/*! THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED: webpack.system-addon.config.js */ var NewtabRenderUtils; /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ // The require scope /******/ var __webpack_require__ = {}; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/global */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.g = (function() { /******/ if (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis; /******/ try { /******/ return this || new Function('return this')(); /******/ } catch (e) { /******/ if (typeof window === 'object') return window; /******/ } /******/ })(); /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { NewTab: () => (/* binding */ NewTab), renderCache: () => (/* binding */ renderCache), renderWithoutState: () => (/* binding */ renderWithoutState) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./common/Actions.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // This file is accessed from both content and system scopes. const MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE = "ActivityStream:Main"; const CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE = "ActivityStream:Content"; const PRELOAD_MESSAGE_TYPE = "ActivityStream:PreloadedBrowser"; const UI_CODE = 1; const BACKGROUND_PROCESS = 2; /** * globalImportContext - Are we in UI code (i.e. react, a dom) or some kind of background process? * Use this in action creators if you need different logic * for ui/background processes. */ const globalImportContext = typeof Window === "undefined" ? BACKGROUND_PROCESS : UI_CODE; // Create an object that avoids accidental differing key/value pairs: // { // INIT: "INIT", // UNINIT: "UNINIT" // } const actionTypes = {}; for (const type of [ "ABOUT_SPONSORED_TOP_SITES", "ADDONS_INFO_REQUEST", "ADDONS_INFO_RESPONSE", "ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET", "AS_ROUTER_INITIALIZED", "AS_ROUTER_PREF_CHANGED", "AS_ROUTER_TARGETING_UPDATE", "AS_ROUTER_TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT", "BLOCK_URL", "BOOKMARK_URL", "CLEAR_PREF", "COPY_DOWNLOAD_LINK", "DELETE_BOOKMARK_BY_ID", "DELETE_FROM_POCKET", "DELETE_HISTORY_URL", "DIALOG_CANCEL", "DIALOG_OPEN", "DISABLE_SEARCH", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_COLLECTION_DISMISSIBLE_TOGGLE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_RESET", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_RESET_DEFAULTS", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_SETUP", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_SET_VALUE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_EXPIRE_CACHE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_IDLE_DAILY", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_SYNC_RS", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_SYSTEM_TICK", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_EXPERIMENT_DATA", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEEDS_UPDATE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_IMPRESSION_STATS", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_RESET", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_UPDATE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_LOADED_CONTENT", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_INIT", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_LAST_UPDATED", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_OVERRIDE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_RESET", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_TOGGLE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_UPDATED", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_POCKET_STATE_INIT", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_POCKET_STATE_SET", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREFS_SETUP", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_RECENT_SAVES", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_RETRY_FEED", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_CAPS", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_ENDPOINT", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_PLACEMENTS", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_BLOCKED", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_IMPRESSION", "DISCOVERY_STREAM_USER_EVENT", "DOWNLOAD_CHANGED", "FAKE_FOCUS_SEARCH", "FILL_SEARCH_TERM", "HANDOFF_SEARCH_TO_AWESOMEBAR", "HIDE_PERSONALIZE", "HIDE_PRIVACY_INFO", "INIT", "NEW_TAB_INIT", "NEW_TAB_INITIAL_STATE", "NEW_TAB_LOAD", "NEW_TAB_REHYDRATED", "NEW_TAB_STATE_REQUEST", "NEW_TAB_UNLOAD", "OPEN_DOWNLOAD_FILE", "OPEN_LINK", "OPEN_NEW_WINDOW", "OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW", "OPEN_WEBEXT_SETTINGS", "PARTNER_LINK_ATTRIBUTION", "PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED", "PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED", "PLACES_HISTORY_CLEARED", "PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED", "PLACES_LINKS_DELETED", "PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED", "PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET", "POCKET_CTA", "POCKET_LINK_DELETED_OR_ARCHIVED", "POCKET_LOGGED_IN", "POCKET_WAITING_FOR_SPOC", "PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES", "PREF_CHANGED", "PREVIEW_REQUEST", "PREVIEW_REQUEST_CANCEL", "PREVIEW_RESPONSE", "REMOVE_DOWNLOAD_FILE", "RICH_ICON_MISSING", "SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA", "SAVE_TO_POCKET", "SCREENSHOT_UPDATED", "SECTION_DEREGISTER", "SECTION_DISABLE", "SECTION_ENABLE", "SECTION_MOVE", "SECTION_OPTIONS_CHANGED", "SECTION_REGISTER", "SECTION_UPDATE", "SECTION_UPDATE_CARD", "SETTINGS_CLOSE", "SETTINGS_OPEN", "SET_PREF", "SHOW_DOWNLOAD_FILE", "SHOW_FIREFOX_ACCOUNTS", "SHOW_PERSONALIZE", "SHOW_PRIVACY_INFO", "SHOW_SEARCH", "SKIPPED_SIGNIN", "SOV_UPDATED", "SUBMIT_EMAIL", "SUBMIT_SIGNIN", "SYSTEM_TICK", "TELEMETRY_IMPRESSION_STATS", "TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT", "TOP_SITES_CANCEL_EDIT", "TOP_SITES_CLOSE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_MODAL", "TOP_SITES_EDIT", "TOP_SITES_INSERT", "TOP_SITES_OPEN_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_MODAL", "TOP_SITES_ORGANIC_IMPRESSION_STATS", "TOP_SITES_PIN", "TOP_SITES_PREFS_UPDATED", "TOP_SITES_SPONSORED_IMPRESSION_STATS", "TOP_SITES_UNPIN", "TOP_SITES_UPDATED", "TOTAL_BOOKMARKS_REQUEST", "TOTAL_BOOKMARKS_RESPONSE", "UNINIT", "UPDATE_PINNED_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS", "UPDATE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS", "UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS", "WALLPAPERS_SET", "WALLPAPER_CLICK", "WEATHER_IMPRESSION", "WEATHER_LOAD_ERROR", "WEATHER_OPEN_PROVIDER_URL", "WEATHER_UPDATE", "WEBEXT_CLICK", "WEBEXT_DISMISS", ]) { actionTypes[type] = type; } // Helper function for creating routed actions between content and main // Not intended to be used by consumers function _RouteMessage(action, options) { const meta = action.meta ? { ...action.meta } : {}; if (!options || !options.from || !options.to) { throw new Error( "Routed Messages must have options as the second parameter, and must at least include a .from and .to property." ); } // For each of these fields, if they are passed as an option, // add them to the action. If they are not defined, remove them. ["from", "to", "toTarget", "fromTarget", "skipMain", "skipLocal"].forEach( o => { if (typeof options[o] !== "undefined") { meta[o] = options[o]; } else if (meta[o]) { delete meta[o]; } } ); return { ...action, meta }; } /** * AlsoToMain - Creates a message that will be dispatched locally and also sent to the Main process. * * @param {object} action Any redux action (required) * @param {object} options * @param {bool} skipLocal Used by OnlyToMain to skip the main reducer * @param {string} fromTarget The id of the content port from which the action originated. (optional) * @return {object} An action with added .meta properties */ function AlsoToMain(action, fromTarget, skipLocal) { return _RouteMessage(action, { from: CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE, to: MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE, fromTarget, skipLocal, }); } /** * OnlyToMain - Creates a message that will be sent to the Main process and skip the local reducer. * * @param {object} action Any redux action (required) * @param {object} options * @param {string} fromTarget The id of the content port from which the action originated. (optional) * @return {object} An action with added .meta properties */ function OnlyToMain(action, fromTarget) { return AlsoToMain(action, fromTarget, true); } /** * BroadcastToContent - Creates a message that will be dispatched to main and sent to ALL content processes. * * @param {object} action Any redux action (required) * @return {object} An action with added .meta properties */ function BroadcastToContent(action) { return _RouteMessage(action, { from: MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE, to: CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE, }); } /** * AlsoToOneContent - Creates a message that will be will be dispatched to the main store * and also sent to a particular Content process. * * @param {object} action Any redux action (required) * @param {string} target The id of a content port * @param {bool} skipMain Used by OnlyToOneContent to skip the main process * @return {object} An action with added .meta properties */ function AlsoToOneContent(action, target, skipMain) { if (!target) { throw new Error( "You must provide a target ID as the second parameter of AlsoToOneContent. If you want to send to all content processes, use BroadcastToContent" ); } return _RouteMessage(action, { from: MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE, to: CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE, toTarget: target, skipMain, }); } /** * OnlyToOneContent - Creates a message that will be sent to a particular Content process * and skip the main reducer. * * @param {object} action Any redux action (required) * @param {string} target The id of a content port * @return {object} An action with added .meta properties */ function OnlyToOneContent(action, target) { return AlsoToOneContent(action, target, true); } /** * AlsoToPreloaded - Creates a message that dispatched to the main reducer and also sent to the preloaded tab. * * @param {object} action Any redux action (required) * @return {object} An action with added .meta properties */ function AlsoToPreloaded(action) { return _RouteMessage(action, { from: MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE, to: PRELOAD_MESSAGE_TYPE, }); } /** * UserEvent - A telemetry ping indicating a user action. This should only * be sent from the UI during a user session. * * @param {object} data Fields to include in the ping (source, etc.) * @return {object} An AlsoToMain action */ function UserEvent(data) { return AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT, data, }); } /** * DiscoveryStreamUserEvent - A telemetry ping indicating a user action from Discovery Stream. This should only * be sent from the UI during a user session. * * @param {object} data Fields to include in the ping (source, etc.) * @return {object} An AlsoToMain action */ function DiscoveryStreamUserEvent(data) { return AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_USER_EVENT, data, }); } /** * ASRouterUserEvent - A telemetry ping indicating a user action from AS router. This should only * be sent from the UI during a user session. * * @param {object} data Fields to include in the ping (source, etc.) * @return {object} An AlsoToMain action */ function ASRouterUserEvent(data) { return AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.AS_ROUTER_TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT, data, }); } /** * ImpressionStats - A telemetry ping indicating an impression stats. * * @param {object} data Fields to include in the ping * @param {int} importContext (For testing) Override the import context for testing. * #return {object} An action. For UI code, a AlsoToMain action. */ function ImpressionStats(data, importContext = globalImportContext) { const action = { type: actionTypes.TELEMETRY_IMPRESSION_STATS, data, }; return importContext === UI_CODE ? AlsoToMain(action) : action; } /** * DiscoveryStreamImpressionStats - A telemetry ping indicating an impression stats in Discovery Stream. * * @param {object} data Fields to include in the ping * @param {int} importContext (For testing) Override the import context for testing. * #return {object} An action. For UI code, a AlsoToMain action. */ function DiscoveryStreamImpressionStats( data, importContext = globalImportContext ) { const action = { type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_IMPRESSION_STATS, data, }; return importContext === UI_CODE ? AlsoToMain(action) : action; } /** * DiscoveryStreamLoadedContent - A telemetry ping indicating a content gets loaded in Discovery Stream. * * @param {object} data Fields to include in the ping * @param {int} importContext (For testing) Override the import context for testing. * #return {object} An action. For UI code, a AlsoToMain action. */ function DiscoveryStreamLoadedContent( data, importContext = globalImportContext ) { const action = { type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LOADED_CONTENT, data, }; return importContext === UI_CODE ? AlsoToMain(action) : action; } function SetPref(prefName, value, importContext = globalImportContext) { const action = { type: actionTypes.SET_PREF, data: { name: prefName, value }, }; return importContext === UI_CODE ? AlsoToMain(action) : action; } function WebExtEvent(type, data, importContext = globalImportContext) { if (!data || !data.source) { throw new Error( 'WebExtEvent actions should include a property "source", the id of the webextension that should receive the event.' ); } const action = { type, data }; return importContext === UI_CODE ? AlsoToMain(action) : action; } const actionCreators = { BroadcastToContent, UserEvent, DiscoveryStreamUserEvent, ASRouterUserEvent, ImpressionStats, AlsoToOneContent, OnlyToOneContent, AlsoToMain, OnlyToMain, AlsoToPreloaded, SetPref, WebExtEvent, DiscoveryStreamImpressionStats, DiscoveryStreamLoadedContent, }; // These are helpers to test for certain kinds of actions const actionUtils = { isSendToMain(action) { if (!action.meta) { return false; } return ( action.meta.to === MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE && action.meta.from === CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE ); }, isBroadcastToContent(action) { if (!action.meta) { return false; } if (action.meta.to === CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE && !action.meta.toTarget) { return true; } return false; }, isSendToOneContent(action) { if (!action.meta) { return false; } if (action.meta.to === CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE && action.meta.toTarget) { return true; } return false; }, isSendToPreloaded(action) { if (!action.meta) { return false; } return ( action.meta.to === PRELOAD_MESSAGE_TYPE && action.meta.from === MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE ); }, isFromMain(action) { if (!action.meta) { return false; } return ( action.meta.from === MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE && action.meta.to === CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE ); }, getPortIdOfSender(action) { return (action.meta && action.meta.fromTarget) || null; }, _RouteMessage, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactRedux" const external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject = ReactRedux; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "React" const external_React_namespaceObject = React; var external_React_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_React_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamAdmin/SimpleHashRouter.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class SimpleHashRouter extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onHashChange = this.onHashChange.bind(this); this.state = { hash: globalThis.location.hash }; } onHashChange() { this.setState({ hash: globalThis.location.hash }); } componentWillMount() { globalThis.addEventListener("hashchange", this.onHashChange); } componentWillUnmount() { globalThis.removeEventListener("hashchange", this.onHashChange); } render() { const [, ...routes] = this.state.hash.split("-"); return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().cloneElement(this.props.children, { location: { hash: this.state.hash, routes } }); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamAdmin/DiscoveryStreamAdmin.jsx function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const Row = props => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tr", _extends({ className: "message-item" }, props), props.children); function relativeTime(timestamp) { if (!timestamp) { return ""; } const seconds = Math.floor((Date.now() - timestamp) / 1000); const minutes = Math.floor((Date.now() - timestamp) / 60000); if (seconds < 2) { return "just now"; } else if (seconds < 60) { return `${seconds} seconds ago`; } else if (minutes === 1) { return "1 minute ago"; } else if (minutes < 600) { return `${minutes} minutes ago`; } return new Date(timestamp).toLocaleString(); } class ToggleStoryButton extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); } handleClick() { this.props.onClick(this.props.story); } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { onClick: this.handleClick }, "collapse/open"); } } class TogglePrefCheckbox extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this); } onChange(event) { this.props.onChange(this.props.pref, event.target.checked); } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { type: "checkbox", checked: this.props.checked, onChange: this.onChange, disabled: this.props.disabled }), " ", this.props.pref, " "); } } class Personalization extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.togglePersonalization = this.togglePersonalization.bind(this); } togglePersonalization() { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_TOGGLE })); } render() { const { lastUpdated, initialized } = this.props.state.Personalization; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("table", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tbody", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { colSpan: "2" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TogglePrefCheckbox, { checked: this.props.personalized, pref: "personalized", onChange: this.togglePersonalization }))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "min" }, "Personalization Last Updated"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", null, relativeTime(lastUpdated) || "(no data)")), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "min" }, "Personalization Initialized"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", null, initialized ? "true" : "false"))))); } } class DiscoveryStreamAdminUI extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.restorePrefDefaults = this.restorePrefDefaults.bind(this); this.setConfigValue = this.setConfigValue.bind(this); this.expireCache = this.expireCache.bind(this); this.refreshCache = this.refreshCache.bind(this); this.idleDaily = this.idleDaily.bind(this); this.systemTick = this.systemTick.bind(this); this.syncRemoteSettings = this.syncRemoteSettings.bind(this); this.onStoryToggle = this.onStoryToggle.bind(this); this.handleWeatherSubmit = this.handleWeatherSubmit.bind(this); this.handleWeatherUpdate = this.handleWeatherUpdate.bind(this); this.state = { toggledStories: {}, weatherQuery: "" }; } setConfigValue(name, value) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_SET_VALUE, data: { name, value } })); } restorePrefDefaults() { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_RESET_DEFAULTS })); } refreshCache() { const { config } = this.props.state.DiscoveryStream; this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE, data: config })); } dispatchSimpleAction(type) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type })); } systemTick() { this.dispatchSimpleAction(actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_SYSTEM_TICK); } expireCache() { this.dispatchSimpleAction(actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_EXPIRE_CACHE); } idleDaily() { this.dispatchSimpleAction(actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_IDLE_DAILY); } syncRemoteSettings() { this.dispatchSimpleAction(actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_SYNC_RS); } handleWeatherUpdate(e) { this.setState({ weatherQuery: e.target.value || "" }); } handleWeatherSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); const { weatherQuery } = this.state; this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.SetPref("weather.query", weatherQuery)); } renderComponent(width, component) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("table", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tbody", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "min" }, "Type"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", null, component.type)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "min" }, "Width"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", null, width)), component.feed && this.renderFeed(component.feed))); } renderWeatherData() { const { suggestions } = this.props.state.Weather; let weatherTable; if (suggestions) { weatherTable = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weather-section" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("form", { onSubmit: this.handleWeatherSubmit }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", { htmlFor: "weather-query" }, "Weather query"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { type: "text", min: "3", max: "10", id: "weather-query", onChange: this.handleWeatherUpdate, value: this.weatherQuery }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { type: "submit" }, "Submit")), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("table", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tbody", null, suggestions.map(suggestion => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tr", { className: "message-item", key: suggestion.city_name }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "message-id" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, suggestion.city_name, " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("br", null))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "message-summary" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("pre", null, JSON.stringify(suggestion, null, 2)))))))); } return weatherTable; } renderFeedData(url) { const { feeds } = this.props.state.DiscoveryStream; const feed = feeds.data[url].data; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h4", null, "Feed url: ", url), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("table", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tbody", null, feed.recommendations?.map(story => this.renderStoryData(story))))); } renderFeedsData() { const { feeds } = this.props.state.DiscoveryStream; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, Object.keys(feeds.data).map(url => this.renderFeedData(url))); } renderSpocs() { const { spocs } = this.props.state.DiscoveryStream; let spocsData = []; if (spocs.data && spocs.data.spocs && spocs.data.spocs.items) { spocsData = spocs.data.spocs.items || []; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("table", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tbody", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "min" }, "spocs_endpoint"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", null, spocs.spocs_endpoint)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "min" }, "Data last fetched"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", null, relativeTime(spocs.lastUpdated))))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h4", null, "Spoc data"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("table", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tbody", null, spocsData.map(spoc => this.renderStoryData(spoc)))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h4", null, "Spoc frequency caps"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("table", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tbody", null, spocs.frequency_caps.map(spoc => this.renderStoryData(spoc))))); } onStoryToggle(story) { const { toggledStories } = this.state; this.setState({ toggledStories: { ...toggledStories, [story.id]: !toggledStories[story.id] } }); } renderStoryData(story) { let storyData = ""; if (this.state.toggledStories[story.id]) { storyData = JSON.stringify(story, null, 2); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tr", { className: "message-item", key: story.id }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "message-id" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, story.id, " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("br", null)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ToggleStoryButton, { story: story, onClick: this.onStoryToggle })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "message-summary" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("pre", null, storyData))); } renderFeed(feed) { const { feeds } = this.props.state.DiscoveryStream; if (!feed.url) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "min" }, "Feed url"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", null, feed.url)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", { className: "min" }, "Data last fetched"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", null, relativeTime(feeds.data[feed.url] ? feeds.data[feed.url].lastUpdated : null) || "(no data)"))); } render() { const prefToggles = "enabled collapsible".split(" "); const { config, layout } = this.props.state.DiscoveryStream; const personalized = this.props.otherPrefs["discoverystream.personalization.enabled"]; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "button", onClick: this.restorePrefDefaults }, "Restore Pref Defaults"), " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "button", onClick: this.refreshCache }, "Refresh Cache"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("br", null), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "button", onClick: this.expireCache }, "Expire Cache"), " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "button", onClick: this.systemTick }, "Trigger System Tick"), " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "button", onClick: this.idleDaily }, "Trigger Idle Daily"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("br", null), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "button", onClick: this.syncRemoteSettings }, "Sync Remote Settings"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("table", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("tbody", null, prefToggles.map(pref => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Row, { key: pref }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("td", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TogglePrefCheckbox, { checked: config[pref], pref: pref, onChange: this.setConfigValue })))))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", null, "Layout"), layout.map((row, rowIndex) => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { key: `row-${rowIndex}` }, row.components.map((component, componentIndex) => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { key: `component-${componentIndex}`, className: "ds-component" }, this.renderComponent(row.width, component))))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", null, "Personalization"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Personalization, { personalized: personalized, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, state: { Personalization: this.props.state.Personalization } }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", null, "Spocs"), this.renderSpocs(), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", null, "Feeds Data"), this.renderFeedsData(), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", null, "Weather Data"), this.renderWeatherData()); } } class DiscoveryStreamAdminInner extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.setState = this.setState.bind(this); } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: `discoverystream-admin ${this.props.collapsed ? "collapsed" : "expanded"}` }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("main", { className: "main-panel" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h1", null, "Discovery Stream Admin"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: "helpLink" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "icon icon-small-spacer icon-info" }), " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, "Need to access the ASRouter Admin dev tools?", " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { target: "blank", href: "about:asrouter" }, "Click here"))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DiscoveryStreamAdminUI, { state: { DiscoveryStream: this.props.DiscoveryStream, Personalization: this.props.Personalization, Weather: this.props.Weather }, otherPrefs: this.props.Prefs.values, dispatch: this.props.dispatch })))); } } class CollapseToggle extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onCollapseToggle = this.onCollapseToggle.bind(this); this.state = { collapsed: false }; } get renderAdmin() { const { props } = this; return props.location.hash && props.location.hash.startsWith("#devtools"); } onCollapseToggle(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.setState(state => ({ collapsed: !state.collapsed })); } setBodyClass() { if (this.renderAdmin && !this.state.collapsed) { globalThis.document.body.classList.add("no-scroll"); } else { globalThis.document.body.classList.remove("no-scroll"); } } componentDidMount() { this.setBodyClass(); } componentDidUpdate() { this.setBodyClass(); } componentWillUnmount() { globalThis.document.body.classList.remove("no-scroll"); } render() { const { props } = this; const { renderAdmin } = this; const isCollapsed = this.state.collapsed || !renderAdmin; const label = `${isCollapsed ? "Expand" : "Collapse"} devtools`; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { href: "#devtools", title: label, "aria-label": label, className: `discoverystream-admin-toggle ${isCollapsed ? "collapsed" : "expanded"}`, onClick: this.renderAdmin ? this.onCollapseToggle : null }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "icon icon-devtools" })), renderAdmin ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DiscoveryStreamAdminInner, _extends({}, props, { collapsed: this.state.collapsed })) : null); } } const _DiscoveryStreamAdmin = props => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SimpleHashRouter, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(CollapseToggle, props)); const DiscoveryStreamAdmin = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Sections: state.Sections, DiscoveryStream: state.DiscoveryStream, Personalization: state.Personalization, Prefs: state.Prefs, Weather: state.Weather }))(_DiscoveryStreamAdmin); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/ConfirmDialog/ConfirmDialog.