import { ASRouterTriggerListeners } from "modules/ASRouterTriggerListeners.sys.mjs"; import { ASRouterPreferences } from "modules/ASRouterPreferences.sys.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; describe("ASRouterTriggerListeners", () => { let sandbox; let globals; let existingWindow; let isWindowPrivateStub; const triggerHandler = () => {}; const openURLListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL"); const frequentVisitsListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("frequentVisits"); const captivePortalLoginListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("captivePortalLogin"); const bookmarkedURLListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openBookmarkedURL"); const openArticleURLListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openArticleURL"); const nthTabClosedListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("nthTabClosed"); const idleListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("activityAfterIdle"); const formAutofillListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("formAutofill"); const cookieBannerDetectedListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get( "cookieBannerDetected" ); const cookieBannerHandledListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get( "cookieBannerHandled" ); const hosts = ["", ""]; const regionFake = { _home: "cn", _current: "cn", get home() { return this._home; }, get current() { return this._current; }, }; beforeEach(async () => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); globals = new GlobalOverrider(); existingWindow = { gBrowser: { addTabsProgressListener: sandbox.stub(), removeTabsProgressListener: sandbox.stub(), currentURI: { host: "" }, }, addEventListener: sinon.stub(), removeEventListener: sinon.stub(), }; sandbox.spy(openURLListener, "init"); sandbox.spy(openURLListener, "uninit"); isWindowPrivateStub = sandbox.stub(); // Assume no window is private so that we execute the action isWindowPrivateStub.returns(false); globals.set("PrivateBrowsingUtils", { isWindowPrivate: isWindowPrivateStub, }); const ewUninit = new Map(); globals.set("EveryWindow", { registerCallback: (id, init, uninit) => { init(existingWindow); ewUninit.set(id, uninit); }, unregisterCallback: id => { ewUninit.get(id)(existingWindow); }, }); globals.set("Region", regionFake); globals.set("ASRouterPreferences", ASRouterPreferences); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); describe("openBookmarkedURL", () => { let observerStub; describe("#init", () => { beforeEach(() => { observerStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "addObserver"); sandbox .stub(global.Services.wm, "getMostRecentBrowserWindow") .returns({ gBrowser: { selectedBrowser: {} } }); }); afterEach(() => { bookmarkedURLListener.uninit(); }); it("should set hosts to the recentBookmarks", async () => { await bookmarkedURLListener.init(sandbox.stub()); assert.calledOnce(observerStub); assert.calledWithExactly( observerStub, bookmarkedURLListener, "bookmark-icon-updated" ); }); it("should provide id to triggerHandler", async () => { const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub(); const subject = {}; await bookmarkedURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler); bookmarkedURLListener.observe( subject, "bookmark-icon-updated", "starred" ); assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler); assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, subject, { id:, }); }); }); }); describe("captivePortal", () => { describe("observe", () => { it("should not call the trigger handler if _shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo returns false", () => { sandbox .stub(captivePortalLoginListener, "_shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo") .returns(false); captivePortalLoginListener._triggerHandler = sandbox.spy(); captivePortalLoginListener.observe( null, "captive-portal-login-success" ); assert.notCalled(captivePortalLoginListener._triggerHandler); }); it("should call the trigger handler if _shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo returns true", () => { sandbox .stub(captivePortalLoginListener, "_shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo") .returns(true); sandbox.stub(Services.wm, "getMostRecentBrowserWindow").returns({ gBrowser: { selectedBrowser: true, }, }); captivePortalLoginListener._triggerHandler = sandbox.spy(); captivePortalLoginListener.observe( null, "captive-portal-login-success" ); assert.calledOnce(captivePortalLoginListener._triggerHandler); }); }); }); describe("openArticleURL", () => { describe("#init", () => { beforeEach(() => { globals.set( "MatchPatternSet", sandbox.stub().callsFake(patterns => ({ patterns, matches: url => patterns.has(url), })) ); sandbox.stub(global.AboutReaderParent, "addMessageListener"); sandbox.stub(global.AboutReaderParent, "removeMessageListener"); }); afterEach(() => { openArticleURLListener.uninit(); }); it("setup an event listener on init", () => { openArticleURLListener.init(sandbox.stub(), hosts, hosts); assert.calledOnce(global.AboutReaderParent.addMessageListener); assert.calledWithExactly( global.AboutReaderParent.addMessageListener, openArticleURLListener.readerModeEvent, sinon.match.object ); }); it("should call triggerHandler correctly for matches [host match]", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(); const target = { currentURI: { host: hosts[0], spec: hosts[1] } }; openArticleURLListener.init(stub, hosts, hosts); const [, { receiveMessage }] = global.AboutReaderParent.addMessageListener.firstCall.args; receiveMessage({ data: { isArticle: true }, target }); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWithExactly(stub, target, { id:, param: { host: hosts[0], url: hosts[1] }, }); }); it("should call triggerHandler correctly for matches [pattern match]", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(); const target = { currentURI: { host: null, spec: hosts[1] } }; openArticleURLListener.init(stub, hosts, hosts); const [, { receiveMessage }] = global.AboutReaderParent.addMessageListener.firstCall.args; receiveMessage({ data: { isArticle: true }, target }); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWithExactly(stub, target, { id:, param: { host: null, url: hosts[1] }, }); }); it("should remove the message listener", () => { openArticleURLListener.init(sandbox.stub(), hosts, hosts); openArticleURLListener.uninit(); assert.calledOnce(global.AboutReaderParent.removeMessageListener); }); }); }); describe("frequentVisits", () => { let _triggerHandler; beforeEach(() => { _triggerHandler = sandbox.stub(); sandbox.useFakeTimers(); frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.clock.restore(); frequentVisitsListener.uninit(); }); it("should be initialized", () => { assert.isTrue(frequentVisitsListener._initialized); }); it("should listen for TabSelect events", () => { assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.addEventListener); assert.calledWith( existingWindow.addEventListener, "TabSelect", frequentVisitsListener.onTabSwitch ); }); it("should call _triggerHandler if the visit is valid (is recoreded)", () => { frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, ""); assert.calledOnce(_triggerHandler); }); it("should call _triggerHandler only once", () => { frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, ""); frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, ""); assert.calledOnce(_triggerHandler); }); it("should call _triggerHandler again after 15 minutes", () => { frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, ""); sandbox.clock.tick(15 * 60 * 1000 + 1); frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, ""); assert.calledTwice(_triggerHandler); }); it("should call triggerHandler on valid hosts", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(frequentVisitsListener, "triggerHandler"); = hosts[0]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring frequentVisitsListener.onTabSwitch({ target: { ownerGlobal: existingWindow }, }); assert.calledOnce(stub); }); it("should not call triggerHandler on invalid hosts", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(frequentVisitsListener, "triggerHandler"); = ""; frequentVisitsListener.onTabSwitch({ target: { ownerGlobal: existingWindow }, }); assert.notCalled(stub); }); describe("MatchPattern", () => { beforeEach(() => { globals.set( "MatchPatternSet", sandbox.stub().callsFake(patterns => ({ patterns: patterns || [] })) ); }); afterEach(() => { frequentVisitsListener.uninit(); }); it("should create a matchPatternSet", () => { frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["pattern"]); assert.calledOnce(window.MatchPatternSet); assert.calledWithExactly( window.MatchPatternSet, new Set(["pattern"]), undefined ); }); it("should allow to add multiple patterns and dedupe", () => { frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["pattern"]); frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["foo"]); assert.calledTwice(window.MatchPatternSet); assert.calledWithExactly( window.MatchPatternSet, new Set(["pattern", "foo"]), undefined ); }); it("should handle bad arguments to MatchPatternSet", () => { const badArgs = [""]; window.MatchPatternSet.withArgs(new Set(badArgs)).throws(); frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, badArgs); // Fails with an empty MatchPatternSet, "patterns"); // Second try is succesful frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["foo"]);, "patterns"); assert.isTrue( frequentVisitsListener._matchPatternSet.patterns.has("foo") ); }); }); }); describe("nthTabClosed", () => { describe("#init", () => { beforeEach(() => { nthTabClosedListener.init(triggerHandler); }); afterEach(() => { nthTabClosedListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => { assert.ok(nthTabClosedListener._initialized); assert.equal(nthTabClosedListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler); }); it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => { const newTriggerHandler = () => {}; nthTabClosedListener.init(newTriggerHandler); assert.ok(nthTabClosedListener._initialized); assert.equal(nthTabClosedListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler); }); it("should add an event listeners to all existing browser windows", () => { assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.addEventListener); assert.calledWith(existingWindow.addEventListener, "TabClose"); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { beforeEach(async () => { nthTabClosedListener.init(triggerHandler); nthTabClosedListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler, closed tabs count", () => { assert.notOk(nthTabClosedListener._initialized); assert.equal(nthTabClosedListener._triggerHandler, null); assert.equal(nthTabClosedListener._closedTabs, 0); }); it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => { nthTabClosedListener.uninit(); assert.notOk(nthTabClosedListener._initialized); }); it("should remove event listeners from all existing browser windows", () => { assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.removeEventListener); }); }); }); describe("activityAfterIdle", () => { let addObsStub; let removeObsStub; describe("#init", () => { beforeEach(() => { addObsStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "addObserver"); sandbox .stub(global.Services.wm, "getEnumerator") .returns([{ closed: false, document: { hidden: false } }]); idleListener.init(triggerHandler); }); afterEach(() => { idleListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => { assert.ok(idleListener._initialized); assert.equal(idleListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler); }); it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => { const newTriggerHandler = () => {}; idleListener.init(newTriggerHandler); assert.ok(idleListener._initialized); assert.equal(idleListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler); }); it("should add observers for idle and