/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs" ); const { sinon } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/Sinon.sys.mjs" ); add_task(async () => { await setupStubs(); }); /** * Test validation of attribution codes, * to make sure we reject bad ones and accept good ones. */ add_task(async function testValidAttrCodes() { let msixCampaignIdStub = sinon.stub(AttributionCode, "msixCampaignId"); let currentCode = null; for (let entry of validAttrCodes) { currentCode = entry.code; // Attribution for MSIX builds works quite differently than regular Windows // builds: the attribution codes come from a Windows API that we've wrapped // with an XPCOM class. We don't have a way to inject codes into the build, // so instead we mock out our XPCOM class and return the desired values from // there. (A potential alternative is to have MSIX tests rely on attribution // files, but that more or less invalidates the tests.) if ( AppConstants.platform === "win" && Services.sysinfo.getProperty("hasWinPackageId") ) { // In real life, the attribution codes returned from Microsoft APIs // are not URI encoded, and the AttributionCode code that deals with // them expects that - so we have to simulate that as well. msixCampaignIdStub.callsFake(async () => decodeURIComponent(currentCode)); } else if (AppConstants.platform === "macosx") { const { MacAttribution } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/MacAttribution.sys.mjs" ); await MacAttribution.setAttributionString(currentCode); } else { // non-msix windows await AttributionCode.writeAttributionFile(currentCode); } AttributionCode._clearCache(); let result = await AttributionCode.getAttrDataAsync(); Assert.deepEqual( result, entry.parsed, "Parsed code should match expected value, code was: " + currentCode ); } AttributionCode._clearCache(); // Restore the msixCampaignId stub so that other tests don't fail stubbing it msixCampaignIdStub.restore(); }); /** * Make sure codes with various formatting errors are not seen as valid. */ add_task(async function testInvalidAttrCodes() { let msixCampaignIdStub = sinon.stub(AttributionCode, "msixCampaignId"); let currentCode = null; for (let code of invalidAttrCodes) { currentCode = code; if ( AppConstants.platform === "win" && Services.sysinfo.getProperty("hasWinPackageId") ) { if (code.includes("not set")) { // One of the "invalid" codes that we test is an unescaped one. // This is valid for most platforms, but we actually _expect_ // unescaped codes for MSIX builds, so that particular test is not // valid for this case. continue; } msixCampaignIdStub.callsFake(async () => decodeURIComponent(currentCode)); } else if (AppConstants.platform === "macosx") { const { MacAttribution } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/MacAttribution.sys.mjs" ); await MacAttribution.setAttributionString(currentCode); } else { // non-msix windows await AttributionCode.writeAttributionFile(currentCode); } AttributionCode._clearCache(); let result = await AttributionCode.getAttrDataAsync(); Assert.deepEqual( result, {}, "Code should have failed to parse: " + currentCode ); } AttributionCode._clearCache(); // Restore the msixCampaignId stub so that other tests don't fail stubbing it msixCampaignIdStub.restore(); }); /** * Test the cache by deleting the attribution data file * and making sure we still get the expected code. */ let condition = { // macOS and MSIX attribution codes are not cached by us, thus this test is // unnecessary for those builds. skip_if: () => (AppConstants.platform === "win" && Services.sysinfo.getProperty("hasWinPackageId")) || AppConstants.platform === "macosx", }; add_task(condition, async function testDeletedFile() { // Set up the test by clearing the cache and writing a valid file. await AttributionCode.writeAttributionFile(validAttrCodes[0].code); let result = await AttributionCode.getAttrDataAsync(); Assert.deepEqual( result, validAttrCodes[0].parsed, "The code should be readable directly from the file" ); // Delete the file and make sure we can still read the value back from cache. await AttributionCode.deleteFileAsync(); result = await AttributionCode.getAttrDataAsync(); Assert.deepEqual( result, validAttrCodes[0].parsed, "The code should be readable from the cache" ); // Clear the cache and check we can't read anything. AttributionCode._clearCache(); result = await AttributionCode.getAttrDataAsync(); Assert.deepEqual( result, {}, "Shouldn't be able to get a code after file is deleted and cache is cleared" ); });