const DATA_PDF = atob( "JVBERi0xLjANCjEgMCBvYmo8PC9UeXBlL0NhdGFsb2cvUGFnZXMgMiAwIFI+PmVuZG9iaiAyIDAgb2JqPDwvVHlwZS9QYWdlcy9LaWRzWzMgMCBSXS9Db3VudCAxPj5lbmRvYmogMyAwIG9iajw8L1R5cGUvUGFnZS9NZWRpYUJveFswIDAgMyAzXT4+ZW5kb2JqDQp4cmVmDQowIDQNCjAwMDAwMDAwMDAgNjU1MzUgZg0KMDAwMDAwMDAxMCAwMDAwMCBuDQowMDAwMDAwMDUzIDAwMDAwIG4NCjAwMDAwMDAxMDIgMDAwMDAgbg0KdHJhaWxlcjw8L1NpemUgNC9Sb290IDEgMCBSPj4NCnN0YXJ0eHJlZg0KMTQ5DQolRU9G" ); const DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE = { source: { url: "", }, target: { path: "", }, contentType: "text/plain", succeeded: DownloadsCommon.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED, canceled: false, error: null, hasPartialData: false, hasBlockedData: false, startTime: new Date( - 1000), }; const TESTFILES = { "download-test.pdf": DATA_PDF, "download-test.xxunknown": DATA_PDF, "download-test-missing.pdf": null, }; let gPublicList; add_task(async function test_setup() { let profileDir = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path; Assert.ok(profileDir, "profileDir: " + profileDir); for (let [filename, contents] of Object.entries(TESTFILES)) { TESTFILES[filename] = await createDownloadedFile( PathUtils.join(gDownloadDir, filename), contents ); } gPublicList = await Downloads.getList(Downloads.PUBLIC); }); const TESTCASES = [ { name: "Null download arg", typeArg: "application/pdf", downloadProps: null, expected: /TypeError/, }, { name: "Missing type arg", typeArg: undefined, downloadProps: { target: "download-test.pdf", }, expected: /TypeError/, }, { name: "Empty string type arg", typeArg: "", downloadProps: { target: "download-test.pdf", }, expected: false, }, { name: "download succeeded, file exists, unknown extension but contentType matches", typeArg: "application/pdf", downloadProps: { target: "download-test.xxunknown", contentType: "application/pdf", }, expected: true, }, { name: "download succeeded, file exists, contentType is generic and file extension maps to matching mime-type", typeArg: "application/pdf", downloadProps: { target: "download-test.pdf", contentType: "application/unknown", }, expected: true, }, { name: "download did not succeed", typeArg: "application/pdf", downloadProps: { target: "download-test.pdf", contentType: "application/pdf", succeeded: false, }, expected: false, }, { name: "file does not exist", typeArg: "application/pdf", downloadProps: { target: "download-test-missing.pdf", contentType: "application/pdf", }, expected: false, }, { name: "contentType is missing and file extension doesnt map to a known mime-type", typeArg: "application/pdf", downloadProps: { contentType: undefined, target: "download-test.xxunknown", }, expected: false, }, ]; for (let testData of TESTCASES) { let tmp = { async []() { info("testing with: " + JSON.stringify(testData)); await test_isFileOfType(testData); }, }; add_task(tmp[]); } /** * Sanity test the DownloadsCommon.isFileOfType method with test parameters */ async function test_isFileOfType({ typeArg, downloadProps, expected }) { let download, result; if (downloadProps) { let downloadData = { ...DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE, ...downloadProps, }; = TESTFILES[]; Assert.ok( instanceof Ci.nsIFile, "target is a nsIFile"); download = await Downloads.createDownload(downloadData); await gPublicList.add(download); await download.refresh(); } if (typeof expected == "boolean") { result = await DownloadsCommon.isFileOfType(download, typeArg); Assert.equal(result, expected, "Expected result from call to isFileOfType"); } else { Assert.throws( () => DownloadsCommon.isFileOfType(download, typeArg), expected, "isFileOfType should throw an exception if either the download object or mime-type arguments are falsey" ); } }