import { _ASRouter, MessageLoaderUtils } from "modules/ASRouter.sys.mjs"; import { QueryCache } from "modules/ASRouterTargeting.sys.mjs"; import { FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES, FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDER, FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS, FAKE_REMOTE_MESSAGES, FAKE_REMOTE_PROVIDER, FAKE_REMOTE_SETTINGS_PROVIDER, } from "./constants"; import { ASRouterPreferences, TARGETING_PREFERENCES, } from "modules/ASRouterPreferences.sys.mjs"; import { ASRouterTriggerListeners } from "modules/ASRouterTriggerListeners.sys.mjs"; import { CFRPageActions } from "modules/CFRPageActions.sys.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { PanelTestProvider } from "modules/PanelTestProvider.sys.mjs"; import ProviderResponseSchema from "content-src/schemas/provider-response.schema.json"; const MESSAGE_PROVIDER_PREF_NAME = "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.providers.cfr"; const FAKE_PROVIDERS = [ FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDER, FAKE_REMOTE_PROVIDER, FAKE_REMOTE_SETTINGS_PROVIDER, ]; const ONE_DAY_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS = { get() {} }; const FAKE_BUNDLE = [FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES[1], FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES[2]]; const USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF = "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.useRemoteL10n"; // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements describe("ASRouter", () => { let Router; let globals; let sandbox; let initParams; let messageBlockList; let providerBlockList; let messageImpressions; let groupImpressions; let previousSessionEnd; let fetchStub; let clock; let fakeAttributionCode; let fakeTargetingContext; let FakeToolbarBadgeHub; let FakeToolbarPanelHub; let FakeMomentsPageHub; let ASRouterTargeting; let screenImpressions; function setMessageProviderPref(value) { sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "providers").get(() => value); } function initASRouter(router) { const getStub = sandbox.stub(); getStub.returns(Promise.resolve()); getStub .withArgs("messageBlockList") .returns(Promise.resolve(messageBlockList)); getStub .withArgs("providerBlockList") .returns(Promise.resolve(providerBlockList)); getStub .withArgs("messageImpressions") .returns(Promise.resolve(messageImpressions)); getStub.withArgs("groupImpressions").resolves(groupImpressions); getStub .withArgs("previousSessionEnd") .returns(Promise.resolve(previousSessionEnd)); getStub .withArgs("screenImpressions") .returns(Promise.resolve(screenImpressions)); initParams = { storage: { get: getStub, set: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()), }, sendTelemetry: sandbox.stub().resolves(), clearChildMessages: sandbox.stub().resolves(), clearChildProviders: sandbox.stub().resolves(), updateAdminState: sandbox.stub().resolves(), dispatchCFRAction: sandbox.stub().resolves(), }; sandbox.stub(router, "loadMessagesFromAllProviders").callThrough(); return router.init(initParams); } async function createRouterAndInit(providers = FAKE_PROVIDERS) { setMessageProviderPref(providers); // `.freeze` to catch any attempts at modifying the object Router = new _ASRouter(Object.freeze(FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS)); await initASRouter(Router); } beforeEach(async () => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); messageBlockList = []; providerBlockList = []; messageImpressions = {}; groupImpressions = {}; previousSessionEnd = 100; screenImpressions = {}; sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); ASRouterTargeting = { isMatch: sandbox.stub(), findMatchingMessage: sandbox.stub(), Environment: { locale: "en-US", localeLanguageCode: "en", browserSettings: { update: { channel: "default", enabled: true, autoDownload: true, }, }, attributionData: {}, currentDate: "2000-01-01T10:00:0.001Z", profileAgeCreated: {}, profileAgeReset: {}, usesFirefoxSync: false, isFxAEnabled: true, isFxASignedIn: false, sync: { desktopDevices: 0, mobileDevices: 0, totalDevices: 0, }, xpinstallEnabled: true, addonsInfo: {}, searchEngines: {}, isDefaultBrowser: false, devToolsOpenedCount: 5, topFrecentSites: {}, recentBookmarks: {}, pinnedSites: [ { url: "", host: "", searchTopSite: true, }, ], providerCohorts: { onboarding: "", cfr: "", "message-groups": "", "messaging-experiments": "", "whats-new-panel": "", }, totalBookmarksCount: {}, firefoxVersion: 80, region: "US", needsUpdate: {}, hasPinnedTabs: false, hasAccessedFxAPanel: false, isWhatsNewPanelEnabled: true, userPrefs: { cfrFeatures: true, cfrAddons: true, }, totalBlockedCount: {}, blockedCountByType: {}, attachedFxAOAuthClients: [], platformName: "macosx", scores: {}, scoreThreshold: 5000, isChinaRepack: false, userId: "adsf", }, }; ASRouterPreferences.specialConditions = { someCondition: true, }; sandbox.spy(ASRouterPreferences, "init"); sandbox.spy(ASRouterPreferences, "uninit"); sandbox.spy(ASRouterPreferences, "addListener"); sandbox.spy(ASRouterPreferences, "removeListener"); clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers(); fetchStub = sandbox .stub(global, "fetch") .withArgs("") .resolves({ ok: true, status: 200, json: () => Promise.resolve({ messages: FAKE_REMOTE_MESSAGES }), headers: FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, }); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getStringPref"); fakeAttributionCode = { allowedCodeKeys: ["foo", "bar", "baz"], _clearCache: () => sinon.stub(), getAttrDataAsync: () => Promise.resolve({ content: "addonID" }), deleteFileAsync: () => Promise.resolve(), writeAttributionFile: () => Promise.resolve(), getCachedAttributionData: sinon.stub(), }; FakeToolbarPanelHub = { init: sandbox.stub(), uninit: sandbox.stub(), forceShowMessage: sandbox.stub(), enableToolbarButton: sandbox.stub(), }; FakeToolbarBadgeHub = { init: sandbox.stub(), uninit: sandbox.stub(), registerBadgeNotificationListener: sandbox.stub(), }; FakeMomentsPageHub = { init: sandbox.stub(), uninit: sandbox.stub(), executeAction: sandbox.stub(), }; fakeTargetingContext = { combineContexts: sandbox.stub(), evalWithDefault: sandbox.stub().resolves(), }; let fakeNimbusFeatures = [ "cfr", "infobar", "spotlight", "moments-page", "pbNewtab", ].reduce((features, featureId) => { features[featureId] = { getAllVariables: sandbox.stub().returns(null), recordExposureEvent: sandbox.stub(), }; return features; }, {}); globals.set({ // Testing framework doesn't know how to `defineLazyModuleGetters` so we're // importing these modules into the global scope ourselves. GroupsConfigurationProvider: { getMessages: () => Promise.resolve([]) }, ASRouterPreferences, TARGETING_PREFERENCES, ASRouterTargeting, ASRouterTriggerListeners, QueryCache, gBrowser: { selectedBrowser: {} }, gURLBar: {}, isSeparateAboutWelcome: true, AttributionCode: fakeAttributionCode, PanelTestProvider, MacAttribution: { applicationPath: "" }, ToolbarBadgeHub: FakeToolbarBadgeHub, ToolbarPanelHub: FakeToolbarPanelHub, MomentsPageHub: FakeMomentsPageHub, KintoHttpClient: class { bucket() { return this; } collection() { return this; } getRecord() { return Promise.resolve({ data: {} }); } }, Downloader: class { download() { return Promise.resolve("/path/to/download"); } }, NimbusFeatures: fakeNimbusFeatures, ExperimentAPI: { getExperimentMetaData: sandbox.stub().returns({ slug: "experiment-slug", active: true, branch: { slug: "experiment-branch-slug" }, }), getExperiment: sandbox.stub().returns({ branch: { slug: "unit-slug", feature: { featureId: "foo", value: { id: "test-message" }, }, }, }), getAllBranches: sandbox.stub().resolves([]), ready: sandbox.stub().resolves(), }, SpecialMessageActions: { handleAction: sandbox.stub(), }, TargetingContext: class { static combineContexts(...args) { return fakeTargetingContext.combineContexts.apply(sandbox, args); } evalWithDefault(expr) { return fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault(expr); } }, RemoteL10n: { // This is just a subset of supported locales that happen to be used in // the test. isLocaleSupported: locale => ["en-US", "ja-JP-mac"].includes(locale), }, }); await createRouterAndInit(); }); afterEach(() => { Router.uninit(); ASRouterPreferences.uninit(); sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); describe(".state", () => { it("should throw if an attempt to set .state was made", () => { assert.throws(() => { Router.state = {}; }); }); }); describe("#init", () => { it("should only be called once", async () => { Router = new _ASRouter(); let state = await initASRouter(Router); assert.equal(state, Router.state); assert.isNull(await Router.init({})); }); it("should only be called once", async () => { Router = new _ASRouter(); initASRouter(Router); let secondCall = await Router.init({}); assert.isNull( secondCall, "Should not init twice, it should exit early with null" ); }); it("should set state.messageBlockList to the block list in persistent storage", async () => { messageBlockList = ["foo"]; Router = new _ASRouter(); await initASRouter(Router); assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageBlockList, ["foo"]); }); it("should initialize all the hub providers", async () => { // ASRouter init called in `beforeEach` block above assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.init); assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarPanelHub.init); assert.calledOnce(FakeMomentsPageHub.init); assert.calledWithExactly( FakeToolbarBadgeHub.init, Router.waitForInitialized, { handleMessageRequest: Router.handleMessageRequest, addImpression: Router.addImpression, blockMessageById: Router.blockMessageById, sendTelemetry: Router.sendTelemetry, unblockMessageById: Router.unblockMessageById, } ); assert.calledWithExactly( FakeToolbarPanelHub.init, Router.waitForInitialized, { getMessages: Router.handleMessageRequest, sendTelemetry: Router.sendTelemetry, } ); assert.calledWithExactly( FakeMomentsPageHub.init, Router.waitForInitialized, { handleMessageRequest: Router.handleMessageRequest, addImpression: Router.addImpression, blockMessageById: Router.blockMessageById, sendTelemetry: Router.sendTelemetry, } ); }); it("should set state.messageImpressions to the messageImpressions object in persistent storage", async () => { // Note that messageImpressions are only kept if a message exists in router and has a .frequency property, // otherwise they will be cleaned up by .cleanupImpressions() const testMessage = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetimeCap: 10 } }; messageImpressions = { foo: [0, 1, 2] }; setMessageProviderPref([ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages: [testMessage] }, ]); Router = new _ASRouter(); await initASRouter(Router); assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, messageImpressions); }); it("should set state.screenImpressions to the screenImpressions object in persistent storage", async () => { screenImpressions = { test: 123 }; Router = new _ASRouter(); await initASRouter(Router); assert.deepEqual(Router.state.screenImpressions, screenImpressions); }); it("should clear impressions for groups that are not active", async () => { groupImpressions = { foo: [0, 1, 2] }; Router = new _ASRouter(); await initASRouter(Router); assert.notProperty(Router.state.groupImpressions, "foo"); }); it("should keep impressions for groups that are active", async () => { Router = new _ASRouter(); await initASRouter(Router); await Router.setState(() => { return { groups: [ { id: "foo", enabled: true, frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 10 }], lifetime: Infinity, }, }, ], groupImpressions: { foo: [] }, }; }); Router.cleanupImpressions();, "foo"); assert.lengthOf(, 1); }); it("should remove old impressions for a group", async () => { Router = new _ASRouter(); await initASRouter(Router); await Router.setState(() => { return { groups: [ { id: "foo", enabled: true, frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 10 }], }, }, ], groupImpressions: { foo: [ - ONE_DAY_IN_MS - 1,], }, }; }); Router.cleanupImpressions();, "foo"); assert.lengthOf(, 1); }); it("should await .loadMessagesFromAllProviders() and add messages from providers to state.messages", async () => { Router = new _ASRouter(Object.freeze(FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS)); await initASRouter(Router); assert.calledOnce(Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders); assert.isArray(Router.state.messages); assert.lengthOf( Router.state.messages, FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES.length + FAKE_REMOTE_MESSAGES.length ); }); it("should set state.previousSessionEnd from IndexedDB", async () => { previousSessionEnd = 200; await createRouterAndInit(); assert.equal(Router.state.previousSessionEnd, previousSessionEnd); }); it("should assign ASRouterPreferences.specialConditions to state", async () => { assert.isTrue(ASRouterPreferences.specialConditions.someCondition); assert.isTrue(Router.state.someCondition); }); it("should add observer for `intl:app-locales-changed`", async () => { sandbox.spy(global.Services.obs, "addObserver"); await createRouterAndInit(); assert.calledWithExactly( global.Services.obs.addObserver, Router._onLocaleChanged, "intl:app-locales-changed" ); }); it("should add a pref observer", async () => { sandbox.spy(global.Services.prefs, "addObserver"); await createRouterAndInit(); assert.calledOnce(global.Services.prefs.addObserver); assert.calledWithExactly( global.Services.prefs.addObserver, USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF, Router ); }); describe("lazily loading local test providers", () => { afterEach(() => { Router.uninit(); }); it("should add the local test providers on init if devtools are enabled", async () => { sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => true); await createRouterAndInit();, "PanelTestProvider"); }); it("should not add the local test providers on init if devtools are disabled", async () => { sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => false); await createRouterAndInit(); assert.notProperty(Router._localProviders, "PanelTestProvider"); }); }); }); describe("preference changes", () => { it("should call ASRouterPreferences.init and add a listener on init", () => { assert.calledOnce(ASRouterPreferences.init); assert.calledWith(ASRouterPreferences.addListener, Router.onPrefChange); }); it("should call ASRouterPreferences.uninit and remove the listener on uninit", () => { Router.uninit(); assert.calledOnce(ASRouterPreferences.uninit); assert.calledWith( ASRouterPreferences.removeListener, Router.onPrefChange ); }); it("should send a AS_ROUTER_TARGETING_UPDATE message", async () => { const messageTargeted = { id: "1", campaign: "foocampaign", targeting: "true", groups: ["cfr"], provider: "cfr", }; const messageNotTargeted = { id: "2", campaign: "foocampaign", groups: ["cfr"], provider: "cfr", }; await Router.setState({ messages: [messageTargeted, messageNotTargeted], providers: [{ id: "cfr" }], }); fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault.resolves(false); await Router.onPrefChange("services.sync.username"); assert.calledOnce(initParams.clearChildMessages); assert.calledWith(initParams.clearChildMessages, []); }); it("should call loadMessagesFromAllProviders on pref change", () => { ASRouterPreferences.observe(null, null, MESSAGE_PROVIDER_PREF_NAME); assert.calledOnce(Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders); }); it("should update groups state if a user pref changes", async () => { await Router.setState({ groups: [{ id: "foo", userPreferences: ["bar"], enabled: true }], }); sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference"); await Router.onPrefChange(MESSAGE_PROVIDER_PREF_NAME); assert.calledWithExactly(ASRouterPreferences.getUserPreference, "bar"); }); it("should update the list of providers on pref change", async () => { const modifiedRemoteProvider = Object.assign({}, FAKE_REMOTE_PROVIDER, { url: "", }); setMessageProviderPref([ FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDER, modifiedRemoteProvider, FAKE_REMOTE_SETTINGS_PROVIDER, ]); const { length } = Router.state.providers; ASRouterPreferences.observe(null, null, MESSAGE_PROVIDER_PREF_NAME); await Router._updateMessageProviders(); const provider = Router.state.providers.find(p => p.url === ""); assert.lengthOf(Router.state.providers, length); assert.isDefined(provider); }); it("should clear disabled providers on pref change", async () => { const TEST_PROVIDER_ID = "some_provider_id"; await Router.setState({ providers: [{ id: TEST_PROVIDER_ID }], }); const modifiedRemoteProvider = Object.assign({}, FAKE_REMOTE_PROVIDER, { id: TEST_PROVIDER_ID, enabled: false, }); setMessageProviderPref([ FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDER, modifiedRemoteProvider, FAKE_REMOTE_SETTINGS_PROVIDER, ]); await Router.onPrefChange(MESSAGE_PROVIDER_PREF_NAME); assert.calledOnce(initParams.clearChildProviders); assert.calledWith(initParams.clearChildProviders, [TEST_PROVIDER_ID]); }); }); describe("setState", () => { it("should broadcast a message to update the admin tool on a state change if the asrouter.devtoolsEnabled pref is", async () => { sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => true); sandbox.stub(Router, "getTargetingParameters").resolves({}); const state = await Router.setState({ foo: 123 }); assert.calledOnce(initParams.updateAdminState); assert.deepEqual(state.providerPrefs, ASRouterPreferences.providers); assert.deepEqual( state.userPrefs, ASRouterPreferences.getAllUserPreferences() ); assert.deepEqual(state.targetingParameters, {}); assert.deepEqual(state.errors, Router.errors); }); it("should not send a message on a state change asrouter.devtoolsEnabled pref is on", async () => { sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => false); await Router.setState({ foo: 123 }); assert.notCalled(initParams.updateAdminState); }); }); describe("getTargetingParameters", () => { it("should return the targeting parameters", async () => { const stub = sandbox.stub().resolves("foo"); const obj = { foo: 1 }; sandbox.stub(obj, "foo").get(stub); const result = await Router.getTargetingParameters(obj, obj); assert.calledTwice(stub); assert.propertyVal(result, "foo", "foo"); }); }); describe("evaluateExpression", () => { it("should call ASRouterTargeting to evaluate", async () => { fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault.resolves("foo"); const response = await Router.evaluateExpression({}); assert.equal(response.evaluationStatus.result, "foo"); assert.isTrue(response.evaluationStatus.success); }); it("should catch evaluation errors", async () => { fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault.returns( Promise.reject(new Error("fake error")) ); const response = await Router.evaluateExpression({}); assert.isFalse(response.evaluationStatus.success); }); }); describe("#routeCFRMessage", () => { let browser; beforeEach(() => { sandbox.stub(CFRPageActions, "forceRecommendation"); sandbox.stub(CFRPageActions, "addRecommendation"); browser = {}; }); it("should route whatsnew_panel_message message to the right hub", () => { Router.routeCFRMessage( { template: "whatsnew_panel_message" }, browser, "", true ); assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction); }); it("should route moments messages to the right hub", () => { Router.routeCFRMessage({ template: "update_action" }, browser, "", true); assert.calledOnce(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); }); it("should route toolbar_badge message to the right