/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Control panel for the Ion project, formerly known as Pioneer. * This lives in `about:ion` and provides a UI for users to un/enroll in the * overall program, and to un/enroll from individual studies. * * NOTE - prefs and Telemetry both still mention Pioneer for backwards-compatibility, * this may change in the future. */ const { AddonManager } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs" ); const { RemoteSettings } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.sys.mjs" ); const { TelemetryController } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryController.sys.mjs" ); let parserUtils = Cc["@mozilla.org/parserutils;1"].getService( Ci.nsIParserUtils ); const PREF_ION_ID = "toolkit.telemetry.pioneerId"; const PREF_ION_NEW_STUDIES_AVAILABLE = "toolkit.telemetry.pioneer-new-studies-available"; const PREF_ION_COMPLETED_STUDIES = "toolkit.telemetry.pioneer-completed-studies"; /** * Remote Settings keys for general content, and available studies. */ const CONTENT_COLLECTION_KEY = "pioneer-content-v2"; const STUDY_ADDON_COLLECTION_KEY = "pioneer-study-addons-v2"; const STUDY_LEAVE_REASONS = { USER_ABANDONED: "user-abandoned", STUDY_ENDED: "study-ended", }; const PREF_TEST_CACHED_CONTENT = "toolkit.pioneer.testCachedContent"; const PREF_TEST_CACHED_ADDONS = "toolkit.pioneer.testCachedAddons"; const PREF_TEST_ADDONS = "toolkit.pioneer.testAddons"; /** * Use the in-tree HTML Sanitizer to ensure that HTML from remote-settings is safe to use. * Note that RS does use content-signing, we're doing this extra step as an in-depth security measure. * * @param {string} htmlString - unsanitized HTML (content-signed by remote-settings) * @returns {DocumentFragment} - sanitized DocumentFragment */ function sanitizeHtml(htmlString) { const content = document.createElement("div"); const contentFragment = parserUtils.parseFragment( htmlString, Ci.nsIParserUtils.SanitizerDropForms | Ci.nsIParserUtils.SanitizerAllowStyle | Ci.nsIParserUtils.SanitizerLogRemovals, false, Services.io.newURI("about:ion"), content ); return contentFragment; } function showEnrollmentStatus() { const ionId = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_ION_ID, null); const enrollmentButton = document.getElementById("enrollment-button"); document.l10n.setAttributes( enrollmentButton, `ion-${ionId ? "un" : ""}enrollment-button` ); enrollmentButton.classList.toggle("primary", !ionId); // collapse content above the fold if enrolled, otherwise open it. for (const section of ["details", "data"]) { const details = document.getElementById(section); if (ionId) { details.removeAttribute("open"); } else { details.setAttribute("open", true); } } } function toggleContentBasedOnLocale() { const requestedLocale = Services.locale.requestedLocale; if (requestedLocale !== "en-US") { const localeNotificationBar = document.getElementById( "locale-notification" ); localeNotificationBar.style.display = "block"; const reportContent = document.getElementById("report-content"); reportContent.style.display = "none"; } } async function toggleEnrolled(studyAddonId, cachedAddons) { let addon; let install; const cachedAddon = cachedAddons.find(a => a.addon_id == studyAddonId); if (Cu.isInAutomation) { install = { install: async () => { let testAddons = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_TEST_ADDONS, "[]"); testAddons = JSON.parse(testAddons); testAddons.push(studyAddonId); Services.prefs.setStringPref( PREF_TEST_ADDONS, JSON.stringify(testAddons) ); }, }; let testAddons = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_TEST_ADDONS, "[]"); testAddons = JSON.parse(testAddons); for (const testAddon of testAddons) { if (testAddon == studyAddonId) { addon = {}; addon.uninstall = () => { Services.prefs.setStringPref( PREF_TEST_ADDONS, JSON.stringify(testAddons.filter(a => a.id != testAddon.id)) ); }; } } } else { addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(studyAddonId); install = await AddonManager.getInstallForURL(cachedAddon.sourceURI.spec); } const completedStudies = Services.prefs.getStringPref( PREF_ION_COMPLETED_STUDIES, "{}" ); const study = document.querySelector(`.card[id="${cachedAddon.addon_id}"`); const joinBtn = study.querySelector(".join-button"); if (addon) { joinBtn.disabled = true; await addon.uninstall(); await sendDeletionPing(studyAddonId); document.l10n.setAttributes(joinBtn, "ion-join-study"); joinBtn.disabled = false; // Record that the user abandoned this study, since it may not be re-join-able. if (completedStudies) { const studies = JSON.parse(completedStudies); studies[studyAddonId] = STUDY_LEAVE_REASONS.USER_ABANDONED; Services.prefs.setStringPref( PREF_ION_COMPLETED_STUDIES, JSON.stringify(studies) ); } } else { // Check if this study is re-join-able before enrollment. const studies = JSON.parse(completedStudies); if (studyAddonId in studies) { if ( "canRejoin" in cachedAddons[studyAddonId] && cachedAddons[studyAddonId].canRejoin === false ) { console.error( `Cannot rejoin ended study ${studyAddonId}, reason: ${studies[studyAddonId]}` ); return; } } joinBtn.disabled = true; await install.install(); document.l10n.setAttributes(joinBtn, "ion-leave-study"); joinBtn.disabled = false; // Send an enrollment ping for this study. Note that this could be sent again // if we are re-joining. await sendEnrollmentPing(studyAddonId); } await updateStudy(cachedAddon.addon_id); } async function showAvailableStudies(cachedAddons) { const ionId = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_ION_ID, null); const defaultAddons = cachedAddons.filter(a => a.isDefault); if (ionId) { for (const defaultAddon of defaultAddons) { let addon; let install; if (Cu.isInAutomation) { install = { install: async () => { if ( defaultAddon.addon_id == "ion-v2-bad-default-example@mozilla.org" ) { throw new Error("Bad test default add-on"); } }, }; } else { addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(defaultAddon.addon_id); install = await AddonManager.getInstallForURL( defaultAddon.sourceURI.spec ); } if (!addon) { // Any default add-ons are required, try to reinstall. await install.install(); } } } const studyAddons = cachedAddons.filter(a => !a.isDefault); for (const cachedAddon of studyAddons) { if (!cachedAddon) { console.error( `about:ion - Study addon ID not found in cache: ${studyAddonId}` ); return; } const studyAddonId = cachedAddon.addon_id; const study = document.createElement("div"); study.setAttribute("id", studyAddonId); study.setAttribute("class", "card card-no-hover"); if (cachedAddon.icons && 32 in cachedAddon.icons) { const iconName = document.createElement("img"); iconName.setAttribute("class", "card-icon"); iconName.setAttribute("src", cachedAddon.icons[32]); study.appendChild(iconName); } const studyBody = document.createElement("div"); studyBody.classList.add("card-body"); study.appendChild(studyBody); const studyName = document.createElement("h3"); studyName.setAttribute("class", "card-name"); studyName.textContent = cachedAddon.name; studyBody.appendChild(studyName); const studyAuthor = document.createElement("span"); studyAuthor.setAttribute("class", "card-author"); studyAuthor.textContent = cachedAddon.authors.name; studyBody.appendChild(studyAuthor); const actions = document.createElement("div"); actions.classList.add("card-actions"); study.appendChild(actions); const joinBtn = document.createElement("button"); joinBtn.setAttribute("id", `${studyAddonId}-join-button`); joinBtn.classList.add("primary"); joinBtn.classList.add("join-button"); document.l10n.setAttributes(joinBtn, "ion-join-study"); joinBtn.addEventListener("click", async () => { let addon; if (Cu.isInAutomation) { const testAddons = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_TEST_ADDONS, "[]"); for (const testAddon of JSON.parse(testAddons)) { if (testAddon == studyAddonId) { addon = {}; addon.uninstall = () => { Services.prefs.setStringPref(PREF_TEST_ADDONS, "[]"); }; } } } else { addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(studyAddonId); } let joinOrLeave = addon ? "leave" : "join"; let dialog = document.getElementById( `${joinOrLeave}-study-consent-dialog` ); dialog.setAttribute("addon-id", cachedAddon.addon_id); const consentText = dialog.querySelector( `[id=${joinOrLeave}-study-consent]` ); // Clears out any existing children with a single #text node consentText.textContent = ""; const contentFragment = sanitizeHtml( cachedAddon[`${joinOrLeave}StudyConsent`] ); consentText.appendChild(contentFragment); dialog.showModal(); dialog.scrollTop = 0; const openEvent = new Event("open"); dialog.dispatchEvent(openEvent); }); actions.appendChild(joinBtn); const studyDesc = document.createElement("div"); studyDesc.setAttribute("class", "card-description"); const contentFragment = sanitizeHtml(cachedAddon.description); studyDesc.appendChild(contentFragment); study.appendChild(studyDesc); const studyDataCollected = document.createElement("div"); studyDataCollected.setAttribute("class", "card-data-collected"); study.appendChild(studyDataCollected); const dataCollectionDetailsHeader = document.createElement("p"); dataCollectionDetailsHeader.textContent = "This study will collect:"; studyDataCollected.appendChild(dataCollectionDetailsHeader); const dataCollectionDetails = document.createElement("ul"); for (const dataCollectionDetail of cachedAddon.dataCollectionDetails) { const detailsBullet = document.createElement("li"); detailsBullet.textContent = dataCollectionDetail; dataCollectionDetails.append(detailsBullet); } studyDataCollected.appendChild(dataCollectionDetails); const availableStudies = document.getElementById("available-studies"); availableStudies.appendChild(study); await updateStudy(studyAddonId); } const availableStudies = document.getElementById("header-available-studies"); document.l10n.setAttributes(availableStudies, "ion-current-studies"); } async function updateStudy(studyAddonId) { let addon; if (Cu.isInAutomation) { const testAddons = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_TEST_ADDONS, "[]"); for (const testAddon of JSON.parse(testAddons)) { if (testAddon == studyAddonId) { addon = { uninstall() {}, }; } } } else { addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(studyAddonId); } const study = document.querySelector(`.card[id="${studyAddonId}"`); const joinBtn = study.querySelector(".join-button"); const ionId = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_ION_ID, null); const completedStudies = Services.prefs.getStringPref( PREF_ION_COMPLETED_STUDIES, "{}" ); const studies = JSON.parse(completedStudies); if (studyAddonId in studies) { study.style.opacity = 0.5; joinBtn.disabled = true; document.l10n.setAttributes(joinBtn, "ion-ended-study"); return; } if (ionId) { study.style.opacity = 1; joinBtn.disabled = false; if (addon) { document.l10n.setAttributes(joinBtn, "ion-leave-study"); } else { document.l10n.setAttributes(joinBtn, "ion-join-study"); } } else { document.l10n.setAttributes(joinBtn, "ion-study-prompt"); study.style.opacity = 0.5; joinBtn.disabled = true; } } // equivalent to what we use for Telemetry IDs // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/9193635dca8cfdcb68f114306194ffc860456044/toolkit/components/telemetry/app/TelemetryUtils.jsm#222 function generateUUID() { let str = Services.uuid.generateUUID().toString(); return str.substring(1, str.length - 1); } async function setup(cachedAddons) { document .getElementById("enrollment-button") .addEventListener("click", async () => { const ionId = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_ION_ID, null); if (ionId) { let dialog = document.getElementById("leave-ion-consent-dialog"); dialog.showModal(); dialog.scrollTop = 0; } else { let dialog = document.getElementById("join-ion-consent-dialog"); dialog.showModal(); dialog.scrollTop = 0; } }); document .getElementById("join-ion-cancel-dialog-button") .addEventListener("click", () => document.getElementById("join-ion-consent-dialog").close() ); document .getElementById("leave-ion-cancel-dialog-button") .addEventListener("click", () => document.getElementById("leave-ion-consent-dialog").close() ); document .getElementById("join-study-cancel-dialog-button") .addEventListener("click", () => document.getElementById("join-study-consent-dialog").close() ); document .getElementById("leave-study-cancel-dialog-button") .addEventListener("click", () => document.getElementById("leave-study-consent-dialog").close() ); document .getElementById("join-ion-accept-dialog-button") .addEventListener("click", async event => { const ionId = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_ION_ID, null); if (!ionId) { let uuid = generateUUID(); Services.prefs.setStringPref(PREF_ION_ID, uuid); for (const cachedAddon of cachedAddons) { if (cachedAddon.isDefault) { let install; if (Cu.isInAutomation) { install = { install: async () => { if ( cachedAddon.addon_id == "ion-v2-bad-default-example@mozilla.org" ) { throw new Error("Bad test default add-on"); } }, }; } else { install = await AddonManager.getInstallForURL( cachedAddon.sourceURI.spec ); } try { await install.install(); } catch (ex) { // No need to throw here, we'll try again before letting users enroll in any