/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* This test checks the recent-browsing view of open tabs in about:firefoxview next presents the correct tab data in the correct order. */ const tabURL1 = "data:,Tab1"; const tabURL2 = "data:,Tab2"; const tabURL3 = "data:,Tab3"; const tabURL4 = "data:,Tab4"; let gInitialTab; let gInitialTabURL; add_setup(function () { gInitialTab = gBrowser.selectedTab; gInitialTabURL = tabUrl(gInitialTab); }); function tabUrl(tab) { return tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI?.spec; } async function minimizeWindow(win) { let promiseSizeModeChange = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( win, "sizemodechange" ); win.minimize(); await promiseSizeModeChange; ok( !win.gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser.docShellIsActive, "Docshell should be Inactive" ); ok(win.document.hidden, "Top level window should be hidden"); } async function restoreWindow(win) { ok(win.document.hidden, "Top level window should be hidden"); let promiseSizeModeChange = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( win, "sizemodechange" ); // Check if we also need to wait for occlusion to be updated. let promiseOcclusion; let willWaitForOcclusion = win.isFullyOccluded; if (willWaitForOcclusion) { // Not only do we need to wait for the occlusionstatechange event, // we also have to wait *one more event loop* to ensure that the // other listeners to the occlusionstatechange events have fired. // Otherwise, our browsing context might not have become active // at the point where we receive the occlusionstatechange event. promiseOcclusion = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( win, "occlusionstatechange" ).then(() => new Promise(resolve => SimpleTest.executeSoon(resolve))); } else { promiseOcclusion = Promise.resolve(); } info("Calling window.restore"); win.restore(); // From browser/base/content/test/general/browser_minimize.js: // On Ubuntu `window.restore` doesn't seem to work, use a timer to make the // test fail faster and more cleanly than with a test timeout. info( `Waiting for sizemodechange ${ willWaitForOcclusion ? "and occlusionstatechange " : "" }event` ); let timer; await Promise.race([ Promise.all([promiseSizeModeChange, promiseOcclusion]), new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout timer = setTimeout(() => { reject( `timed out waiting for sizemodechange sizemodechange ${ willWaitForOcclusion ? "and occlusionstatechange " : "" }event` ); }, 5000); }), ]); clearTimeout(timer); ok( win.gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser.docShellIsActive, "Docshell should be active again" ); ok(!win.document.hidden, "Top level window should be visible"); } async function prepareOpenTabs(urls, win = window) { const reusableTabURLs = ["about:newtab", "about:blank"]; const gBrowser = win.gBrowser; for (let url of urls) { if ( gBrowser.visibleTabs.length == 1 && reusableTabURLs.includes(gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec) ) { // we'll load into this tab rather than opening a new one info( `Loading ${url} into blank tab: ${gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec}` ); BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, url); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, null, url); } else { info(`Loading ${url} into new tab`); await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, url); } await new Promise(res => win.requestAnimationFrame(res)); } Assert.equal( gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, urls.length, `Prepared ${urls.length} tabs as expected` ); Assert.equal( tabUrl(gBrowser.selectedTab), urls[urls.length - 1], "The selectedTab is the last of the URLs given as expected" ); } async function cleanup(...windowsToClose) { await Promise.all( windowsToClose.map(win => BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win)) ); while (gBrowser.visibleTabs.length > 1) { await SessionStoreTestUtils.closeTab(gBrowser.tabs.at(-1)); } if (gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec !== gInitialTabURL) { BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, gInitialTabURL ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, null, gInitialTabURL ); } } function getOpenTabsComponent(browser) { return browser.contentDocument.querySelector( "view-recentbrowsing view-opentabs" ); } async function checkTabList(browser, expected) { const tabsView = getOpenTabsComponent(browser); const [openTabsCard] = getOpenTabsCards(tabsView); await openTabsCard.updateComplete; const tabListRows = await getTabRowsForCard(openTabsCard); Assert.ok(tabListRows, "Found the tab list element"); let actual = Array.from(tabListRows).map(row => row.url); Assert.deepEqual( actual, expected, "Tab list has items with URLs in the expected order" ); } add_task(async function test_single_window_tabs() { await prepareOpenTabs([tabURL1, tabURL2]); await openFirefoxViewTab(window).then(async viewTab => { const browser = viewTab.linkedBrowser; await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL2, tabURL1]); // switch to the first tab let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( browser.contentDocument, "visibilitychange" ); let tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, gBrowser.visibleTabs[0]); await promiseHidden; await tabChangeRaised; }); // and check the results in the open tabs section of Recent Browsing await openFirefoxViewTab(window).then(async viewTab => { const browser = viewTab.linkedBrowser; await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL1, tabURL2]); }); await cleanup(); }); add_task(async function test_multiple_window_tabs() { const fxViewURL = getFirefoxViewURL(); const win1 = window; let tabChangeRaised; await prepareOpenTabs([tabURL1, tabURL2]); const win2 = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(); await