hub", () => { Router.routeCFRMessage({ template: "toolbar_badge" }, browser); assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction); }); it("should route milestone_message to the right hub", () => { Router.routeCFRMessage( { template: "milestone_message" }, browser, "", false ); assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage); assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction); }); it("should route cfr_doorhanger message to the right hub force = false", () => { Router.routeCFRMessage( { template: "cfr_doorhanger" }, browser, { param: {} }, false ); assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction); }); it("should route cfr_doorhanger message to the right hub force = true", () => { Router.routeCFRMessage({ template: "cfr_doorhanger" }, browser, {}, true); assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener); assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction); }); it("should route cfr_urlbar_chiclet message to the right hub force = false", () => { Router.routeCFRMessage( { template: "cfr_urlbar_chiclet" }, browser, { param: {} }, false ); assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); const { args } = CFRPageActions.addRecommendation.firstCall; // Host should be null assert.isNull(args[1]); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction); }); it("should route cfr_urlbar_chiclet message to the right hub force = true", () => { Router.routeCFRMessage( { template: "cfr_urlbar_chiclet" }, browser, {}, true ); assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener); assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction); }); it("should route default to sending to content", () => { Router.routeCFRMessage( { template: "some_other_template" }, browser, {}, true ); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener); assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction); }); }); describe("#loadMessagesFromAllProviders", () => { function assertRouterContainsMessages(messages) { const messageIdsInRouter = =>; for (const message of messages) { assert.include(messageIdsInRouter,; } } it("should not trigger an update if not enough time has passed for a provider", async () => { await createRouterAndInit([ { id: "remotey", type: "remote", enabled: true, url: "", updateCycleInMs: 300, }, ]); const previousState = Router.state; // Since we've previously gotten messages during init and we haven't advanced our fake timer, // no updates should be triggered. await Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders(); assert.deepEqual(Router.state, previousState); }); it("should not trigger an update if we only have local providers", async () => { await createRouterAndInit([ { id: "foo", type: "local", enabled: true, messages: FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES, }, ]); const previousState = Router.state; const stub = sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "loadMessagesForProvider"); clock.tick(300); await Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders(); assert.deepEqual(Router.state, previousState); assert.notCalled(stub); }); it("should update messages for a provider if enough time has passed, without removing messages for other providers", async () => { const NEW_MESSAGES = [{ id: "new_123" }]; await createRouterAndInit([ { id: "remotey", type: "remote", url: "", enabled: true, updateCycleInMs: 300, }, { id: "alocalprovider", type: "local", enabled: true, messages: FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES, }, ]); fetchStub.withArgs("").resolves({ ok: true, status: 200, json: () => Promise.resolve({ messages: NEW_MESSAGES }), headers: FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, }); clock.tick(301); await Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders(); // These are the new messages assertRouterContainsMessages(NEW_MESSAGES); // These are the local messages that should not have been deleted assertRouterContainsMessages(FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES); }); it("should parse the triggers in the messages and register the trigger listeners", async () => { sandbox.spy( ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL"), "init" ); /* eslint-disable object-property-newline */ /* eslint-disable object-curly-newline */ await createRouterAndInit([ { id: "foo", type: "local", enabled: true, messages: [ { id: "foo", template: "simple_template", trigger: { id: "firstRun" }, content: { title: "Foo", body: "Foo123" }, }, { id: "bar1", template: "simple_template", trigger: { id: "openURL", params: ["", ""], }, content: { title: "Bar1", body: "Bar123" }, }, { id: "bar2", template: "simple_template", trigger: { id: "openURL", params: [""] }, content: { title: "Bar2", body: "Bar123" }, }, ], }, ]); /* eslint-enable object-property-newline */ /* eslint-enable object-curly-newline */ assert.calledTwice( ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL").init ); assert.calledWithExactly( ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL").init, Router._triggerHandler, ["", ""], undefined ); assert.calledWithExactly( ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL").init, Router._triggerHandler, [""], undefined ); }); it("should parse the message's messagesLoaded trigger and immediately fire trigger", async () => { setMessageProviderPref([ { id: "foo", type: "local", enabled: true, messages: [ { id: "bar3", template: "simple_template", trigger: { id: "messagesLoaded" }, content: { title: "Bar3", body: "Bar123" }, }, ], }, ]); Router = new _ASRouter(Object.freeze(FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS)); sandbox.spy(Router, "sendTriggerMessage"); await initASRouter(Router); assert.calledOnce(Router.sendTriggerMessage); assert.calledWith( Router.sendTriggerMessage, sandbox.match({ id: "messagesLoaded" }), true ); }); it("should gracefully handle messages loading before a window or browser exists", async () => { sandbox.stub(global, "gBrowser").value(undefined); sandbox .stub(global.Services.wm, "getMostRecentBrowserWindow") .returns(undefined); setMessageProviderPref([ { id: "foo", type: "local", enabled: true, messages: [ "whatsnew_panel_message", "cfr_doorhanger", "toolbar_badge", "update_action", "infobar", "spotlight", "toast_notification", ].map((template, i) => { return { id: `foo${i}`, template, trigger: { id: "messagesLoaded" }, content: { title: `Foo${i}`, body: "Bar123" }, }; }), }, ]); Router = new _ASRouter(Object.freeze(FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS)); sandbox.spy(Router, "sendTriggerMessage"); await initASRouter(Router); assert.calledWith( Router.sendTriggerMessage, sandbox.match({ id: "messagesLoaded" }), true ); }); it("should gracefully handle RemoteSettings blowing up and dispatch undesired event", async () => { sandbox .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages") .rejects("fake error"); await createRouterAndInit(); assert.calledWith(initParams.dispatchCFRAction, { data: { action: "asrouter_undesired_event", event: "ASR_RS_ERROR", event_context: "remotey-settingsy", message_id: "n/a", }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "AS_ROUTER_TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT", }); }); it("should dispatch undesired event if RemoteSettings returns no messages", async () => { sandbox .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages") .resolves([]); assert.calledWith(initParams.dispatchCFRAction, { data: { action: "asrouter_undesired_event", event: "ASR_RS_NO_MESSAGES", event_context: "remotey-settingsy", message_id: "n/a", }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "AS_ROUTER_TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT", }); }); it("should download the attachment if RemoteSettings returns some messages", async () => { sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "en-US"); sandbox .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages") .resolves([{ id: "message_1" }]); const spy = sandbox.spy(); global.Downloader.prototype.downloadToDisk = spy; const provider = { id: "cfr", enabled: true, type: "remote-settings", collection: "cfr", }; await createRouterAndInit([provider]); assert.calledOnce(spy); }); it("should dispatch undesired event if the ms-language-packs returns no messages", async () => { sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "en-US"); sandbox .