/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { AbuseReporter: "resource://gre/modules/AbuseReporter.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "ABUSE_REPORT_ENABLED", "extensions.abuseReport.enabled", false ); let extData = { manifest: { permissions: ["contextMenus"], browser_action: { default_popup: "popup.html", default_area: "navbar", }, }, useAddonManager: "temporary", files: { "popup.html": ` A Test Popup `, }, background: function () { browser.contextMenus.create({ id: "clickme-page", title: "Click me!", contexts: ["all"], }); }, }; let contextMenuItems = { "context-sep-navigation": "hidden", "context-viewsource": "", "inspect-separator": "hidden", "context-inspect": "hidden", "context-inspect-a11y": "hidden", "context-bookmarkpage": "hidden", }; if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { contextMenuItems["context-back"] = "hidden"; contextMenuItems["context-forward"] = "hidden"; contextMenuItems["context-reload"] = "hidden"; contextMenuItems["context-stop"] = "hidden"; } else { contextMenuItems["context-navigation"] = "hidden"; } const TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU = "toolbar-context-menu"; const UNIFIED_CONTEXT_MENU = "unified-extensions-context-menu"; loadTestSubscript("head_unified_extensions.js"); add_setup(async function test_setup() { CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("home-button", "nav-bar"); registerCleanupFunction(() => CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("home-button") ); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ [ "extensions.abuseReport.amoFormURL", "https://example.org/%LOCALE%/%APP%/feedback/addon/%addonID%/", ], ], }); }); async function browseraction_popup_contextmenu_helper() { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extData); await extension.startup(); await clickBrowserAction(extension); let contentAreaContextMenu = await openContextMenuInPopup(extension); let item = contentAreaContextMenu.getElementsByAttribute( "label", "Click me!" ); is(item.length, 1, "contextMenu item for page was found"); await closeContextMenu(contentAreaContextMenu); await closeBrowserAction(extension); await extension.unload(); } async function browseraction_popup_contextmenu_hidden_items_helper() { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extData); await extension.startup(); await clickBrowserAction(extension); let contentAreaContextMenu = await openContextMenuInPopup(extension, "#text"); let item, state; for (const itemID in contextMenuItems) { info(`Checking ${itemID}`); item = contentAreaContextMenu.querySelector(`#${itemID}`); state = contextMenuItems[itemID]; if (state !== "") { ok(item[state], `${itemID} is ${state}`); if (state !== "hidden") { ok(!item.hidden, `Disabled ${itemID} is not hidden`); } } else { ok(!item.hidden, `${itemID} is not hidden`); ok(!item.disabled, `${itemID} is not disabled`); } } await closeContextMenu(contentAreaContextMenu); await closeBrowserAction(extension); await extension.unload(); } async function browseraction_popup_image_contextmenu_helper() { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extData); await extension.startup(); await clickBrowserAction(extension); let contentAreaContextMenu = await openContextMenuInPopup( extension, "#testimg" ); let item = contentAreaContextMenu.querySelector("#context-copyimage"); ok(!item.hidden); ok(!item.disabled); await closeContextMenu(contentAreaContextMenu); await closeBrowserAction(extension); await extension.unload(); } function openContextMenu(menuId, targetId) { info(`Open context menu ${menuId} at ${targetId}`); return openChromeContextMenu(menuId, "#" + CSS.escape(targetId)); } function waitForElementShown(element) { let win = element.ownerGlobal; let dwu = win.windowUtils; return BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { info("Waiting for overflow button to have non-0 size"); let bounds = dwu.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(element); return bounds.width > 0 && bounds.height > 0; }); } async function browseraction_contextmenu_manage_extension_helper() { let id = "addon_id@example.com"; let buttonId = `${makeWidgetId(id)}-BAP`; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id }, }, browser_action: { default_area: "navbar", }, options_ui: { page: "options.html", }, }, useAddonManager: "temporary", files: { "options.html": ``, "options.js": `browser.test.sendMessage("options-loaded");`, }, }); function checkVisibility(menu, visible) { let removeExtension = menu.querySelector( ".customize-context-removeExtension" ); let manageExtension = menu.querySelector( ".customize-context-manageExtension" ); let reportExtension = menu.querySelector( ".customize-context-reportExtension" ); let separator = reportExtension.nextElementSibling; info(`Check visibility: ${visible}`); let expected = visible ? "visible" : "hidden"; is( removeExtension.hidden, !visible, `Remove Extension should be ${expected}` ); is( manageExtension.hidden, !visible, `Manage