prepareOpenTabs([tabURL3, tabURL4], win2); // to avoid confusing the results by activating different windows, // check fxview in the current window - which is win2 info("Switching to fxview tab in win2"); await openFirefoxViewTab(win2).then(async viewTab => { const browser = viewTab.linkedBrowser; await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL4, tabURL3, tabURL2, tabURL1]); Assert.equal( tabUrl(win2.gBrowser.selectedTab), fxViewURL, `The selected tab in window 2 is ${fxViewURL}` ); info("Switching to first tab (tab3) in win2"); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( browser.contentDocument, "visibilitychange" ); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab( win2.gBrowser, win2.gBrowser.visibleTabs[0] ); Assert.equal( tabUrl(win2.gBrowser.selectedTab), tabURL3, `The selected tab in window 2 is ${tabURL3}` ); await tabChangeRaised; await promiseHidden; }); info("Opening fxview in win2 to confirm tab3 is most recent"); await openFirefoxViewTab(win2).then(async viewTab => { const browser = viewTab.linkedBrowser; info("Check result of selecting 1ist tab in window 2"); await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL3, tabURL4, tabURL2, tabURL1]); }); info("Focusing win1, where tab2 should be selected"); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); await switchToWindow(win1); await tabChangeRaised; Assert.equal( tabUrl(win1.gBrowser.selectedTab), tabURL2, `The selected tab in window 1 is ${tabURL2}` ); info("Opening fxview in win1 to confirm tab2 is most recent"); await openFirefoxViewTab(win1).then(async viewTab => { const browser = viewTab.linkedBrowser; info( "In fxview, check result of activating window 1, where tab 2 is selected" ); await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL2, tabURL3, tabURL4, tabURL1]); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( browser.contentDocument, "visibilitychange" ); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); info("Switching to first visible tab (tab1) in win1"); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab( win1.gBrowser, win1.gBrowser.visibleTabs[0] ); await promiseHidden; await tabChangeRaised; }); // check result in the fxview in the 1st window info("Opening fxview in win1 to confirm tab1 is most recent"); await openFirefoxViewTab(win1).then(async viewTab => { const browser = viewTab.linkedBrowser; info("Check result of selecting 1st tab in win1"); await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL1, tabURL2, tabURL3, tabURL4]); }); await cleanup(win2); }); add_task(async function test_windows_activation() { const win1 = window; await prepareOpenTabs([tabURL1], win1); let fxViewTab; let tabChangeRaised; info("switch to firefox-view and leave it selected"); await openFirefoxViewTab(win1).then(tab => (fxViewTab = tab)); const win2 = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(); await switchToWindow(win2); await prepareOpenTabs([tabURL2], win2); const win3 = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(); await switchToWindow(win3); await prepareOpenTabs([tabURL3], win3); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); info("Switching back to win 1"); await switchToWindow(win1); info("Waiting for tabChangeRaised to resolve"); await tabChangeRaised; const browser = fxViewTab.linkedBrowser; await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL3, tabURL2, tabURL1]); info("switch to win2 and confirm its selected tab becomes most recent"); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); await switchToWindow(win2); await tabChangeRaised; await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL2, tabURL3, tabURL1]); await cleanup(win2, win3); }); add_task(async function test_minimize_restore_windows() { const win1 = window; let tabChangeRaised; await prepareOpenTabs([tabURL1, tabURL2]); const win2 = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(); await prepareOpenTabs([tabURL3, tabURL4], win2); await NonPrivateTabs.readyWindowsPromise; // to avoid confusing the results by activating different windows, // check fxview in the current window - which is win2 info("Opening fxview in win2 to confirm tab4 is most recent"); await openFirefoxViewTab(win2).then(async viewTab => { const browser = viewTab.linkedBrowser; await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL4, tabURL3, tabURL2, tabURL1]); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( browser.contentDocument, "visibilitychange" ); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); info("Switching to the first tab (tab3) in 2nd window"); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab( win2.gBrowser, win2.gBrowser.visibleTabs[0] ); await promiseHidden; await tabChangeRaised; }); // then minimize the window, focusing the 1st window info("Minimizing win2, leaving tab 3 selected"); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); await minimizeWindow(win2); info("Focusing win1, where tab2 is selected - making it most recent"); await switchToWindow(win1); await tabChangeRaised; Assert.equal( tabUrl(win1.gBrowser.selectedTab), tabURL2, `The selected tab in window 1 is ${tabURL2}` ); info("Opening fxview in win1 to confirm tab2 is most recent"); await openFirefoxViewTab(win1).then(async viewTab => { const browser = viewTab.linkedBrowser; await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL2, tabURL3, tabURL4, tabURL1]); info( "Restoring win2 and focusing it - which should make its selected tab most recent" ); tabChangeRaised = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( NonPrivateTabs, "TabRecencyChange" ); await restoreWindow(win2); await switchToWindow(win2); await tabChangeRaised; info( "Checking tab order in fxview in win1, to confirm tab3 is most recent" ); await checkTabList(browser, [tabURL3, tabURL2, tabURL4, tabURL1]); }); await cleanup(win2); });