/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { bytesToFuzzyKilobytes } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/backup/BackupResource.sys.mjs" ); const EXPECTED_KILOBYTES_FOR_XULSTORE = 1; /** * Tests that BackupService.getFileSize will get the size of a file in kilobytes. */ add_task(async function test_getFileSize() { let file = do_get_file("data/test_xulstore.json"); let testFilePath = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "test_xulstore.json"); await IOUtils.copy(file.path, PathUtils.profileDir); let size = await BackupResource.getFileSize(testFilePath); Assert.equal( size, EXPECTED_KILOBYTES_FOR_XULSTORE, "Size of the test_xulstore.json is rounded up to the nearest kilobyte." ); await IOUtils.remove(testFilePath); }); /** * Tests that BackupService.getDirectorySize will get the total size of all the * files in a directory and it's children in kilobytes. */ add_task(async function test_getDirectorySize() { let file = do_get_file("data/test_xulstore.json"); // Create a test directory with the test json file in it. let testDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "testDir"); await IOUtils.makeDirectory(testDir); await IOUtils.copy(file.path, testDir); // Create another test directory inside of that one. let nestedTestDir = PathUtils.join(testDir, "testDir"); await IOUtils.makeDirectory(nestedTestDir); await IOUtils.copy(file.path, nestedTestDir); let size = await BackupResource.getDirectorySize(testDir); Assert.equal( size, EXPECTED_KILOBYTES_FOR_XULSTORE * 2, `Total size of the directory is rounded up to the nearest kilobyte and is equal to twice the size of the test_xulstore.json file` ); await IOUtils.remove(testDir, { recursive: true }); }); /** * Tests that bytesToFuzzyKilobytes will convert bytes to kilobytes * and round up to the nearest tenth kilobyte. */ add_task(async function test_bytesToFuzzyKilobytes() { let largeSize = bytesToFuzzyKilobytes(1234000); Assert.equal( largeSize, 1230, "1234 bytes is rounded up to the nearest tenth kilobyte, 1230" ); let smallSize = bytesToFuzzyKilobytes(3); Assert.equal(smallSize, 1, "Sizes under 10 kilobytes return 1 kilobyte"); }); /** * Tests that BackupResource.copySqliteDatabases will call `backup` on a new * read-only connection on each database file. */ add_task(async function test_copySqliteDatabases() { let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP_PREF = "browser.backup.sqlite.pages_per_step"; const SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS_PREF = "browser.backup.sqlite.step_delay_ms"; const DEFAULT_SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP = Services.prefs.getIntPref( SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP_PREF ); const DEFAULT_SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS = Services.prefs.getIntPref( SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS_PREF ); let sourcePath = await IOUtils.createUniqueDirectory( PathUtils.tempDir, "BackupResource-source-test" ); let destPath = await IOUtils.createUniqueDirectory( PathUtils.tempDir, "BackupResource-dest-test" ); let pretendDatabases = ["places.sqlite", "favicons.sqlite"]; await createTestFiles( sourcePath, pretendDatabases.map(f => ({ path: f })) ); let fakeConnection = { backup: sandbox.stub().resolves(true), close: sandbox.stub().resolves(true), }; sandbox.stub(Sqlite, "openConnection").returns(fakeConnection); await BackupResource.copySqliteDatabases( sourcePath, destPath, pretendDatabases ); Assert.ok( Sqlite.openConnection.calledTwice, "Sqlite.openConnection called twice" ); Assert.ok( Sqlite.openConnection.firstCall.calledWith({ path: PathUtils.join(sourcePath, "places.sqlite"), readOnly: true, }), "openConnection called with places.sqlite as read-only" ); Assert.ok( Sqlite.openConnection.secondCall.calledWith({ path: PathUtils.join(sourcePath, "favicons.sqlite"), readOnly: true, }), "openConnection called with favicons.sqlite as read-only" ); Assert.ok( fakeConnection.backup.calledTwice, "backup on an Sqlite connection called twice" ); Assert.ok( fakeConnection.backup.firstCall.calledWith( PathUtils.join(destPath, "places.sqlite"), DEFAULT_SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP, DEFAULT_SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS ), "backup called with places.sqlite to the destination path with the right " + "pages per step and step delay" ); Assert.ok( fakeConnection.backup.secondCall.calledWith( PathUtils.join(destPath, "favicons.sqlite"), DEFAULT_SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP, DEFAULT_SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS ), "backup called with favicons.sqlite to the destination path with the " + "right pages per step and step delay" ); Assert.ok( fakeConnection.close.calledTwice, "close on an Sqlite connection called twice" ); // Now check that we can override the default pages per step and step delay. fakeConnection.backup.resetHistory(); const NEW_SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP = 10; const NEW_SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS = 500; Services.prefs.setIntPref( SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP_PREF, NEW_SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP ); Services.prefs.setIntPref( SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS_PREF, NEW_SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS ); await BackupResource.copySqliteDatabases( sourcePath, destPath, pretendDatabases ); Assert.ok( fakeConnection.backup.calledTwice, "backup on an Sqlite connection called twice" ); Assert.ok( fakeConnection.backup.firstCall.calledWith( PathUtils.join(destPath, "places.sqlite"), NEW_SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP, NEW_SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS ), "backup called with places.sqlite to the destination path with the right " + "pages per step and step delay" ); Assert.ok( fakeConnection.backup.secondCall.calledWith( PathUtils.join(destPath, "favicons.sqlite"), NEW_SQLITE_PAGES_PER_STEP, NEW_SQLITE_STEP_DELAY_MS ), "backup called with favicons.sqlite to the destination path with the " + "right pages per step and step delay" ); await maybeRemovePath(sourcePath); await maybeRemovePath(destPath); sandbox.restore(); }); /** * Tests that BackupResource.copyFiles will copy files from one directory to * another. */ add_task(async function test_copyFiles() { let sourcePath = await IOUtils.createUniqueDirectory( PathUtils.tempDir, "BackupResource-source-test" ); let destPath = await IOUtils.createUniqueDirectory( PathUtils.tempDir, "BackupResource-dest-test" ); const testFiles = [ { path: "file1.txt" }, { path: ["some", "nested", "file", "file2.txt"] }, { path: "file3.txt" }, ]; await createTestFiles(sourcePath, testFiles); await BackupResource.copyFiles(sourcePath, destPath, [ "file1.txt", "some", "file3.txt", "does-not-exist.txt", ]); await assertFilesExist(destPath, testFiles); Assert.ok( !(await IOUtils.exists(PathUtils.join(destPath, "does-not-exist.txt"))), "does-not-exist.txt wasn't somehow written to." ); await maybeRemovePath(sourcePath); await maybeRemovePath(destPath); });