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages") .resolves([{ id: "message_1" }]); sandbox .stub(global.KintoHttpClient.prototype, "getRecord") .resolves(null); const provider = { id: "cfr", enabled: true, type: "remote-settings", collection: "cfr", }; await createRouterAndInit([provider]); assert.calledWith(initParams.dispatchCFRAction, { data: { action: "asrouter_undesired_event", event: "ASR_RS_NO_MESSAGES", event_context: "ms-language-packs", message_id: "n/a", }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "AS_ROUTER_TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT", }); }); }); describe("#_updateMessageProviders", () => { it("should correctly replace %STARTPAGE_VERSION% in remote provider urls", async () => { // If this test fails, you need to update the constant STARTPAGE_VERSION in // ASRouter.sys.mjs to match the `version` property of provider-response-schema.json const expectedStartpageVersion = ProviderResponseSchema.version; const provider = { id: "foo", enabled: true, type: "remote", url: "", }; setMessageProviderPref([provider]); await Router._updateMessageProviders(); assert.equal( Router.state.providers[0].url, `${parseInt(expectedStartpageVersion, 10)}/` ); }); it("should replace other params in remote provider urls by calling Services.urlFormater.formatURL", async () => { const url = ""; const replacedUrl = ""; const stub = sandbox .stub(global.Services.urlFormatter, "formatURL") .withArgs(url) .returns(replacedUrl); const provider = { id: "foo", enabled: true, type: "remote", url }; setMessageProviderPref([provider]); await Router._updateMessageProviders(); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWithExactly(stub, url); assert.equal(Router.state.providers[0].url, replacedUrl); }); it("should only add the providers that are enabled", async () => { const providers = [ { id: "foo", enabled: false, type: "remote", url: "", }, { id: "bar", enabled: true, type: "remote", url: "", }, ]; setMessageProviderPref(providers); await Router._updateMessageProviders(); assert.equal(Router.state.providers.length, 1); assert.equal(Router.state.providers[0].id, providers[1].id); }); }); describe("#handleMessageRequest", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await Router.setState(() => ({ providers: [{ id: "cfr" }, { id: "badge" }], })); }); it("should not return a blocked message", async () => { // Block all messages except the first await Router.setState(() => ({ messages: [ { id: "foo", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] }, { id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] }, ], messageBlockList: ["foo"], })); await Router.handleMessageRequest({ provider: "cfr", }); assert.calledWithMatch(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage, { messages: [{ id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] }], }); }); it("should not return a message from a disabled group", async () => { ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake( ({ messages }) => messages[0] ); // Block all messages except the first await Router.setState(() => ({ messages: [ { id: "foo", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] }, { id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] }, ], groups: [{ id: "cfr", enabled: false }], })); const result = await Router.handleMessageRequest({ provider: "cfr", }); assert.isNull(result); }); it("should not return a message from a blocked campaign", async () => { // Block all messages except the first await Router.setState(() => ({ messages: [ { id: "foo", provider: "cfr", campaign: "foocampaign", groups: ["cfr"], }, { id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] }, ], messageBlockList: ["foocampaign"], })); await Router.handleMessageRequest({ provider: "cfr", }); assert.calledWithMatch(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage, { messages: [{ id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] }], }); }); it("should not return a message excluded by the provider", async () => { // There are only two providers; block the FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDER, leaving // only FAKE_REMOTE_PROVIDER unblocked, which provides only one message await Router.setState(() => ({ providers: [{ id: "cfr", exclude: ["foo"] }], })); await Router.setState(() => ({ messages: [{ id: "foo", provider: "cfr" }], messageBlockList: ["foocampaign"], })); const result = await Router.handleMessageRequest({ provider: "cfr", }); assert.isNull(result); }); it("should not return a message if the frequency cap has been hit", async () => { sandbox.stub(Router, "isBelowFrequencyCaps").returns(false); await Router.setState(() => ({ messages: [{ id: "foo", provider: "cfr" }], })); const result = await Router.handleMessageRequest({ provider: "cfr", }); assert.isNull(result); }); it("should get unblocked messages that match the trigger", async () => { const message1 = { id: "1", campaign: "foocampaign", trigger: { id: "foo" }, groups: ["cfr"], provider: "cfr", }; const message2 = { id: "2", campaign: "foocampaign", trigger: { id: "bar" }, groups: ["cfr"], provider: "cfr", }; await Router.setState({ messages: [message2, message1] }); // Just return the first message provided as arg ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake( ({ messages }) => messages[0] ); const result = Router.handleMessageRequest({ triggerId: "foo" }); assert.deepEqual(result, message1); }); it("should get unblocked messages that match trigger and template", async () => { const message1 = { id: "1", campaign: "foocampaign", template: "badge", trigger: { id: "foo" }, groups: ["badge"], provider: "badge", }; const message2 = { id: "2", campaign: "foocampaign", template: "test_template", trigger: { id: "foo" }, groups: ["cfr"], provider: "cfr", }; await Router.setState({ messages: [message2, message1] }); // Just return the first message provided as arg ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake( ({ messages }) => messages[0] ); const result = Router.handleMessageRequest({ triggerId: "foo", template: "badge", }); assert.deepEqual(result, message1); }); it("should have messageImpressions in the message context", () => { assert.propertyVal( Router._getMessagesContext(), "messageImpressions", Router.state.messageImpressions ); }); it("should return all unblocked messages that match the template, trigger if returnAll=true", async () => { const message1 = { provider: "whats_new", id: "1", template: "whatsnew_panel_message", trigger: { id: "whatsNewPanelOpened" }, groups: ["whats_new"], }; const message2 = { provider: "whats_new", id: "2", template: "whatsnew_panel_message", trigger: { id: "whatsNewPanelOpened" }, groups: ["whats_new"], }; const message3 = { provider: "whats_new", id: "3", template: "badge", groups: ["whats_new"], }; ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake(() => [ message2, message1, ]); await Router.setState({ messages: [message3, message2, message1], providers: [{ id: "whats_new" }], }); const result = await Router.handleMessageRequest({ template: "whatsnew_panel_message", triggerId: "whatsNewPanelOpened", returnAll: true, }); assert.deepEqual(result, [message2, message1]); }); it("should forward trigger param info", async () => { const trigger = { triggerId: "foo", triggerParam: "bar", triggerContext: "context", }; const message1 = { id: "1", campaign: "foocampaign", trigger: { id: "foo" }, groups: ["cfr"], provider: "cfr", }; const message2 = { id: "2", campaign: "foocampaign", trigger: { id: "bar" }, groups: ["badge"], provider: "badge", }; await Router.setState({ messages: [message2, message1] }); // Just return the first message provided as arg Router.handleMessageRequest(trigger); assert.calledOnce(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage); const [options] = ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.firstCall.args; assert.propertyVal(options.trigger, "id", trigger.triggerId); assert.propertyVal(options.trigger, "param", trigger.triggerParam); assert.propertyVal(options.trigger, "context", trigger.triggerContext); }); it("should not cache badge messages", async () => { const trigger = { triggerId: "bar", triggerParam: "bar", triggerContext: "context", }; const message1 = { id: "1", provider: "cfr", campaign: "foocampaign", trigger: { id: "foo" }, groups: ["cfr"], }; const message2 = { id: "2", campaign: "foocampaign", trigger: { id: "bar" }, groups: ["badge"], provider: "badge", }; await Router.setState({ messages: [message2, message1] }); // Just return the first message provided as arg Router.handleMessageRequest(trigger); assert.calledOnce(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage); const [options] = ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.firstCall.args; assert.propertyVal(options, "shouldCache", false); }); it("should filter out messages without a trigger (or different) when a triggerId is defined", async () => { const trigger = { triggerId: "foo" }; const message1 = { id: "1", campaign: "foocampaign", trigger: { id: "foo" }, groups: ["cfr"], provider: "cfr", }; const message2 = { id: "2", campaign: "foocampaign", trigger: { id: "bar" }, groups: ["cfr"], provider: "cfr", }; const message3 = { id: "3", campaign: "bazcampaign", groups: ["cfr"], provider: "cfr", }; await Router.setState({ messages: [message2, message1, message3], groups: [{ id: "cfr", enabled: true }], }); // Just return the first message provided as arg ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake(args => args.messages); const result = Router.handleMessageRequest(trigger); assert.lengthOf(result, 1); assert.deepEqual(result[0], message1); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { it("should unregister the trigger listeners", () => { for (const listener of ASRouterTriggerListeners.values()) { sandbox.spy(listener, "uninit"); } Router.uninit(); for (const listener of ASRouterTriggerListeners.values()) { assert.calledOnce(listener.uninit); } }); it("should set .dispatchCFRAction to null", () => { Router.uninit(); assert.isNull(Router.dispatchCFRAction); assert.isNull(Router.clearChildMessages); assert.isNull(Router.sendTelemetry); }); it("should save previousSessionEnd", () => { Router.uninit(); assert.calledOnce(Router._storage.set); assert.calledWithExactly( Router._storage.set, "previousSessionEnd", sinon.match.number ); }); it("should remove the observer for `intl:app-locales-changed`", () => { sandbox.spy(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver"); Router.uninit(); assert.calledWithExactly( global.Services.obs.removeObserver, Router._onLocaleChanged, "intl:app-locales-changed" ); }); it("should remove the pref observer for `USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF`", async () => { sandbox.spy(global.Services.prefs, "removeObserver"); Router.uninit(); // Grab the last call as #uninit() also involves multiple calls of `Services.prefs.removeObserver`. const call = global.Services.prefs.removeObserver.lastCall; assert.calledWithExactly(call, USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF, Router); }); }); describe("#setMessageById", async () => { it("should send an empty message if provided id did not resolve to a message", async () => { let response = await Router.setMessageById({ id: -1 }, true, {}); assert.deepEqual(response.message, {}); }); }); describe("#isUnblockedMessage", () => { it("should block a message if the group is blocked", async () => { const msg = { id: "msg1", groups: ["foo"], provider: "unit-test" }; await Router.setState({ groups: [{ id: "foo", enabled: false }], messages: [msg], providers: [{ id: "unit-test" }], }); assert.isFalse(Router.isUnblockedMessage(msg)); await Router.setState({ groups: [{ id: "foo", enabled: true }] }); assert.isTrue(Router.isUnblockedMessage(msg)); }); it("should block a message if at least one group is blocked", async () => { const msg = { id: "msg1", groups: ["foo", "bar"], provider: "unit-test", }; await Router.setState({ groups: [ { id: "foo", enabled: false }, { id: "bar", enabled: false }, ], messages: [msg], providers: [{ id: "unit-test" }], }); assert.isFalse(Router.isUnblockedMessage(msg)); await Router.setState({ groups: [ { id: "foo", enabled: true }, { id: "bar", enabled: false }, ], }); assert.isFalse(Router.isUnblockedMessage(msg)); }); }); describe("#blockMessageById", () => { it("should add the id to the messageBlockList", async () => { await Router.blockMessageById("foo"); assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo")); }); it("should add the campaign to the messageBlockList instead of id if .campaign is specified and not select messages of that campaign again", async () => { await Router.setState({ messages: [ { id: "1", campaign: "foocampaign" }, { id: "2", campaign: "foocampaign" }, ], }); await Router.blockMessageById("1"); assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foocampaign")); assert.isEmpty(Router.state.messages.filter(Router.isUnblockedMessage)); }); it("should be able to add multiple items to the messageBlockList", async () => { await await Router.blockMessageById( =>; assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes(FAKE_BUNDLE[0].id)); assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes(FAKE_BUNDLE[1].id)); }); it("should save the messageBlockList", async () => { await await Router.blockMessageById( =>; assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "messageBlockList", [ FAKE_BUNDLE[0].id, FAKE_BUNDLE[1].id, ]); }); }); describe("#unblockMessageById", () => { it("should remove the id from the messageBlockList", async () => { await Router.blockMessageById("foo"); assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo")); await Router.unblockMessageById("foo"); assert.isFalse(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo")); }); it("should remove the campaign from the messageBlockList if it is defined", async () => { await Router.setState({ messages: [{ id: "1", campaign: "foo" }] }); await Router.blockMessageById("1"); assert.isTrue( Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo"), "blocklist has campaign id" ); await Router.unblockMessageById("1"); assert.isFalse( Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo"), "campaign id removed from blocklist" ); }); it("should save the messageBlockList", async () => { await Router.unblockMessageById("foo"); assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "messageBlockList", []); }); }); describe("#routeCFRMessage", () => { it("should allow for echoing back message modifications", () => { const message = { somekey: "some value" }; const data = { content: message }; const browser = {}; let msg = Router.routeCFRMessage(data.content, browser, data, false); assert.deepEqual(msg.message, message); }); it("should call CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation if the template is cfr_action and force is true", async () => { sandbox.stub(CFRPageActions, "forceRecommendation"); const testMessage = { id: "foo", template: "cfr_doorhanger" }; await Router.setState({ messages: [testMessage] }); Router.routeCFRMessage(testMessage, {}, null, true); assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation); }); it("should call CFRPageActions.addRecommendation if the template is cfr_action and force is false", async () => { sandbox.stub(CFRPageActions, "addRecommendation"); const testMessage = { id: "foo", template: "cfr_doorhanger" }; await Router.setState({ messages: [testMessage] }); Router.routeCFRMessage(testMessage, {}, {}, false); assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation); }); }); describe("#updateTargetingParameters", () => { it("should return an object containing the whole state", async () => { sandbox.stub(Router, "getTargetingParameters").resolves({}); let msg = await Router.updateTargetingParameters(); let expected = Object.assign({}, Router.state, { providerPrefs: ASRouterPreferences.providers, userPrefs: ASRouterPreferences.getAllUserPreferences(), targetingParameters: {}, errors: Router.errors, devtoolsEnabled: ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled, }); assert.deepEqual(msg, expected); }); }); describe("#reachEvent", () => { let experimentAPIStub; let featureIds = ["cfr", "moments-page", "infobar", "spotlight"]; beforeEach(() => { let getExperimentMetaDataStub = sandbox.stub(); let getAllBranchesStub = sandbox.stub(); featureIds.forEach(feature => { global.NimbusFeatures[feature].getAllVariables.returns({ id: `message-${feature}`, }); getExperimentMetaDataStub.withArgs({ featureId: feature }).returns({ slug: `slug-${feature}`, branch: { slug: `branch-${feature}`, }, }); getAllBranchesStub.withArgs(`slug-${feature}`).resolves([ { slug: `other-branch-${feature}`, [feature]: { value: { trigger: "unit-test" } }, }, ]); }); experimentAPIStub = { getExperimentMetaData: getExperimentMetaDataStub, getAllBranches: getAllBranchesStub, }; globals.set("ExperimentAPI", experimentAPIStub); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it("should tag `forReachEvent` for all the expected message types", async () => { // This should match the `providers.messaging-experiments` let response = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider({ type: "remote-experiments", featureIds, }); // 1 message for reach 1 for expose, "messages"); assert.lengthOf(response.messages, featureIds.length * 2); assert.lengthOf( response.messages.filter(m => m.forReachEvent), featureIds.length ); }); }); describe("#sendTriggerMessage", () => { it("should pass the trigger to ASRouterTargeting when sending trigger message", async () => { await Router.setState({ messages: [ { id: "foo1", provider: "onboarding", template: "onboarding", trigger: { id: "firstRun" }, content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" }, groups: ["onboarding"], }, ], providers: [{ id: "onboarding" }], }); Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders.resetHistory(); Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders.onFirstCall().resolves(); await Router.sendTriggerMessage({ tabId: 0, browser: {}, id: "firstRun", }); assert.calledOnce(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage); assert.deepEqual( ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.firstCall.args[0].trigger, { id: "firstRun", param: undefined, context: undefined, } ); }); it("should record telemetry information", async () => { const startTelemetryStopwatch = sandbox.stub( global.TelemetryStopwatch, "start" ); const finishTelemetryStopwatch = sandbox.stub( global.TelemetryStopwatch, "finish" ); const tabId = 123; await Router.sendTriggerMessage({ tabId, browser: {}, id: "firstRun", }); assert.calledTwice(startTelemetryStopwatch); assert.calledWithExactly( startTelemetryStopwatch, "MS_MESSAGE_REQUEST_TIME_MS", { tabId } ); assert.calledTwice(finishTelemetryStopwatch); assert.calledWithExactly( finishTelemetryStopwatch, "MS_MESSAGE_REQUEST_TIME_MS", { tabId } ); }); it("should have previousSessionEnd in the message context", () => { assert.propertyVal( Router._getMessagesContext(), "previousSessionEnd", 100 ); }); it("should record the Reach event if found any", async () => { let messages = [ { id: "foo1", forReachEvent: { sent: false, group: "cfr" }, experimentSlug: "exp01", branchSlug: "branch01", template: "simple_template", trigger: { id: "foo" }, content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" }, }, { id: "foo2", template: "simple_template", trigger: { id: "bar" }, content: { title: "Foo2", body: "Foo123-2" }, provider: "onboarding", }, { id: "foo3", forReachEvent: { sent: false, group: "cfr" }, experimentSlug: "exp02", branchSlug: "branch02", template: "simple_template", trigger: { id: "foo" }, content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" }, }, ]; sandbox.stub(Router, "handleMessageRequest").resolves(messages); sandbox.spy(Services.telemetry, "recordEvent"); await Router.sendTriggerMessage({ tabId: 0, browser: {}, id: "foo", }); assert.calledTwice(Services.telemetry.recordEvent); }); it("should not record the Reach event if it's already sent", async () => { let messages = [ { id: "foo1", forReachEvent: { sent: true, group: "cfr" }, experimentSlug: "exp01", branchSlug: "branch01", template: "simple_template", trigger: { id: "foo" }, content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" }, }, ]; sandbox.stub(Router, "handleMessageRequest").resolves(messages); sandbox.spy(Services.telemetry, "recordEvent"); await Router.sendTriggerMessage({ tabId: 0, browser: {}, id: "foo", }); assert.notCalled(Services.telemetry.recordEvent); }); it("should record the Exposure event for each valid feature", async () => { ["cfr_doorhanger", "update_action", "infobar", "spotlight"].forEach( async template => { let featureMap = { cfr_doorhanger: "cfr", spotlight: "spotlight", infobar: "infobar", update_action: "moments-page", }; assert.notCalled( global.NimbusFeatures[featureMap[template]].recordExposureEvent ); let messages = [ { id: "foo1", template, trigger: { id: "foo" }, content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" }, }, ]; sandbox.stub(Router, "handleMessageRequest").resolves(messages); await Router.sendTriggerMessage({ tabId: 0, browser: {}, id: "foo", }); assert.calledOnce( global.NimbusFeatures[featureMap[template]].recordExposureEvent ); } ); }); }); describe("forceAttribution", () => { let setAttributionString; beforeEach(() => { setAttributionString = sandbox.spy(Router, "setAttributionString"); sandbox.stub(global.Services.env, "set"); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.reset(); }); it("should double encode on windows", async () => { sandbox.stub(fakeAttributionCode, "writeAttributionFile"); Router.forceAttribution({ foo: "FOO!", eh: "NOPE", bar: "BAR?" }); assert.notCalled(setAttributionString); assert.calledWithMatch( fakeAttributionCode.writeAttributionFile, "foo%3DFOO!