studies. console.error( `Could not install default add-on ${cachedAddon.addon_id}` ); const availableStudies = document.getElementById("available-studies"); document.l10n.setAttributes( availableStudies, "ion-no-current-studies" ); } } const study = document.getElementById(cachedAddon.addon_id); if (study) { await updateStudy(cachedAddon.addon_id); } } document.querySelector("dialog").close(); } // A this point we should have a valid ion id, so we should be able to send // the enrollment ping. await sendEnrollmentPing(); showEnrollmentStatus(); }); document .getElementById("leave-ion-accept-dialog-button") .addEventListener("click", async event => { const completedStudies = Services.prefs.getStringPref( PREF_ION_COMPLETED_STUDIES, "{}" ); const studies = JSON.parse(completedStudies); // Send a deletion ping for all completed studies the user has been a part of. for (const studyAddonId in studies) { await sendDeletionPing(studyAddonId); } Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_ION_COMPLETED_STUDIES); for (const cachedAddon of cachedAddons) { // Record any studies that have been marked as concluded on the server, in case they re-enroll. if ("studyEnded" in cachedAddon && cachedAddon.studyEnded === true) { studies[cachedAddon.addon_id] = STUDY_LEAVE_REASONS.STUDY_ENDED; Services.prefs.setStringPref( PREF_ION_COMPLETED_STUDIES, JSON.stringify(studies) ); } let addon; if (Cu.isInAutomation) { addon = {}; addon.id = cachedAddon.addon_id; addon.uninstall = () => { let testAddons = Services.prefs.getStringPref( PREF_TEST_ADDONS, "[]" ); testAddons = JSON.parse(testAddons); Services.prefs.setStringPref( PREF_TEST_ADDONS, JSON.stringify( testAddons.filter(a => a.id != cachedAddon.addon_id) ) ); }; } else { addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(cachedAddon.addon_id); } if (addon) { await sendDeletionPing(addon.id); await addon.uninstall(); } } Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_ION_ID); for (const cachedAddon of cachedAddons) { const study = document.getElementById(cachedAddon.addon_id); if (study) { await updateStudy(cachedAddon.addon_id); } } document.getElementById("leave-ion-consent-dialog").close(); showEnrollmentStatus(); }); document .getElementById("join-study-accept-dialog-button") .addEventListener("click", async event => { const dialog = document.getElementById("join-study-consent-dialog"); const studyAddonId = dialog.getAttribute("addon-id"); toggleEnrolled(studyAddonId, cachedAddons).then(dialog.close()); }); document .getElementById("leave-study-accept-dialog-button") .addEventListener("click", async event => { const dialog = document.getElementById("leave-study-consent-dialog"); const studyAddonId = dialog.getAttribute("addon-id"); await toggleEnrolled(studyAddonId, cachedAddons).then(dialog.close()); }); const onAddonEvent = async addon => { for (const cachedAddon of cachedAddons) { if (cachedAddon.addon_id == addon.id) { await updateStudy(addon.id); } } }; const addonsListener = { onEnabled: onAddonEvent, onDisabled: onAddonEvent, onInstalled: onAddonEvent, onUninstalled: onAddonEvent, }; AddonManager.addAddonListener(addonsListener); window.addEventListener("unload", event => { AddonManager.removeAddonListener(addonsListener); }); } function removeBadge() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_ION_NEW_STUDIES_AVAILABLE, false); for (let win of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) { const badge = win.document .getElementById("ion-button") .querySelector(".toolbarbutton-badge"); badge.classList.remove("feature-callout"); } } // Updates Ion HTML page contents from RemoteSettings. function updateContents(contents) { for (const section of [ "title", "summary", "details", "data", "joinIonConsent", "leaveIonConsent", ]) { if (contents && section in contents) { // Generate a corresponding dom-id style ID for a camel-case domId style JS attribute. // Dynamically set the tag type based on which section is getting updated. const domId = section .split(/(?