/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, } from "../../common/Actions.mjs"; const _OpenInPrivateWindow = site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-open-new-private-window", icon: "new-window-private", action: ac.OnlyToMain({ type: at.OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW, data: { url: site.url, referrer: site.referrer }, }), userEvent: "OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW", }); /** * List of functions that return items that can be included as menu options in a * LinkMenu. All functions take the site as the first parameter, and optionally * the index of the site. */ export const LinkMenuOptions = { Separator: () => ({ type: "separator" }), EmptyItem: () => ({ type: "empty" }), ShowPrivacyInfo: () => ({ id: "newtab-menu-show-privacy-info", icon: "info", action: { type: at.SHOW_PRIVACY_INFO, }, userEvent: "SHOW_PRIVACY_INFO", }), AboutSponsored: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-show-privacy-info", icon: "info", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.ABOUT_SPONSORED_TOP_SITES, data: { advertiser_name: (site.label || site.hostname).toLocaleLowerCase(), position: site.sponsored_position, tile_id: site.sponsored_tile_id, }, }), userEvent: "TOPSITE_SPONSOR_INFO", }), RemoveBookmark: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-remove-bookmark", icon: "bookmark-added", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.DELETE_BOOKMARK_BY_ID, data: site.bookmarkGuid, }), userEvent: "BOOKMARK_DELETE", }), AddBookmark: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-bookmark", icon: "bookmark-hollow", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.BOOKMARK_URL, data: { url: site.url, title: site.title, type: site.type }, }), userEvent: "BOOKMARK_ADD", }), OpenInNewWindow: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-open-new-window", icon: "new-window", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.OPEN_NEW_WINDOW, data: { referrer: site.referrer, typedBonus: site.typedBonus, url: site.url, sponsored_tile_id: site.sponsored_tile_id, }, }), userEvent: "OPEN_NEW_WINDOW", }), // This blocks the url for regular stories, // but also sends a message to DiscoveryStream with flight_id. // If DiscoveryStream sees this message for a flight_id // it also blocks it on the flight_id. BlockUrl: (site, index, eventSource) => { return LinkMenuOptions.BlockUrls([site], index, eventSource); }, // Same as BlockUrl, cept can work on an array of sites. BlockUrls: (tiles, pos, eventSource) => ({ id: "newtab-menu-dismiss", icon: "dismiss", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.BLOCK_URL, data: tiles.map(site => ({ url: site.original_url || site.open_url || site.url, // pocket_id is only for pocket stories being in highlights, and then dismissed. pocket_id: site.pocket_id, // used by PlacesFeed and TopSitesFeed for sponsored top sites blocking. isSponsoredTopSite: site.sponsored_position, ...(site.flight_id ? { flight_id: site.flight_id } : {}), // If not sponsored, hostname could be anything (Cat3 Data!). // So only put in advertiser_name for sponsored topsites. ...(site.sponsored_position ? { advertiser_name: ( site.label || site.hostname )?.toLocaleLowerCase(), } : {}), position: pos, ...(site.sponsored_tile_id ? { tile_id: site.sponsored_tile_id } : {}), is_pocket_card: site.type === "CardGrid", })), }), impression: ac.ImpressionStats({ source: eventSource, block: 0, tiles: tiles.map((site, index) => ({ id: site.guid, pos: pos + index, ...