/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { classMap, html, ifDefined, when, } from "chrome://global/content/vendor/lit.all.mjs"; import { isSearchEnabled, MAX_TABS_FOR_RECENT_BROWSING } from "./helpers.mjs"; import { searchTabList } from "./search-helpers.mjs"; import { ViewPage } from "./viewpage.mjs"; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unassigned-import import "chrome://browser/content/firefoxview/card-container.mjs"; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unassigned-import import "chrome://browser/content/firefoxview/fxview-tab-list.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { SessionStore: "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStore.sys.mjs", }); const SS_NOTIFY_CLOSED_OBJECTS_CHANGED = "sessionstore-closed-objects-changed"; const SS_NOTIFY_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN_FLUSH = "sessionstore-browser-shutdown-flush"; const NEVER_REMEMBER_HISTORY_PREF = "browser.privatebrowsing.autostart"; const INCLUDE_CLOSED_TABS_FROM_CLOSED_WINDOWS = "browser.sessionstore.closedTabsFromClosedWindows"; function getWindow() { return window.browsingContext.embedderWindowGlobal.browsingContext.window; } class RecentlyClosedTabsInView extends ViewPage { constructor() { super(); this._started = false; this.boundObserve = (...args) => this.observe(...args); this.firstUpdateComplete = false; this.fullyUpdated = false; this.maxTabsLength = this.recentBrowsing ? MAX_TABS_FOR_RECENT_BROWSING : -1; this.recentlyClosedTabs = []; this.searchQuery = ""; this.searchResults = null; this.showAll = false; this.cumulativeSearches = 0; } static properties = { ...ViewPage.properties, searchResults: { type: Array }, showAll: { type: Boolean }, cumulativeSearches: { type: Number }, }; static queries = { cardEl: "card-container", emptyState: "fxview-empty-state", searchTextbox: "fxview-search-textbox", tabList: "fxview-tab-list", }; observe(subject, topic) { if ( topic == SS_NOTIFY_CLOSED_OBJECTS_CHANGED || (topic == SS_NOTIFY_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN_FLUSH && subject.ownerGlobal == getWindow()) ) { this.updateRecentlyClosedTabs(); } } start() { if (this._started) { return; } this._started = true; this.paused = false; this.updateRecentlyClosedTabs(); Services.obs.addObserver( this.boundObserve, SS_NOTIFY_CLOSED_OBJECTS_CHANGED ); Services.obs.addObserver( this.boundObserve, SS_NOTIFY_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN_FLUSH ); if (this.recentBrowsing) { this.recentBrowsingElement.addEventListener( "fxview-search-textbox-query", this ); } this.toggleVisibilityInCardContainer(); } stop() { if (!this._started) { return; } this._started = false; Services.obs.removeObserver( this.boundObserve, SS_NOTIFY_CLOSED_OBJECTS_CHANGED ); Services.obs.removeObserver( this.boundObserve, SS_NOTIFY_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN_FLUSH ); if (this.recentBrowsing) { this.recentBrowsingElement.removeEventListener( "fxview-search-textbox-query", this ); } this.toggleVisibilityInCardContainer(); } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); this.stop(); } handleEvent(event) { if (this.recentBrowsing && event.type === "fxview-search-textbox-query") { this.onSearchQuery(event); } } // We remove all the observers when the instance is not visible to the user viewHiddenCallback() { this.stop(); } // We add observers and check for changes to the session store once the user return to this tab. // or the instance becomes visible to the user viewVisibleCallback() { this.start(); } firstUpdated() { this.firstUpdateComplete = true; } getTabStateValue(tab, key) { let value = ""; const tabEntries = tab.state.entries; const activeIndex = tab.state.index - 1; if (activeIndex >= 0 && tabEntries[activeIndex]) { value = tabEntries[activeIndex][key]; } return value; } updateRecentlyClosedTabs() { let recentlyClosedTabsData = lazy.SessionStore.getClosedTabData( getWindow() ); if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(INCLUDE_CLOSED_TABS_FROM_CLOSED_WINDOWS)) { recentlyClosedTabsData.push( ...lazy.SessionStore.getClosedTabDataFromClosedWindows() ); } // sort the aggregated list to most-recently-closed first recentlyClosedTabsData.sort((a, b) => a.closedAt < b.closedAt); this.recentlyClosedTabs = recentlyClosedTabsData; this.normalizeRecentlyClosedData(); if (this.searchQuery) { this.