"use strict"; const PROFILE = { id: "Default", name: "Person 1", }; const TEST_LOGINS = [ { id: 1, // id of the row in the chrome login db username: "username", password: "password", origin: "https://c9.io", formActionOrigin: "https://c9.io", httpRealm: null, usernameField: "inputEmail", passwordField: "inputPassword", timeCreated: 1437418416037, timePasswordChanged: 1437418416037, timesUsed: 1, }, { id: 2, username: "username@gmail.com", password: "password2", origin: "https://accounts.google.com", formActionOrigin: "https://accounts.google.com", httpRealm: null, usernameField: "Email", passwordField: "Passwd", timeCreated: 1437418446598, timePasswordChanged: 1437418446598, timesUsed: 6, }, { id: 3, username: "username", password: "password3", origin: "https://www.facebook.com", formActionOrigin: "https://www.facebook.com", httpRealm: null, usernameField: "email", passwordField: "pass", timeCreated: 1437418478851, timePasswordChanged: 1437418478851, timesUsed: 1, }, { id: 4, username: "user", password: "اقرأPÀßwörd", origin: "http://httpbin.org", formActionOrigin: null, httpRealm: "me@kennethreitz.com", // Digest auth. usernameField: "", passwordField: "", timeCreated: 1437787462368, timePasswordChanged: 1437787462368, timesUsed: 1, }, { id: 5, username: "buser", password: "bpassword", origin: "http://httpbin.org", formActionOrigin: null, httpRealm: "Fake Realm", // Basic auth. usernameField: "", passwordField: "", timeCreated: 1437787539233, timePasswordChanged: 1437787539233, timesUsed: 1, }, { id: 6, username: "username", password: "password6", origin: "https://www.example.com", formActionOrigin: "", // NULL `action_url` httpRealm: null, usernameField: "", passwordField: "pass", timeCreated: 1557291348878, timePasswordChanged: 1557291348878, timesUsed: 1, }, { id: 7, version: "v10", username: "username", password: "password", origin: "https://v10.io", formActionOrigin: "https://v10.io", httpRealm: null, usernameField: "inputEmail", passwordField: "inputPassword", timeCreated: 1437418416037, timePasswordChanged: 1437418416037, timesUsed: 1, }, ]; var loginCrypto; var dbConn; async function promiseSetPassword(login) { const encryptedString = await loginCrypto.encryptData( login.password, login.version ); info(`promiseSetPassword: ${encryptedString}`); const passwordValue = new Uint8Array( loginCrypto.stringToArray(encryptedString) ); return dbConn.execute( `UPDATE logins SET password_value = :password_value WHERE rowid = :rowid `, { password_value: passwordValue, rowid: login.id } ); } function checkLoginsAreEqual(passwordManagerLogin, chromeLogin, id) { passwordManagerLogin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.username, chromeLogin.username, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same username" ); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.password, chromeLogin.password, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same password" ); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.origin, chromeLogin.origin, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same origin" ); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.formActionOrigin, chromeLogin.formActionOrigin, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same formActionOrigin" ); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.httpRealm, chromeLogin.httpRealm, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same httpRealm" ); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.usernameField, chromeLogin.usernameField, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same usernameElement" ); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.passwordField, chromeLogin.passwordField, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same passwordElement" ); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.timeCreated, chromeLogin.timeCreated, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same timeCreated" ); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.timePasswordChanged, chromeLogin.timePasswordChanged, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same timePasswordChanged" ); Assert.equal( passwordManagerLogin.timesUsed, chromeLogin.timesUsed, "The two logins ID " + id + " have the same timesUsed" ); } function generateDifferentLogin(login) { const newLogin = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager/loginInfo;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsILoginInfo ); newLogin.init( login.origin, login.formActionOrigin, null, login.username, login.password + 1, login.usernameField + 1, login.passwordField + 1 ); newLogin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); newLogin.timeCreated = login.timeCreated + 1; newLogin.timePasswordChanged = login.timePasswordChanged + 1; newLogin.timesUsed = login.timesUsed + 1; return newLogin; } add_task(async function setup() { let dirSvcPath; let pathId; let profilePathSegments; // Use a mock service and account name to avoid a Keychain auth. prompt that // would block the test from finishing if Chrome has already created a matching // Keychain entry. This allows us to still exercise the keychain lookup code. // The mock encryption passphrase is used when the Keychain item isn't found. const mockMacOSKeychain = { passphrase: "bW96aWxsYWZpcmVmb3g=", serviceName: "TESTING Chrome Safe Storage", accountName: "TESTING Chrome", }; if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { const { ChromeMacOSLoginCrypto } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/ChromeMacOSLoginCrypto.sys.mjs" ); loginCrypto = new ChromeMacOSLoginCrypto( mockMacOSKeychain.serviceName, mockMacOSKeychain.accountName, mockMacOSKeychain.passphrase ); dirSvcPath = "Library/"; pathId = "ULibDir"; profilePathSegments = [ "Application Support", "Google", "Chrome", "Default", "Login Data", ]; } else if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { const { ChromeWindowsLoginCrypto } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/ChromeWindowsLoginCrypto.sys.mjs" ); loginCrypto = new ChromeWindowsLoginCrypto("Chrome"); dirSvcPath = "AppData/Local/"; pathId = "LocalAppData"; profilePathSegments = [ "Google", "Chrome", "User Data", "Default", "Login Data", ]; } else { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } const dirSvcFile = do_get_file(dirSvcPath); registerFakePath(pathId, dirSvcFile); info(PathUtils.join(dirSvcFile.path, ...profilePathSegments)); const loginDataFilePath = PathUtils.join( dirSvcFile.path, ...profilePathSegments ); dbConn = await Sqlite.openConnection({ path: loginDataFilePath }); if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { const migrator = await MigrationUtils.getMigrator("chrome"); Object.assign(migrator, { _keychainServiceName: mockMacOSKeychain.serviceName, _keychainAccountName: mockMacOSKeychain.accountName, _keychainMockPassphrase: mockMacOSKeychain.passphrase, }); } registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); if (loginCrypto.finalize) { loginCrypto.finalize(); } return dbConn.close(); }); }); add_task(async function test_importIntoEmptyDB() { for (const login of TEST_LOGINS) { await promiseSetPassword(login); } const migrator = await MigrationUtils.getMigrator("chrome"); Assert.ok( await migrator.isSourceAvailable(), "Sanity check the source exists" ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 0, "There are no logins initially"); // Migrate the logins. await promiseMigration( migrator, MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.PASSWORDS, PROFILE, true ); logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal( logins.length, TEST_LOGINS.length, "Check login count after importing the data" ); Assert.equal( logins.length, MigrationUtils._importQuantities.logins, "Check telemetry matches the actual import." ); for (let i = 0; i < TEST_LOGINS.length; i++) { checkLoginsAreEqual(logins[i], TEST_LOGINS[i], i + 1); } }); // Test that existing logins for the same primary key don't get overwritten add_task(async function test_importExistingLogins() { const migrator = await MigrationUtils.getMigrator("chrome"); Assert.ok( await migrator.isSourceAvailable(), "Sanity check the source exists" ); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal( logins.length, 0, "There are no logins after removing all of them" ); const newLogins = []; // Create 3 new logins that are different but where the key properties are still the same. for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { newLogins.push(generateDifferentLogin(TEST_LOGINS[i])); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(newLogins[i]); } logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal( logins.length, newLogins.length, "Check login count after the insertion" ); for (let i = 0; i < newLogins.length; i++) { checkLoginsAreEqual(logins[i], newLogins[i], i + 1); } // Migrate the logins. await promiseMigration( migrator, MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.PASSWORDS, PROFILE, true ); logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal( logins.length, TEST_LOGINS.length, "Check there are still the same number of logins after re-importing the data" ); Assert.equal( logins.length, MigrationUtils._importQuantities.logins, "Check telemetry matches the actual import." ); for (let i = 0; i < newLogins.length; i++) { checkLoginsAreEqual(logins[i], newLogins[i], i + 1); } });