/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { BookmarksFileMigrator } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/FileMigrators.sys.mjs" ); const { MigrationWizardConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "chrome://browser/content/migration/migration-wizard-constants.mjs" ); /** * Tests that the BookmarksFileMigrator properly subclasses FileMigratorBase * and delegates to BookmarkHTMLUtils or BookmarkJSONUtils. * * Normally, we'd override the BookmarkHTMLUtils and BookmarkJSONUtils methods * in our test here so that we just ensure that they're called with the * right arguments, rather than testing their behaviour. Unfortunately, both * BookmarkHTMLUtils and BookmarkJSONUtils are frozen with Object.freeze, which * prevents sinon from stubbing out any of their methods. Rather than unfreezing * those objects just for testing, we test the whole flow end-to-end, including * the import to Places. */ add_setup(() => { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.migrate.bookmarks-file.enabled", true); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.migrate.bookmarks-file.enabled"); }); }); /** * First check that the BookmarksFileMigrator implements the required parts * of the parent class. */ add_task(async function test_BookmarksFileMigrator_members() { let migrator = new BookmarksFileMigrator(); Assert.ok( migrator.constructor.key, `BookmarksFileMigrator implements static getter 'key'` ); Assert.ok( migrator.constructor.displayNameL10nID, `BookmarksFileMigrator implements static getter 'displayNameL10nID'` ); Assert.ok( migrator.constructor.brandImage, `BookmarksFileMigrator implements static getter 'brandImage'` ); Assert.ok( migrator.progressHeaderL10nID, `BookmarksFileMigrator implements getter 'progressHeaderL10nID'` ); Assert.ok( migrator.successHeaderL10nID, `BookmarksFileMigrator implements getter 'successHeaderL10nID'` ); Assert.ok( await migrator.getFilePickerConfig(), `BookmarksFileMigrator implements method 'getFilePickerConfig'` ); Assert.ok( migrator.displayedResourceTypes, `BookmarksFileMigrator implements getter 'displayedResourceTypes'` ); Assert.ok(migrator.enabled, `BookmarksFileMigrator is enabled`); }); add_task(async function test_BookmarksFileMigrator_HTML() { let migrator = new BookmarksFileMigrator(); const EXPECTED_SUCCESS_STATE = { [MigrationWizardConstants.DISPLAYED_FILE_RESOURCE_TYPES .BOOKMARKS_FROM_FILE]: "8 bookmarks", }; const BOOKMARKS_PATH = PathUtils.join( do_get_cwd().path, "bookmarks.exported.html" ); let result = await migrator.migrate(BOOKMARKS_PATH); Assert.deepEqual( result, EXPECTED_SUCCESS_STATE, "Returned the expected success state." ); }); add_task(async function test_BookmarksFileMigrator_JSON() { let migrator = new BookmarksFileMigrator(); const EXPECTED_SUCCESS_STATE = { [MigrationWizardConstants.DISPLAYED_FILE_RESOURCE_TYPES .BOOKMARKS_FROM_FILE]: "10 bookmarks", }; const BOOKMARKS_PATH = PathUtils.join( do_get_cwd().path, "bookmarks.exported.json" ); let result = await migrator.migrate(BOOKMARKS_PATH); Assert.deepEqual( result, EXPECTED_SUCCESS_STATE, "Returned the expected success state." ); }); add_task(async function test_BookmarksFileMigrator_invalid() { let migrator = new BookmarksFileMigrator(); const INVALID_FILE_PATH = PathUtils.join( do_get_cwd().path, "bookmarks.invalid.html" ); await Assert.rejects( migrator.migrate(INVALID_FILE_PATH), /Pick another file/ ); });