/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests that pressing "Cancel" from the selection page of the migration * dialog closes the dialog when opened in about:preferences as an HTML5 * dialog. */ add_task(async function test_cancel_close() { await withMigrationWizardDialog(async prefsWin => { let dialog = prefsWin.document.querySelector("#migrationWizardDialog"); let wizard = dialog.querySelector("migration-wizard"); let shadow = wizard.openOrClosedShadowRoot; let cancelButton = shadow.querySelector( 'div[name="page-selection"] .cancel-close' ); let dialogClosed = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(dialog, "close"); cancelButton.click(); await dialogClosed; Assert.ok(true, "Clicking the cancel button closed the dialog."); }); }); /** * Tests that pressing "Cancel" from the selection page of the migration * dialog closes the dialog when opened in stand-alone window. */ add_task(async function test_cancel_close() { let promiseWinLoaded = BrowserTestUtils.domWindowOpened().then(win => { return BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(win, "MigrationWizard:Ready"); }); let win = Services.ww.openWindow( window, DIALOG_URL, "_blank", "dialog,centerscreen", {} ); await promiseWinLoaded; win.sizeToContent(); let wizard = win.document.querySelector("#wizard"); let shadow = wizard.openOrClosedShadowRoot; let cancelButton = shadow.querySelector( 'div[name="page-selection"] .cancel-close' ); let windowClosed = BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(win); cancelButton.click(); await windowClosed; Assert.ok(true, "Window was closed."); });