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * ConfirmDialog component. * One primary action button, one cancel button. * * Content displayed is controlled by `data` prop the component receives. * Example: * data: { * // Any sort of data needed to be passed around by actions. * payload: site.url, * // Primary button AlsoToMain action. * action: "DELETE_HISTORY_URL", * // Primary button USerEvent action. * userEvent: "DELETE", * // Array of locale ids to display. * message_body: ["confirm_history_delete_p1", "confirm_history_delete_notice_p2"], * // Text for primary button. * confirm_button_string_id: "menu_action_delete" * }, */ class _ConfirmDialog extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this._handleCancelBtn = this._handleCancelBtn.bind(this); this._handleConfirmBtn = this._handleConfirmBtn.bind(this); } _handleCancelBtn() { this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.DIALOG_CANCEL }); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ event: actionTypes.DIALOG_CANCEL, source: this.props.data.eventSource })); } _handleConfirmBtn() { this.props.data.onConfirm.forEach(this.props.dispatch); } _renderModalMessage() { const message_body = this.props.data.body_string_id; if (!message_body) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, message_body.map(msg => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { key: msg, "data-l10n-id": msg }))); } render() { if (!this.props.visible) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "confirmation-dialog" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "modal-overlay", onClick: this._handleCancelBtn, role: "presentation" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "modal" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("section", { className: "modal-message" }, this.props.data.icon && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: `icon icon-spacer icon-${this.props.data.icon}` }), this._renderModalMessage()), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("section", { className: "actions" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { onClick: this._handleCancelBtn, "data-l10n-id": this.props.data.cancel_button_string_id }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "done", onClick: this._handleConfirmBtn, "data-l10n-id": this.props.data.confirm_button_string_id })))); } } const ConfirmDialog = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => state.Dialog)(_ConfirmDialog); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSImage/DSImage.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE_DATA_ARRAY = [{ rotation: "0deg", offsetx: "20px", offsety: "8px", scale: "45%" }, { rotation: "54deg", offsetx: "-26px", offsety: "62px", scale: "55%" }, { rotation: "-30deg", offsetx: "78px", offsety: "30px", scale: "68%" }, { rotation: "-22deg", offsetx: "0", offsety: "92px", scale: "60%" }, { rotation: "-65deg", offsetx: "66px", offsety: "28px", scale: "60%" }, { rotation: "22deg", offsetx: "-35px", offsety: "62px", scale: "52%" }, { rotation: "-25deg", offsetx: "86px", offsety: "-15px", scale: "68%" }]; const PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE_COLORS_ARRAY = "#0090ED #FF4F5F #2AC3A2 #FF7139 #A172FF #FFA437 #FF2A8A".split(" "); function generateIndex({ keyCode, max }) { if (!keyCode) { // Just grab a random index if we cannot generate an index from a key. return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); } const hashStr = str => { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { let charCode = str.charCodeAt(i); hash += charCode; } return hash; }; const hash = hashStr(keyCode); return hash % max; } function PlaceholderImage({ urlKey, titleKey }) { const dataIndex = generateIndex({ keyCode: urlKey, max: PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE_DATA_ARRAY.length }); const colorIndex = generateIndex({ keyCode: titleKey, max: PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE_COLORS_ARRAY.length }); const { rotation, offsetx, offsety, scale } = PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE_DATA_ARRAY[dataIndex]; const color = PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE_COLORS_ARRAY[colorIndex]; const style = { "--placeholderBackgroundColor": color, "--placeholderBackgroundRotation": rotation, "--placeholderBackgroundOffsetx": offsetx, "--placeholderBackgroundOffsety": offsety, "--placeholderBackgroundScale": scale }; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { style: style, className: "placeholder-image" }); } class DSImage extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onOptimizedImageError = this.onOptimizedImageError.bind(this); this.onNonOptimizedImageError = this.onNonOptimizedImageError.bind(this); this.onLoad = this.onLoad.bind(this); this.state = { isLoaded: false, optimizedImageFailed: false, useTransition: false }; } onIdleCallback() { if (!this.state.isLoaded) { this.setState({ useTransition: true }); } } reformatImageURL(url, width, height) { // Change the image URL to request a size tailored for the parent container width // Also: force JPEG, quality 60, no upscaling, no EXIF data // Uses Thumbor: https://thumbor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html return `https://img-getpocket.cdn.mozilla.net/${width}x${height}/filters:format(jpeg):quality(60):no_upscale():strip_exif()/${encodeURIComponent(url)}`; } componentDidMount() { this.idleCallbackId = this.props.windowObj.requestIdleCallback(this.onIdleCallback.bind(this)); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.idleCallbackId) { this.props.windowObj.cancelIdleCallback(this.idleCallbackId); } } render() { let classNames = `ds-image ${this.props.extraClassNames ? ` ${this.props.extraClassNames}` : ``} ${this.state && this.state.useTransition ? ` use-transition` : ``} ${this.state && this.state.isLoaded ? ` loaded` : ``} `; let img; if (this.state) { if (this.props.optimize && this.props.rawSource && !this.state.optimizedImageFailed) { let baseSource = this.props.rawSource; let sizeRules = []; let srcSetRules = []; for (let rule of this.props.sizes) { let { mediaMatcher, width, height } = rule; let sizeRule = `${mediaMatcher} ${width}px`; sizeRules.push(sizeRule); let srcSetRule = `${this.reformatImageURL(baseSource, width, height)} ${width}w`; let srcSetRule2x = `${this.reformatImageURL(baseSource, width * 2, height * 2)} ${width * 2}w`; srcSetRules.push(srcSetRule); srcSetRules.push(srcSetRule2x); } if (this.props.sizes.length) { // We have to supply a fallback in the very unlikely event that none of // the media queries match. The smallest dimension was chosen arbitrarily. sizeRules.push(`${this.props.sizes[this.props.sizes.length - 1].width}px`); } img = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("img", { loading: "lazy", alt: this.props.alt_text, crossOrigin: "anonymous", onLoad: this.onLoad, onError: this.onOptimizedImageError, sizes: sizeRules.join(","), src: baseSource, srcSet: srcSetRules.join(",") }); } else if (this.props.source && !this.state.nonOptimizedImageFailed) { img = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("img", { loading: "lazy", alt: this.props.alt_text, crossOrigin: "anonymous", onLoad: this.onLoad, onError: this.onNonOptimizedImageError, src: this.props.source }); } else { // We consider a failed to load img or source without an image as loaded. classNames = `${classNames} loaded`; // Remove the img element if we have no source. Render a placeholder instead. // This only happens for recent saves without a source. if (this.props.isRecentSave && !this.props.rawSource && !this.props.source) { img = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(PlaceholderImage, { urlKey: this.props.url, titleKey: this.props.title }); } else { img = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "broken-image" }); } } } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("picture", { className: classNames }, img); } onOptimizedImageError() { // This will trigger a re-render and the unoptimized 450px image will be used as a fallback this.setState({ optimizedImageFailed: true }); } onNonOptimizedImageError() { this.setState({ nonOptimizedImageFailed: true }); } onLoad() { this.setState({ isLoaded: true }); } } DSImage.defaultProps = { source: null, // The current source style from Pocket API (always 450px) rawSource: null, // Unadulterated image URL to filter through Thumbor extraClassNames: null, // Additional classnames to append to component optimize: true, // Measure parent container to request exact sizes alt_text: null, windowObj: window, // Added to support unit tests sizes: [] }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/ContextMenu/ContextMenu.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class ContextMenu extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.hideContext = this.hideContext.bind(this); this.onShow = this.onShow.bind(this); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); } hideContext() { this.props.onUpdate(false); } onShow() { if (this.props.onShow) { this.props.onShow(); } } componentDidMount() { this.onShow(); setTimeout(() => { globalThis.addEventListener("click", this.hideContext); }, 0); } componentWillUnmount() { globalThis.removeEventListener("click", this.hideContext); } onClick(event) { // Eat all clicks on the context menu so they don't bubble up to window. // This prevents the context menu from closing when clicking disabled items // or the separators. event.stopPropagation(); } render() { // Disabling focus on the menu span allows the first tab to focus on the first menu item instead of the wrapper. return ( /*#__PURE__*/ // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/interactive-supports-focus external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "context-menu" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("ul", { role: "menu", onClick: this.onClick, onKeyDown: this.onClick, className: "context-menu-list" }, this.props.options.map((option, i) => option.type === "separator" ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("li", { key: i, className: "separator", role: "separator" }) : option.type !