/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { PlacesTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/PlacesTestUtils.sys.mjs", }); let win; function waitForChildren(element, callback) { let MutationObserver = element.ownerGlobal.MutationObserver; return new Promise(resolve => { let observer = new MutationObserver(() => { if (callback()) { observer.disconnect(); resolve(); } }); observer.observe(element, { childList: true }); }); } async function waitForChildrenLength(element, length) { if (element.childElementCount != length) { await waitForChildren(element, () => element.childElementCount == length); } } registerCleanupFunction(async function () { await task_resetState(); await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); }); async function testClearingDownloads(clearCallback) { const DOWNLOAD_DATA = [ httpUrl("file1.txt"), httpUrl("file2.txt"), httpUrl("file3.txt"), ]; let listbox = win.document.getElementById("downloadsListBox"); ok(listbox, "download list box present"); let promiseLength = waitForChildrenLength(listbox, DOWNLOAD_DATA.length); await simulateDropAndCheck(win, listbox, DOWNLOAD_DATA); await promiseLength; let receivedNotifications = []; const promiseNotification = PlacesTestUtils.waitForNotification( "page-removed", events => { for (const { url, isRemovedFromStore } of events) { Assert.ok(isRemovedFromStore); if (DOWNLOAD_DATA.includes(url)) { receivedNotifications.push(url); } } return receivedNotifications.length == DOWNLOAD_DATA.length; } ); promiseLength = waitForChildrenLength(listbox, 0); await clearCallback(listbox); await promiseLength; await promiseNotification; Assert.deepEqual( receivedNotifications.sort(), DOWNLOAD_DATA.sort(), "Should have received notifications for each URL" ); } add_setup(async function () { // Ensure that state is reset in case previous tests didn't finish. await task_resetState(); await setDownloadDir(); startServer(); win = await openLibrary("Downloads"); registerCleanupFunction(function () { win.close(); }); }); add_task(async function test_clear_downloads_toolbar() { await testClearingDownloads(async () => { win.document.getElementById("clearDownloadsButton").click(); }); }); add_task(async function test_clear_downloads_context_menu() { await testClearingDownloads(async listbox => { // Select one of the downloads. listbox.itemChildren[0].click(); let contextMenu = win.document.getElementById("downloadsContextMenu"); let popupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( contextMenu, "popupshown" ); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( listbox.itemChildren[0], { type: "contextmenu", button: 2 }, win ); await popupShownPromise; // Find the clear context item. let clearDownloadsButton = [...contextMenu.children].find( child => child.command == "downloadsCmd_clearDownloads" ); contextMenu.activateItem(clearDownloadsButton); }); });