/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var { ExtensionParent } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs" ); ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { BroadcastConduit: "resource://gre/modules/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs", }); var { watchExtensionProxyContextLoad } = ExtensionParent; var { promiseDocumentLoaded } = ExtensionUtils; const WEBEXT_PANELS_URL = "chrome://browser/content/webext-panels.xhtml"; class BaseDevToolsPanel { constructor(context, panelOptions) { const toolbox = context.devToolsToolbox; if (!toolbox) { // This should never happen when this constructor is called with a valid // devtools extension context. throw Error("Missing mandatory toolbox"); } this.context = context; this.extension = context.extension; this.toolbox = toolbox; this.viewType = "devtools_panel"; this.panelOptions = panelOptions; this.id = panelOptions.id; this.unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad = null; // References to the panel browser XUL element and the toolbox window global which // contains the devtools panel UI. this.browser = null; this.browserContainerWindow = null; } async createBrowserElement(window) { const { toolbox } = this; const { extension } = this.context; const { url } = this.panelOptions || { url: "about:blank" }; this.browser = await window.getBrowser({ extension, extensionUrl: url, browserStyle: false, viewType: "devtools_panel", browserInsertedData: { devtoolsToolboxInfo: { toolboxPanelId: this.id, inspectedWindowTabId: getTargetTabIdForToolbox(toolbox), }, }, }); let hasTopLevelContext = false; // Listening to new proxy contexts. this.unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad = watchExtensionProxyContextLoad( this, context => { // Keep track of the toolbox and target associated to the context, which is // needed by the API methods implementation. context.devToolsToolbox = toolbox; if (!hasTopLevelContext) { hasTopLevelContext = true; // Resolve the promise when the root devtools_panel context has been created. if (this._resolveTopLevelContext) { this._resolveTopLevelContext(context); } } } ); this.browser.fixupAndLoadURIString(url, { triggeringPrincipal: this.context.principal, }); } destroyBrowserElement() { const { browser, unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad } = this; if (unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad) { this.unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad = null; unwatchExtensionProxyContextLoad(); } if (browser) { browser.remove(); this.browser = null; } } } /** * Represents an addon devtools panel in the main process. * * @param {ExtensionChildProxyContext} context * A devtools extension proxy context running in a main process. * @param {object} options * @param {string} options.id * The id of the addon devtools panel. * @param {string} options.icon * The icon of the addon devtools panel. * @param {string} options.title * The title of the addon devtools panel. * @param {string} options.url * The url of the addon devtools panel, relative to the extension base URL. */ class ParentDevToolsPanel extends BaseDevToolsPanel { constructor(context, panelOptions) { super(context, panelOptions); this.visible = false; this.destroyed = false; this.context.callOnClose(this); this.conduit = new BroadcastConduit(this, { id: `${this.id}-parent`, send: ["PanelHidden", "PanelShown"], }); this.onToolboxPanelSelect = this.onToolboxPanelSelect.bind(this); this.onToolboxHostWillChange = this.onToolboxHostWillChange.bind(this); this.onToolboxHostChanged = this.onToolboxHostChanged.bind(this); this.waitTopLevelContext = new Promise(resolve => { this._resolveTopLevelContext = resolve; }); this.panelAdded = false; this.addPanel(); } addPanel() { const { icon, title } = this.panelOptions; const extensionName = this.context.extension.name; this.toolbox.addAdditionalTool({ id: this.id, extensionId: this.context.extension.id, url: WEBEXT_PANELS_URL, icon: icon, label: title, // panelLabel is used to set the aria-label attribute (See Bug 1570645). panelLabel: title, tooltip: `DevTools Panel added by "${extensionName}" add-on.`, isToolSupported: toolbox => toolbox.commands.descriptorFront.isLocalTab, build: (window, toolbox) => { if (toolbox !