/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { FormHistoryBackupResource } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/backup/FormHistoryBackupResource.sys.mjs" ); /** * Tests that we can measure the Form History db in a profile directory. */ add_task(async function test_measure() { const EXPECTED_FORM_HISTORY_DB_SIZE = 500; Services.fog.testResetFOG(); // Create resource files in temporary directory let tempDir = PathUtils.tempDir; let tempFormHistoryDBPath = PathUtils.join(tempDir, "formhistory.sqlite"); await createKilobyteSizedFile( tempFormHistoryDBPath, EXPECTED_FORM_HISTORY_DB_SIZE ); let formHistoryBackupResource = new FormHistoryBackupResource(); await formHistoryBackupResource.measure(tempDir); let formHistoryMeasurement = Glean.browserBackup.formHistorySize.testGetValue(); let scalars = TelemetryTestUtils.getProcessScalars("parent", false, false); // Compare glean vs telemetry measurements TelemetryTestUtils.assertScalar( scalars, "browser.backup.form_history_size", formHistoryMeasurement, "Glean and telemetry measurements for formhistory.sqlite should be equal" ); // Compare glean measurements vs actual file sizes Assert.equal( formHistoryMeasurement, EXPECTED_FORM_HISTORY_DB_SIZE, "Should have collected the correct glean measurement for formhistory.sqlite" ); await IOUtils.remove(tempFormHistoryDBPath); }); /** * Test that the backup method correctly copies items from the profile directory * into the staging directory. */ add_task(async function test_backup() { let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let formHistoryBackupResource = new FormHistoryBackupResource(); let sourcePath = await IOUtils.createUniqueDirectory( PathUtils.tempDir, "FormHistoryBackupResource-source-test" ); let stagingPath = await IOUtils.createUniqueDirectory( PathUtils.tempDir, "FormHistoryBackupResource-staging-test" ); // Make sure this file exists in the source directory, otherwise // BackupResource will skip attempting to back it up. await createTestFiles(sourcePath, [{ path: "formhistory.sqlite" }]); // We have no need to test that Sqlite.sys.mjs's backup method is working - // this is something that is tested in Sqlite's own tests. We can just make // sure that it's being called using sinon. Unfortunately, we cannot do the // same thing with IOUtils.copy, as its methods are not stubbable. let fakeConnection = { backup: sandbox.stub().resolves(true), close: sandbox.stub().resolves(true), }; sandbox.stub(Sqlite, "openConnection").returns(fakeConnection); let manifestEntry = await formHistoryBackupResource.backup( stagingPath, sourcePath ); Assert.equal( manifestEntry, null, "FormHistoryBackupResource.backup should return null as its ManifestEntry" ); // Next, we'll make sure that the Sqlite connection had `backup` called on it // with the right arguments. Assert.ok( fakeConnection.backup.calledOnce, "Called backup the expected number of times for all connections" ); Assert.ok( fakeConnection.backup.calledWith( PathUtils.join(stagingPath, "formhistory.sqlite") ), "Called backup on the formhistory.sqlite Sqlite connection" ); await maybeRemovePath(stagingPath); await maybeRemovePath(sourcePath); sandbox.restore(); }); /** * Test that the recover method correctly copies items from the recovery * directory into the destination profile directory. */ add_task(async function test_recover() { let formHistoryBackupResource = new FormHistoryBackupResource(); let recoveryPath = await IOUtils.createUniqueDirectory( PathUtils.tempDir, "FormHistoryBackupResource-recovery-test" ); let destProfilePath = await IOUtils.createUniqueDirectory( PathUtils.tempDir, "FormHistoryBackupResource-test-profile" ); const simpleCopyFiles = [{ path: "formhistory.sqlite" }]; await createTestFiles(recoveryPath, simpleCopyFiles); // The backup method is expected to have returned a null ManifestEntry let postRecoveryEntry = await formHistoryBackupResource.recover( null /* manifestEntry */, recoveryPath, destProfilePath ); Assert.equal( postRecoveryEntry, null, "FormHistoryBackupResource.recover should return null as its post " + "recovery entry" ); await assertFilesExist(destProfilePath, simpleCopyFiles); await maybeRemovePath(recoveryPath); await maybeRemovePath(destProfilePath); });