/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const { PanelTestProvider } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/asrouter/PanelTestProvider.sys.mjs" ); const MESSAGE_VALIDATORS = {}; let EXPERIMENT_VALIDATOR; add_setup(async function setup() { const validators = await makeValidators(); EXPERIMENT_VALIDATOR = validators.experimentValidator; Object.assign(MESSAGE_VALIDATORS, validators.messageValidators); }); add_task(async function test_PanelTestProvider() { const messages = await PanelTestProvider.getMessages(); const EXPECTED_MESSAGE_COUNTS = { cfr_doorhanger: 1, milestone_message: 0, update_action: 1, whatsnew_panel_message: 7, spotlight: 3, feature_callout: 1, pb_newtab: 2, toast_notification: 3, }; const EXPECTED_TOTAL_MESSAGE_COUNT = Object.values( EXPECTED_MESSAGE_COUNTS ).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); Assert.strictEqual( messages.length, EXPECTED_TOTAL_MESSAGE_COUNT, "PanelTestProvider should have the correct number of messages" ); const messageCounts = Object.assign( {}, ...Object.keys(EXPECTED_MESSAGE_COUNTS).map(key => ({ [key]: 0 })) ); for (const message of messages) { const validator = MESSAGE_VALIDATORS[message.template]; Assert.ok( typeof validator !== "undefined", typeof validator !== "undefined" ? `Schema validator found for ${message.template}` : `No schema validator found for template ${message.template}. Please update this test to add one.` ); assertValidates( validator, message, `Message ${message.id} validates as ${message.template} template` ); assertValidates( EXPERIMENT_VALIDATOR, message, `Message ${message.id} validates as MessagingExperiment` ); messageCounts[message.template]++; } for (const [template, count] of Object.entries(messageCounts)) { Assert.equal( count, EXPECTED_MESSAGE_COUNTS[template], `Expected ${EXPECTED_MESSAGE_COUNTS[template]} ${template} messages` ); } }); add_task(async function test_emptyMessage() { info( "Testing blank FxMS messages validate with the Messaging Experiment schema" ); assertValidates(EXPERIMENT_VALIDATOR, {}, "Empty message should validate"); });