== this.toolbox) { throw new Error( "Unexpected toolbox received on addAdditionalTool build property" ); } const destroy = this.buildPanel(window); return { toolbox, destroy }; }, }); this.panelAdded = true; } buildPanel(window) { const { toolbox } = this; this.createBrowserElement(window); // Store the last panel's container element (used to restore it when the toolbox // host is switched between docked and undocked). this.browserContainerWindow = window; toolbox.on("select", this.onToolboxPanelSelect); toolbox.on("host-will-change", this.onToolboxHostWillChange); toolbox.on("host-changed", this.onToolboxHostChanged); // Return a cleanup method that is when the panel is destroyed, e.g. // - when addon devtool panel has been disabled by the user from the toolbox preferences, // its ParentDevToolsPanel instance is still valid, but the built devtools panel is removed from // the toolbox (and re-built again if the user re-enables it from the toolbox preferences panel) // - when the creator context has been destroyed, the ParentDevToolsPanel close method is called, // it removes the tool definition from the toolbox, which will call this destroy method. return () => { this.destroyBrowserElement(); this.browserContainerWindow = null; toolbox.off("select", this.onToolboxPanelSelect); toolbox.off("host-will-change", this.onToolboxHostWillChange); toolbox.off("host-changed", this.onToolboxHostChanged); }; } onToolboxHostWillChange() { // NOTE: Using a content iframe here breaks the devtools panel // switching between docked and undocked mode, // because of a swapFrameLoader exception (see bug 1075490), // destroy the browser and recreate it after the toolbox host has been // switched is a reasonable workaround to fix the issue on release and beta // Firefox versions (at least until the underlying bug can be fixed). if (this.browser) { // Fires a panel.onHidden event before destroying the browser element because // the toolbox hosts is changing. if (this.visible) { this.conduit.sendPanelHidden(this.id); } this.destroyBrowserElement(); } } async onToolboxHostChanged() { if (this.browserContainerWindow) { this.createBrowserElement(this.browserContainerWindow); // Fires a panel.onShown event once the browser element has been recreated // after the toolbox hosts has been changed (needed to provide the new window // object to the extension page that has created the devtools panel). if (this.visible) { await this.waitTopLevelContext; this.conduit.sendPanelShown(this.id); } } } async onToolboxPanelSelect(id) { if (!this.waitTopLevelContext || !this.panelAdded) { return; } // Wait that the panel is fully loaded and emit show. await this.waitTopLevelContext; if (!this.visible && id === this.id) { this.visible = true; this.conduit.sendPanelShown(this.id); } else if (this.visible && id !== this.id) { this.visible = false; this.conduit.sendPanelHidden(this.id); } } close() { const { toolbox } = this; if (!toolbox) { throw new Error("Unable to destroy a closed devtools panel"); } this.conduit.close(); // Explicitly remove the panel if it is registered and the toolbox is not // closing itself. if (this.panelAdded && toolbox.isToolRegistered(this.id)) { this.destroyBrowserElement(); toolbox.removeAdditionalTool(this.id); } this.waitTopLevelContext = null; this._resolveTopLevelContext = null; this.context = null; this.toolbox = null; this.browser = null; this.browserContainerWindow = null; } destroyBrowserElement() { super.destroyBrowserElement(); // If the panel has been removed or disabled (e.g. from the toolbox preferences // or during the toolbox switching between docked and undocked), // we need to re-initialize the waitTopLevelContext Promise. this.waitTopLevelContext = new Promise(resolve => { this._resolveTopLevelContext = resolve; }); } } class DevToolsSelectionObserver extends EventEmitter { constructor(context) { if (!context.devToolsToolbox) { // This should never happen when this constructor is called with a valid // devtools extension context. throw Error("Missing mandatory toolbox"); } super(); context.callOnClose(this); this.toolbox = context.devToolsToolbox; this.onSelected = this.onSelected.bind(this); this.initialized = false; } on(...args) { this.lazyInit(); super.on.apply(this, args); } once(...args) { this.lazyInit(); super.once.apply(this, args); } async lazyInit() { if (!this.initialized) { this.initialized = true; this.toolbox.on("selection-changed", this.onSelected); } } close() { if (this.destroyed) { throw new Error("Unable to close a destroyed DevToolsSelectionObserver"); } if (this.initialized) { this.toolbox.off("selection-changed", this.onSelected); } this.toolbox = null; this.destroyed = true; } onSelected() { this.emit("selectionChanged"); } } /** * Represents an addon devtools inspector sidebar in the main process. * * @param {ExtensionChildProxyContext} context * A devtools extension proxy context running in a main process. * @param {object} options * @param {string} options.id * The id of the addon devtools sidebar. * @param {string} options.title * The title of the addon devtools sidebar. */ class ParentDevToolsInspectorSidebar extends BaseDevToolsPanel { constructor(context, panelOptions) { super(context, panelOptions); this.visible = false; this.destroyed = false; this.context.callOnClose(this); this.conduit = new BroadcastConduit(this, { id: `${this.id}-parent`, send: ["InspectorSidebarHidden", "InspectorSidebarShown"], }); this.onSidebarSelect = this.onSidebarSelect.bind(this); this.onSidebarCreated = this.onSidebarCreated.bind(this); this.onExtensionPageMount = this.onExtensionPageMount.bind(this); this.onExtensionPageUnmount = this.onExtensionPageUnmount.bind(this); this.onToolboxHostWillChange = this.onToolboxHostWillChange.bind(this); this.onToolboxHostChanged = this.onToolboxHostChanged.bind(this); this.toolbox.once( `extension-sidebar-created-${this.id}`, this.onSidebarCreated ); this.toolbox.on("inspector-sidebar-select", this.onSidebarSelect); this.toolbox.on("host-will-change", this.onToolboxHostWillChange); this.toolbox.on("host-changed", this.onToolboxHostChanged); // Set by setObject if the sidebar has not been created yet. this._initializeSidebar = null; // Set by _updateLastExpressionResult to keep track of the last // object value grip (to release the previous selected actor // on the remote debugging server when the actor changes). this._lastExpressionResult = null; this.toolbox.registerInspectorExtensionSidebar(this.id, { title: panelOptions.title, }); } close() { if (this.destroyed) { throw new Error("Unable to close a destroyed DevToolsSelectionObserver"); } this.conduit.close(); if (this.extensionSidebar) { this.extensionSidebar.off( "extension-page-mount", this.onExtensionPageMount ); this.extensionSidebar.off( "extension-page-unmount", this.onExtensionPageUnmount ); } if (this.browser) { this.destroyBrowserElement(); this.browser = null; this.containerEl = null; } this.toolbox.off( `extension-sidebar-created-${this.id}`, this.onSidebarCreated ); this.toolbox.off("inspector-sidebar-select", this.onSidebarSelect); this.toolbox.off("host-changed", this.onToolboxHostChanged); this.toolbox.off("host-will-change", this.onToolboxHostWillChange); this.toolbox.unregisterInspectorExtensionSidebar(this.id); this.extensionSidebar = null; this._lazySidebarInit = null; this.destroyed = true; } onToolboxHostWillChange() { if (this.browser) { this.destroyBrowserElement(); } } onToolboxHostChanged() { if (this.containerEl && this.panelOptions.url) { this.createBrowserElement(this.containerEl.contentWindow); } } onExtensionPageMount(containerEl) { this.containerEl = containerEl; // Wait the webext-panel.xhtml page to have been loaded in the // inspector sidebar panel. promiseDocumentLoaded(containerEl.contentDocument).then(() => { this.createBrowserElement(containerEl.contentWindow); }); } onExtensionPageUnmount() { this.containerEl = null; this.destroyBrowserElement(); } onSidebarCreated(sidebar) { this.extensionSidebar = sidebar; sidebar.on("extension-page-mount", this.onExtensionPageMount); sidebar.on("extension-page-unmount", this.onExtensionPageUnmount); const { _lazySidebarInit } = this; this._lazySidebarInit = null; if (typeof _lazySidebarInit === "function") { _lazySidebarInit(); } } onSidebarSelect(id) { if (!this.extensionSidebar) { return; } if (!this.visible && id === this.id) { this.visible = true; this.conduit.sendInspectorSidebarShown(this.id); } else if (this.visible && id !== this.id) { this.visible = false; this.conduit.sendInspectorSidebarHidden(this.id); } } setPage(extensionPageURL) { this.panelOptions.url = extensionPageURL; if (this.extensionSidebar) { if (this.browser) { // Just load the new extension page url in the existing browser, if // it already exists. this.browser.fixupAndLoadURIString(this.panelOptions.url, { triggeringPrincipal: this.context.extension.principal, }); } else { // The browser element doesn't exist yet, but the sidebar has been // already created (e.g. because the inspector was already selected // in a open toolbox and the extension has been installed/reloaded/updated). this.extensionSidebar.setExtensionPage(WEBEXT_PANELS_URL); } } else { // Defer the sidebar.setExtensionPage call. this._setLazySidebarInit(() => this.extensionSidebar.setExtensionPage(WEBEXT_PANELS_URL) ); } } setObject(object, rootTitle) { delete