#updateSearchResults(); } this.requestUpdate(); } normalizeRecentlyClosedData() { // Normalize data for fxview-tabs-list this.recentlyClosedTabs.forEach(recentlyClosedItem => { const targetURI = this.getTabStateValue(recentlyClosedItem, "url"); recentlyClosedItem.time = recentlyClosedItem.closedAt; recentlyClosedItem.icon = recentlyClosedItem.image; recentlyClosedItem.primaryL10nId = "fxviewtabrow-tabs-list-tab"; recentlyClosedItem.primaryL10nArgs = JSON.stringify({ targetURI: typeof targetURI === "string" ? targetURI : "", }); recentlyClosedItem.secondaryL10nId = "firefoxview-closed-tabs-dismiss-tab"; recentlyClosedItem.secondaryL10nArgs = JSON.stringify({ tabTitle: recentlyClosedItem.title, }); recentlyClosedItem.url = targetURI; }); } onReopenTab(e) { const closedId = parseInt(e.originalTarget.closedId, 10); const sourceClosedId = parseInt(e.originalTarget.sourceClosedId, 10); if (isNaN(sourceClosedId)) { lazy.SessionStore.undoCloseById(closedId, getWindow()); } else { lazy.SessionStore.undoClosedTabFromClosedWindow( { sourceClosedId }, closedId, getWindow() ); } // Record telemetry let tabClosedAt = parseInt(e.originalTarget.time); const position = Array.from(this.tabList.rowEls).indexOf(e.originalTarget) + 1; let now = Date.now(); let deltaSeconds = (now - tabClosedAt) / 1000; Services.telemetry.recordEvent( "firefoxview_next", "recently_closed", "tabs", null, { position: position.toString(), delta: deltaSeconds.toString(), page: this.recentBrowsing ? "recentbrowsing" : "recentlyclosed", } ); if (this.searchQuery) { const searchesHistogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById( "FIREFOX_VIEW_CUMULATIVE_SEARCHES" ); searchesHistogram.add( this.recentBrowsing ? "recentbrowsing" : "recentlyclosed", this.cumulativeSearches ); this.cumulativeSearches = 0; } } onDismissTab(e) { const closedId = parseInt(e.originalTarget.closedId, 10); const sourceClosedId = parseInt(e.originalTarget.sourceClosedId, 10); const sourceWindowId = e.originalTarget.sourceWindowId; if (!isNaN(sourceClosedId)) { // the sourceClosedId is an identifier for a now-closed window the tab // was closed in. lazy.SessionStore.forgetClosedTabById(closedId, { sourceClosedId, }); } else if (sourceWindowId) { // the sourceWindowId is an identifier for a currently-open window the tab // was closed in. lazy.SessionStore.forgetClosedTabById(closedId, { sourceWindowId, }); } else { // without either identifier, SessionStore will need to walk its window collections // to find the close tab with matching closedId lazy.SessionStore.forgetClosedTabById(closedId); } // Record telemetry let tabClosedAt = parseInt(e.originalTarget.time); const position = Array.from(this.tabList.rowEls).indexOf(e.originalTarget) + 1; let now = Date.now(); let deltaSeconds = (now - tabClosedAt) / 1000; Services.telemetry.recordEvent( "firefoxview_next", "dismiss_closed_tab", "tabs", null, { position: position.toString(), delta: deltaSeconds.toString(), page: this.recentBrowsing ? "recentbrowsing" : "recentlyclosed", } ); } willUpdate() { this.fullyUpdated = false; } updated() { this.fullyUpdated = true; this.toggleVisibilityInCardContainer(); } async scheduleUpdate() { // Only defer initial update if (!this.firstUpdateComplete) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve)); } super.scheduleUpdate(); } emptyMessageTemplate() { let descriptionHeader; let descriptionLabels; let descriptionLink; if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(NEVER_REMEMBER_HISTORY_PREF, false)) { // History pref set to never remember history descriptionHeader = "firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-header"; descriptionLabels = [ "firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-description", "firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-description-two", ]; descriptionLink = { url: "about:preferences#privacy", name: "history-settings-url-two", }; } else { descriptionHeader = "firefoxview-recentlyclosed-empty-header"; descriptionLabels = [ "firefoxview-recentlyclosed-empty-description", "firefoxview-recentlyclosed-empty-description-two", ]; descriptionLink = { url: "about:firefoxview#history", name: "history-url", sameTarget: "true", }; } return html` `; } render() { return html` ${when( !this.recentBrowsing, () => html`
${when( isSearchEnabled(), () => html`
` )}
` )}

${when( this.recentlyClosedTabs.length, () => html` ` )} ${when( this.recentBrowsing && !this.recentlyClosedTabs.length, () => html`
` )} ${when( this.isShowAllLinkVisible(), () => html`
` )}
${when( this.selectedTab && !this.recentlyClosedTabs.length, () => html`
` )}
`; } onSearchQuery(e) { this.searchQuery = e.detail.query; this.showAll = false; this.cumulativeSearches = this.searchQuery ? this.cumulativeSearches + 1 : 0; this.#updateSearchResults(); } #updateSearchResults() { this.searchResults = this.searchQuery ? searchTabList(this.searchQuery, this.recentlyClosedTabs) : null; } isShowAllLinkVisible() { return ( this.recentBrowsing && this.searchQuery && this.searchResults.length > MAX_TABS_FOR_RECENT_BROWSING && !this.showAll ); } enableShowAll(event) { if ( event.type == "click" || (event.type == "keydown" && event.code == "Enter") || (event.type == "keydown" && event.code == "Space") ) { event.preventDefault(); this.showAll = true; Services.telemetry.recordEvent( "firefoxview_next", "search_show_all", "showallbutton", null, { section: "recentlyclosed", } ); } } } customElements.define("view-recentlyclosed", RecentlyClosedTabsInView);