import { ASRouterTargeting, CachedTargetingGetter, getSortedMessages, QueryCache, } from "modules/ASRouterTargeting.sys.mjs"; import { OnboardingMessageProvider } from "modules/OnboardingMessageProvider.sys.mjs"; import { ASRouterPreferences } from "modules/ASRouterPreferences.sys.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; // Note that tests for the ASRouterTargeting environment can be found in // test/functional/mochitest/browser_asrouter_targeting.js describe("#CachedTargetingGetter", () => { const sixHours = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000; let sandbox; let clock; let frecentStub; let topsitesCache; let globals; let doesAppNeedPinStub; let getAddonsByTypesStub; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); frecentStub = sandbox.stub( global.NewTabUtils.activityStreamProvider, "getTopFrecentSites" ); topsitesCache = new CachedTargetingGetter("getTopFrecentSites"); globals = new GlobalOverrider(); globals.set( "TargetingContext", class { static combineContexts() { return sinon.stub(); } evalWithDefault() { return sinon.stub(); } } ); doesAppNeedPinStub = sandbox.stub().resolves(); getAddonsByTypesStub = sandbox.stub().resolves(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); clock.restore(); globals.restore(); }); it("should cache allow for optional getter argument", async () => { let pinCachedGetter = new CachedTargetingGetter( "doesAppNeedPin", true, undefined, { doesAppNeedPin: doesAppNeedPinStub } ); // Need to tick forward because is stubbed clock.tick(sixHours); await pinCachedGetter.get(); await pinCachedGetter.get(); await pinCachedGetter.get(); // Called once; cached request assert.calledOnce(doesAppNeedPinStub); // Called with option argument assert.calledWith(doesAppNeedPinStub, true); // Expire and call again clock.tick(sixHours); await pinCachedGetter.get(); // Call goes through assert.calledTwice(doesAppNeedPinStub); let themesCachedGetter = new CachedTargetingGetter( "getAddonsByTypes", ["foo"], undefined, { getAddonsByTypes: getAddonsByTypesStub } ); // Need to tick forward because is stubbed clock.tick(sixHours); await themesCachedGetter.get(); await themesCachedGetter.get(); await themesCachedGetter.get(); // Called once; cached request assert.calledOnce(getAddonsByTypesStub); // Called with option argument assert.calledWith(getAddonsByTypesStub, ["foo"]); // Expire and call again clock.tick(sixHours); await themesCachedGetter.get(); // Call goes through assert.calledTwice(getAddonsByTypesStub); }); it("should only make a request every 6 hours", async () => { frecentStub.resolves(); clock.tick(sixHours); await topsitesCache.get(); await topsitesCache.get(); assert.calledOnce( global.NewTabUtils.activityStreamProvider.getTopFrecentSites ); clock.tick(sixHours); await topsitesCache.get(); assert.calledTwice( global.NewTabUtils.activityStreamProvider.getTopFrecentSites ); }); it("throws when failing getter", async () => { frecentStub.rejects(new Error("fake error")); clock.tick(sixHours); // assert.throws expect a function as the first parameter, try/catch is a // workaround let rejected = false; try { await topsitesCache.get(); } catch (e) { rejected = true; } assert(rejected); }); describe("sortMessagesByPriority", () => { it("should sort messages in descending priority order", async () => { const [m1, m2, m3 = { id: "m3" }] = await OnboardingMessageProvider.getUntranslatedMessages(); const checkMessageTargetingStub = sandbox .stub(ASRouterTargeting, "checkMessageTargeting") .resolves(false); sandbox.stub(ASRouterTargeting, "isTriggerMatch").resolves(true); await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [ { ...m1, priority: 0 }, { ...m2, priority: 1 }, { ...m3, priority: 2 }, ], trigger: "testing", }); assert.equal(checkMessageTargetingStub.callCount, 3); const [arg_m1] = checkMessageTargetingStub.firstCall.args; assert.equal(,; const [arg_m2] = checkMessageTargetingStub.secondCall.args; assert.equal(,; const [arg_m3] = checkMessageTargetingStub.thirdCall.args; assert.equal(,; }); it("should sort messages with no priority last", async () => { const [m1, m2, m3 = { id: "m3" }] = await OnboardingMessageProvider.getUntranslatedMessages(); const checkMessageTargetingStub = sandbox .stub(ASRouterTargeting, "checkMessageTargeting") .resolves(false); sandbox.stub(ASRouterTargeting, "isTriggerMatch").resolves(true); await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [ { ...m1, priority: 0 }, { ...m2, priority: undefined }, { ...m3, priority: 2 }, ], trigger: "testing", }); assert.equal(checkMessageTargetingStub.callCount, 3); const [arg_m1] = checkMessageTargetingStub.firstCall.args; assert.equal(,; const [arg_m2] = checkMessageTargetingStub.secondCall.args; assert.equal(,; const [arg_m3] = checkMessageTargetingStub.thirdCall.args; assert.equal(,; }); it("should keep the order of messages with same priority unchanged", async () => { const [m1, m2, m3 = { id: "m3" }] = await OnboardingMessageProvider.getUntranslatedMessages(); const checkMessageTargetingStub = sandbox .stub(ASRouterTargeting, "checkMessageTargeting") .resolves(false); sandbox.stub(ASRouterTargeting, "isTriggerMatch").resolves(true); await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages: [ { ...m1, priority: 2, targeting: undefined, rank: 1 }, { ...m2, priority: undefined, targeting: undefined, rank: 1 }, { ...m3, priority: 2, targeting: undefined, rank: 1 }, ], trigger: "testing", }); assert.equal(checkMessageTargetingStub.callCount, 3); const [arg_m1] = checkMessageTargetingStub.firstCall.args; assert.equal(,; const [arg_m2] = checkMessageTargetingStub.secondCall.args; assert.equal(,; const [arg_m3] = checkMessageTargetingStub.thirdCall.args; assert.equal(,; }); }); }); describe("#isTriggerMatch", () => { let trigger; let message; beforeEach(() => { trigger = { id: "openURL" }; message = { id: "openURL" }; }); it("should return false if trigger and candidate ids are different", () => { = "trigger"; = "message"; assert.isFalse(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message)); assert.isTrue( ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch({ id: "foo" }, { id: "foo" }) ); }); it("should return true if the message we check doesn't have trigger params or patterns", () => { // No params or patterns defined assert.isTrue(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message)); }); it("should return false if the trigger does not have params defined", () => { message.params = {}; // trigger.param is undefined assert.isFalse(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message)); }); it("should return true if message params includes trigger host", () => { message.params = [""]; trigger.param = { host: "" }; assert.isTrue(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message)); }); it("should return true if message params includes trigger param.type", () => { message.params = ["ContentBlockingMilestone"]; trigger.param = { type: "ContentBlockingMilestone" }; assert.isTrue(Boolean(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message))); }); it("should return true if message params match trigger mask", () => { // STATE_BLOCKED_FINGERPRINTING_CONTENT message.params = [0x00000040]; trigger.param = { type: 538091584 }; assert.isTrue(Boolean(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message))); }); }); describe("#CacheListAttachedOAuthClients", () => { const fourHours = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000; let sandbox; let clock; let fakeFxAccount; let authClientsCache; let globals; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); fakeFxAccount = { listAttachedOAuthClients: () => {}, }; globals.set("fxAccounts", fakeFxAccount); authClientsCache = QueryCache.queries.ListAttachedOAuthClients; sandbox .stub(global.fxAccounts, "listAttachedOAuthClients") .returns(Promise.resolve({})); }); afterEach(() => { authClientsCache.expire(); sandbox.restore(); clock.restore(); }); it("should only make additional request every 4 hours", async () => { clock.tick(fourHours); await authClientsCache.get(); assert.calledOnce(global.fxAccounts.listAttachedOAuthClients); clock.tick(fourHours); await authClientsCache.get(); assert.calledTwice(global.fxAccounts.listAttachedOAuthClients); }); it("should not make additional request before 4 hours", async () => { clock.tick(fourHours); await authClientsCache.get(); assert.calledOnce(global.fxAccounts.listAttachedOAuthClients); await authClientsCache.get(); assert.calledOnce(global.fxAccounts.listAttachedOAuthClients); }); }); describe("ASRouterTargeting", () => { let evalStub; let sandbox; let clock; let globals; let fakeTargetingContext; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.replace(ASRouterTargeting, "Environment", {}); clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); fakeTargetingContext = { combineContexts: sandbox.stub(), evalWithDefault: sandbox.stub().resolves(), setTelemetrySource: sandbox.stub(), }; globals = new GlobalOverrider(); globals.set( "TargetingContext", class { static combineContexts(...args) { return fakeTargetingContext.combineContexts.apply(sandbox, args); } setTelemetrySource(id) { fakeTargetingContext.setTelemetrySource(id); } evalWithDefault(expr) { return fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault(expr); } } ); evalStub = fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault; }); afterEach(() => { clock.restore(); sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); it("should provide as source", async () => { await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { id: "message", targeting: "true", }, fakeTargetingContext, sandbox.stub(), false ); assert.calledOnce(fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault); assert.calledWithExactly(fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault, "true"); assert.calledWithExactly( fakeTargetingContext.setTelemetrySource, "message" ); }); it("should cache evaluation result", async () => { evalStub.resolves(true); let targetingContext = new global.TargetingContext(); await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { targeting: "jexl1" }, targetingContext, sandbox.stub(), true ); await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { targeting: "jexl2" }, targetingContext, sandbox.stub(), true ); await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { targeting: "jexl1" }, targetingContext, sandbox.stub(), true ); assert.calledTwice(evalStub); }); it("should not cache evaluation result", async () => { evalStub.resolves(true); let targetingContext = new global.TargetingContext(); await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { targeting: "jexl" }, targetingContext, sandbox.stub(), false ); await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { targeting: "jexl" }, targetingContext, sandbox.stub(), false ); await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { targeting: "jexl" }, targetingContext, sandbox.stub(), false ); assert.calledThrice(evalStub); }); it("should expire cache entries", async () => { evalStub.resolves(true); let targetingContext = new global.TargetingContext(); await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { targeting: "jexl" }, targetingContext, sandbox.stub(), true ); await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { targeting: "jexl" }, targetingContext, sandbox.stub(), true ); clock.tick(5 * 60 * 1000 + 1); await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting( { targeting: "jexl" }, targetingContext, sandbox.stub(), true ); assert.calledTwice(evalStub); }); describe("#findMatchingMessage", () => { let matchStub; let messages = [ { id: "FOO", targeting: "match" }, { id: "BAR", targeting: "match" }, { id: "BAZ" }, ]; beforeEach(() => { matchStub = sandbox .stub(ASRouterTargeting, "_isMessageMatch") .callsFake(message => message.targeting === "match"); }); it("should return an array of matches if returnAll is true", async () => { assert.deepEqual( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages, returnAll: true, }), [ { id: "FOO", targeting: "match" }, { id: "BAR", targeting: "match" }, ] ); }); it("should return an empty array if no matches were found and returnAll is true", async () => { matchStub.returns(false); assert.deepEqual( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages, returnAll: true, }), [] ); }); it("should return the first match if returnAll is false", async () => { assert.deepEqual( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages, }), messages[0] ); }); it("should return null if if no matches were found and returnAll is false", async () => { matchStub.returns(false); assert.deepEqual( await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({ messages, }), null ); }); }); }); /** * Messages should be sorted in the following order: * 1. Rank * 2. Priority * 3. If the message has targeting * 4. Order or randomization, depending on input */ describe("getSortedMessages", () => { let globals = new GlobalOverrider(); let sandbox; beforeEach(() => { globals.set({ ASRouterPreferences }); sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); /** * assertSortsCorrectly - Tests to see if an array, when sorted with getSortedMessages, * returns the items in the expected order. * * @param {Message[]} expectedOrderArray - The array of messages in its expected order * @param {{}} options - The options param for getSortedMessages * @returns */ function assertSortsCorrectly(expectedOrderArray, options) { const input = [...expectedOrderArray].reverse(); const result = getSortedMessages(input, options); const indexes = => expectedOrderArray.indexOf(message)); return assert.equal( indexes.join(","), [...expectedOrderArray.keys()].join(","), "Messsages are out of order" ); } it("should sort messages by priority, then by targeting", () => { assertSortsCorrectly([ { priority: 100, targeting: "isFoo" }, { priority: 100 }, { priority: 99 }, { priority: 1, targeting: "isFoo" }, { priority: 1 }, {}, ]); }); it("should sort messages by priority, then targeting, then order if ordered param is true", () => { assertSortsCorrectly( [ { priority: 100, order: 4 }, { priority: 100, order: 5 }, { priority: 1, order: 3, targeting: "isFoo" }, { priority: 1, order: 0 }, { priority: 1, order: 1 }, { priority: 1, order: 2 }, { order: 0 }, ], { ordered: true } ); }); });