/* Coverage for context menu state for downloads in the Downloads Panel */ let gDownloadDir; const TestFiles = {}; let ReferrerInfo = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/referrer-info;1", "nsIReferrerInfo", "init" ); // Load a new URI with a specific referrer. let exampleRefInfo = new ReferrerInfo( Ci.nsIReferrerInfo.EMPTY, true, Services.io.newURI("https://example.org") ); const MENU_ITEMS = { pause: ".downloadPauseMenuItem", resume: ".downloadResumeMenuItem", unblock: '[command="downloadsCmd_unblock"]', openInSystemViewer: '[command="downloadsCmd_openInSystemViewer"]', alwaysOpenInSystemViewer: '[command="downloadsCmd_alwaysOpenInSystemViewer"]', alwaysOpenSimilarFiles: '[command="downloadsCmd_alwaysOpenSimilarFiles"]', show: '[command="downloadsCmd_show"]', commandsSeparator: "menuseparator,.downloadCommandsSeparator", openReferrer: ".downloadOpenReferrerMenuItem", copyLocation: ".downloadCopyLocationMenuItem", separator: "menuseparator", deleteFile: ".downloadDeleteFileMenuItem", delete: '[command="cmd_delete"]', clearList: '[command="downloadsCmd_clearList"]', clearDownloads: '[command="downloadsCmd_clearDownloads"]', }; const TestCasesNewMimetypes = [ { name: "Completed txt download", downloads: [ { state: DownloadsCommon.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED, contentType: "text/plain", target: {}, source: { referrerInfo: exampleRefInfo, }, }, ], expected: { menu: [ MENU_ITEMS.alwaysOpenSimilarFiles, MENU_ITEMS.show, MENU_ITEMS.commandsSeparator, MENU_ITEMS.openReferrer, MENU_ITEMS.copyLocation, MENU_ITEMS.separator, MENU_ITEMS.deleteFile, MENU_ITEMS.delete, MENU_ITEMS.clearList, ], }, }, { name: "Canceled txt download", downloads: [ { state: DownloadsCommon.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED, contentType: "text/plain", target: {}, source: { referrerInfo: exampleRefInfo, }, }, ], expected: { menu: [ MENU_ITEMS.openReferrer, MENU_ITEMS.copyLocation, MENU_ITEMS.separator, MENU_ITEMS.delete, MENU_ITEMS.clearList, ], }, }, { name: "Completed unknown ext download with application/octet-stream", overrideExtension: "unknownExtension", downloads: [ { state: DownloadsCommon.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED, contentType: "application/octet-stream", target: {}, source: { referrerInfo: exampleRefInfo, }, }, ], expected: { menu: [ MENU_ITEMS.show, MENU_ITEMS.commandsSeparator, MENU_ITEMS.openReferrer, MENU_ITEMS.copyLocation, MENU_ITEMS.separator, MENU_ITEMS.deleteFile, MENU_ITEMS.delete, MENU_ITEMS.clearList, ], }, }, { name: "Completed txt download with application/octet-stream", overrideExtension: "txt", downloads: [ { state: DownloadsCommon.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED, contentType: "application/octet-stream", target: {}, source: { referrerInfo: exampleRefInfo, }, }, ], expected: { menu: [ // Despite application/octet-stream content type, ensure // alwaysOpenSimilarFiles still appears since txt files // are supported file types. MENU_ITEMS.alwaysOpenSimilarFiles, MENU_ITEMS.show, MENU_ITEMS.commandsSeparator, MENU_ITEMS.openReferrer, MENU_ITEMS.copyLocation, MENU_ITEMS.separator, MENU_ITEMS.deleteFile, MENU_ITEMS.delete, MENU_ITEMS.clearList, ], }, }, ]; const TestCasesDeletedFile = [ { name: "Download with file deleted", downloads: [ { state: DownloadsCommon.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED, contentType: "text/plain", target: {}, source: { referrerInfo: exampleRefInfo, }, deleted: true, }, ], expected: { menu: [ MENU_ITEMS.alwaysOpenSimilarFiles, MENU_ITEMS.openReferrer, MENU_ITEMS.copyLocation, MENU_ITEMS.separator, MENU_ITEMS.delete, MENU_ITEMS.clearList, ], }, }, ]; const TestCasesMultipleFiles = [ { name: "Multiple files", downloads: [ { state: DownloadsCommon.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED, contentType: "text/plain", target: {}, source: { referrerInfo: exampleRefInfo, }, }, { state: DownloadsCommon.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED, contentType: "text/plain", target: {}, source: { referrerInfo: exampleRefInfo, }, deleted: true, }, ], expected: { menu: [ MENU_ITEMS.alwaysOpenSimilarFiles, MENU_ITEMS.openReferrer, MENU_ITEMS.copyLocation, MENU_ITEMS.separator, MENU_ITEMS.delete, MENU_ITEMS.clearList, ], }, itemIndex: 1, }, ]; add_setup(async function () { // remove download files, empty out collections let downloadList = await Downloads.getList(Downloads.ALL); let downloadCount = (await downloadList.getAll()).length; is(downloadCount, 0, "At the start of the test, there should be 0 downloads"); await task_resetState(); if (!gDownloadDir) { gDownloadDir = await setDownloadDir(); } info("Created download directory: " + gDownloadDir); // create the downloaded files we'll need TestFiles.pdf = await createDownloadedFile( PathUtils.join(gDownloadDir, "downloaded.pdf"), DATA_PDF ); info("Created downloaded PDF file at:" + TestFiles.pdf.path); TestFiles.txt = await createDownloadedFile( PathUtils.join(gDownloadDir, "downloaded.txt"), "Test file" ); info("Created downloaded text file at:" + TestFiles.txt.path); TestFiles.unknownExtension = await