(site.shim && site.shim.delete ? { shim: site.shim.delete } : {}), })), }), userEvent: "BLOCK", }), // This is an option for web extentions which will result in remove items from // memory and notify the web extenion, rather than using the built-in block list. WebExtDismiss: (site, index, eventSource) => ({ id: "menu_action_webext_dismiss", string_id: "newtab-menu-dismiss", icon: "dismiss", action: ac.WebExtEvent(at.WEBEXT_DISMISS, { source: eventSource, url: site.url, action_position: index, }), }), DeleteUrl: (site, index, eventSource, isEnabled, siteInfo) => ({ id: "newtab-menu-delete-history", icon: "delete", action: { type: at.DIALOG_OPEN, data: { onConfirm: [ ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.DELETE_HISTORY_URL, data: { url: site.url, pocket_id: site.pocket_id, forceBlock: site.bookmarkGuid, }, }), ac.UserEvent( Object.assign( { event: "DELETE", source: eventSource, action_position: index }, siteInfo ) ), ], eventSource, body_string_id: [ "newtab-confirm-delete-history-p1", "newtab-confirm-delete-history-p2", ], confirm_button_string_id: "newtab-topsites-delete-history-button", cancel_button_string_id: "newtab-topsites-cancel-button", icon: "modal-delete", }, }, userEvent: "DIALOG_OPEN", }), ShowFile: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-show-file", icon: "search", action: ac.OnlyToMain({ type: at.SHOW_DOWNLOAD_FILE, data: { url: site.url }, }), }), OpenFile: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-open-file", icon: "open-file", action: ac.OnlyToMain({ type: at.OPEN_DOWNLOAD_FILE, data: { url: site.url }, }), }), CopyDownloadLink: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-copy-download-link", icon: "copy", action: ac.OnlyToMain({ type: at.COPY_DOWNLOAD_LINK, data: { url: site.url }, }), }), GoToDownloadPage: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-go-to-download-page", icon: "download", action: ac.OnlyToMain({ type: at.OPEN_LINK, data: { url: site.referrer }, }), disabled: !site.referrer, }), RemoveDownload: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-remove-download", icon: "delete", action: ac.OnlyToMain({ type: at.REMOVE_DOWNLOAD_FILE, data: { url: site.url }, }), }), PinTopSite: (site, index) => ({ id: "newtab-menu-pin", icon: "pin", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.TOP_SITES_PIN, data: { site, index, }, }), userEvent: "PIN", }), UnpinTopSite: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-unpin", icon: "unpin", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.TOP_SITES_UNPIN, data: { site: { url: site.url } }, }), userEvent: "UNPIN", }), SaveToPocket: (site, index, eventSource = "CARDGRID") => ({ id: "newtab-menu-save-to-pocket", icon: "pocket-save", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_TO_POCKET, data: { site: { url: site.url, title: site.title }, }, }), impression: ac.ImpressionStats({ source: eventSource, pocket: 0, tiles: [ { id: site.guid, pos: index, ...(site.shim && site.shim.save ? { shim: site.shim.save } : {}), }, ], }), userEvent: "SAVE_TO_POCKET", }), DeleteFromPocket: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-delete-pocket", icon: "pocket-delete", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.DELETE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: site.pocket_id }, }), userEvent: "DELETE_FROM_POCKET", }), ArchiveFromPocket: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-archive-pocket", icon: "pocket-archive", action: ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: site.pocket_id }, }), userEvent: "ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET", }), EditTopSite: (site, index) => ({ id: "newtab-menu-edit-topsites", icon: "edit", action: { type: at.TOP_SITES_EDIT, data: { index }, }, }), CheckBookmark: site => site.bookmarkGuid ? LinkMenuOptions.RemoveBookmark(site) : LinkMenuOptions.AddBookmark(site), CheckPinTopSite: (site, index) => site.isPinned ? LinkMenuOptions.UnpinTopSite(site) : LinkMenuOptions.PinTopSite(site, index), CheckSavedToPocket: (site, index, source) => site.pocket_id ? LinkMenuOptions.DeleteFromPocket(site) : LinkMenuOptions.SaveToPocket(site, index, source), CheckBookmarkOrArchive: site => site.pocket_id ? LinkMenuOptions.ArchiveFromPocket(site) : LinkMenuOptions.CheckBookmark(site), CheckArchiveFromPocket: site => site.pocket_id ? LinkMenuOptions.ArchiveFromPocket(site) : LinkMenuOptions.EmptyItem(), CheckDeleteFromPocket: site => site.pocket_id ? LinkMenuOptions.DeleteFromPocket(site) : LinkMenuOptions.EmptyItem(), OpenInPrivateWindow: (site, index, eventSource, isEnabled) => isEnabled ? _OpenInPrivateWindow(site) : LinkMenuOptions.EmptyItem(), };