi), ]); const { addons } = await AddonManager.getActiveAddons([ "extension", "service", ]); const { addons: asRouterAddons, isFullData } = await ASRouterTargeting .Environment.addonsInfo; ok( addons.every(({ id }) => asRouterAddons[id]), "should contain every addon" ); ok( Object.getOwnPropertyNames(asRouterAddons).every(id => addons.some(addon => === id) ), "should contain no incorrect addons" ); const testAddon = asRouterAddons[FAKE_ID]; ok(, "version") && testAddon.version === FAKE_VERSION, "should correctly provide `version` property" ); ok(, "type") && testAddon.type === "extension", "should correctly provide `type` property" ); ok(, "isSystem") && testAddon.isSystem === false, "should correctly provide `isSystem` property" ); ok(, "isWebExtension") && testAddon.isWebExtension === true, "should correctly provide `isWebExtension` property" ); // As we installed our test addon the addons database must be initialised, so // (in this test environment) we expect to receive "full" data ok(isFullData, "should receive full data"); ok(, "name") && === FAKE_NAME, "should correctly provide `name` property from full data" ); ok(, "userDisabled") && testAddon.userDisabled === false, "should correctly provide `userDisabled` property from full data" ); ok(, "installDate") && Math.abs( - new Date(testAddon.installDate)) < 60 * 1000, "should correctly provide `installDate` property from full data" ); }); add_task(async function checkFrecentSites() { const now =; const timeDaysAgo = numDays => now - numDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const visits = []; for (const [uri, count, visitDate] of [ ["", 10, timeDaysAgo(0)], // frecency 1000 ["", 5, timeDaysAgo(1)], // frecency 500 ["", 1, timeDaysAgo(2)], // frecency 100 ]) { [...Array(count).keys()].forEach(() => visits.push({ uri, visitDate: visitDate * 1000, // Places expects microseconds }) ); } await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(visits); let message = { id: "foo", targeting: "'' in topFrecentSites|mapToProperty('host')", }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by host in topFrecentSites" ); message = { id: "foo", targeting: "'' in topFrecentSites|mapToProperty('host')", }; ok( !(await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] })), "should not select incorrect item by host in topFrecentSites" ); message = { id: "foo", targeting: "'' in topFrecentSites[.frecency >= 400]|mapToProperty('host')", }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item when filtering by frecency" ); message = { id: "foo", targeting: "'' in topFrecentSites[.frecency >= 600]|mapToProperty('host')", }; ok( !(await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] })), "should not select incorrect item when filtering by frecency" ); message = { id: "foo", targeting: `'' in topFrecentSites[.lastVisitDate >= ${ timeDaysAgo(1) - 1 }]|mapToProperty('host')`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item when filtering by lastVisitDate" ); message = { id: "foo", targeting: `'' in topFrecentSites[.lastVisitDate >= ${ timeDaysAgo(0) - 1 }]|mapToProperty('host')`, }; ok( !(await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] })), "should not select incorrect item when filtering by lastVisitDate" ); message = { id: "foo", targeting: `(topFrecentSites[.frecency >= 900 && .lastVisitDate >= ${ timeDaysAgo(1) - 1 }]|mapToProperty('host') intersect ['', '', ''])|length > 0`, }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item when filtering by frecency and lastVisitDate with multiple candidate domains" ); // Cleanup await clearHistoryAndBookmarks(); }); add_task(async function check_pinned_sites() { // Fresh profiles come with an empty set of pinned websites (pref doesn't // exist). Search shortcut topsites make this test more complicated because // the feature pins a new website on startup. Behaviour can vary when running // with --verify so it's more predictable to clear pins entirely. Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.newtabpage.pinned"); NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.resetCache(); const originalPin = JSON.stringify(NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links); const sitesToPin = [ { url: "" }, { url: "" }, { url: "", searchTopSite: true }, ]; sitesToPin.forEach(site =>, NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links.length) ); // Unpinning adds null to the list of pinned sites, which we should test that we handle gracefully for our targeting NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.unpin(sitesToPin[1]); ok( NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links.includes(null), "should have set an item in pinned links to null via unpinning for testing" ); let message; message = { id: "foo", targeting: "'' in pinnedSites|mapToProperty('url')", }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by url in pinnedSites" ); message = { id: "foo", targeting: "'' in