== "empty" && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ContextMenuItem, { key: i, option: option, hideContext: this.hideContext, keyboardAccess: this.props.keyboardAccess })))) ); } } class _ContextMenuItem extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this); this.onKeyUp = this.onKeyUp.bind(this); this.focusFirst = this.focusFirst.bind(this); } onClick(event) { this.props.hideContext(); this.props.option.onClick(event); } // Focus the first menu item if the menu was accessed via the keyboard. focusFirst(button) { if (this.props.keyboardAccess && button) { button.focus(); } } // This selects the correct node based on the key pressed focusSibling(target, key) { const parent = target.parentNode; const closestSiblingSelector = key === "ArrowUp" ? "previousSibling" : "nextSibling"; if (!parent[closestSiblingSelector]) { return; } if (parent[closestSiblingSelector].firstElementChild) { parent[closestSiblingSelector].firstElementChild.focus(); } else { parent[closestSiblingSelector][closestSiblingSelector].firstElementChild.focus(); } } onKeyDown(event) { const { option } = this.props; switch (event.key) { case "Tab": // tab goes down in context menu, shift + tab goes up in context menu // if we're on the last item, one more tab will close the context menu // similarly, if we're on the first item, one more shift + tab will close it if (event.shiftKey && option.first || !event.shiftKey && option.last) { this.props.hideContext(); } break; case "ArrowUp": case "ArrowDown": event.preventDefault(); this.focusSibling(event.target, event.key); break; case "Enter": case " ": event.preventDefault(); this.props.hideContext(); option.onClick(); break; case "Escape": this.props.hideContext(); break; } } // Prevents the default behavior of spacebar // scrolling the page & auto-triggering buttons. onKeyUp(event) { if (event.key === " ") { event.preventDefault(); } } render() { const { option } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("li", { role: "presentation", className: "context-menu-item" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: option.disabled ? "disabled" : "", role: "menuitem", onClick: this.onClick, onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown, onKeyUp: this.onKeyUp, ref: option.first ? this.focusFirst : null, "aria-haspopup": option.id === "newtab-menu-edit-topsites" ? "dialog" : null }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": option.string_id || option.id }))); } } const ContextMenuItem = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Prefs: state.Prefs }))(_ContextMenuItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/lib/link-menu-options.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const _OpenInPrivateWindow = site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-open-new-private-window", icon: "new-window-private", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW, data: { url: site.url, referrer: site.referrer }, }), userEvent: "OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW", }); /** * List of functions that return items that can be included as menu options in a * LinkMenu. All functions take the site as the first parameter, and optionally * the index of the site. */ const LinkMenuOptions = { Separator: () => ({ type: "separator" }), EmptyItem: () => ({ type: "empty" }), ShowPrivacyInfo: () => ({ id: "newtab-menu-show-privacy-info", icon: "info", action: { type: actionTypes.SHOW_PRIVACY_INFO, }, userEvent: "SHOW_PRIVACY_INFO", }), AboutSponsored: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-show-privacy-info", icon: "info", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.ABOUT_SPONSORED_TOP_SITES, data: { advertiser_name: (site.label || site.hostname).toLocaleLowerCase(), position: site.sponsored_position, tile_id: site.sponsored_tile_id, }, }), userEvent: "TOPSITE_SPONSOR_INFO", }), RemoveBookmark: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-remove-bookmark", icon: "bookmark-added", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.DELETE_BOOKMARK_BY_ID, data: site.bookmarkGuid, }), userEvent: "BOOKMARK_DELETE", }), AddBookmark: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-bookmark", icon: "bookmark-hollow", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.BOOKMARK_URL, data: { url: site.url, title: site.title, type: site.type }, }), userEvent: "BOOKMARK_ADD", }), OpenInNewWindow: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-open-new-window", icon: "new-window", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.OPEN_NEW_WINDOW, data: { referrer: site.referrer, typedBonus: site.typedBonus, url: site.url, sponsored_tile_id: site.sponsored_tile_id, }, }), userEvent: "OPEN_NEW_WINDOW", }), // This blocks the url for regular stories, // but also sends a message to DiscoveryStream with flight_id. // If DiscoveryStream sees this message for a flight_id // it also blocks it on the flight_id. BlockUrl: (site, index, eventSource) => { return LinkMenuOptions.BlockUrls([site], index, eventSource); }, // Same as BlockUrl, cept can work on an array of sites. BlockUrls: (tiles, pos, eventSource) => ({ id: "newtab-menu-dismiss", icon: "dismiss", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.BLOCK_URL, data: tiles.map(site => ({ url: site.original_url || site.open_url || site.url, // pocket_id is only for pocket stories being in highlights, and then dismissed. pocket_id: site.pocket_id, // used by PlacesFeed and TopSitesFeed for sponsored top sites blocking. isSponsoredTopSite: site.sponsored_position, ...(site.flight_id ? { flight_id: site.flight_id } : {}), // If not sponsored, hostname could be anything (Cat3 Data!). // So only put in advertiser_name for sponsored topsites. ...(site.sponsored_position ? { advertiser_name: ( site.label || site.hostname )?.toLocaleLowerCase(), } : {}), position: pos, ...(site.sponsored_tile_id ? { tile_id: site.sponsored_tile_id } : {}), is_pocket_card: site.type === "CardGrid", })), }), impression: actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source: eventSource, block: 0, tiles: tiles.map((site, index) => ({ id: site.guid, pos: pos + index, ...(site.shim && site.shim.delete ? { shim: site.shim.delete } : {}), })), }), userEvent: "BLOCK", }), // This is an option for web extentions which will result in remove items from // memory and notify the web extenion, rather than using the built-in block list. WebExtDismiss: (site, index, eventSource) => ({ id: "menu_action_webext_dismiss", string_id: "newtab-menu-dismiss", icon: "dismiss", action: actionCreators.WebExtEvent(actionTypes.WEBEXT_DISMISS, { source: eventSource, url: site.url, action_position: index, }), }), DeleteUrl: (site, index, eventSource, isEnabled, siteInfo) => ({ id: "newtab-menu-delete-history", icon: "delete", action: { type: actionTypes.DIALOG_OPEN, data: { onConfirm: [ actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.DELETE_HISTORY_URL, data: { url: site.url, pocket_id: site.pocket_id, forceBlock: site.bookmarkGuid, }, }), actionCreators.UserEvent( Object.assign( { event: "DELETE", source: eventSource, action_position: index }, siteInfo ) ), ], eventSource, body_string_id: [ "newtab-confirm-delete-history-p1", "newtab-confirm-delete-history-p2", ], confirm_button_string_id: "newtab-topsites-delete-history-button", cancel_button_string_id: "newtab-topsites-cancel-button", icon: "modal-delete", }, }, userEvent: "DIALOG_OPEN", }), ShowFile: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-show-file", icon: "search", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SHOW_DOWNLOAD_FILE, data: { url: site.url }, }), }), OpenFile: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-open-file", icon: "open-file", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.OPEN_DOWNLOAD_FILE, data: { url: site.url }, }), }), CopyDownloadLink: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-copy-download-link", icon: "copy", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.COPY_DOWNLOAD_LINK, data: { url: site.url }, }), }), GoToDownloadPage: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-go-to-download-page", icon: "download", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.OPEN_LINK, data: { url: site.referrer }, }), disabled: !site.referrer, }), RemoveDownload: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-remove-download", icon: "delete", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.REMOVE_DOWNLOAD_FILE, data: { url: site.url }, }), }), PinTopSite: (site, index) => ({ id: "newtab-menu-pin", icon: "pin", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_PIN, data: { site, index, }, }), userEvent: "PIN", }), UnpinTopSite: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-unpin", icon: "unpin", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_UNPIN, data: { site: { url: site.url } }, }), userEvent: "UNPIN", }), SaveToPocket: (site, index, eventSource = "CARDGRID") => ({ id: "newtab-menu-save-to-pocket", icon: "pocket-save", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.SAVE_TO_POCKET, data: { site: { url: site.url, title: site.title }, }, }), impression: actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source: eventSource, pocket: 0, tiles: [ { id: site.guid, pos: index, ...(site.shim && site.shim.save ? { shim: site.shim.save } : {}), }, ], }), userEvent: "SAVE_TO_POCKET", }), DeleteFromPocket: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-delete-pocket", icon: "pocket-delete", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.DELETE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: site.pocket_id }, }), userEvent: "DELETE_FROM_POCKET", }), ArchiveFromPocket: site => ({ id: "newtab-menu-archive-pocket", icon: "pocket-archive", action: actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: site.pocket_id }, }), userEvent: "ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET", }), EditTopSite: (site, index) => ({ id: "newtab-menu-edit-topsites", icon: "edit", action: { type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_EDIT, data: { index }, }, }), CheckBookmark: site => site.bookmarkGuid ? LinkMenuOptions.RemoveBookmark(site) : LinkMenuOptions.AddBookmark(site), CheckPinTopSite: (site, index) => site.isPinned ? LinkMenuOptions.UnpinTopSite(site) : LinkMenuOptions.PinTopSite(site, index), CheckSavedToPocket: (site, index, source) => site.pocket_id ? LinkMenuOptions.DeleteFromPocket(site) : LinkMenuOptions.SaveToPocket(site, index, source), CheckBookmarkOrArchive: site => site.pocket_id ? LinkMenuOptions.ArchiveFromPocket(site) : LinkMenuOptions.CheckBookmark(site), CheckArchiveFromPocket: site => site.pocket_id ? LinkMenuOptions.ArchiveFromPocket(site) : LinkMenuOptions.EmptyItem(), CheckDeleteFromPocket: site => site.pocket_id ? LinkMenuOptions.DeleteFromPocket(site) : LinkMenuOptions.EmptyItem(), OpenInPrivateWindow: (site, index, eventSource, isEnabled) => isEnabled ? _OpenInPrivateWindow(site) : LinkMenuOptions.EmptyItem(), ChangeWeatherLocation: () => ({ id: "newtab-weather-menu-change-location", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.CHANGE_WEATHER_LOCATION, data: { url: "https://mozilla.org" }, }), }), ChangeWeatherDisplaySimple: () => ({ id: "newtab-weather-menu-change-weather-display-simple", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SET_PREF, data: { name: "weather.display", value: "simple", }, }), }), ChangeWeatherDisplayDetailed: () => ({ id: "newtab-weather-menu-change-weather-display-detailed", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SET_PREF, data: { name: "weather.display", value: "detailed", }, }), }), ChangeTempUnitFahrenheit: () => ({ id: "newtab-weather-menu-change-temperature-units-fahrenheit", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SET_PREF, data: { name: "weather.temperatureUnits", value: "f", }, }), }), ChangeTempUnitCelsius: () => ({ id: "newtab-weather-menu-change-temperature-units-celsius", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SET_PREF, data: { name: "weather.temperatureUnits", value: "c", }, }), }), HideWeather: () => ({ id: "newtab-weather-menu-hide-weather", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SET_PREF, data: { name: "showWeather", value: false, }, }), }), OpenLearnMoreURL: site => ({ id: "newtab-weather-menu-learn-more", action: actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.OPEN_LINK, data: { url: site.url }, }), }), }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/LinkMenu/LinkMenu.