createDownloadedFile( PathUtils.join(gDownloadDir, "downloaded.unknownExtension"), "Test file" ); info( "Created downloaded unknownExtension file at:" + TestFiles.unknownExtension.path ); TestFiles.nonexistentFile = new FileUtils.File( PathUtils.join(gDownloadDir, "nonexistent") ); info( "Created nonexistent downloaded file at:" + TestFiles.nonexistentFile.path ); }); // non default mimetypes for (let testData of TestCasesNewMimetypes) { if (testData.skip) { info("Skipping test:" + testData.name); continue; } // use the 'name' property of each test case as the test function name // so we get useful logs let tmp = { async [testData.name]() { await testDownloadContextMenu(testData); }, }; add_task(tmp[testData.name]); } for (let testData of TestCasesDeletedFile) { if (testData.skip) { info("Skipping test:" + testData.name); continue; } // use the 'name' property of each test case as the test function name // so we get useful logs let tmp = { async [testData.name]() { await testDownloadContextMenu(testData); }, }; add_task(tmp[testData.name]); } for (let testData of TestCasesMultipleFiles) { if (testData.skip) { info("Skipping test:" + testData.name); continue; } // use the 'name' property of each test case as the test function name // so we get useful logs let tmp = { async [testData.name]() { await testDownloadContextMenu(testData); }, }; add_task(tmp[testData.name]); } async function testDownloadContextMenu({ overrideExtension = null, downloads = [], expected, itemIndex = 0, }) { // prepare downloads await prepareDownloads(downloads, overrideExtension); let downloadList = await Downloads.getList(Downloads.PUBLIC); let download = (await downloadList.getAll())[itemIndex]; info("Download succeeded? " + download.succeeded); info("Download target exists? " + download.target.exists); // open panel await task_openPanel(); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { let downloadsListBox = document.getElementById("downloadsListBox"); downloadsListBox.removeAttribute("disabled"); return downloadsListBox.childElementCount == downloads.length; }); let itemTarget = document .querySelectorAll("#downloadsListBox richlistitem") [itemIndex].querySelector(".downloadMainArea"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(itemTarget, 1, 1, { type: "mousemove" }); is( DownloadsView.richListBox.selectedIndex, 0, "moving the mouse resets the richlistbox's selected index" ); info("trigger the context menu"); let contextMenu = await openContextMenu(itemTarget); // FIXME: This works in practice, but simulating the context menu opening // doesn't seem to automatically set the selected index. DownloadsView.richListBox.selectedIndex = itemIndex; EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(itemTarget, 1, 1, { type: "mousemove" }); is( DownloadsView.richListBox.selectedIndex, itemIndex, "selected index after opening the context menu and moving the mouse" ); info("context menu should be open, verify its menu items"); let result = verifyContextMenu(contextMenu, expected.menu); // close menus contextMenu.hidePopup(); let hiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( DownloadsPanel.panel, "popuphidden" ); DownloadsPanel.hidePanel(); await hiddenPromise; ok(!result, "Expected no errors verifying context menu items"); // clean up downloads await downloadList.removeFinished(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers function verifyContextMenu(contextMenu, itemSelectors) { // Ignore hidden nodes let items = Array.from(contextMenu.children).filter(n => BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(n) ); let menuAsText = items .map(n => { return n.nodeName == "menuseparator" ? "---" : `${n.label} (${n.command})`; }) .join("\n"); info("Got actual context menu items: \n" + menuAsText); try { is( items.length, itemSelectors.length, "Context menu has the expected number of items" ); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { let selector = itemSelectors[i]; ok( items[i].matches(selector), `Item at ${i} matches expected selector: ${selector}` ); } } catch (ex) { return ex; } return null; } async function prepareDownloads(downloads, overrideExtension = null) { for (let props of downloads) { info(JSON.stringify(props)); if (props.state !== DownloadsCommon.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED) { continue; } if (props.deleted) { props.target = TestFiles.nonexistentFile; continue; } switch (props.contentType) { case "application/pdf": props.target = TestFiles.pdf; break; case "text/plain": props.target = TestFiles.txt; break; case "application/octet-stream": props.target = TestFiles[overrideExtension]; break; } ok(props.target instanceof Ci.nsIFile, "download target is a nsIFile"); } // If we'd just insert downloads as defined in the test case, they would // appear reversed in the panel, because they will be in descending insertion // order (newest at the top). The problem is we define an itemIndex based on // the downloads array, and it would be weird to define it based on a // reversed order. Short, we just reverse the array to preserve the order. await task_addDownloads(downloads.reverse()); }