pinnedSites|mapToProperty('host')", }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by host in pinnedSites" ); message = { id: "foo", targeting: "'' in pinnedSites[.searchTopSite == true]|mapToProperty('host')", }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by host and searchTopSite in pinnedSites" ); // Cleanup sitesToPin.forEach(site => NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.unpin(site)); await clearHistoryAndBookmarks(); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.newtabpage.pinned"); NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.resetCache(); is( JSON.stringify(NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links), originalPin, "should restore pinned sites to its original state" ); }); add_task(async function check_firefox_version() { const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "firefoxVersion > 0" }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item when filtering by firefox version" ); }); add_task(async function check_region() { Region._setHomeRegion("DE", false); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "region in ['DE']" }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item when filtering by firefox geo" ); }); add_task(async function check_browserSettings() { is( await JSON.stringify(ASRouterTargeting.Environment.browserSettings.update), JSON.stringify(TelemetryEnvironment.currentEnvironment.settings.update), "should return correct update info" ); }); add_task(async function check_sync() { is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.sync.desktopDevices, Services.prefs.getIntPref("services.sync.clients.devices.desktop", 0), "should return correct desktopDevices info" ); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.sync.mobileDevices, Services.prefs.getIntPref("", 0), "should return correct mobileDevices info" ); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.sync.totalDevices, Services.prefs.getIntPref("services.sync.numClients", 0), "should return correct mobileDevices info" ); }); add_task(async function check_provider_cohorts() { await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.providers.onboarding", JSON.stringify({ id: "onboarding", messages: [], enabled: true, cohort: "foo", }), ]); await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.providers.cfr", JSON.stringify({ id: "cfr", enabled: true, cohort: "bar" }), ]); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.providerCohorts.onboarding, "foo", "should have cohort foo for onboarding" ); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.providerCohorts.cfr, "bar", "should have cohort bar for cfr" ); }); add_task(async function check_xpinstall_enabled() { // should default to true if pref doesn't exist is(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.xpinstallEnabled, true); // flip to false, check targeting reflects that await pushPrefs(["xpinstall.enabled", false]); is(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.xpinstallEnabled, false); // flip to true, check targeting reflects that await pushPrefs(["xpinstall.enabled", true]); is(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.xpinstallEnabled, true); }); add_task(async function check_pinned_tabs() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:blank" }, async browser => { is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.hasPinnedTabs, false, "No pin tabs yet" ); let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser); gBrowser.pinTab(tab); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.hasPinnedTabs, true, "Should detect pinned tab" ); gBrowser.unpinTab(tab); } ); }); add_task(async function check_hasAccessedFxAPanel() { is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.hasAccessedFxAPanel, false, "Not accessed yet" ); await pushPrefs(["identity.fxaccounts.toolbar.accessed", true]); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.hasAccessedFxAPanel, true, "Should detect panel access" ); }); add_task(async function checkCFRFeaturesUserPref() { await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.features", false, ]); is( ASRouterTargeting.Environment.userPrefs.cfrFeatures, false, "cfrFeature should be false according to pref" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "userPrefs.cfrFeatures == false" }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by cfrFeature" ); }); add_task(async function checkCFRAddonsUserPref() { await pushPrefs([ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.addons", false, ]); is( ASRouterTargeting.Environment.userPrefs.cfrAddons, false, "cfrFeature should be false according to pref" ); const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "userPrefs.cfrAddons == false" }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item by cfrAddons" ); }); add_task(async function check_blockedCountByType() { const message = { id: "foo", targeting: "blockedCountByType.cryptominerCount == 0 && blockedCountByType.socialCount == 0", }; is( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] }), message, "should select correct item" ); }); add_task(async function checkPatternMatches() { const now =; const timeMinutesAgo = numMinutes => now - numMinutes * 60 * 1000; const messages = [ { id: "message_with_pattern", targeting: "true", trigger: { id: "frequentVisits", patterns: ["*://*"] }, }, ]; const trigger = { id: "frequentVisits", context: { recentVisits: [ { timestamp: timeMinutesAgo(33) }, { timestamp: timeMinutesAgo(17) }, { timestamp: timeMinutesAgo(1) }, ], }, param: { host: "", url: "" }, }; is( (await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages, trigger })).id, "message_with_pattern", "should select PIN_TAB mesage" ); }); add_task(async function checkPatternsValid() { const messages = (await CFRMessageProvider.getMessages()).filter( m => m.trigger?.patterns ); for (const message of messages) { Assert.ok(new MatchPatternSet(message.trigger.patterns)); } }); add_task(async function check_isChinaRepack() { const prefDefaultBranch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("distribution."); const messages = [ { id: "msg_for_china_repack", targeting: "isChinaRepack == true" }, { id: "msg_for_everyone_else", targeting: "isChinaRepack == false" }, ]; is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isChinaRepack, false, "Fx w/o partner repack info set is not China repack" ); is( (await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages })).id, "msg_for_everyone_else", "should select the message for non China repack users" ); prefDefaultBranch.setCharPref("id", "MozillaOnline"); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isChinaRepack, true, "Fx with `` set to `MozillaOnline` is China repack" ); is( (await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages })).id, "msg_for_china_repack", "should select the message for China repack users" ); prefDefaultBranch.setCharPref("id", "Example"); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isChinaRepack, false, "Fx with `` set to other string is not China repack" ); is( (await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages })).id, "msg_for_everyone_else", "should select the message for non China repack users" ); prefDefaultBranch.deleteBranch(""); }); add_task(async function check_userId() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.user_id", "foo123"]], }); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.userId, "foo123", "should read userID from normandy user id pref" ); }); add_task(async function check_profileRestartCount() { ok( !isNaN(ASRouterTargeting.Environment.profileRestartCount), "it should return a number" ); }); add_task(async function check_homePageSettings_default() { let settings = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.homePageSettings; ok(settings.isDefault, "should set as default"); ok(!settings.isLocked, "should not set as locked"); ok(!settings.isWebExt, "should not be web extension"); ok(!settings.isCustomUrl, "should not be custom URL"); is(settings.urls.length, 1, "should be an 1-entry array"); is(settings.urls[0].url, "about:home", "should be about:home"); is(settings.urls[0].host, "", "should be an empty string"); }); add_task(async function check_homePageSettings_locked() { const PREF = "browser.startup.homepage"; Services.prefs.lockPref(PREF); let settings = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.homePageSettings; ok(settings.isDefault, "should set as default"); ok(settings.isLocked, "should set as locked"); ok(!settings.isWebExt, "should not be web extension"); ok(!settings.isCustomUrl, "should not be custom URL"); is(settings.urls.length, 1, "should be an 1-entry array"); is(settings.urls[0].url, "about:home", "should be about:home"); is(settings.urls[0].host, "", "should be an empty string"); Services.prefs.unlockPref(PREF); }); add_task(async function check_homePageSettings_customURL() { await HomePage.set(""); let settings = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.homePageSettings; ok(!settings.isDefault, "should not be the default"); ok(!settings.isLocked, "should set as locked"); ok(!settings.isWebExt, "should not be web extension"); ok(settings.isCustomUrl, "should be custom URL"); is(settings.urls.length, 1, "should be an 1-entry array"); is(settings.urls[0].url, "", "should be a custom URL"); is( settings.urls[0].host, "", "should be the host name without 'www.'" ); HomePage.reset(); }); add_task(async function check_homePageSettings_customURL_multiple() { await HomePage.set("|"); let settings = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.homePageSettings; ok(!settings.isDefault, "should not be the default"); ok(!settings.isLocked, "should not set as locked"); ok(!settings.isWebExt, "should not be web extension"); ok(settings.isCustomUrl, "should be custom URL"); is(settings.urls.length, 2, "should be a 2-entry array"); is(settings.urls[0].url, "", "should