%26bar%3DBAR%253F" ); }); it("should set attribution string on mac", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.AppConstants, "platform").value("macosx"); Router.forceAttribution({ foo: "FOO!", eh: "NOPE", bar: "BAR?" }); assert.calledOnce(setAttributionString); assert.calledWithMatch( setAttributionString, "foo%3DFOO!%26bar%3DBAR%253F" ); }); }); describe("#forceWNPanel", () => { let browser = { ownerGlobal: { document: new Document(), PanelUI: { showSubView: sinon.stub(), panel: { setAttribute: sinon.stub(), }, }, }, }; let fakePanel = { setAttribute: sinon.stub(), }; sinon .stub(browser.ownerGlobal.document, "getElementById") .returns(fakePanel); it("should call enableToolbarButton", async () => { await Router.forceWNPanel(browser); assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarPanelHub.enableToolbarButton); assert.calledOnce(browser.ownerGlobal.PanelUI.showSubView); assert.calledWith(fakePanel.setAttribute, "noautohide", true); }); }); describe("_triggerHandler", () => { it("should call #sendTriggerMessage with the correct trigger", () => { const getter = sandbox.stub(); getter.returns(false); sandbox.stub(global.BrowserHandler, "kiosk").get(getter); sinon.spy(Router, "sendTriggerMessage"); const browser = {}; const trigger = { id: "FAKE_TRIGGER", param: "some fake param" }; Router._triggerHandler(browser, trigger); assert.calledOnce(Router.sendTriggerMessage); assert.calledWith( Router.sendTriggerMessage, sandbox.match({ id: "FAKE_TRIGGER", param: "some fake param", }) ); }); }); describe("_triggerHandler_kiosk", () => { it("should not call #sendTriggerMessage", () => { const getter = sandbox.stub(); getter.returns(true); sandbox.stub(global.BrowserHandler, "kiosk").get(getter); sinon.spy(Router, "sendTriggerMessage"); const browser = {}; const trigger = { id: "FAKE_TRIGGER", param: "some fake param" }; Router._triggerHandler(browser, trigger); assert.notCalled(Router.sendTriggerMessage); }); }); describe("valid preview endpoint", () => { it("should report an error if url protocol is not https", () => { sandbox.stub(console, "error"); assert.equal(false, Router._validPreviewEndpoint("")); assert.calledTwice(console.error); }); }); describe("impressions", () => { describe("#addImpression for groups", () => { it("should save an impression in each group-with-frequency in a message", async () => { const fooMessageImpressions = [0]; const aGroupImpressions = [0, 1, 2]; const bGroupImpressions = [3, 4, 5]; const cGroupImpressions = [6, 7, 8]; const message = { id: "foo", provider: "bar", groups: ["a", "b", "c"], }; const groups = [ { id: "a", frequency: { lifetime: 3 } }, { id: "b", frequency: { lifetime: 4 } }, { id: "c", frequency: { lifetime: 5 } }, ]; await Router.setState(state => { // Add provider const providers = [...state.providers]; // Add fooMessageImpressions // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow const messageImpressions = Object.assign( {}, state.messageImpressions ); let gImpressions = {}; gImpressions.a = aGroupImpressions; gImpressions.b = bGroupImpressions; gImpressions.c = cGroupImpressions; = fooMessageImpressions; return { providers, messageImpressions, groups, groupImpressions: gImpressions, }; }); await Router.addImpression(message); assert.deepEqual( Router.state.groupImpressions.a, [0, 1, 2, 0], "a impressions" ); assert.deepEqual( Router.state.groupImpressions.b, [3, 4, 5, 0], "b impressions" ); assert.deepEqual( Router.state.groupImpressions.c, [6, 7, 8, 0], "c impressions" ); }); }); describe("#isBelowFrequencyCaps", () => { it("should call #_isBelowItemFrequencyCap for the message and for the provider with the correct impressions and arguments", async () => { sinon.spy(Router, "_isBelowItemFrequencyCap"); const MAX_MESSAGE_LIFETIME_CAP = 100; // Defined in ASRouter const fooMessageImpressions = [0, 1]; const barGroupImpressions = [0, 1, 2]; const message = { id: "foo", provider: "bar", groups: ["bar"], frequency: { lifetime: 3 }, }; const groups = [{ id: "bar", frequency: { lifetime: 5 } }]; await Router.setState(state => { // Add provider const providers = [...state.providers]; // Add fooMessageImpressions // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow const messageImpressions = Object.assign( {}, state.messageImpressions ); let gImpressions = {}; = barGroupImpressions; = fooMessageImpressions; return { providers, messageImpressions, groups, groupImpressions: gImpressions, }; }); await Router.isBelowFrequencyCaps(message); assert.calledTwice(Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap); assert.calledWithExactly( Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap, message, fooMessageImpressions, MAX_MESSAGE_LIFETIME_CAP ); assert.calledWithExactly( Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap, groups[0], barGroupImpressions ); }); }); describe("#_isBelowItemFrequencyCap", () => { it("should return false if the # of impressions exceeds the maxLifetimeCap", () => { const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 5 } }; const impressions = [0, 1]; const maxLifetimeCap = 1; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap( item, impressions, maxLifetimeCap ); assert.isFalse(result); }); describe("lifetime frequency caps", () => { it("should return true if .frequency is not defined on the item", () => { const item = { id: "foo" }; const impressions = [0, 1]; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should return true if there are no impressions", () => { const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 10, custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }], }, }; const impressions = []; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should return true if the # of impressions is less than .frequency.lifetime of the item", () => { const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 3 } }; const impressions = [0, 1]; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should return false if the # of impressions is equal to .frequency.lifetime of the item", async () => { const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 3 } }; const impressions = [0, 1, 2]; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isFalse(result); }); it("should return false if the # of impressions is greater than .frequency.lifetime of the item", async () => { const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 3 } }; const impressions = [0, 1, 2, 3]; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isFalse(result); }); }); describe("custom frequency caps", () => { it("should return true if impressions in the time period < the cap and total impressions < the lifetime cap", () => { clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 10); const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }], lifetime: 3, }, }; const impressions = [0, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 1]; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should return false if impressions in the time period > the cap and total impressions < the lifetime cap", () => { clock.tick(200); const item = { id: "msg1", frequency: { custom: [{ period: 100, cap: 2 }], lifetime: 3 }, }; const impressions = [0, 160, 161]; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isFalse(result); }); it("should return false if impressions in one of the time periods > the cap and total impressions < the lifetime cap", () => { clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 200); const itemTrue = { id: "msg2", frequency: { custom: [{ period: 100, cap: 2 }] }, }; const itemFalse = { id: "msg1", frequency: { custom: [ { period: 100, cap: 2 }, { period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 3 }, ], }, }; const impressions = [ 0, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 160, ONE_DAY_IN_MS - 100, ONE_DAY_IN_MS - 200, ]; assert.isTrue(Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(itemTrue, impressions)); assert.isFalse( Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(itemFalse, impressions) ); }); it("should return false if impressions in the time period < the cap and total impressions > the lifetime cap", () => { clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 10); const item = { id: "msg1", frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }], lifetime: 3, }, }; const impressions = [0, 1, 2, 3, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 1]; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isFalse(result); }); it("should return true if daily impressions < the daily cap and there is no lifetime cap", () => { clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 10); const item = { id: "msg1", frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }] }, }; const impressions = [0, 1, 2, 3, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 1]; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should return false if daily impressions > the daily cap and there is no lifetime cap", () => { clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 10); const item = { id: "msg1", frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }] }, }; const impressions = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 1, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 2, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 3, ]; const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions); assert.isFalse(result); }); }); }); describe("#getLongestPeriod", () => { it("should return the period if there is only one definition", () => { const message = { id: "foo", frequency: { custom: [{ period: 200, cap: 2 }] }, }; assert.equal(Router.getLongestPeriod(message), 200); }); it("should return the longest period if there are more than one definitions", () => { const message = { id: "foo", frequency: { custom: [ { period: 1000, cap: 3 }, { period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 5 }, { period: 100, cap: 2 }, ], }, }; assert.equal(Router.getLongestPeriod(message), ONE_DAY_IN_MS); }); it("should return null if there are is no .frequency", () => { const message = { id: "foo" }; assert.isNull(Router.getLongestPeriod(message)); }); it("should return null if there are is no .frequency.custom", () => { const message = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } }; assert.isNull(Router.getLongestPeriod(message)); }); }); describe("cleanup on init", () => { it("should clear messageImpressions for messages which do not exist in state.messages", async () => { const messages = [{ id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } }]; messageImpressions = { foo: [0], bar: [0, 1] }; // Impressions for "bar" should be removed since that id does not exist in messages const result = { foo: [0] }; await createRouterAndInit([ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true }, ]); assert.calledWith(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", result); assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, result); }); it("should clear messageImpressions older than the period if no lifetime impression cap is included", async () => { const CURRENT_TIME = ONE_DAY_IN_MS * 2; clock.tick(CURRENT_TIME); const messages = [ { id: "foo", frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 5 }] }, }, ]; messageImpressions = { foo: [0, 1, CURRENT_TIME - 10] }; // Only 0 and 1 are more than 24 hours before CURRENT_TIME const result = { foo: [CURRENT_TIME - 10] }; await createRouterAndInit([ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true }, ]); assert.calledWith(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", result); assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, result); }); it("should clear messageImpressions older than the longest period if no lifetime impression cap is included", async () => { const CURRENT_TIME = ONE_DAY_IN_MS * 2; clock.tick(CURRENT_TIME); const messages = [ { id: "foo", frequency: { custom: [ { period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 5 }, { period: 100, cap: 2 }, ], }, }, ]; messageImpressions = { foo: [0, 1, CURRENT_TIME - 10] }; // Only 0 and 1 are more than 24 hours before CURRENT_TIME const result = { foo: [CURRENT_TIME - 10] }; await createRouterAndInit([ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true }, ]); assert.calledWith(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", result); assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, result); }); it("should clear messageImpressions if they are not properly formatted", async () => { const messages = [{ id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } }]; // this is impromperly formatted since messageImpressions are supposed to be an array messageImpressions = { foo: 0 }; const result = {}; await createRouterAndInit([ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true }, ]); assert.calledWith(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", result); assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, result); }); it("should not clear messageImpressions for messages which do exist in state.messages", async () => { const messages = [ { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } }, { id: "bar", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } }, ]; messageImpressions = { foo: [0], bar: [] }; await createRouterAndInit([ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true }, ]); assert.notCalled(Router._storage.set); assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, messageImpressions); }); }); }); describe("#_onLocaleChanged", () => { it("should call _maybeUpdateL10nAttachment in the handler", async () => { sandbox.spy(Router, "_maybeUpdateL10nAttachment"); await Router._onLocaleChanged(); assert.calledOnce(Router._maybeUpdateL10nAttachment); }); }); describe("#_maybeUpdateL10nAttachment", () => { it("should update the l10n attachment if the locale was changed", async () => { const getter = sandbox.stub(); getter.onFirstCall().returns("en-US"); getter.onSecondCall().returns("fr"); sandbox.stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47").get(getter); const provider = { id: "cfr", enabled: true, type: "remote-settings", collection: "cfr", }; await createRouterAndInit([provider]); sandbox.spy(Router, "setState"); Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders.resetHistory(); await Router._maybeUpdateL10nAttachment(); assert.calledWith(Router.setState, { localeInUse: "fr", providers: [ { id: "cfr", enabled: true, type: "remote-settings", collection: "cfr", lastUpdated: undefined, errors: [], }, ], }); assert.calledOnce(Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders); }); it("should not update the l10n attachment if the provider doesn't need l10n attachment", async () => { const getter = sandbox.stub(); getter.onFirstCall().returns("en-US"); getter.onSecondCall().returns("fr"); sandbox.stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47").get(getter); const provider = { id: "localProvider", enabled: true, type: "local", }; await createRouterAndInit([provider]); Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders.resetHistory(); sandbox.spy(Router, "setState"); await Router._maybeUpdateL10nAttachment(); assert.notCalled(Router.setState); assert.notCalled(Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders); }); }); describe("#observe", () => { it("should reload l10n for CFRPageActions when the `USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF` pref is changed", () => { sandbox.spy(CFRPageActions, "reloadL10n"); Router.observe("", "", USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF); assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.reloadL10n); }); it("should not react to other pref changes", () => { sandbox.spy(CFRPageActions, "reloadL10n"); Router.observe("", "", "foo"); assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.reloadL10n); }); }); describe("#loadAllMessageGroups", () => { it("should disable the group if the pref is false", async () => { sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference").returns(false); sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages").resolves([ { id: "provider-group", enabled: true, type: "remote", userPreferences: ["cfrAddons"], }, ]); await Router.setState({ providers: [ { id: "message-groups", enabled: true, collection: "collection", type: "remote-settings", }, ], }); await Router.loadAllMessageGroups(); const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "provider-group"); assert.ok(group); assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", false); }); it("should enable the group if at least one pref is true", async () => { sandbox .stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference") .withArgs("cfrAddons") .returns(false) .withArgs("cfrFeatures") .returns(true); sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages").resolves([ { id: "provider-group", enabled: true, type: "remote", userPreferences: ["cfrAddons", "cfrFeatures"], }, ]); await Router.setState({ providers: [ { id: "message-groups", enabled: true, collection: "collection", type: "remote-settings", }, ], }); await Router.loadAllMessageGroups(); const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "provider-group"); assert.ok(group); assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", true); }); it("should be keep the group disabled if disabled is true", async () => { sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference").returns(true); sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages").resolves([ { id: "provider-group", enabled: false, type: "remote", userPreferences: ["cfrAddons"], }, ]); await Router.setState({ providers: [ { id: "message-groups", enabled: true, collection: "collection", type: "remote-settings", }, ], }); await Router.loadAllMessageGroups(); const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "provider-group"); assert.ok(group); assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", false); }); it("should keep local groups unchanged if provider doesn't require an update", async () => { sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "shouldProviderUpdate").returns(false); sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_loadDataForProvider"); await Router.setState({ groups: [ { id: "cfr", enabled: true, collection: "collection", type: "remote-settings", }, ], }); await Router.loadAllMessageGroups(); const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "cfr"); assert.ok(group); assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", true); // Because it should not have updated assert.notCalled(MessageLoaderUtils._loadDataForProvider); }); it("should update local groups on pref change (no RS update)", async () => { sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "shouldProviderUpdate").returns(false); sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference").returns(false); await Router.setState({ groups: [ { id: "cfr", enabled: true, collection: "collection", type: "remote-settings", userPreferences: ["cfrAddons"], }, ], }); await Router.loadAllMessageGroups(); const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "cfr"); assert.ok(group); // Pref changed, updated the group state assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", false); }); }); describe("unblockAll", () => { it("Clears the message block list and returns the state value", async () => { await Router.setState({ messageBlockList: ["one", "two", "three"] }); assert.equal(Router.state.messageBlockList.length, 3); const state = await Router.unblockAll(); assert.equal(Router.state.messageBlockList.length, 0); assert.equal(state.messageBlockList.length, 0); }); }); describe("#loadMessagesForProvider", () => { it("should fetch messages from the ExperimentAPI", async () => { const args = { type: "remote-experiments", featureIds: ["spotlight"], }; await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args); assert.calledOnce(global.NimbusFeatures.spotlight.getAllVariables); assert.calledOnce(global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData); assert.calledWithExactly(global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData, { featureId: "spotlight", }); }); it("should handle the case of no experiments in the ExperimentAPI", async () => { const args = { type: "remote-experiments", featureIds: ["infobar"], }; global.ExperimentAPI.getExperiment.returns(null); const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args); assert.lengthOf(result.messages, 0); }); it("should normally load ExperimentAPI messages", async () => { const args = { type: "remote-experiments", featureIds: ["infobar"], }; const enrollment = { branch: { slug: "branch01", infobar: { featureId: "infobar", value: { id: "id01", trigger: { id: "openURL" } }, }, }, }; global.NimbusFeatures.infobar.getAllVariables.returns( enrollment.branch.infobar.value ); global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData.returns({ branch: { slug: enrollment.branch.slug }, }); global.ExperimentAPI.getAllBranches.returns([ enrollment.branch, { slug: "control", infobar: { featureId: "infobar", value: null, }, }, ]); const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args); assert.lengthOf(result.messages, 1); }); it("should skip disabled features and not load the messages", async () => { const args = { type: "remote-experiments", featureIds: ["cfr"], }; global.NimbusFeatures.cfr.getAllVariables.returns(null); const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args); assert.lengthOf(result.messages, 0); }); it("should fetch branches with trigger", async () => { const args = { type: "remote-experiments", featureIds: ["cfr"], }; const enrollment = { slug: "exp01", branch: { slug: "branch01", cfr: { featureId: "cfr", value: { id: "id01", trigger: { id: "openURL" } }, }, }, }; global.NimbusFeatures.cfr.getAllVariables.returns( enrollment.branch.cfr.value ); global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData.returns({ slug: enrollment.slug, active: true, branch: { slug: enrollment.branch.slug }, }); global.ExperimentAPI.getAllBranches.resolves([ enrollment.branch, { slug: "branch02", cfr: { featureId: "cfr", value: { id: "id02", trigger: { id: "openURL" } }, }, }, { // This branch should not be loaded as it doesn't have the trigger slug: "branch03", cfr: { featureId: "cfr", value: { id: "id03" }, }, }, ]); const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args); assert.equal(result.messages.length, 2); assert.equal(result.messages[0].id, "id01"); assert.equal(result.messages[1].id, "id02"); assert.equal(result.messages[1].experimentSlug, "exp01"); assert.equal(result.messages[1].branchSlug, "branch02"); assert.deepEqual(result.messages[1].forReachEvent, { sent: false, group: "cfr", }); }); it("should fetch branches with trigger even if enrolled branch is disabled", async () => { const args = { type: "remote-experiments", featureIds: ["cfr"], }; const enrollment = { slug: "exp01", branch: { slug: "branch01", cfr: { featureId: "cfr", value: {}, }, }, }; // Nedds to match the `featureIds` value to return an enrollment // for that feature global.NimbusFeatures.cfr.getAllVariables.returns( enrollment.branch.cfr.value ); global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData.returns({ slug: enrollment.slug, active: true, branch: { slug: enrollment.branch.slug }, }); global.ExperimentAPI.getAllBranches.resolves([ enrollment.branch, { slug: "branch02", cfr: { featureId: "cfr", value: { id: "id02", trigger: { id: "openURL" } }, }, }, { // This branch should not be loaded as it doesn't have the trigger slug: "branch03", cfr: { featureId: "cfr", value: { id: "id03" }, }, }, ]); const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args); assert.equal(result.messages.length, 1); assert.equal(result.messages[0].id, "id02"); assert.equal(result.messages[0].experimentSlug, "exp01"); assert.equal(result.messages[0].branchSlug, "branch02"); assert.deepEqual(result.messages[0].forReachEvent, { sent: false, group: "cfr", }); }); }); describe("#_remoteSettingsLoader", () => { let provider; let spy; beforeEach(() => { provider = { id: "cfr", collection: "cfr", }; sandbox .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages") .resolves([{ id: "message_1" }]); spy = sandbox.spy(); global.Downloader.prototype.downloadToDisk = spy; }); it("should be called with the expected dir path", async () => { const dlSpy = sandbox.spy(global, "Downloader"); sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "en-US"); await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {}); assert.calledWith( dlSpy, "main", "ms-language-packs", "browser", "newtab" ); }); it("should allow fetch for known locales", async () => { sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "en-US"); await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {}); assert.calledOnce(spy); }); it("should fallback to 'en-US' for locale 'und' ", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47").get(() => "und"); const getRecordSpy = sandbox.spy( global.KintoHttpClient.prototype, "getRecord" ); await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {}); assert.ok(getRecordSpy.args[0][0].includes("en-US")); assert.calledOnce(spy); }); it("should fallback to 'ja-JP-mac' for locale 'ja-JP-macos'", async () => { sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "ja-JP-macos"); const getRecordSpy = sandbox.spy( global.KintoHttpClient.prototype, "getRecord" ); await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {}); assert.ok(getRecordSpy.args[0][0].includes("ja-JP-mac")); assert.calledOnce(spy); }); it("should not allow fetch for unsupported locales", async () => { sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "unkown"); await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {}); assert.notCalled(spy); }); }); describe("#resetMessageState", () => { it("should reset all message impressions", async () => { await Router.setState({ messages: [{ id: "1" }, { id: "2" }], }); await Router.setState({ messageImpressions: { 1: [0, 1, 2], 2: [0, 1, 2] }, }); // Add impressions for test messages let impressions = Object.values(Router.state.messageImpressions); assert.equal(impressions.filter(i => i.length).length, 2); // Both messages have impressions Router.resetMessageState(); impressions = Object.values(Router.state.messageImpressions); assert.isEmpty(impressions.filter(i => i.length)); // Both messages now have zero impressions assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", { 1: [], 2: [], }); }); }); describe("#resetGroupsState", () => { it("should reset all group impressions", async () => { await Router.setState({ groups: [{ id: "1" }, { id: "2" }], }); await Router.setState({ groupImpressions: { 1: [0, 1, 2], 2: [0, 1, 2] }, }); // Add impressions for test groups let impressions = Object.values(Router.state.groupImpressions); assert.equal(impressions.filter(i => i.length).length, 2); // Both groups have impressions Router.resetGroupsState(); impressions = Object.values(Router.state.groupImpressions); assert.isEmpty(impressions.filter(i => i.length)); // Both groups now have zero impressions assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "groupImpressions", { 1: [], 2: [], }); }); }); describe("#resetScreenImpressions", () => { it("should reset all screen impressions", async () => { await Router.setState({ screenImpressions: { 1: 1, 2: 2 } }); let impressions = Object.values(Router.state.screenImpressions); assert.equal(impressions.filter(i => i).length, 2); // Both screens have impressions Router.resetScreenImpressions(); impressions = Object.values(Router.state.screenImpressions); assert.isEmpty(impressions.filter(i => i)); // Both screens now have zero impressions assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "screenImpressions", {}); }); }); describe("#editState", () => { it("should update message impressions", async () => { sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => true); await Router.setState({ messages: [{ id: "1" }, { id: "2" }] }); await Router.setState({ messageImpressions: { 1: [0, 1, 2], 2: [0, 1, 2] }, }); let impressions = Object.values(Router.state.messageImpressions); assert.equal(impressions.filter(i => i.length).length, 2); // Both messages have impressions Router.editState("messageImpressions", { 1: [], 2: [], 3: [0, 1, 2], }); // The original messages now have zero impressions assert.isEmpty(Router.state.messageImpressions["1"]); assert.isEmpty(Router.state.messageImpressions["2"]); // A new impression array was added for the new message assert.equal(Router.state.messageImpressions["3"].length, 3); assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", { 1: [], 2: [], 3: [0, 1, 2], }); }); }); });