Extension should be ${expected}` ); is( reportExtension.hidden, !ABUSE_REPORT_ENABLED || !visible, `Report Extension should be ${expected}` ); is( separator.hidden, !visible, `Separator after Manage Extension should be ${expected}` ); } async function testContextMenu(menuId, customizing) { info(`Open browserAction context menu in ${menuId} on ${buttonId}`); let menu = await openContextMenu(menuId, buttonId); await checkVisibility(menu, true); info(`Choosing 'Manage Extension' in ${menuId} should load options`); let addonManagerPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab( gBrowser, "about:addons", true ); let manageExtension = menu.querySelector( ".customize-context-manageExtension" ); await closeChromeContextMenu(menuId, manageExtension); let managerWindow = (await addonManagerPromise).linkedBrowser.contentWindow; // Check the UI to make sure that the correct view is loaded. is( managerWindow.gViewController.currentViewId, `addons://detail/${encodeURIComponent(id)}`, "Expected extension details view in about:addons" ); // In HTML about:addons, the default view does not show the inline // options browser, so we should not receive an "options-loaded" event. // (if we do, the test will fail due to the unexpected message). info( `Remove the opened tab, and await customize mode to be restored if necessary` ); let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab; is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:addons"); if (customizing) { let customizationReady = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gNavToolbox, "customizationready" ); gBrowser.removeTab(tab); await customizationReady; } else { gBrowser.removeTab(tab); } return menu; } async function main(customizing) { if (customizing) { info("Enter customize mode"); let customizationReady = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gNavToolbox, "customizationready" ); gCustomizeMode.enter(); await customizationReady; } info("Test toolbar context menu in browserAction"); let toolbarCtxMenu = await testContextMenu( TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU, customizing ); info("Check toolbar context menu in another button"); let otherButtonId = "home-button"; await openContextMenu(TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU, otherButtonId); checkVisibility(toolbarCtxMenu, false); toolbarCtxMenu.hidePopup(); info("Check toolbar context menu without triggerNode"); toolbarCtxMenu.openPopup(); checkVisibility(toolbarCtxMenu, false); toolbarCtxMenu.hidePopup(); CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea( otherButtonId, CustomizableUI.AREA_FIXED_OVERFLOW_PANEL ); info("Wait until the overflow menu is ready"); let overflowButton = document.getElementById("nav-bar-overflow-button"); let icon = overflowButton.icon; await waitForElementShown(icon); if (!customizing) { info("Open overflow menu"); let menu = document.getElementById("widget-overflow"); let shown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menu, "popupshown"); overflowButton.click(); await shown; } info("Check overflow menu context menu in another button"); let overflowMenuCtxMenu = await openContextMenu( "customizationPanelItemContextMenu", otherButtonId ); checkVisibility(overflowMenuCtxMenu, false); overflowMenuCtxMenu.hidePopup(); info("Put other button action back in nav-bar"); CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(otherButtonId, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR); if (customizing) { info("Exit customize mode"); let afterCustomization = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gNavToolbox, "aftercustomization" ); gCustomizeMode.exit(); await afterCustomization; } } await extension.startup(); info( "Add a dummy tab to prevent about:addons from being loaded in the initial about:blank tab" ); let dummyTab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( gBrowser, "http://example.com", true, true ); info("Run tests in normal mode"); await main(false); info("Run tests in customize mode"); await main(true); info("Close the dummy tab and finish"); gBrowser.removeTab(dummyTab); await extension.unload(); } async function runTestContextMenu({ id, customizing, testContextMenu }) { let widgetId = makeWidgetId(id); let nodeId = `${widgetId}-browser-action`; if (customizing) { info("Enter customize mode"); let customizationReady = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gNavToolbox, "customizationready" ); gCustomizeMode.enter(); await customizationReady; } info("Test toolbar context menu in browserAction"); await testContextMenu(TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU, customizing); info("Pin the browserAction to the addons panel"); CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(nodeId, CustomizableUI.AREA_ADDONS); if (!customizing) { info("Open addons panel"); gUnifiedExtensions.togglePanel(); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gUnifiedExtensions.panel, "popupshown"); info("Test browserAction in addons panel"); await