be a custom URL"); is( settings.urls[0].host, "", "should be the host name without 'www.'" ); is(settings.urls[1].url, "", "should be a custom URL"); is( settings.urls[1].host, "", "should be the host name without 'www.'" ); HomePage.reset(); }); add_task(async function check_homePageSettings_webExtension() { const extURI = "moz-extension://0d735548-ba3c-aa43-a0e4-7089584fbb53/homepage.html"; await HomePage.set(extURI); let settings = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.homePageSettings; ok(!settings.isDefault, "should not be the default"); ok(!settings.isLocked, "should not set as locked"); ok(settings.isWebExt, "should be a web extension"); ok(!settings.isCustomUrl, "should be custom URL"); is(settings.urls.length, 1, "should be an 1-entry array"); is(settings.urls[0].url, extURI, "should be a webExtension URI"); is(settings.urls[0].host, "", "should be an empty string"); HomePage.reset(); }); add_task(async function check_newtabSettings_default() { let settings = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.newtabSettings; ok(settings.isDefault, "should set as default"); ok(!settings.isWebExt, "should not be web extension"); ok(!settings.isCustomUrl, "should not be custom URL"); is(settings.url, "about:newtab", "should be about:home"); is(, "", "should be an empty string"); }); add_task(async function check_newTabSettings_customURL() { AboutNewTab.newTabURL = ""; let settings = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.newtabSettings; ok(!settings.isDefault, "should not be the default"); ok(!settings.isWebExt, "should not be web extension"); ok(settings.isCustomUrl, "should be custom URL"); is(settings.url, "", "should be a custom URL"); is(, "", "should be the host name without 'www.'"); AboutNewTab.resetNewTabURL(); }); add_task(async function check_newTabSettings_webExtension() { const extURI = "moz-extension://0d735548-ba3c-aa43-a0e4-7089584fbb53/homepage.html"; AboutNewTab.newTabURL = extURI; let settings = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.newtabSettings; ok(!settings.isDefault, "should not be the default"); ok(settings.isWebExt, "should not be web extension"); ok(!settings.isCustomUrl, "should be custom URL"); is(settings.url, extURI, "should be the web extension URI"); is(, "", "should be an empty string"); AboutNewTab.resetNewTabURL(); }); add_task(async function check_openUrlTrigger_context() { const message = { ...(await CFRMessageProvider.getMessages()).find( m => === "YOUTUBE_ENHANCE_3" ), targeting: "visitsCount == 3", }; const trigger = { id: "openURL", context: { visitsCount: 3 }, param: { host: "", url: "" }, }; is( ( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message], trigger, }) ).id,, `should select ${} mesage` ); }); add_task(async function check_is_major_upgrade() { let message = { id: "check_is_major_upgrade", targeting: `isMajorUpgrade != undefined && isMajorUpgrade == ${ Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIBrowserHandler) .majorUpgrade }`, }; is( (await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [message] })).id,, "Should select the message" ); }); add_task(async function check_userMonthlyActivity() { ok( Array.isArray(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.userMonthlyActivity), "value is an array" ); }); add_task(async function check_doesAppNeedPin() { is( typeof (await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.doesAppNeedPin), "boolean", "Should return a boolean" ); }); add_task(async function check_doesAppNeedPrivatePin() { is( typeof (await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.doesAppNeedPrivatePin), "boolean", "Should return a boolean" ); }); add_task(async function check_isBackgroundTaskMode() { if (!AppConstants.MOZ_BACKGROUNDTASKS) { // `mochitest-browser` suite `add_task` does not yet support // `properties.skip_if`. ok(true, "Skipping because !AppConstants.MOZ_BACKGROUNDTASKS"); return; } const bts = Cc[";1"].getService( Ci.nsIBackgroundTasks ); // Pretend that this is a background task. bts.overrideBackgroundTaskNameForTesting("taskName"); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isBackgroundTaskMode, true, "Is in background task mode" ); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.backgroundTaskName, "taskName", "Has expected background task name" ); // Unset, so that subsequent test functions don't see background task mode. bts.overrideBackgroundTaskNameForTesting(null); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isBackgroundTaskMode, false, "Is not in background task mode" ); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.backgroundTaskName, null, "Has no background task name" ); }); add_task(async function check_userPrefersReducedMotion() { is( typeof (await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.userPrefersReducedMotion), "boolean", "Should return a boolean" ); }); add_task(async function test_mr2022Holdback() { await