/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { classMap, html, ifDefined, when, } from "chrome://global/content/vendor/lit.all.mjs"; import { MozLitElement } from "chrome://global/content/lit-utils.mjs"; /** * A collapsible card container to be used throughout Firefox View * * @property {string} sectionLabel - The aria-label used for the section landmark if the header is hidden with hideHeader * @property {boolean} hideHeader - Optional property given if the card container should not display a header * @property {boolean} isEmptyState - Optional property given if the card is used within an empty state * @property {boolean} isInnerCard - Optional property given if the card a nested card within another card and given a border rather than box-shadow * @property {boolean} preserveCollapseState - Whether or not the expanded/collapsed state should persist * @property {string} shortPageName - Page name that the 'View all' link will navigate to and the preserveCollapseState pref will use * @property {boolean} showViewAll - True if you need to display a 'View all' header link to navigate * @property {boolean} toggleDisabled - Optional property given if the card container should not be collapsible * @property {boolean} removeBlockEndMargin - True if you need to remove the block end margin on the card container */ class CardContainer extends MozLitElement { constructor() { super(); this.initiallyExpanded = true; this.isExpanded = false; this.visible = false; } static properties = { sectionLabel: { type: String }, hideHeader: { type: Boolean }, isExpanded: { type: Boolean }, isEmptyState: { type: Boolean }, isInnerCard: { type: Boolean }, preserveCollapseState: { type: Boolean }, shortPageName: { type: String }, showViewAll: { type: Boolean }, toggleDisabled: { type: Boolean }, removeBlockEndMargin: { type: Boolean }, visible: { type: Boolean }, }; static queries = { detailsEl: "details", mainSlot: "slot[name=main]", summaryEl: "summary", viewAllLink: ".view-all-link", }; get detailsExpanded() { return this.detailsEl.hasAttribute("open"); } get detailsOpenPrefValue() { const prefName = this.shortPageName ? `browser.tabs.firefox-view.ui-state.${this.shortPageName}.open` : null; if (prefName && Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(prefName)) { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefName); } return null; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.isExpanded = this.detailsOpenPrefValue ?? this.initiallyExpanded; } onToggleContainer() { if (this.isExpanded == this.detailsExpanded) { return; } this.isExpanded = this.detailsExpanded; this.updateTabLists(); if (!this.shortPageName) { return; } if (this.preserveCollapseState) { const prefName = this.shortPageName ? `browser.tabs.firefox-view.ui-state.${this.shortPageName}.open` : null; Services.prefs.setBoolPref(prefName, this.isExpanded); } // Record telemetry Services.telemetry.recordEvent( "firefoxview_next", this.isExpanded ? "card_expanded" : "card_collapsed", "card_container", null, { data_type: this.shortPageName, } ); } viewAllClicked() { this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("card-container-view-all", { bubbles: true, composed: true, }) ); } willUpdate(changes) { if (changes.has("visible")) { this.updateTabLists(); } } updateTabLists() { let tabLists = this.querySelectorAll("fxview-tab-list, opentabs-tab-list"); if (tabLists) { tabLists.forEach(tabList => { tabList.updatesPaused = !this.visible || !this.isExpanded; }); } } render() { return html` ${when( this.toggleDisabled, () => html`
`, () => html`
` )} `; } } customElements.define("card-container", CardContainer);