/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { BackupResource } from "resource:///modules/backup/BackupResource.sys.mjs"; import { Sqlite } from "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.sys.mjs"; /** * Class representing files that modify preferences and permissions within a user profile. */ export class PreferencesBackupResource extends BackupResource { static get key() { return "preferences"; } static get requiresEncryption() { return false; } async backup(stagingPath, profilePath = PathUtils.profileDir) { // These are files that can be simply copied into the staging folder using // IOUtils.copy. const simpleCopyFiles = [ "xulstore.json", "containers.json", "handlers.json", "search.json.mozlz4", "user.js", "chrome", ]; for (let fileName of simpleCopyFiles) { let sourcePath = PathUtils.join(profilePath, fileName); let destPath = PathUtils.join(stagingPath, fileName); if (await IOUtils.exists(sourcePath)) { await IOUtils.copy(sourcePath, destPath, { recursive: true }); } } const sqliteDatabases = ["permissions.sqlite", "content-prefs.sqlite"]; for (let fileName of sqliteDatabases) { let sourcePath = PathUtils.join(profilePath, fileName); let destPath = PathUtils.join(stagingPath, fileName); let connection; try { connection = await Sqlite.openConnection({ path: sourcePath, }); await connection.backup(destPath); } finally { await connection.close(); } } // prefs.js is a special case - we have a helper function to flush the // current prefs state to disk off of the main thread. let prefsDestPath = PathUtils.join(stagingPath, "prefs.js"); let prefsDestFile = await IOUtils.getFile(prefsDestPath); await Services.prefs.backupPrefFile(prefsDestFile); return null; } async measure(profilePath = PathUtils.profileDir) { const files = [ "prefs.js", "xulstore.json", "permissions.sqlite", "content-prefs.sqlite", "containers.json", "handlers.json", "search.json.mozlz4", "user.js", ]; let fullSize = 0; for (let filePath of files) { let resourcePath = PathUtils.join(profilePath, filePath); let resourceSize = await BackupResource.getFileSize(resourcePath); if (Number.isInteger(resourceSize)) { fullSize += resourceSize; } } const chromeDirectoryPath = PathUtils.join(profilePath, "chrome"); let chromeDirectorySize = await BackupResource.getDirectorySize( chromeDirectoryPath ); if (Number.isInteger(chromeDirectorySize)) { fullSize += chromeDirectorySize; } Glean.browserBackup.preferencesSize.set(fullSize); } }