ExperimentAPI.ready(); ok( !ASRouterTargeting.Environment.inMr2022Holdback, "Should not be in holdback (no experiment)" ); { const doExperimentCleanup = await ExperimentFakes.enrollWithFeatureConfig({ featureId: "majorRelease2022", value: { onboarding: true, }, }); ok( !ASRouterTargeting.Environment.inMr2022Holdback, "Should not be in holdback (onboarding = true)" ); await doExperimentCleanup(); } { const doExperimentCleanup = await ExperimentFakes.enrollWithFeatureConfig({ featureId: "majorRelease2022", value: { onboarding: false, }, }); ok( ASRouterTargeting.Environment.inMr2022Holdback, "Should be in holdback (onboarding = false)" ); await doExperimentCleanup(); } }); add_task(async function test_distributionId() { is( ASRouterTargeting.Environment.distributionId, "", "Should return an empty distribution Id" ); Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(null).setCharPref("", "test"); is( ASRouterTargeting.Environment.distributionId, "test", "Should return the correct distribution Id" ); }); add_task(async function test_fxViewButtonAreaType_default() { is( typeof (await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.fxViewButtonAreaType), "string", "Should return a string" ); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.fxViewButtonAreaType, "toolbar", "Should return name of container if button hasn't been removed" ); }); add_task(async function test_fxViewButtonAreaType_removed() { CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("firefox-view-button"); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.fxViewButtonAreaType, null, "Should return null if button has been removed" ); CustomizableUI.reset(); }); add_task(async function test_creditCardsSaved() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["extensions.formautofill.creditCards.supported", "on"], ["extensions.formautofill.creditCards.enabled", true], ], }); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.creditCardsSaved, 0, "Should return 0 when no credit cards are saved" ); let creditcard = { "cc-name": "Test User", "cc-number": "5038146897157463", "cc-exp-month": "11", "cc-exp-year": "20", }; // Intermittently fails on macOS, likely related to Bug 1714221. So, mock the // autofill actor. if (AppConstants.platform === "macosx") { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => sandbox.restore()); let stub = sandbox .stub( gBrowser.selectedBrowser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.getActor( "FormAutofill" ), "receiveMessage" ) .withArgs( sandbox.match({ name: "FormAutofill:GetRecords", data: { collectionName: "creditCards" }, }) ) .resolves({ records: [creditcard] }) .callThrough(); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.creditCardsSaved, 1, "Should return 1 when 1 credit card is saved" ); ok( stub.calledWithMatch({ name: "FormAutofill:GetRecords" }), "Targeting called FormAutofill:GetRecords" ); sandbox.restore(); } else { let observePromise = TestUtils.topicObserved( "formautofill-storage-changed" ); await sendFormAutofillMessage("FormAutofill:SaveCreditCard", { creditcard, }); await observePromise; is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.creditCardsSaved, 1, "Should return 1 when 1 credit card is saved" ); await removeAutofillRecords(); } await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); }); add_task(async function test_addressesSaved() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["extensions.formautofill.addresses.supported", "on"], ["extensions.formautofill.addresses.enabled", true], ], }); is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.addressesSaved, 0, "Should return 0 when no addresses are saved" ); let observePromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("formautofill-storage-changed"); await sendFormAutofillMessage("FormAutofill:SaveAddress", { address: { "given-name": "John", "additional-name": "R.", "family-name": "Smith", organization: "World Wide Web Consortium", "street-address": "32 Vassar Street\nMIT Room 32-G524", "address-level2": "Cambridge", "address-level1": "MA", "postal-code": "02139", country: "US", tel: "+16172535702", email: "", }, }); await observePromise; is( await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.addressesSaved, 1, "Should return 1 when 1 address is saved" ); await removeAutofillRecords(); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); }); add_task(async function test_migrationInteractions() { const PREF_GETTER_MAPPING = new Map([ ["browser.migrate.interactions.bookmarks", "hasMigratedBookmarks"], ["browser.migrate.interactions.csvpasswords", "hasMigratedCSVPasswords"], ["browser.migrate.interactions.history", "hasMigratedHistory"], ["browser.migrate.interactions.passwords", "hasMigratedPasswords"], ]); for (let [pref, getterName] of PREF_GETTER_MAPPING) { await pushPrefs([pref, false]); ok(!