/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * This module runs the automated heuristics to enable/disable DoH on different * networks. Heuristics are run at startup and upon network changes. * Heuristics are disabled if the user sets their DoH provider or mode manually. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AsyncShutdown: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs", ClientID: "resource://gre/modules/ClientID.sys.mjs", DoHConfigController: "resource:///modules/DoHConfig.sys.mjs", ExperimentAPI: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", Heuristics: "resource:///modules/DoHHeuristics.sys.mjs", NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", Preferences: "resource://gre/modules/Preferences.sys.mjs", clearTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); // When this is set we suppress automatic TRR selection beyond dry-run as well // as sending observer notifications during heuristics throttling. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "kIsInAutomation", "doh-rollout._testing", false ); // We wait until the network has been stably up for this many milliseconds // before triggering a heuristics run. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "kNetworkDebounceTimeout", "doh-rollout.network-debounce-timeout", 1000 ); // If consecutive heuristics runs are attempted within this period after a first, // we suppress them for this duration, at the end of which point we decide whether // to do one coalesced run or to extend the timer if the rate limit was exceeded. // Note that the very first run is allowed, after which we start the timer. // This throttling is necessary due to evidence of clients that experience // network volatility leading to thousands of runs per hour. See bug 1626083. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "kHeuristicsThrottleTimeout", "doh-rollout.heuristics-throttle-timeout", 15000 ); // After the throttle timeout described above, if there are more than this many // heuristics attempts during the timeout, we restart the timer without running // heuristics. Thus, heuristics are suppressed completely as long as the rate // exceeds this limit. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "kHeuristicsRateLimit", "doh-rollout.heuristics-throttle-rate-limit", 2 ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "gCaptivePortalService", "@mozilla.org/network/captive-portal-service;1", "nsICaptivePortalService" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "gNetworkLinkService", "@mozilla.org/network/network-link-service;1", "nsINetworkLinkService" ); // Stores whether we've done first-run. const FIRST_RUN_PREF = "doh-rollout.doneFirstRun"; // Set when we detect that the user set their DoH provider or mode manually. // If set, we don't run heuristics. const DISABLED_PREF = "doh-rollout.disable-heuristics"; // Set when we detect either a non-DoH enterprise policy, or a DoH policy that // tells us to disable it. This pref's effect is to suppress the opt-out CFR. const SKIP_HEURISTICS_PREF = "doh-rollout.skipHeuristicsCheck"; // Whether to clear doh-rollout.mode on shutdown. When false, the mode value // that exists at shutdown will be used at startup until heuristics re-run. const CLEAR_ON_SHUTDOWN_PREF = "doh-rollout.clearModeOnShutdown"; const BREADCRUMB_PREF = "doh-rollout.self-enabled"; // Necko TRR prefs to watch for user-set values. const NETWORK_TRR_MODE_PREF = "network.trr.mode"; const NETWORK_TRR_URI_PREF = "network.trr.uri"; const ROLLOUT_MODE_PREF = "doh-rollout.mode"; const ROLLOUT_URI_PREF = "doh-rollout.uri"; const TRR_SELECT_DRY_RUN_RESULT_PREF = "doh-rollout.trr-selection.dry-run-result"; const NATIVE_FALLBACK_WARNING_PREF = "network.trr.display_fallback_warning"; const NATIVE_FALLBACK_WARNING_HEURISTIC_LIST_PREF = "network.trr.fallback_warning_heuristic_list"; const HEURISTICS_TELEMETRY_CATEGORY = "doh"; const TRRSELECT_TELEMETRY_CATEGORY = "security.doh.trrPerformance"; const kLinkStatusChangedTopic = "network:link-status-changed"; const kConnectivityTopic = "network:captive-portal-connectivity-changed"; const kPrefChangedTopic = "nsPref:changed"; // Helper function to hash the network ID concatenated with telemetry client ID. // This prevents us from being able to tell if 2 clients are on the same network. function getHashedNetworkID() { let currentNetworkID = lazy.gNetworkLinkService.networkID; if (!currentNetworkID) { return ""; } let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsICryptoHash ); hasher.init(Ci.nsICryptoHash.SHA256); // Concat the client ID with the network ID before hashing. let clientNetworkID = lazy.ClientID.getClientID() + currentNetworkID; hasher.update( clientNetworkID.split("").map(c => c.charCodeAt(0)), clientNetworkID.length ); return hasher.finish(true); } export const DoHController = { _heuristicsAreEnabled: false, async init() { Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled( HEURISTICS_TELEMETRY_CATEGORY, true ); Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled( TRRSELECT_TELEMETRY_CATEGORY, true ); await lazy.DoHConfigController.initComplete; Services.obs.addObserver(this, lazy.DoHConfigController.kConfigUpdateTopic); lazy.Preferences.observe(NETWORK_TRR_MODE_PREF, this); lazy.Preferences.observe(NETWORK_TRR_URI_PREF, this); lazy.Preferences.observe(NATIVE_FALLBACK_WARNING_PREF, this); lazy.Preferences.observe(NATIVE_FALLBACK_WARNING_HEURISTIC_LIST_PREF, this); if (lazy.DoHConfigController.currentConfig.enabled) { // At init time set these heuristics to false if we may run heuristics for (let key of lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.heuristicNames()) { Services.telemetry.keyedScalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristic_ever_tripped", key, false ); } await this.maybeEnableHeuristics(); } else if (lazy.Preferences.get(FIRST_RUN_PREF, false)) { await this.rollback(); } this._asyncShutdownBlocker = async () => { await this.disableHeuristics("shutdown"); }; lazy.AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.addBlocker( "DoHController: clear state and remove observers", this._asyncShutdownBlocker ); lazy.Preferences.set(FIRST_RUN_PREF, true); }, // Also used by tests to reset DoHController state (prefs are not cleared // here - tests do that when needed between _uninit and init). async _uninit() { Services.obs.removeObserver( this, lazy.DoHConfigController.kConfigUpdateTopic ); lazy.Preferences.ignore(NETWORK_TRR_MODE_PREF, this); lazy.Preferences.ignore(NETWORK_TRR_URI_PREF, this); lazy.AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.removeBlocker( this._asyncShutdownBlocker ); await this.disableHeuristics("shutdown"); }, // Called to reset state when a new config is available. resetPromise: Promise.resolve(), async reset() { this.resetPromise = this.resetPromise.then(async () => { await this._uninit(); await this.init(); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "doh:controller-reloaded"); }); return this.resetPromise; }, // The "maybe" is because there are two cases when we don't enable heuristics: // 1. If we detect that TRR mode or URI have user values, or we previously // detected this (i.e. DISABLED_PREF is true) // 2. If there are any non-DoH enterprise policies active async maybeEnableHeuristics() { if (lazy.Preferences.get(DISABLED_PREF)) { return; } let policyResult = await lazy.Heuristics.checkEnterprisePolicy(); if (policyResult != "no_policy_set") { switch (policyResult) { case "policy_without_doh": Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.enterprisePresent ); await this.setState("policyDisabled"); break; case "disable_doh": Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.enterpriseDisabled ); await this.setState("policyDisabled"); break; case "enable_doh": // The TRR mode has already been set, so theoretically we should not get here. // XXX: should we skip heuristics or continue? // TODO: Make sure we use the correct URL if the policy defines one. Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.enterpriseEnabled ); break; } lazy.Preferences.set(SKIP_HEURISTICS_PREF, true); return; } lazy.Preferences.reset(SKIP_HEURISTICS_PREF); if ( lazy.Preferences.isSet(NETWORK_TRR_MODE_PREF) || lazy.Preferences.isSet(NETWORK_TRR_URI_PREF) ) { await this.setState("manuallyDisabled"); lazy.Preferences.set(DISABLED_PREF, true); return; } await this.runTRRSelection(); // If we enter this branch it means that no automatic selection was possible. // In this case, we try to set a fallback (as defined by DoHConfigController). if (!lazy.Preferences.isSet(ROLLOUT_URI_PREF)) { let uri = lazy.DoHConfigController.currentConfig.fallbackProviderURI; // If part of the treatment branch use the URL from the experiment. try { let ohttpURI = lazy.NimbusFeatures.dooh.getVariable("ohttpUri"); if (ohttpURI) { uri = ohttpURI; } } catch (e) { console.error(`Error getting dooh.ohttpURI: ${e.message}`); } lazy.Preferences.set(ROLLOUT_URI_PREF, uri || ""); } this.runHeuristicsThrottled("startup"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kLinkStatusChangedTopic); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kConnectivityTopic); this._heuristicsAreEnabled = true; }, _runsWhileThrottling: 0, _wasThrottleExtended: false, _throttleHeuristics() { if (lazy.kHeuristicsThrottleTimeout < 0) { // Skip throttling in tests that set timeout to a negative value. return false; } if (this._throttleTimer) { // Already throttling - nothing to do. this._runsWhileThrottling++; return true; } this._runsWhileThrottling = 0; this._throttleTimer = lazy.setTimeout( this._handleThrottleTimeout.bind(this), lazy.kHeuristicsThrottleTimeout ); return false; }, _handleThrottleTimeout() { delete this._throttleTimer; if (this._runsWhileThrottling > lazy.kHeuristicsRateLimit) { // During the throttle period, we saw that the rate limit was exceeded. // We extend the throttle period, and don't bother running heuristics yet. this._wasThrottleExtended = true; // Restart the throttle timer. this._throttleHeuristics(); if (lazy.kIsInAutomation) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "doh:heuristics-throttle-extend"); } return; } // If this was an extended throttle and there were no runs during the // extended period, we still want to run heuristics, since the extended // throttle implies we had a non-zero number of attempts before extension. if (this._runsWhileThrottling > 0 || this._wasThrottleExtended) { this.runHeuristicsThrottled("throttled"); } this._wasThrottleExtended = false; if (lazy.kIsInAutomation) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "doh:heuristics-throttle-done"); } }, runHeuristicsThrottled(evaluateReason) { // _throttleHeuristics returns true if we've already witnessed a run and the // timeout period hasn't lapsed yet. If it does so, we suppress this run. if (this._throttleHeuristics()) { return; } // _throttleHeuristics returned false - we're good to run heuristics. // At this point the timer has been started and subsequent calls will be // suppressed if it hasn't fired yet. this.runHeuristics(evaluateReason); }, async runHeuristics(evaluateReason) { let start = Date.now(); Services.telemetry.scalarAdd("networking.doh_heuristics_attempts", 1); Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.incomplete ); let results = await lazy.Heuristics.run(); if ( !lazy.gNetworkLinkService.isLinkUp || this._lastDebounceTimestamp > start || lazy.gCaptivePortalService.state == lazy.gCaptivePortalService.LOCKED_PORTAL ) { // If the network is currently down or there was a debounce triggered // while we were running heuristics, it means the network fluctuated // during this heuristics run. We simply discard the results in this case. // Same thing if there was another heuristics run triggered or if we have // detected a locked captive portal while this one was ongoing. Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.ignored ); return; } let decision = Object.values(results).includes(lazy.Heuristics.DISABLE_DOH) ? lazy.Heuristics.DISABLE_DOH : lazy.Heuristics.ENABLE_DOH; let getCaptiveStateString = () => { switch (lazy.gCaptivePortalService.state) { case lazy.gCaptivePortalService.NOT_CAPTIVE: return "not_captive"; case lazy.gCaptivePortalService.UNLOCKED_PORTAL: return "unlocked"; case lazy.gCaptivePortalService.LOCKED_PORTAL: return "locked"; default: return "unknown"; } }; let resultsForTelemetry = { evaluateReason, steeredProvider: "", captiveState: getCaptiveStateString(), // NOTE: This might not yet be available after a network change. We mainly // care about the startup case though - we want to look at whether the // heuristics result is consistent for networkIDs often seen at startup. // TODO: Use this data to implement cached results to use early at startup. networkID: getHashedNetworkID(), }; const oHTTPexperiment = lazy.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData({ featureId: "dooh", }); // When the OHTTP experiment is active we don't want to enable steering. if (results.steeredProvider && !oHTTPexperiment) { Services.dns.setDetectedTrrURI(results.steeredProvider.uri); resultsForTelemetry.steeredProvider = results.steeredProvider.id; } this.setHeuristicResult(Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_UNSET); if (decision === lazy.Heuristics.DISABLE_DOH) { Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.fromResults(results) ); let fallbackHeuristicTripped = undefined; if (lazy.Preferences.get(NATIVE_FALLBACK_WARNING_PREF, false)) { let heuristics = lazy.Preferences.get( NATIVE_FALLBACK_WARNING_HEURISTIC_LIST_PREF, "" ).split(","); for (let [heuristicName, result] of Object.entries(results)) { if (result !