activity", () => { assert.called(addObsStub); }); it("should add event listeners to all existing browser windows", () => { assert.called(existingWindow.addEventListener); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { beforeEach(async () => { removeObsStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver"); sandbox.stub(global.Services.wm, "getEnumerator").returns([]); idleListener.init(triggerHandler); idleListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler and timestamps", () => { assert.notOk(idleListener._initialized); assert.equal(idleListener._triggerHandler, null); assert.equal(idleListener._quietSince, null); }); it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => { idleListener.uninit(); assert.notOk(idleListener._initialized); }); it("should remove observers for idle and activity", () => { assert.called(removeObsStub); }); it("should remove event listeners from all existing browser windows", () => { assert.called(existingWindow.removeEventListener); }); }); }); describe("formAutofill", () => { let addObsStub; let removeObsStub; describe("#init", () => { beforeEach(() => { addObsStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "addObserver"); formAutofillListener.init(triggerHandler); }); afterEach(() => { formAutofillListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => { assert.ok(formAutofillListener._initialized); assert.equal(formAutofillListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler); }); it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => { const newTriggerHandler = () => {}; formAutofillListener.init(newTriggerHandler); assert.ok(formAutofillListener._initialized); assert.equal(formAutofillListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler); }); it(`should add observer for ${formAutofillListener._topic}`, () => { assert.called(addObsStub); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { beforeEach(async () => { removeObsStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver"); formAutofillListener.init(triggerHandler); formAutofillListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler", () => { assert.notOk(formAutofillListener._initialized); assert.equal(formAutofillListener._triggerHandler, null); }); it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => { formAutofillListener.uninit(); assert.notOk(formAutofillListener._initialized); }); it(`should remove observers for ${formAutofillListener._topic}`, () => { assert.called(removeObsStub); }); }); }); describe("openURL listener", () => { it("should exist and initially be uninitialised", () => { assert.ok(openURLListener); assert.notOk(openURLListener._initialized); }); describe("#init", () => { beforeEach(() => { openURLListener.init(triggerHandler, hosts); }); afterEach(() => { openURLListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler and hosts", () => { assert.ok(openURLListener._initialized); assert.deepEqual(openURLListener._hosts, new Set(hosts)); assert.equal(openURLListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler); }); it("should add tab progress listeners to all existing browser windows", () => { assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener); assert.calledWithExactly( existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener, openURLListener ); }); it("if already initialised, should only update the trigger handler and add the new hosts", () => { const newHosts = [""]; const newTriggerHandler = () => {}; existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener.reset(); openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, newHosts); assert.ok(openURLListener._initialized); assert.deepEqual( openURLListener._hosts, new Set([...hosts, ...newHosts]) ); assert.equal(openURLListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler); assert.notCalled(existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { beforeEach(async () => { openURLListener.init(triggerHandler, hosts); openURLListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler and hosts", () => { assert.notOk(openURLListener._initialized); assert.equal(openURLListener._hosts, null); assert.equal(openURLListener._triggerHandler, null); }); it("should remove tab progress listeners from all existing browser windows", () => { assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener); assert.calledWithExactly( existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener, openURLListener ); }); it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => { existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener.reset(); openURLListener.uninit(); assert.notOk(openURLListener._initialized); assert.notCalled(existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener); }); }); describe("#onLocationChange", () => { afterEach(() => { openURLListener.uninit(); frequentVisitsListener.uninit(); }); it("should call the ._triggerHandler with the right arguments", () => { const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub(); openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts); const browser = {}; const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true }; const location = ""; openURLListener.onLocationChange(browser, webProgress, undefined, { host: location, spec: location, }); assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler); assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, browser, { id: "openURL", param: { host: "", url: "" }, context: { visitsCount: 1 }, }); }); it("should call triggerHandler for a redirect (openURL + frequentVisits)", () => { for (let trigger of [openURLListener, frequentVisitsListener]) { const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub(); trigger.