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const DEFAULT_SITE_MENU_OPTIONS = ["CheckPinTopSite", "EditTopSite", "Separator", "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl"]; class _LinkMenu extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { getOptions() { const { props } = this; const { site, index, source, isPrivateBrowsingEnabled, siteInfo, platform, userEvent = actionCreators.UserEvent } = props; // Handle special case of default site const propOptions = site.isDefault && !site.searchTopSite && !site.sponsored_position ? DEFAULT_SITE_MENU_OPTIONS : props.options; const options = propOptions.map(o => LinkMenuOptions[o](site, index, source, isPrivateBrowsingEnabled, siteInfo, platform)).map(option => { const { action, impression, id, type, userEvent: eventName } = option; if (!type && id) { option.onClick = (event = {}) => { const { ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey, button } = event; // Only send along event info if there's something non-default to send if (ctrlKey || metaKey || shiftKey || button === 1) { action.data = Object.assign({ event: { ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey, button } }, action.data); } props.dispatch(action); if (eventName) { const userEventData = Object.assign({ event: eventName, source, action_position: index, value: { card_type: site.flight_id ? "spoc" : "organic" } }, siteInfo); props.dispatch(userEvent(userEventData)); } if (impression && props.shouldSendImpressionStats) { props.dispatch(impression); } }; } return option; }); // This is for accessibility to support making each item tabbable. // We want to know which item is the first and which item // is the last, so we can close the context menu accordingly. options[0].first = true; options[options.length - 1].last = true; return options; } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ContextMenu, { onUpdate: this.props.onUpdate, onShow: this.props.onShow, options: this.getOptions(), keyboardAccess: this.props.keyboardAccess }); } } const getState = state => ({ isPrivateBrowsingEnabled: state.Prefs.values.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled, platform: state.Prefs.values.platform }); const LinkMenu = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(getState)(_LinkMenu); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/ContextMenu/ContextMenuButton.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class ContextMenuButton extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showContextMenu: false, contextMenuKeyboard: false }; this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this); this.onUpdate = this.onUpdate.bind(this); } openContextMenu(isKeyBoard) { if (this.props.onUpdate) { this.props.onUpdate(true); } this.setState({ showContextMenu: true, contextMenuKeyboard: isKeyBoard }); } onClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.openContextMenu(false, event); } onKeyDown(event) { if (event.key === "Enter" || event.key === " ") { event.preventDefault(); this.openContextMenu(true, event); } } onUpdate(showContextMenu) { if (this.props.onUpdate) { this.props.onUpdate(showContextMenu); } this.setState({ showContextMenu }); } render() { const { tooltipArgs, tooltip, children, refFunction } = this.props; const { showContextMenu, contextMenuKeyboard } = this.state; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { "aria-haspopup": "true", "data-l10n-id": tooltip, "data-l10n-args": tooltipArgs ? JSON.stringify(tooltipArgs) : null, className: "context-menu-button icon", onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown, onClick: this.onClick, ref: refFunction }), showContextMenu ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().cloneElement(children, { keyboardAccess: contextMenuKeyboard, onUpdate: this.onUpdate }) : null); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSLinkMenu/DSLinkMenu.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class DSLinkMenu extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const { index, dispatch } = this.props; let pocketMenuOptions = []; let TOP_STORIES_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS = ["OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow"]; if (!this.props.isRecentSave) { if (this.props.pocket_button_enabled) { pocketMenuOptions = this.props.saveToPocketCard ? ["CheckDeleteFromPocket"] : ["CheckSavedToPocket"]; } TOP_STORIES_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS = ["CheckBookmark", "CheckArchiveFromPocket", ...pocketMenuOptions, "Separator", "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", ...(this.props.showPrivacyInfo ? ["ShowPrivacyInfo"] : [])]; } const type = this.props.type || "DISCOVERY_STREAM"; const title = this.props.title || this.props.source; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "context-menu-position-container" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ContextMenuButton, { tooltip: "newtab-menu-content-tooltip", tooltipArgs: { title }, onUpdate: this.props.onMenuUpdate }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(LinkMenu, { dispatch: dispatch, index: index, source: type.toUpperCase(), onShow: this.props.onMenuShow, options: TOP_STORIES_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS, shouldSendImpressionStats: true, userEvent: actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent, site: { referrer: "https://getpocket.com/recommendations", title: this.props.title, type: this.props.type, url: this.props.url, guid: this.props.id, pocket_id: this.props.pocket_id, shim: this.props.shim, bookmarkGuid: this.props.bookmarkGuid, flight_id: this.props.flightId } }))); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/TopSites/TopSitesConstants.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const TOP_SITES_SOURCE = "TOP_SITES"; const TOP_SITES_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS = [ "CheckPinTopSite", "EditTopSite", "Separator", "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", "DeleteUrl", ]; const TOP_SITES_SPOC_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS = [ "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", "ShowPrivacyInfo", ]; const TOP_SITES_SPONSORED_POSITION_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS = [ "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", "AboutSponsored", ]; // the special top site for search shortcut experiment can only have the option to unpin (which removes) the topsite const TOP_SITES_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS = [ "CheckPinTopSite", "Separator", "BlockUrl", ]; // minimum size necessary to show a rich icon instead of a screenshot const MIN_RICH_FAVICON_SIZE = 96; // minimum size necessary to show any icon const MIN_SMALL_FAVICON_SIZE = 16; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamImpressionStats/ImpressionStats.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const VISIBLE = "visible"; const VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT = "visibilitychange"; // Per analytical requirement, we set the minimal intersection ratio to // 0.5, and an impression is identified when the wrapped item has at least // 50% visibility. // // This constant is exported for unit test const INTERSECTION_RATIO = 0.5; /** * Impression wrapper for Discovery Stream related React components. * * It makses use of the Intersection Observer API to detect the visibility, * and relies on page visibility to ensure the impression is reported * only when the component is visible on the page. * * Note: * * This wrapper used to be used either at the individual card level, * or by the card container components. * It is now only used for individual card level. * * Each impression will be sent only once as soon as the desired * visibility is detected * * Batching is not yet implemented, hence it might send multiple * impression pings separately */ class ImpressionStats_ImpressionStats extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { // This checks if the given cards are the same as those in the last impression ping. // If so, it should not send the same impression ping again. _needsImpressionStats(cards) { if (!this.impressionCardGuids || this.impressionCardGuids.length !== cards.length) { return true; } for (let i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) { if (cards[i].id !== this.impressionCardGuids[i]) { return true; } } return false; } _dispatchImpressionStats() { const { props } = this; const cards = props.rows; if (this.props.flightId) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_IMPRESSION, data: { flightId: this.props.flightId } })); // Record sponsored topsites impressions if the source is `TOP_SITES_SOURCE`. if (this.props.source === TOP_SITES_SOURCE) { for (const card of cards) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_SPONSORED_IMPRESSION_STATS, data: { type: "impression", tile_id: card.id, source: "newtab", advertiser: card.advertiser, // Keep the 0-based position, can be adjusted by the telemetry // sender if necessary. position: card.pos } })); } } } if (this._needsImpressionStats(cards)) { props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamImpressionStats({ source: props.source.toUpperCase(), window_inner_width: window.innerWidth, window_inner_height: window.innerHeight, tiles: cards.map(link => ({ id: link.id, pos: link.pos, type: this.props.flightId ? "spoc" : "organic", ...