/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { PlacesQuery } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/PlacesQuery.sys.mjs" ); const HISTORY_FILE_PATH = "Library/Safari/History.db"; const HISTORY_STRANGE_ENTRIES_FILE_PATH = "Library/Safari/HistoryStrangeEntries.db"; // By default, our migrators will cut off migrating any history older than // 180 days. In order to make sure this test continues to run correctly // in the future, we copy the reference database to History.db, and then // use Sqlite.sys.mjs to connect to it and manually update all of the visit // times to be "now", so that they all fall within the 180 day window. The // Nov 10th date below is right around when the reference database visit // entries were created. // // This update occurs in `updateVisitTimes`. const MS_SINCE_SNAPSHOT_TIME = new Date() - new Date("Nov 10, 2022 00:00:00 UTC"); async function setupHistoryFile() { removeHistoryFile(); let file = do_get_file(HISTORY_STRANGE_ENTRIES_FILE_PATH); file.copyTo(file.parent, "History.db"); await updateVisitTimes(); } function removeHistoryFile() { let file = do_get_file(HISTORY_FILE_PATH, true); try { file.remove(false); } catch (ex) { // It is ok if this doesn't exist. if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { throw ex; } } } add_setup(async function setup() { registerFakePath("ULibDir", do_get_file("Library/")); await setupHistoryFile(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); removeHistoryFile(); }); }); async function updateVisitTimes() { let cocoaSnapshotDelta = MS_SINCE_SNAPSHOT_TIME / 1000; let historyFile = do_get_file(HISTORY_FILE_PATH); let dbConn = await Sqlite.openConnection({ path: historyFile.path }); await dbConn.execute( "UPDATE history_visits SET visit_time = visit_time + :cocoaSnapshotDelta;", { cocoaSnapshotDelta, } ); await dbConn.close(); } /** * Tests that we can import successfully from Safari when Safari's history * database contains malformed URLs. */ add_task(async function testHistoryImportStrangeEntries() { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); let placesQuery = new PlacesQuery(); let emptyHistory = await placesQuery.getHistory(); Assert.equal(emptyHistory.size, 0, "Empty history should indeed be empty."); const EXPECTED_MIGRATED_SITES = 10; const EXPECTED_MIGRATED_VISTS = 23; let historyFile = do_get_file(HISTORY_FILE_PATH); let dbConn = await Sqlite.openConnection({ path: historyFile.path }); let [rowCountResult] = await dbConn.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history_visits" ); Assert.greater( rowCountResult.getResultByName("COUNT(*)"), EXPECTED_MIGRATED_VISTS, "There are more total rows than valid rows" ); await dbConn.close(); let migrator = await MigrationUtils.getMigrator("safari"); await promiseMigration(migrator, MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.HISTORY); let migratedHistory = await placesQuery.getHistory({ sortBy: "site" }); let siteCount = migratedHistory.size; let visitCount = 0; for (let [, visits] of migratedHistory) { visitCount += visits.length; } Assert.equal( siteCount, EXPECTED_MIGRATED_SITES, "Should have migrated all valid history sites" ); Assert.equal( visitCount, EXPECTED_MIGRATED_VISTS, "Should have migrated all valid history visits" ); placesQuery.close(); });