this.panelOptions.url; this._updateLastExpressionResult(null); // Nest the object inside an object, as the value of the `rootTitle` property. if (rootTitle) { object = { [rootTitle]: object }; } if (this.extensionSidebar) { this.extensionSidebar.setObject(object); } else { // Defer the sidebar.setObject call. this._setLazySidebarInit(() => this.extensionSidebar.setObject(object)); } } _setLazySidebarInit(cb) { this._lazySidebarInit = cb; } setExpressionResult(expressionResult, rootTitle) { delete this.panelOptions.url; this._updateLastExpressionResult(expressionResult); if (this.extensionSidebar) { this.extensionSidebar.setExpressionResult(expressionResult, rootTitle); } else { // Defer the sidebar.setExpressionResult call. this._setLazySidebarInit(() => { this.extensionSidebar.setExpressionResult(expressionResult, rootTitle); }); } } _updateLastExpressionResult(newExpressionResult = null) { const { _lastExpressionResult } = this; this._lastExpressionResult = newExpressionResult; const oldActor = _lastExpressionResult && _lastExpressionResult.actorID; const newActor = newExpressionResult && newExpressionResult.actorID; // Release the previously active actor on the remote debugging server. if ( oldActor && oldActor !== newActor && typeof _lastExpressionResult.release === "function" ) { _lastExpressionResult.release(); } } } const sidebarsById = new Map(); this.devtools_panels = class extends ExtensionAPI { getAPI(context) { // TODO - Bug 1448878: retrieve a more detailed callerInfo object, // like the filename and lineNumber of the actual extension called // in the child process. const callerInfo = { addonId: context.extension.id, url: context.extension.baseURI.spec, }; // An incremental "per context" id used in the generated devtools panel id. let nextPanelId = 0; const toolboxSelectionObserver = new DevToolsSelectionObserver(context); function newBasePanelId() { return `${context.extension.id}-${context.contextId}-${nextPanelId++}`; } return { devtools: { panels: { elements: { onSelectionChanged: new EventManager({ context, name: "devtools.panels.elements.onSelectionChanged", register: fire => { const listener = () => { fire.async(); }; toolboxSelectionObserver.on("selectionChanged", listener); return () => { toolboxSelectionObserver.off("selectionChanged", listener); }; }, }).api(), createSidebarPane(title) { const id = `devtools-inspector-sidebar-${makeWidgetId( newBasePanelId() )}`; const parentSidebar = new ParentDevToolsInspectorSidebar( context, { title, id } ); sidebarsById.set(id, parentSidebar); context.callOnClose({ close() { sidebarsById.delete(id); }, }); // Resolved to the devtools sidebar id into the child addon process, // where it will be used to identify the messages related // to the panel API onShown/onHidden events. return Promise.resolve(id); }, // The following methods are used internally to allow the sidebar API // piece that is running in the child process to asks the parent process // to execute the sidebar methods. Sidebar: { setPage(sidebarId, extensionPageURL) { const sidebar = sidebarsById.get(sidebarId); return sidebar.setPage(extensionPageURL); }, setObject(sidebarId, jsonObject, rootTitle) { const sidebar = sidebarsById.get(sidebarId); return sidebar.setObject(jsonObject, rootTitle); }, async setExpression(sidebarId, evalExpression, rootTitle) { const sidebar = sidebarsById.get(sidebarId); const toolboxEvalOptions = await getToolboxEvalOptions(context); const commands = await context.getDevToolsCommands(); const target = commands.targetCommand.targetFront; const consoleFront = await target.getFront("console"); toolboxEvalOptions.consoleFront = consoleFront; const evalResult = await commands.inspectedWindowCommand.eval( callerInfo, evalExpression, toolboxEvalOptions ); let jsonObject; if (evalResult.exceptionInfo) { jsonObject = evalResult.exceptionInfo; return sidebar.setObject(jsonObject, rootTitle); } return sidebar.setExpressionResult(evalResult, rootTitle); }, }, }, create(title, icon, url) { // Get a fallback icon from the manifest data. if (icon === "") { icon = context.extension.getPreferredIcon(128); } icon = context.extension.baseURI.resolve(icon); url = context.extension.baseURI.resolve(url); const id = `webext-devtools-panel-${makeWidgetId( newBasePanelId() )}`; new ParentDevToolsPanel(context, { title, icon, url, id }); // Resolved to the devtools panel id into the child addon process, // where it will be used to identify the messages related // to the panel API onShown/onHidden events. return Promise.resolve(id); }, }, }, }; } };