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts); const browser = {}; const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true }; const aLocationURI = { host: "", spec: "", }; const aRequest = { QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({ originalURI: { spec: "", host: "" }, }), }; trigger.onLocationChange( browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI ); assert.calledOnce(aRequest.QueryInterface); assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler); } }); it("should call triggerHandler with the right arguments (redirect)", () => { const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub(); openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts); const browser = {}; const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true }; const aLocationURI = { host: "", spec: "", }; const aRequest = { QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({ originalURI: { spec: "", host: "" }, }), }; openURLListener.onLocationChange( browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI ); assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, browser, { id: "openURL", param: { host: "", url: "" }, context: { visitsCount: 1 }, }); }); it("should call triggerHandler for a redirect (openURL + frequentVisits)", () => { for (let trigger of [openURLListener, frequentVisitsListener]) { const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub(); trigger.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts); const browser = {}; const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true }; const aLocationURI = { host: "", spec: "", }; const aRequest = { QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({ originalURI: { spec: "", host: "" }, }), }; trigger.onLocationChange( browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI ); assert.calledOnce(aRequest.QueryInterface); assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler); } }); it("should call triggerHandler with the right arguments (redirect)", () => { const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub(); openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts); const browser = {}; const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true }; const aLocationURI = { host: "", spec: "", }; const aRequest = { QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({ originalURI: { spec: "", host: "" }, }), }; openURLListener.onLocationChange( browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI ); assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, browser, { id: "openURL", param: { host: "", url: "" }, context: { visitsCount: 1 }, }); }); it("should fail for subdomains (not redirect)", () => { const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub(); openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts); const browser = {}; const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true }; const aLocationURI = { host: "", spec: "", }; const aRequest = { QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({ originalURI: { spec: "", host: "", }, }), }; openURLListener.onLocationChange( browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI ); assert.calledOnce(aRequest.QueryInterface); assert.notCalled(newTriggerHandler); }); }); }); describe("cookieBannerDetected", () => { describe("#init", () => { beforeEach(() => { cookieBannerDetectedListener.init(triggerHandler); }); afterEach(() => { cookieBannerDetectedListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => { assert.ok(cookieBannerDetectedListener._initialized); assert.equal( cookieBannerDetectedListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler ); }); it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => { const newTriggerHandler = () => {}; cookieBannerDetectedListener.init(newTriggerHandler); assert.ok(cookieBannerDetectedListener._initialized); assert.equal( cookieBannerDetectedListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler ); }); it("should add an event listeners to all existing browser windows", () => { assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.addEventListener); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { beforeEach(async () => { cookieBannerDetectedListener.init(triggerHandler); cookieBannerDetectedListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler and timestamps", () => { assert.notOk(cookieBannerDetectedListener._initialized); assert.equal(cookieBannerDetectedListener._triggerHandler, null); }); it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => { cookieBannerDetectedListener.uninit(); assert.notOk(cookieBannerDetectedListener._initialized); }); it("should remove event listeners from all existing browser windows", () => { assert.called(existingWindow.removeEventListener); }); }); }); describe("cookieBannerHandled", () => { describe("#init", () => { beforeEach(() => { cookieBannerHandledListener.init(triggerHandler); }); afterEach(() => { cookieBannerHandledListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => { assert.ok(cookieBannerHandledListener._initialized); assert.equal( cookieBannerHandledListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler ); }); it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => { const newTriggerHandler = () => {}; cookieBannerHandledListener.init(newTriggerHandler); assert.ok(cookieBannerHandledListener._initialized); assert.equal( cookieBannerHandledListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler ); }); it("should add an event listeners to all existing browser windows", () => { assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.addEventListener); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { beforeEach(async () => { cookieBannerHandledListener.init(triggerHandler); cookieBannerHandledListener.uninit(); }); it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler and timestamps", () => { assert.notOk(cookieBannerHandledListener._initialized); assert.equal(cookieBannerHandledListener._triggerHandler, null); }); it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => { cookieBannerHandledListener.uninit(); assert.notOk(cookieBannerHandledListener._initialized); }); it("should remove event listeners from all existing browser windows", () => { assert.called(existingWindow.removeEventListener); }); }); }); });