/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ import { Assert } from "resource://testing-common/Assert.sys.mjs"; import { BrowserTestUtils } from "resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { CustomizableUI: "resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.sys.mjs", }); async function promiseAnimationFrame(window) { await new Promise(resolve => window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); let { tm } = Services; return new Promise(resolve => tm.dispatchToMainThread(resolve)); } function makeWidgetId(id) { id = id.toLowerCase(); return id.replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/g, "_"); } async function getPageActionButtonId(window, extensionId) { // This would normally be set automatically on navigation, and cleared // when the user types a value into the URL bar, to show and hide page // identity info and icons such as page action buttons. // // Unfortunately, that doesn't happen automatically in browser chrome // tests. window.gURLBar.setPageProxyState("valid"); let { gIdentityHandler } = window.gBrowser.ownerGlobal; // If the current tab is blank and the previously selected tab was an internal // page, the urlbar will now be showing the internal identity box due to the // setPageProxyState call above. The page action button is hidden in that // case, so make sure we're not showing the internal identity box. gIdentityHandler._identityBox.classList.remove("chromeUI"); await promiseAnimationFrame(window); return window.BrowserPageActions.urlbarButtonNodeIDForActionID( makeWidgetId(extensionId) ); } async function getPageActionButton(window, extensionId) { let pageActionId = await getPageActionButtonId(window, extensionId); return window.document.getElementById(pageActionId); } async function clickPageAction(window, extensionId, modifiers = {}) { let pageActionId = await getPageActionButtonId(window, extensionId); await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( `#${pageActionId}`, modifiers, window.browsingContext ); return new Promise(resolve => Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(resolve)); } function getBrowserActionWidgetId(extensionId) { return makeWidgetId(extensionId) + "-browser-action"; } function getBrowserActionWidget(extensionId) { return lazy.CustomizableUI.getWidget(getBrowserActionWidgetId(extensionId)); } async function showBrowserAction(window, extensionId) { let group = getBrowserActionWidget(extensionId); let widget = group.forWindow(window); if (!widget.node) { return; } let navbar = window.document.getElementById("nav-bar"); if (group.areaType == lazy.CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR) { Assert.equal( widget.overflowed, navbar.hasAttribute("overflowing"), "Expect widget overflow state to match toolbar" ); } else if (group.areaType == lazy.CustomizableUI.TYPE_PANEL) { let panel = window.gUnifiedExtensions.panel; let shown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForPopupEvent(panel, "shown"); window.gUnifiedExtensions.togglePanel(); await shown; } } async function clickBrowserAction(window, extensionId, modifiers) { await promiseAnimationFrame(window); await showBrowserAction(window, extensionId); if (modifiers) { let widgetId = getBrowserActionWidgetId(extensionId); BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( `#${widgetId}`, modifiers, window.browsingContext ); } else { let widget = getBrowserActionWidget(extensionId).forWindow(window); widget.node.firstElementChild.click(); } } async function promisePopupShown(popup) { return new Promise(resolve => { if (popup.state == "open") { resolve(); } else { let onPopupShown = event => { popup.removeEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown); resolve(); }; popup.addEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown); } }); } function awaitBrowserLoaded(browser) { if ( browser.ownerGlobal.document.readyState === "complete" && browser.currentURI.spec !== "about:blank" ) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise(resolve => { const listener = ev => { if (browser.currentURI.spec === "about:blank") { return; } browser.removeEventListener("AppTestDelegate:load", listener); resolve(); }; browser.addEventListener("AppTestDelegate:load", listener); }); } function getPanelForNode(node) { return node.closest("panel"); } async function awaitExtensionPanel(window, extensionId, awaitLoad = true) { let { originalTarget: browser } = await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( window.document, "WebExtPopupLoaded", true, event => event.detail.extension.id === extensionId ); await Promise.all([ promisePopupShown(getPanelForNode(browser)), awaitLoad && awaitBrowserLoaded(browser), ]); return browser; } function closeBrowserAction(window, extensionId) { let group = getBrowserActionWidget(extensionId); let node = window.document.getElementById(group.viewId); lazy.CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode(node); return Promise.resolve(); } function getPageActionPopup(window, extensionId) { let panelId = makeWidgetId(extensionId) + "-panel"; return window.document.getElementById(panelId); } function closePageAction(window, extensionId) { let node = getPageActionPopup(window, extensionId); if (node) { return promisePopupShown(node).then(() => { node.hidePopup(); }); } return Promise.resolve(); } function openNewForegroundTab(window, url, waitForLoad = true) { return BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( window.gBrowser, url, waitForLoad ); } async function removeTab(tab) { BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); } // These methods are exported so that they can be used in head.js but are // *not* part of the AppUiTestDelegate API. export var AppUiTestInternals = { awaitBrowserLoaded, getBrowserActionWidget, getBrowserActionWidgetId, getPageActionButton, getPageActionPopup, getPanelForNode, makeWidgetId, promiseAnimationFrame, promisePopupShown, showBrowserAction, }; // These methods are part of the AppUiTestDelegate API. All implementations need // to be kept in sync. For details, see: // testing/specialpowers/content/AppTestDelegateParent.sys.mjs export var AppUiTestDelegate = { awaitExtensionPanel, clickBrowserAction, clickPageAction, closeBrowserAction, closePageAction, openNewForegroundTab, removeTab, };