(link.shim ? { shim: link.shim } : {}), recommendation_id: link.recommendation_id, fetchTimestamp: link.fetchTimestamp })), firstVisibleTimestamp: this.props.firstVisibleTimestamp })); this.impressionCardGuids = cards.map(link => link.id); } } // This checks if the given cards are the same as those in the last loaded content ping. // If so, it should not send the same loaded content ping again. _needsLoadedContent(cards) { if (!this.loadedContentGuids || this.loadedContentGuids.length !== cards.length) { return true; } for (let i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) { if (cards[i].id !== this.loadedContentGuids[i]) { return true; } } return false; } _dispatchLoadedContent() { const { props } = this; const cards = props.rows; if (this._needsLoadedContent(cards)) { props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamLoadedContent({ source: props.source.toUpperCase(), tiles: cards.map(link => ({ id: link.id, pos: link.pos })) })); this.loadedContentGuids = cards.map(link => link.id); } } setImpressionObserverOrAddListener() { const { props } = this; if (!props.dispatch) { return; } if (props.document.visibilityState === VISIBLE) { // Send the loaded content ping once the page is visible. this._dispatchLoadedContent(); this.setImpressionObserver(); } else { // We should only ever send the latest impression stats ping, so remove any // older listeners. if (this._onVisibilityChange) { props.document.removeEventListener(VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } this._onVisibilityChange = () => { if (props.document.visibilityState === VISIBLE) { // Send the loaded content ping once the page is visible. this._dispatchLoadedContent(); this.setImpressionObserver(); props.document.removeEventListener(VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } }; props.document.addEventListener(VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } } /** * Set an impression observer for the wrapped component. It makes use of * the Intersection Observer API to detect if the wrapped component is * visible with a desired ratio, and only sends impression if that's the case. * * See more details about Intersection Observer API at: * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API */ setImpressionObserver() { const { props } = this; if (!props.rows.length) { return; } this._handleIntersect = entries => { if (entries.some(entry => entry.isIntersecting && entry.intersectionRatio >= INTERSECTION_RATIO)) { this._dispatchImpressionStats(); this.impressionObserver.unobserve(this.refs.impression); } }; const options = { threshold: INTERSECTION_RATIO }; this.impressionObserver = new props.IntersectionObserver(this._handleIntersect, options); this.impressionObserver.observe(this.refs.impression); } componentDidMount() { if (this.props.rows.length) { this.setImpressionObserverOrAddListener(); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (this._handleIntersect && this.impressionObserver) { this.impressionObserver.unobserve(this.refs.impression); } if (this._onVisibilityChange) { this.props.document.removeEventListener(VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { ref: "impression", className: "impression-observer" }, this.props.children); } } ImpressionStats_ImpressionStats.defaultProps = { IntersectionObserver: globalThis.IntersectionObserver, document: globalThis.document, rows: [], source: "" }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/SafeAnchor/SafeAnchor.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class SafeAnchor extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); } onClick(event) { // Use dispatch instead of normal link click behavior to include referrer if (this.props.dispatch) { event.preventDefault(); const { altKey, button, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey } = event; this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.OPEN_LINK, data: { event: { altKey, button, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey }, referrer: "https://getpocket.com/recommendations", // Use the anchor's url, which could have been cleaned up url: event.currentTarget.href } })); } // Propagate event if there's a handler if (this.props.onLinkClick) { this.props.onLinkClick(event); } } safeURI(url) { let protocol = null; try { protocol = new URL(url).protocol; } catch (e) { return ""; } const isAllowed = ["http:", "https:"].includes(protocol); if (!isAllowed) { console.warn(`${url} is not allowed for anchor targets.`); // eslint-disable-line no-console return ""; } return url; } render() { const { url, className, title } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { href: this.safeURI(url), title: title, className: className, onClick: this.onClick }, this.props.children); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/Card/types.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const cardContextTypes = { history: { fluentID: "newtab-label-visited", icon: "history-item", }, removedBookmark: { fluentID: "newtab-label-removed-bookmark", icon: "bookmark-removed", }, bookmark: { fluentID: "newtab-label-bookmarked", icon: "bookmark-added", }, trending: { fluentID: "newtab-label-recommended", icon: "trending", }, pocket: { fluentID: "newtab-label-saved", icon: "pocket", }, download: { fluentID: "newtab-label-download", icon: "download", }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/FeatureHighlight/FeatureHighlight.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function FeatureHighlight({ message, icon, toggle, position = "top-left", title, ariaLabel, feature = "FEATURE_HIGHLIGHT_DEFAULT", dispatch = () => {}, windowObj = __webpack_require__.g }) { const [opened, setOpened] = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const ref = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const handleOutsideClick = e => { if (!ref?.current?.contains(e.target)) { setOpened(false); } }; windowObj.document.addEventListener("click", handleOutsideClick); return () => { windowObj.document.removeEventListener("click", handleOutsideClick); }; }, [windowObj]); const onToggleClick = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => { if (!opened) { dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: "FEATURE_HIGHLIGHT", value: { feature } })); } setOpened(!opened); }, [dispatch, feature, opened]); const openedClassname = opened ? `opened` : `closed`; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { ref: ref, className: "feature-highlight" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { title: title, "aria-haspopup": "true", "aria-label": ariaLabel, className: "toggle-button", onClick: onToggleClick }, toggle), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: `feature-highlight-modal ${position} ${openedClassname}` }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "message-icon" }, icon), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", null, message), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { title: "Dismiss", "aria-label": "Close sponsored content more info popup", className: "icon icon-dismiss", onClick: () => setOpened(false) }))); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/FeatureHighlight/SponsoredContentHighlight.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function SponsoredContentHighlight({ position, dispatch }) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "sponsored-content-highlight" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FeatureHighlight, { position: position, ariaLabel: "Sponsored content supports our mission to build a better web.", title: "Sponsored content more info", feature: "SPONSORED_CONTENT_INFO", dispatch: dispatch, message: /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, "Sponsored content supports our mission to build a better web.", " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { dispatch: dispatch, url: "https://support.mozilla.org/kb/pocket-sponsored-stories-new-tabs" }, "Find out how")), icon: /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "sponsored-message-icon" }), toggle: /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "icon icon-help" }) })); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactTransitionGroup" const external_ReactTransitionGroup_namespaceObject = ReactTransitionGroup; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/FluentOrText/FluentOrText.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Set text on a child element/component depending on if the message is already * translated plain text or a fluent id with optional args. */ class FluentOrText extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { // Ensure we have a single child to attach attributes const { children, message } = this.props; const child = children ? external_React_default().Children.only(children) : /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null); // For a string message, just use it as the child's text let grandChildren = message; let extraProps; // Convert a message object to set desired fluent-dom attributes if (typeof message === "object") { const args = message.args || message.values; extraProps = { "data-l10n-args": args && JSON.stringify(args), "data-l10n-id": message.id || message.string_id }; // Use original children potentially with data-l10n-name attributes grandChildren = child.props.children; } // Add the message to the child via fluent attributes or text node return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().cloneElement(child, extraProps, grandChildren); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSContextFooter/DSContextFooter.