/*eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 10]*/ import { ASRouterChild } from "actors/ASRouterChild.sys.mjs"; import { MESSAGE_TYPE_HASH as msg } from "modules/ActorConstants.mjs"; describe("ASRouterChild", () => { let asRouterChild = null; let sandbox = null; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); asRouterChild = new ASRouterChild(); asRouterChild.telemetry = { sendTelemetry: sandbox.stub(), }; sandbox.stub(asRouterChild, "sendAsyncMessage"); sandbox.stub(asRouterChild, "sendQuery").returns(Promise.resolve()); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); asRouterChild = null; }); describe("asRouterMessage", () => { describe("uses sendAsyncMessage for types that don't need an async response", () => { [ msg.DISABLE_PROVIDER, msg.ENABLE_PROVIDER, msg.EXPIRE_QUERY_CACHE, msg.IMPRESSION, msg.RESET_PROVIDER_PREF, msg.SET_PROVIDER_USER_PREF, msg.USER_ACTION, ].forEach(type => { it(`type ${type}`, () => { asRouterChild.asRouterMessage({ type, data: { something: 1, }, }); sandbox.assert.calledOnce(asRouterChild.sendAsyncMessage); sandbox.assert.calledWith(asRouterChild.sendAsyncMessage, type, { something: 1, }); }); }); }); // Some legacy privileged extensions still send this legacy NEWTAB_MESSAGE_REQUEST // action type. We simply it("can accept the legacy NEWTAB_MESSAGE_REQUEST message without throwing", async () => { assert.doesNotThrow(async () => { let result = await asRouterChild.asRouterMessage({ type: "NEWTAB_MESSAGE_REQUEST", data: {}, }); sandbox.assert.deepEqual(result, {}); sandbox.assert.notCalled(asRouterChild.sendAsyncMessage); }); }); }); });