testContextMenu(UNIFIED_CONTEXT_MENU, customizing); } else { todo( false, "The browserAction cannot be accessed from customize " + "mode when in the addons panel." ); } info("Restore initial state"); CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(nodeId, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR); if (customizing) { info("Exit customize mode"); let afterCustomization = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gNavToolbox, "aftercustomization" ); gCustomizeMode.exit(); await afterCustomization; } } async function browseraction_contextmenu_remove_extension_helper() { let id = "addon_id@example.com"; let name = "Awesome Add-on"; let buttonId = `${makeWidgetId(id)}-BAP`; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { name, browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id }, }, browser_action: { default_area: "navbar", }, }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); let brand = Services.strings .createBundle("chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties") .GetStringFromName("brandShorterName"); let { prompt } = Services; let promptService = { _response: 1, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIPromptService"]), confirmEx: function (...args) { promptService._resolveArgs(args); return promptService._response; }, confirmArgs() { return new Promise(resolve => { promptService._resolveArgs = resolve; }); }, }; Services.prompt = promptService; registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.prompt = prompt; }); async function testContextMenu(menuId) { info(`Open browserAction context menu in ${menuId}`); let confirmArgs = promptService.confirmArgs(); let menu = await openContextMenu(menuId, buttonId); info(`Choosing 'Remove Extension' in ${menuId} should show confirm dialog`); let removeItemQuery = menuId == UNIFIED_CONTEXT_MENU ? ".unified-extensions-context-menu-remove-extension" : ".customize-context-removeExtension"; let removeExtension = menu.querySelector(removeItemQuery); await closeChromeContextMenu(menuId, removeExtension); let args = await confirmArgs; is(args[1], `Remove ${name}?`); if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("prompts.windowPromptSubDialog", false)) { is(args[2], `Remove ${name} from ${brand}?`); } is(args[4], "Remove"); return menu; } await extension.startup(); info("Run tests in normal mode"); await runTestContextMenu({ id, customizing: false, testContextMenu, }); info("Run tests in customize mode"); await runTestContextMenu({ id, customizing: true, testContextMenu, }); // We'll only get one of these because in customize mode, the browserAction // is not accessible when in the addons panel. todo( false, "Should record a second removal event when browserAction " + "becomes available in customize mode." ); let addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(id); ok(addon, "Addon is still installed"); promptService._response = 0; let uninstalled = new Promise(resolve => { AddonManager.addAddonListener({ onUninstalled(addon) { is(addon.id, id, "The expected add-on has been uninstalled"); AddonManager.removeAddonListener(this); resolve(); }, }); }); await testContextMenu(TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU, false); await uninstalled; addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(id); ok(!addon, "Addon has been uninstalled"); await extension.unload(); // We've got a cleanup function registered to restore this, but on debug // builds, it seems that sometimes the cleanup function won't run soon // enough and we'll leak this window because of the fake prompt function // staying alive on Services. We work around this by restoring prompt // here within the test if we've gotten here without throwing. Services.prompt = prompt; } // This test case verify reporting an extension from the browserAction // context menu (when the browserAction is in the toolbox and in the // overwflow menu, and repeat the test with and without the customize // mode enabled). async function browseraction_contextmenu_report_extension_helper() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["extensions.abuseReport.enabled", true]], }); let id = "addon_id@example.com"; let name = "Bad Add-on"; let buttonId = `${makeWidgetId(id)}-browser-action`; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { name, author: "Bad author", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id }, }, browser_action: { default_area: "navbar", }, }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); async function testReportDialog(viaUnifiedContextMenu) { const reportDialogWindow = await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => AbuseReporter.getOpenDialog(), "Wait for the abuse report dialog to have been opened" ); const reportDialogParams = reportDialogWindow.arguments[0].wrappedJSObject; is( reportDialogParams.report.addon.id, id, "Abuse report dialog has the expected addon id" ); is( reportDialogParams.report.reportEntryPoint, viaUnifiedContextMenu ? "unified_context_menu" : "toolbar_context_menu", "Abuse report dialog has the expected reportEntryPoint" ); info("Wait the report dialog to complete rendering"); await reportDialogParams.promiseReportPanel; info("Close the report dialog"); reportDialogWindow.close(); is( await reportDialogParams.promiseReport, undefined, "Report resolved as user cancelled when the window is closed" ); } async function testContextMenu(menuId, customizing) { info(`Open browserAction context menu in ${menuId}`); let menu = await openContextMenu(menuId, buttonId); info(`Choosing 'Report Extension' in ${menuId}`); let usingUnifiedContextMenu = menuId == UNIFIED_CONTEXT_MENU; let reportItemQuery = usingUnifiedContextMenu ? ".unified-extensions-context-menu-report-extension" : ".customize-context-reportExtension"; let reportExtension = menu.querySelector(reportItemQuery); ok(!reportExtension.hidden, "Report extension should be visibile"); let aboutAddonsBrowser; if (AbuseReporter.amoFormEnabled) { const reportURL = Services.urlFormatter .formatURLPref("extensions.abuseReport.amoFormURL") .replace("%addonID%", id); const promiseReportTab = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab( gBrowser, reportURL, /* waitForLoad */ false, // Expect it to be the next tab opened /* waitForAnyTab */ false ); await closeChromeContextMenu(menuId, reportExtension); const reportTab = await promiseReportTab; // Remove the report tab and expect the selected tab // to become the about:addons tab. BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(reportTab); is( gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:blank", "Expect about:addons tab to not have been opened (amoFormEnabled=true)" ); } else { // When running in customizing mode "about:addons" will load in a new tab, // otherwise it will replace the existing blank tab. const onceAboutAddonsTab = customizing ? BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser, "about:addons") : BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return gBrowser.currentURI.spec === "about:addons"; }, "Wait an about:addons tab to be opened"); await closeChromeContextMenu(menuId, reportExtension); await onceAboutAddonsTab; const browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; is( browser.currentURI.spec, "about:addons", "Got about:addons tab selected (amoFormEnabled=false)" ); // Do not wait for the about:addons tab to be loaded if its // document is already readyState==complete. // This prevents intermittent timeout failures while running // this test in optimized builds. if (browser.contentDocument?.readyState != "complete") { await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); } await testReportDialog(usingUnifiedContextMenu); aboutAddonsBrowser = browser; } // Close the new about:addons tab when running in customize mode, // or cancel the abuse report if the about:addons page has been // loaded in the existing blank tab. if (customizing) { info("Closing the about:addons tab"); let customizationReady = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gNavToolbox, "customizationready" ); gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); await customizationReady; } else if (aboutAddonsBrowser) { info("Navigate the about:addons tab to about:blank"); BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(aboutAddonsBrowser, "about:blank"); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(aboutAddonsBrowser); } return menu; } await extension.startup(); info("Run tests in normal mode"); await runTestContextMenu({ id, customizing: false, testContextMenu, }); info("Run tests in customize mode"); await runTestContextMenu({ id, customizing: true, testContextMenu, }); await extension.unload(); // Opening the about:addons page will reuse an about:blank tab if it was // a new tab that was never navigated, otherwise opens in a new tab when // the test is triggering the report action (then we navigate it to // about:blank). Here we cleanup all the blank tabs lets behind but one // (otherwise the window running the test will be closed and the test // would be failing with a timeout). info("Cleanup about:blank tabs"); while (gBrowser.visibleTabs.length > 1) { is( gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:blank", "Expect an about:blank tab" ); const promiseRemovedTab = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gBrowser.selectedTab, "TabClose" ); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); await promiseRemovedTab; } } /** * Tests that built-in buttons see the Pin to Overflow and Remove items in * the toolbar context menu and don't see the Pin to Toolbar item, since * that's reserved for extension widgets. * * @returns {Promise} */ async function test_no_toolbar_pinning_on_builtin_helper() { let menu = await openContextMenu(TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU, "home-button"); info(`Pin to Overflow and Remove from Toolbar should be visible.