(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment[getterName])); await pushPrefs([pref, true]); ok(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment[getterName]); } }); add_task(async function check_useEmbeddedMigrationWizard() { await pushPrefs([ "browser.migrate.content-modal.about-welcome-behavior", "default", ]); ok(!(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.useEmbeddedMigrationWizard)); await pushPrefs([ "browser.migrate.content-modal.about-welcome-behavior", "autoclose", ]); ok(!(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.useEmbeddedMigrationWizard)); await pushPrefs([ "browser.migrate.content-modal.about-welcome-behavior", "embedded", ]); ok(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.useEmbeddedMigrationWizard); await pushPrefs([ "browser.migrate.content-modal.about-welcome-behavior", "standalone", ]); ok(!(await ASRouterTargeting.Environment.useEmbeddedMigrationWizard)); }); add_task(async function check_isRTAMO() { is( typeof ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isRTAMO, "boolean", "Should return a boolean" ); const TEST_CASES = [ { title: "no attribution data", attributionData: {}, expected: false, }, { title: "null attribution data", attributionData: null, expected: false, }, { title: "no content", attributionData: { source: "", }, expected: false, }, { title: "empty content", attributionData: { source: "", content: "", }, expected: false, }, { title: "null content", attributionData: { source: "", content: null, }, expected: false, }, { title: "empty source", attributionData: { source: "", }, expected: false, }, { title: "null source", attributionData: { source: null, }, expected: false, }, { title: "valid attribution data for RTAMO with content not encoded", attributionData: { source: "", content: "rta:", }, expected: true, }, { title: "valid attribution data for RTAMO with content encoded once", attributionData: { source: "", content: "rta%3A", }, expected: true, }, { title: "valid attribution data for RTAMO with content encoded twice", attributionData: { source: "", content: "rta%253A", }, expected: true, }, { title: "invalid source", attributionData: { source: "", content: "rta%3A", }, expected: false, }, ]; const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { sandbox.restore(); }); const stub = sandbox.stub(AttributionCode, "getCachedAttributionData"); for (const { title, attributionData, expected } of TEST_CASES) { stub.returns(attributionData); is( ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isRTAMO, expected, `${title} - Expected isRTAMO to have the expected value` ); } sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function check_isDeviceMigration() { is( typeof ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isDeviceMigration, "boolean", "Should return a boolean" ); const TEST_CASES = [ { title: "no attribution data", attributionData: {}, expected: false, }, { title: "null attribution data", attributionData: null, expected: false, }, { title: "no campaign", attributionData: { source: "", }, expected: false, }, { title: "empty campaign", attributionData: { source: "", campaign: "", }, expected: false, }, { title: "null campaign", attributionData: { source: "", campaign: null, }, expected: false, }, { title: "empty source", attributionData: { source: "", }, expected: false, }, { title: "null source", attributionData: { source: null, }, expected: false, }, { title: "other source", attributionData: { source: "", campaign: "migration", }, expected: true, }, { title: "valid attribution data for isDeviceMigration", attributionData: { source: "", campaign: "migration", }, expected: true, }, ]; const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { sandbox.restore(); }); const stub = sandbox.stub(AttributionCode, "getCachedAttributionData"); for (const { title, attributionData, expected } of TEST_CASES) { stub.returns(attributionData); is( ASRouterTargeting.Environment.isDeviceMigration, expected, `${title} - Expected isDeviceMigration to have the expected value` ); } sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function check_primaryResolution() { is( typeof ASRouterTargeting.Environment.primaryResolution, "object", "Should return an object" ); is( typeof ASRouterTargeting.Environment.primaryResolution.width, "number", "Width property should return a number" ); is( typeof ASRouterTargeting.Environment.primaryResolution.height, "number", "Height property should return a number" ); }); add_task(async function check_archBits() { const bits = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.archBits; is(typeof bits, "number", "archBits should be a number"); ok(bits === 32 || bits === 64, "archBits is either 32 or 64"); }); add_task(async function check_memoryMB() { const memory = ASRouterTargeting.Environment.memoryMB; is(typeof memory, "number", "Memory is a number"); // To make sure we get a sensible number we verify that whatever system // runs this unit test it has between 500MB and 1TB of RAM. ok(memory > 500 && memory < 5_000_000); });