== lazy.Heuristics.DISABLE_DOH) { continue; } if (heuristics.includes(heuristicName)) { fallbackHeuristicTripped = heuristicName; break; } } } // If none of the fallback heuristics failed, the detection result will be TRR_OK // Otherwise it will be the skip reason for the failed heuristic. let heuristicSkipReason = Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_OK; if (fallbackHeuristicTripped != undefined) { heuristicSkipReason = lazy.Heuristics.heuristicNameToSkipReason( fallbackHeuristicTripped ); } this.setHeuristicResult(heuristicSkipReason); await this.setState("disabled"); } else { Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.pass ); Services.telemetry.scalarAdd("networking.doh_heuristics_pass_count", 1); await this.setState("enabled"); } // For telemetry, we group the heuristics results into three categories. // Only heuristics with a DISABLE_DOH result are included. // Each category is finally included in the event as a comma-separated list. let canaries = []; let filtering = []; let enterprise = []; let platform = []; for (let [heuristicName, result] of Object.entries(results)) { if (result !== lazy.Heuristics.DISABLE_DOH) { continue; } if (["canary", "zscalerCanary"].includes(heuristicName)) { canaries.push(heuristicName); } else if ( ["browserParent", "google", "youtube"].includes(heuristicName) ) { filtering.push(heuristicName); } else if ( ["policy", "modifiedRoots", "thirdPartyRoots"].includes(heuristicName) ) { enterprise.push(heuristicName); } else if (["vpn", "proxy", "nrpt"].includes(heuristicName)) { platform.push(heuristicName); } if (lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.heuristicNames().includes(heuristicName)) { Services.telemetry.keyedScalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristic_ever_tripped", heuristicName, true ); } } resultsForTelemetry.canaries = canaries.join(","); resultsForTelemetry.filtering = filtering.join(","); resultsForTelemetry.enterprise = enterprise.join(","); resultsForTelemetry.platform = platform.join(","); Services.telemetry.recordEvent( HEURISTICS_TELEMETRY_CATEGORY, "evaluate_v2", "heuristics", decision, resultsForTelemetry ); }, async setState(state) { switch (state) { case "disabled": lazy.Preferences.set(ROLLOUT_MODE_PREF, 0); break; case "enabled": lazy.Preferences.set(ROLLOUT_MODE_PREF, 2); lazy.Preferences.set(BREADCRUMB_PREF, true); break; case "policyDisabled": case "manuallyDisabled": case "UIDisabled": lazy.Preferences.reset(BREADCRUMB_PREF); // Fall through. case "rollback": this.setHeuristicResult(Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_UNSET); lazy.Preferences.reset(ROLLOUT_MODE_PREF); break; case "shutdown": this.setHeuristicResult(Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_UNSET); if (lazy.Preferences.get(CLEAR_ON_SHUTDOWN_PREF, true)) { lazy.Preferences.reset(ROLLOUT_MODE_PREF); } break; } Services.telemetry.recordEvent( HEURISTICS_TELEMETRY_CATEGORY, "state", state, "null" ); let modePref = lazy.Preferences.get(NETWORK_TRR_MODE_PREF); if (state == "manuallyDisabled") { if ( modePref == Ci.nsIDNSService.MODE_TRRFIRST || modePref == Ci.nsIDNSService.MODE_TRRONLY ) { Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.manuallyEnabled ); } else if ( lazy.Preferences.get("doh-rollout.doorhanger-decision", "") == "UIDisabled" ) { Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.optOut ); } else { Services.telemetry.scalarSet( "networking.doh_heuristics_result", lazy.Heuristics.Telemetry.manuallyDisabled ); } } }, async disableHeuristics(state) { await this.setState(state); if (!this._heuristicsAreEnabled) { return; } Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kLinkStatusChangedTopic); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kConnectivityTopic); if (this._debounceTimer) { lazy.clearTimeout(this._debounceTimer); delete this._debounceTimer; } if (this._throttleTimer) { lazy.clearTimeout(this._throttleTimer); delete this._throttleTimer; } this._heuristicsAreEnabled = false; }, async rollback() { await this.disableHeuristics("rollback"); }, async runTRRSelection() { // If persisting the selection is disabled, clear the existing // selection. if (!lazy.DoHConfigController.currentConfig.trrSelection.commitResult) { lazy.Preferences.reset(ROLLOUT_URI_PREF); } if (!lazy.DoHConfigController.currentConfig.trrSelection.enabled) { return; } if ( lazy.Preferences.isSet(ROLLOUT_URI_PREF) && lazy.Preferences.get(ROLLOUT_URI_PREF) == lazy.Preferences.get(TRR_SELECT_DRY_RUN_RESULT_PREF) ) { return; } await this.runTRRSelectionDryRun(); // If persisting the selection is disabled, don't commit the value. if (!lazy.DoHConfigController.currentConfig.trrSelection.commitResult) { return; } lazy.Preferences.set( ROLLOUT_URI_PREF, lazy.Preferences.get(TRR_SELECT_DRY_RUN_RESULT_PREF) ); }, async runTRRSelectionDryRun() { if (lazy.Preferences.isSet(TRR_SELECT_DRY_RUN_RESULT_PREF)) { // Check whether the existing dry-run-result is in the default // list of TRRs. If it is, all good. Else, run the dry run again. let dryRunResult = lazy.Preferences.get(TRR_SELECT_DRY_RUN_RESULT_PREF); let dryRunResultIsValid = lazy.DoHConfigController.currentConfig.providerList.some( trr => trr.uri == dryRunResult ); if (dryRunResultIsValid) { return; } } let setDryRunResultAndRecordTelemetry = trrUri => { lazy.Preferences.set(TRR_SELECT_DRY_RUN_RESULT_PREF, trrUri); Services.telemetry.recordEvent( TRRSELECT_TELEMETRY_CATEGORY, "trrselect", "dryrunresult", trrUri.substring(0, 40) // Telemetry payload max length ); }; if (lazy.kIsInAutomation) { // For mochitests, just record telemetry with a dummy result. // TRRPerformance.sys.mjs is tested in xpcshell. setDryRunResultAndRecordTelemetry("https://example.com/dns-query"); return; } // Importing the module here saves us from having to do it at startup, and // ensures tests have time to set prefs before the module initializes. let { TRRRacer } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/TRRPerformance.sys.mjs" ); await new Promise(resolve => { let trrList = lazy.DoHConfigController.currentConfig.trrSelection.providerList.map( trr => trr.uri ); let racer = new TRRRacer(() => { setDryRunResultAndRecordTelemetry(racer.getFastestTRR(true)); resolve(); }, trrList); racer.run(); }); }, observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case kLinkStatusChangedTopic: this.onConnectionChanged(); break; case kConnectivityTopic: this.onConnectivityAvailable(); break; case kPrefChangedTopic: this.onPrefChanged(data); break; case lazy.DoHConfigController.kConfigUpdateTopic: this.reset(); break; } }, setHeuristicResult(skipReason) { try { Services.dns.setHeuristicDetectionResult(skipReason); } catch (e) {} }, async onPrefChanged(pref) { switch (pref) { case NETWORK_TRR_URI_PREF: case NETWORK_TRR_MODE_PREF: lazy.Preferences.set(DISABLED_PREF, true); await this.disableHeuristics("manuallyDisabled"); break; case NATIVE_FALLBACK_WARNING_PREF: case NATIVE_FALLBACK_WARNING_HEURISTIC_LIST_PREF: if (this._heuristicsAreEnabled) { await this.runHeuristics("native-fallback-warning-pref-changed"); } else { this.setHeuristicResult(Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_UNSET); } break; } }, // Connection change events are debounced to allow the network to settle. // We wait for the network to be up for a period of kDebounceTimeout before // handling the change. The timer is canceled when the network goes down and // restarted the first time we learn that it went back up. _debounceTimer: null, _cancelDebounce() { if (!this._debounceTimer) { return; } lazy.clearTimeout(this._debounceTimer); this._debounceTimer = null; }, _lastDebounceTimestamp: 0, onConnectionChanged() { if (!lazy.gNetworkLinkService.isLinkUp) { // Network is down - reset debounce timer. this._cancelDebounce(); return; } if (this._debounceTimer) { // Already debouncing - nothing to do. return; } if (lazy.kNetworkDebounceTimeout < 0) { // Skip debouncing in tests that set timeout to a negative value. this.onConnectionChangedDebounced(); return; } this._lastDebounceTimestamp = Date.now(); this._debounceTimer = lazy.setTimeout(() => { this._cancelDebounce(); this.onConnectionChangedDebounced(); }, lazy.kNetworkDebounceTimeout); }, onConnectionChangedDebounced() { if (!lazy.gNetworkLinkService.isLinkUp) { return; } if ( lazy.gCaptivePortalService.state == lazy.gCaptivePortalService.LOCKED_PORTAL ) { return; } // The network is up and we don't know that we're in a locked portal. // Run heuristics. If we detect a portal later, we'll run heuristics again // when it's unlocked. In that case, this run will likely have failed. this.runHeuristicsThrottled("netchange"); }, onConnectivityAvailable() { if (this._debounceTimer) { // Already debouncing - nothing to do. return; } this.runHeuristicsThrottled("connectivity"); }, };