=[A-Z])/) .join("-") .toLowerCase(); // Clears out any existing children with a single #text node. document.getElementById(domId).textContent = ""; const contentFragment = sanitizeHtml(contents[section]); document.getElementById(domId).appendChild(contentFragment); } } } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async domEvent => { toggleContentBasedOnLocale(); showEnrollmentStatus(); document.addEventListener("focus", removeBadge); removeBadge(); const privacyPolicyLinks = document.querySelectorAll( ".privacy-policy,.privacy-notice" ); for (const privacyPolicyLink of privacyPolicyLinks) { const privacyPolicyFormattedLink = Services.urlFormatter.formatURL( privacyPolicyLink.href ); privacyPolicyLink.href = privacyPolicyFormattedLink; } let cachedContent; let cachedAddons; if (Cu.isInAutomation) { let testCachedAddons = Services.prefs.getStringPref( PREF_TEST_CACHED_ADDONS, null ); if (testCachedAddons) { cachedAddons = JSON.parse(testCachedAddons); } let testCachedContent = Services.prefs.getStringPref( PREF_TEST_CACHED_CONTENT, null ); if (testCachedContent) { cachedContent = JSON.parse(testCachedContent); } } else { cachedContent = await RemoteSettings(CONTENT_COLLECTION_KEY).get(); cachedAddons = await RemoteSettings(STUDY_ADDON_COLLECTION_KEY).get(); } // Replace existing contents immediately on page load. for (const contents of cachedContent) { updateContents(contents); } for (const cachedAddon of cachedAddons) { // Record any studies that have been marked as concluded on the server. if ("studyEnded" in cachedAddon && cachedAddon.studyEnded === true) { const completedStudies = Services.prefs.getStringPref( PREF_ION_COMPLETED_STUDIES, "{}" ); const studies = JSON.parse(completedStudies); studies[cachedAddon.addon_id] = STUDY_LEAVE_REASONS.STUDY_ENDED; Services.prefs.setStringPref( PREF_ION_COMPLETED_STUDIES, JSON.stringify(studies) ); } } await setup(cachedAddons); try { await showAvailableStudies(cachedAddons); } catch (ex) { // No need to throw here, we'll try again before letting users enroll in any studies. console.error(`Could not show available studies`, ex); } }); async function sendDeletionPing(studyAddonId) { const type = "pioneer-study"; const options = { studyName: studyAddonId, addPioneerId: true, useEncryption: true, // NOTE - while we're not actually sending useful data in this payload, the current Pioneer v2 Telemetry // pipeline requires that pings are shaped this way so they are routed to the correct environment. // // At the moment, the public key used here isn't important but we do need to use *something*. encryptionKeyId: "discarded", publicKey: { crv: "P-256", kty: "EC", x: "XLkI3NaY3-AF2nRMspC63BT1u0Y3moXYSfss7VuQ0mk", y: "SB0KnIW-pqk85OIEYZenoNkEyOOp5GeWQhS1KeRtEUE", }, schemaName: "deletion-request", schemaVersion: 1, // The schema namespace needs to be the study addon id, as we // want to route the ping to the specific study table. schemaNamespace: studyAddonId, }; const payload = { encryptedData: "", }; await TelemetryController.submitExternalPing(type, payload, options); } /** * Sends a Pioneer enrollment ping. * * The `creationDate` provided by the telemetry APIs will be used as the timestamp for * considering the user enrolled in pioneer and/or the study. * * @param {string} [studyAddonId] - optional study id. It's sent in the ping, if present, * to signal that user enroled in the study. */ async function sendEnrollmentPing(studyAddonId) { let options = { studyName: "pioneer-meta", addPioneerId: true, useEncryption: true, // NOTE - while we're not actually sending useful data in this payload, the current Pioneer v2 Telemetry // pipeline requires that pings are shaped this way so they are routed to the correct environment. // // At the moment, the public key used here isn't important but we do need to use *something*. encryptionKeyId: "discarded", publicKey: { crv: "P-256", kty: "EC", x: "XLkI3NaY3-AF2nRMspC63BT1u0Y3moXYSfss7VuQ0mk", y: "SB0KnIW-pqk85OIEYZenoNkEyOOp5GeWQhS1KeRtEUE", }, schemaName: "pioneer-enrollment", schemaVersion: 1, // Note that the schema namespace directly informs how data is segregated after ingestion. // If this is an enrollment ping for the pioneer program (in contrast to the enrollment to // a specific study), use a meta namespace. schemaNamespace: "pioneer-meta", }; // If we were provided with a study id, then this is an enrollment to a study. // Send the id alongside with the data and change the schema namespace to simplify // the work on the ingestion pipeline. if (typeof studyAddonId != "undefined") { options.studyName = studyAddonId; // The schema namespace needs to be the study addon id, as we // want to route the ping to the specific study table. options.schemaNamespace = studyAddonId; } await TelemetryController.submitExternalPing("pioneer-study", {}, options); }