`); let pinToOverflow = menu.querySelector(".customize-context-moveToPanel"); let removeFromToolbar = menu.querySelector( ".customize-context-removeFromToolbar" ); Assert.ok(!pinToOverflow.hidden, "Pin to Overflow is visible."); Assert.ok(!removeFromToolbar.hidden, "Remove from Toolbar is visible."); info(`This button should have "Pin to Toolbar" hidden`); let pinToToolbar = menu.querySelector(".customize-context-pinToToolbar"); Assert.ok(pinToToolbar.hidden, "Pin to Overflow is hidden."); menu.hidePopup(); } add_task(async function test_unified_extensions_ui() { await browseraction_popup_contextmenu_helper(); await browseraction_popup_contextmenu_hidden_items_helper(); await browseraction_popup_image_contextmenu_helper(); await browseraction_contextmenu_manage_extension_helper(); await browseraction_contextmenu_remove_extension_helper(); await test_no_toolbar_pinning_on_builtin_helper(); }); add_task(async function test_report_amoFormEnabled() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["extensions.abuseReport.amoFormEnabled", true]], }); await browseraction_contextmenu_report_extension_helper(); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); }); add_task(async function test_report_amoFormDisabled() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["extensions.abuseReport.amoFormEnabled", false]], }); await browseraction_contextmenu_report_extension_helper(); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); }); /** * Tests that if Unified Extensions is enabled, that browser actions can * be unpinned from the toolbar to the addons panel and back again, via * a context menu item. */ add_task(async function test_unified_extensions_toolbar_pinning() { let id = "addon_id@example.com"; let nodeId = `${makeWidgetId(id)}-browser-action`; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id }, }, browser_action: { default_area: "navbar", }, }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); Assert.equal( CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(nodeId).area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Should start placed in the nav-bar." ); let menu = await openContextMenu(TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU, nodeId); info(`Pin to Overflow and Remove from Toolbar should be hidden.`); let pinToOverflow = menu.querySelector(".customize-context-moveToPanel"); let removeFromToolbar = menu.querySelector( ".customize-context-removeFromToolbar" ); Assert.ok(pinToOverflow.hidden, "Pin to Overflow is hidden."); Assert.ok(removeFromToolbar.hidden, "Remove from Toolbar is hidden."); info( `This button should have "Pin to Toolbar" visible and checked by default.` ); let pinToToolbar = menu.querySelector(".customize-context-pinToToolbar"); Assert.ok(!pinToToolbar.hidden, "Pin to Toolbar is visible."); Assert.equal( pinToToolbar.getAttribute("checked"), "true", "Pin to Toolbar is checked." ); info("Pinning addon to the addons panel."); await closeChromeContextMenu(TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU, pinToToolbar); Assert.equal( CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(nodeId).area, CustomizableUI.AREA_ADDONS, "Should have moved the button to the addons panel." ); info("Opening addons panel"); gUnifiedExtensions.togglePanel(); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gUnifiedExtensions.panel, "popupshown"); info("Testing unpinning in the addons panel"); menu = await openContextMenu(UNIFIED_CONTEXT_MENU, nodeId); // The UNIFIED_CONTEXT_MENU has a different node for pinToToolbar, so // we have to requery for it. pinToToolbar = menu.querySelector( ".unified-extensions-context-menu-pin-to-toolbar" ); Assert.ok(!pinToToolbar.hidden, "Pin to Toolbar is visible."); Assert.equal( pinToToolbar.getAttribute("checked"), "false", "Pin to Toolbar is not checked." ); await closeChromeContextMenu(UNIFIED_CONTEXT_MENU, pinToToolbar); Assert.equal( CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(nodeId).area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, "Should have moved the button back to the nav-bar." ); await extension.unload(); }); /** * Tests that there's no Pin to Toolbar option for unified-extensions-item's * in the add-ons panel, since these do not represent browser action buttons. */ add_task(async function test_unified_extensions_item_no_pinning() { let id = "addon_id@example.com"; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id }, }, }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await extension.startup(); info("Opening addons panel"); let panel = gUnifiedExtensions.panel; await openExtensionsPanel(); let items = panel.querySelectorAll("unified-extensions-item"); Assert.ok( !!items.length, "There should be at least one unified-extensions-item." ); let menu = await openChromeContextMenu( UNIFIED_CONTEXT_MENU, `unified-extensions-item[extension-id='${id}']` ); let pinToToolbar = menu.querySelector( ".unified-extensions-context-menu-pin-to-toolbar" ); Assert.ok(pinToToolbar.hidden, "Pin to Toolbar is hidden."); menu.hidePopup(); await extension.unload(); });