const { NonPrivateTabs, getTabsTargetForWindow } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/OpenTabs.sys.mjs" ); let privateTabsChanges; const tabURL1 = "data:text/html,Tab1Tab1"; const tabURL2 = "data:text/html,Tab2Tab2"; const tabURL3 = "data:text/html,Tab3Tab3"; const tabURL4 = "data:text/html,Tab4Tab4"; const nonPrivateListener = sinon.stub(); const privateListener = sinon.stub(); function tabUrl(tab) { return tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI?.spec; } function getWindowId(win) { return win.windowGlobalChild.innerWindowId; } async function setup(tabChangeEventName) { nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); NonPrivateTabs.addEventListener(tabChangeEventName, nonPrivateListener); await TestUtils.waitForTick(); is( NonPrivateTabs.currentWindows.length, 1, "NonPrivateTabs has 1 window a tick after adding the event listener" ); info("Opening new windows"); let win0 = window, win1 = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(), privateWin = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ private: true, }); BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString( win1.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, tabURL1 ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(win1.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); // load a tab with a title/label we can easily verify BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString( privateWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, tabURL2 ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(privateWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); is( win1.gBrowser.selectedTab.label, "Tab1", "Check the tab label in the new non-private window" ); is( privateWin.gBrowser.selectedTab.label, "Tab2", "Check the tab label in the new private window" ); privateTabsChanges = getTabsTargetForWindow(privateWin); privateTabsChanges.addEventListener(tabChangeEventName, privateListener); is( privateTabsChanges, getTabsTargetForWindow(privateWin), "getTabsTargetForWindow reuses a single instance per exclusive window" ); await TestUtils.waitForTick(); is( NonPrivateTabs.currentWindows.length, 2, "NonPrivateTabs has 2 windows once openNewBrowserWindow resolves" ); is( privateTabsChanges.currentWindows.length, 1, "privateTabsChanges has 1 window once openNewBrowserWindow resolves" ); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win0); info("setup, win0 has id: " + getWindowId(win0)); info("setup, win1 has id: " + getWindowId(win1)); info("setup, privateWin has id: " + getWindowId(privateWin)); info("setup,waiting for both private and nonPrivateListener to be called"); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return nonPrivateListener.called && privateListener.called; }); nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); const cleanup = async eventName => { NonPrivateTabs.removeEventListener(eventName, nonPrivateListener); privateTabsChanges.removeEventListener(eventName, privateListener); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(window); await promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed(); }; return { windows: [win0, win1, privateWin], cleanup }; } add_task(async function test_TabChanges() { const { windows, cleanup } = await setup("TabChange"); const [win0, win1, privateWin] = windows; let tabChangeRaised; let changeEvent; info( "Verify that manipulating tabs in a non-private window dispatches events on the correct target" ); for (let win of [win0, win1]) { tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabChange" ); let newTab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( win.gBrowser, tabURL1 ); changeEvent = await tabChangeRaised; Assert.deepEqual( changeEvent.detail.windowIds, [getWindowId(win)], "The event had the correct window id" ); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabChange" ); const navigateUrl = ""; BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(newTab.linkedBrowser, navigateUrl); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( newTab.linkedBrowser, null, navigateUrl ); // navigation in a tab changes the label which should produce a change event changeEvent = await tabChangeRaised; Assert.deepEqual( changeEvent.detail.windowIds, [getWindowId(win)], "The event had the correct window id" ); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabChange" ); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(newTab); // navigation in a tab changes the label which should produce a change event changeEvent = await tabChangeRaised; Assert.deepEqual( changeEvent.detail.windowIds, [getWindowId(win)], "The event had the correct window id" ); } info( "make sure a change to a private window doesnt dispatch on a nonprivate target" ); nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( privateTabsChanges, "TabChange" ); BrowserTestUtils.addTab(privateWin.gBrowser, tabURL1); changeEvent = await tabChangeRaised; info( `Check windowIds adding tab to private window: ${getWindowId( privateWin )}: ${JSON.stringify(changeEvent.detail.windowIds)}` ); Assert.deepEqual( changeEvent.detail.windowIds, [getWindowId(privateWin)], "The event had the correct window id" ); await TestUtils.waitForTick(); Assert.ok( nonPrivateListener.notCalled, "A private tab change shouldnt raise a tab change event on the non-private target" ); info("testTabChanges complete"); await cleanup("TabChange"); }); add_task(async function test_TabRecencyChange() { const { windows, cleanup } = await setup("TabRecencyChange"); const [win0, win1, privateWin] = windows; let tabChangeRaised; let changeEvent; let sortedTabs; info("Open some tabs in the non-private windows"); for (let win of [win0, win1]) { for (let url of [tabURL1, tabURL2]) { let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(win.gBrowser, url); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabChange" ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser); await tabChangeRaised; } } info("Verify switching tabs produces the expected event and result"); nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(win0.gBrowser,; changeEvent = await tabChangeRaised; Assert.deepEqual( changeEvent.detail.windowIds, [getWindowId(win0)], "The recency change event had the correct window id" ); Assert.ok( nonPrivateListener.called, "Sanity check that the non-private tabs listener was called" ); Assert.ok( privateListener.notCalled, "The private tabs listener was not called" ); sortedTabs = NonPrivateTabs.getRecentTabs(); is( sortedTabs[0], win0.gBrowser.selectedTab, "The most-recent tab is the selected tab" ); info("Verify switching window produces the expected event and result"); nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win1); changeEvent = await tabChangeRaised; Assert.deepEqual( changeEvent.detail.windowIds, [getWindowId(win1)], "The recency change event had the correct window id" ); Assert.ok( nonPrivateListener.called, "Sanity check that the non-private tabs listener was called" ); Assert.ok( privateListener.notCalled, "The private tabs listener was not called" ); sortedTabs = NonPrivateTabs.getRecentTabs(); is( sortedTabs[0], win1.gBrowser.selectedTab, "The most-recent tab is the selected tab in the current window" ); info("Verify behavior with private window changes"); nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( privateTabsChanges, "TabRecencyChange" ); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(privateWin); changeEvent = await tabChangeRaised; Assert.deepEqual( changeEvent.detail.windowIds, [getWindowId(privateWin)], "The recency change event had the correct window id" ); Assert.ok( nonPrivateListener.notCalled, "The non-private listener got no recency-change events from the private window" ); Assert.ok( privateListener.called, "Sanity check the private tabs listener was called" ); sortedTabs = privateTabsChanges.getRecentTabs(); is( sortedTabs[0], privateWin.gBrowser.selectedTab, "The most-recent tab is the selected tab in the current window" ); sortedTabs = NonPrivateTabs.getRecentTabs(); is( sortedTabs[0], win1.gBrowser.selectedTab, "The most-recent non-private tab is still the selected tab in the previous non-private window" ); info("Verify adding a tab to a private window does the right thing"); nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( privateTabsChanges, "TabRecencyChange" ); await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(privateWin.gBrowser, tabURL3); changeEvent = await tabChangeRaised; Assert.deepEqual( changeEvent.detail.windowIds, [getWindowId(privateWin)], "The event had the correct window id" ); Assert.ok( nonPrivateListener.notCalled, "The non-private listener got no recency-change events from the private window" ); sortedTabs = privateTabsChanges.getRecentTabs(); is( tabUrl(sortedTabs[0]), tabURL3, "The most-recent tab is the tab we just opened in the private window" ); nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( privateTabsChanges, "TabRecencyChange" ); BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(privateWin.gBrowser, privateWin.gBrowser.tabs[0]); changeEvent = await tabChangeRaised; Assert.deepEqual( changeEvent.detail.windowIds, [getWindowId(privateWin)], "The event had the correct window id" ); Assert.ok( nonPrivateListener.notCalled, "The non-private listener got no recency-change events from the private window" ); sortedTabs = privateTabsChanges.getRecentTabs(); is( sortedTabs[0], privateWin.gBrowser.selectedTab, "The most-recent tab is the selected tab in the private window" ); info("Verify switching back to a non-private does the right thing"); nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win1); await tabChangeRaised; if (privateListener.called) { info(`The private listener was called ${privateListener.callCount} times`); } Assert.ok( privateListener.notCalled, "The private listener got no recency-change events for the non-private window" ); Assert.ok( nonPrivateListener.called, "Sanity-check the non-private listener got a recency-change event for the non-private window" ); sortedTabs = privateTabsChanges.getRecentTabs(); is( sortedTabs[0], privateWin.gBrowser.selectedTab, "The most-recent private tab is unchanged" ); sortedTabs = NonPrivateTabs.getRecentTabs(); is( sortedTabs[0], win1.gBrowser.selectedTab, "The most-recent non-private tab is the selected tab in the current window" ); await cleanup("TabRecencyChange"); while (win0.gBrowser.tabs.length > 1) { info( "Removing last tab:" + ); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(; info("Removed, tabs.length:" + win0.gBrowser.tabs.length); } }); add_task(async function test_tabNavigations() { const { windows, cleanup } = await setup("TabChange"); const [, win1, privateWin] = windows; // also listen for TabRecencyChange events const nonPrivateRecencyListener = sinon.stub(); const privateRecencyListener = sinon.stub(); privateTabsChanges.addEventListener( "TabRecencyChange", privateRecencyListener ); NonPrivateTabs.addEventListener( "TabRecencyChange", nonPrivateRecencyListener ); info( `Verify navigating in tab generates TabChange & TabRecencyChange events` ); let loaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(win1.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); win1.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.loadURI(, { triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), }); info("waiting for the load into win1 tab to complete"); await loaded; info("waiting for listeners to be called"); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return nonPrivateListener.called && nonPrivateRecencyListener.called; }); ok(!privateListener.called, "The private TabChange listener was not called"); ok( !privateRecencyListener.called, "The private TabRecencyChange listener was not called" ); nonPrivateListener.resetHistory(); privateListener.resetHistory(); nonPrivateRecencyListener.resetHistory(); privateRecencyListener.resetHistory(); // Now verify the same with a private window info( `Verify navigating in private tab generates TabChange & TabRecencyChange events` ); ok( !nonPrivateListener.called, "The non-private TabChange listener is not yet called" ); loaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(privateWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); privateWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.loadURI("about:robots"), { triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), } ); info("waiting for the load into privateWin tab to complete"); await loaded; info("waiting for the privateListeners to be called"); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return privateListener.called && privateRecencyListener.called; }); ok( !nonPrivateListener.called, "The non-private TabChange listener was not called" ); ok( !nonPrivateRecencyListener.called, "The non-private TabRecencyChange listener was not called" ); // cleanup privateTabsChanges.removeEventListener( "TabRecencyChange", privateRecencyListener ); NonPrivateTabs.removeEventListener( "TabRecencyChange", nonPrivateRecencyListener ); await cleanup(); }); add_task(async function test_tabsFromPrivateWindows() { const { cleanup } = await setup("TabChange"); const private2Listener = sinon.stub(); const private2Win = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ private: true, waitForTabURL: "about:privatebrowsing", }); const private2TabsChanges = getTabsTargetForWindow(private2Win); private2TabsChanges.addEventListener("TabChange", private2Listener); ok( privateTabsChanges !== getTabsTargetForWindow(private2Win), "getTabsTargetForWindow creates a distinct instance for a different private window" ); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => private2Listener.called); ok( !privateListener.called, "No TabChange event was raised by opening a different private window" ); privateListener.resetHistory(); private2Listener.resetHistory(); BrowserTestUtils.addTab(private2Win.gBrowser, tabURL1); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => private2Listener.called); ok( !privateListener.called, "No TabChange event was raised by adding tab to a different private window" ); is( privateTabsChanges.getRecentTabs().length, 1, "The recent tab count for the first private window tab target only reports the tabs for its associated windodw" ); is( private2TabsChanges.getRecentTabs().length, 2, "The recent tab count for a 2nd private window tab target only reports the tabs for its associated windodw" ); await cleanup("TabChange"); });