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Animation time is mirrored in DSContextFooter.scss const ANIMATION_DURATION = 3000; const DSMessageLabel = props => { const { context, context_type } = props; const { icon, fluentID } = cardContextTypes[context_type] || {}; if (!context && context_type) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(external_ReactTransitionGroup_namespaceObject.TransitionGroup, { component: null }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(external_ReactTransitionGroup_namespaceObject.CSSTransition, { key: fluentID, timeout: ANIMATION_DURATION, classNames: "story-animate" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(StatusMessage, { icon: icon, fluentID: fluentID }))); } return null; }; const StatusMessage = ({ icon, fluentID }) => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "status-message" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "aria-haspopup": "true", className: `story-badge-icon icon icon-${icon}` }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "story-context-label", "data-l10n-id": fluentID })); const SponsorLabel = ({ sponsored_by_override, sponsor, context, newSponsoredLabel }) => { const classList = `story-sponsored-label ${newSponsoredLabel || ""} clamp`; // If override is not false or an empty string. if (sponsored_by_override) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: classList }, sponsored_by_override); } else if (sponsored_by_override === "") { // We specifically want to display nothing if the server returns an empty string. // So the server can turn off the label. // This is to support the use cases where the sponsored context is displayed elsewhere. return null; } else if (sponsor) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: classList }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: { id: `newtab-label-sponsored-by`, values: { sponsor } } })); } else if (context) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: classList }, context); } return null; }; class DSContextFooter extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const { context, context_type, sponsor, sponsored_by_override, cta_button_variant, source, spocMessageVariant, dispatch } = this.props; const sponsorLabel = SponsorLabel({ sponsored_by_override, sponsor, context }); const dsMessageLabel = DSMessageLabel({ context, context_type }); if (cta_button_variant === "variant-a") { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "story-footer" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { "aria-hidden": "true", className: "story-cta-button" }, "Shop Now"), sponsorLabel); } if (cta_button_variant === "variant-b") { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "story-footer" }, sponsorLabel, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "source clamp cta-footer-source" }, source)); } if (sponsorLabel || dsMessageLabel) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "story-footer" }, sponsorLabel, sponsorLabel && spocMessageVariant === "variant-b" && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SponsoredContentHighlight, { dispatch: dispatch, position: "inset-block-end inset-inline-start" }), dsMessageLabel); } return null; } } const DSMessageFooter = props => { const { context, context_type, saveToPocketCard } = props; const dsMessageLabel = DSMessageLabel({ context, context_type }); // This case is specific and already displayed to the user elsewhere. if (!dsMessageLabel || saveToPocketCard && context_type === "pocket") { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "story-footer" }, dsMessageLabel); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSCard/DSCard.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const READING_WPM = 220; /** * READ TIME FROM WORD COUNT * @param {int} wordCount number of words in an article * @returns {int} number of words per minute in minutes */ function readTimeFromWordCount(wordCount) { if (!wordCount) { return false; } return Math.ceil(parseInt(wordCount, 10) / READING_WPM); } const DSSource = ({ source, timeToRead, newSponsoredLabel, context, sponsor, sponsored_by_override }) => { // First try to display sponsored label or time to read here. if (newSponsoredLabel) { // If we can display something for spocs, do so. if (sponsored_by_override || sponsor || context) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SponsorLabel, { context: context, sponsor: sponsor, sponsored_by_override: sponsored_by_override, newSponsoredLabel: "new-sponsored-label" }); } } // If we are not a spoc, and can display a time to read value. if (source && timeToRead) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: "source clamp time-to-read" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: { id: `newtab-label-source-read-time`, values: { source, timeToRead } } })); } // Otherwise display a default source. return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: "source clamp" }, source); }; const DefaultMeta = ({ source, title, excerpt, timeToRead, newSponsoredLabel, context, context_type, sponsor, sponsored_by_override, saveToPocketCard, ctaButtonVariant, dispatch, spocMessageVariant }) => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "meta" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "info-wrap" }, ctaButtonVariant !== "variant-b" && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSSource, { source: source, timeToRead: timeToRead, newSponsoredLabel: newSponsoredLabel, context: context, sponsor: sponsor, sponsored_by_override: sponsored_by_override }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("header", { className: "title clamp" }, title), excerpt && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: "excerpt clamp" }, excerpt)), !newSponsoredLabel && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSContextFooter, { context_type: context_type, context: context, sponsor: sponsor, sponsored_by_override: sponsored_by_override, cta_button_variant: ctaButtonVariant, source: source, dispatch: dispatch, spocMessageVariant: spocMessageVariant }), newSponsoredLabel && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSMessageFooter, { context_type: context_type, context: null, saveToPocketCard: saveToPocketCard })); class _DSCard extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onLinkClick = this.onLinkClick.bind(this); this.onSaveClick = this.onSaveClick.bind(this); this.onMenuUpdate = this.onMenuUpdate.bind(this); this.onMenuShow = this.onMenuShow.bind(this); this.setContextMenuButtonHostRef = element => { this.contextMenuButtonHostElement = element; }; this.setPlaceholderRef = element => { this.placeholderElement = element; }; this.state = { isSeen: false }; // If this is for the about:home startup cache, then we always want // to render the DSCard, regardless of whether or not its been seen. if (props.App.isForStartupCache) { this.state.isSeen = true; } // We want to choose the optimal thumbnail for the underlying DSImage, but // want to do it in a performant way. The breakpoints used in the // CSS of the page are, unfortuntely, not easy to retrieve without // causing a style flush. To avoid that, we hardcode them here. // // The values chosen here were the dimensions of the card thumbnails as // computed by getBoundingClientRect() for each type of viewport width // across both high-density and normal-density displays. this.dsImageSizes = [{ mediaMatcher: "(min-width: 1122px)", width: 296, height: 148 }, { mediaMatcher: "(min-width: 866px)", width: 218, height: 109 }, { mediaMatcher: "(max-width: 610px)", width: 202, height: 101 }]; } onLinkClick() { if (this.props.dispatch) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: this.props.type.toUpperCase(), action_position: this.props.pos, value: { card_type: this.props.flightId ? "spoc" : "organic", recommendation_id: this.props.recommendation_id, tile_id: this.props.id, ...(this.props.shim && this.props.shim.click ? { shim: this.props.shim.click } : {}), fetchTimestamp: this.props.fetchTimestamp, firstVisibleTimestamp: this.props.firstVisibleTimestamp } })); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source: this.props.type.toUpperCase(), click: 0, window_inner_width: this.props.windowObj.innerWidth, window_inner_height: this.props.windowObj.innerHeight, tiles: [{ id: this.props.id, pos: this.props.pos, ...(this.props.shim && this.props.shim.click ? { shim: this.props.shim.click } : {}), type: this.props.flightId ? "spoc" : "organic", recommendation_id: this.props.recommendation_id }] })); } } onSaveClick() { if (this.props.dispatch) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.SAVE_TO_POCKET, data: { site: { url: this.props.url, title: this.props.title } } })); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "SAVE_TO_POCKET", source: "CARDGRID_HOVER", action_position: this.props.pos, value: { card_type: this.props.flightId ? "spoc" : "organic", recommendation_id: this.props.recommendation_id, tile_id: this.props.id, ...(this.props.shim && this.props.shim.save ? { shim: this.props.shim.save } : {}), fetchTimestamp: this.props.fetchTimestamp, firstVisibleTimestamp: this.props.firstVisibleTimestamp } })); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source: "CARDGRID_HOVER", pocket: 0, tiles: [{ id: this.props.id, pos: this.props.pos, ...(this.props.shim && this.props.shim.save ? { shim: this.props.shim.save } : {}), recommendation_id: this.props.recommendation_id }] })); } } onMenuUpdate(showContextMenu) { if (!showContextMenu) { const dsLinkMenuHostDiv = this.contextMenuButtonHostElement; if (dsLinkMenuHostDiv) { dsLinkMenuHostDiv.classList.remove("active", "last-item"); } } } async onMenuShow() { const dsLinkMenuHostDiv = this.contextMenuButtonHostElement; if (dsLinkMenuHostDiv) { // Force translation so we can be sure it's ready before measuring. await this.props.windowObj.document.l10n.translateFragment(dsLinkMenuHostDiv); if (this.props.windowObj.scrollMaxX > 0) { dsLinkMenuHostDiv.classList.add("last-item"); } dsLinkMenuHostDiv.classList.add("active"); } } onSeen(entries) { if (this.state) { const entry = entries.find(e => e.isIntersecting); if (entry) { if (this.placeholderElement) { this.observer.unobserve(this.placeholderElement); } // Stop observing since element has been seen this.setState({ isSeen: true }); } } } onIdleCallback() { if (!this.state.isSeen) { if (this.observer && this.placeholderElement) { this.observer.unobserve(this.placeholderElement); } this.setState({ isSeen: true }); } } componentDidMount() { this.idleCallbackId = this.props.windowObj.requestIdleCallback(this.onIdleCallback.bind(this)); if (this.placeholderElement) { this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(this.onSeen.bind(this)); this.observer.observe(this.placeholderElement); } } componentWillUnmount() { // Remove observer on unmount if (this.observer && this.placeholderElement) { this.observer.unobserve(this.placeholderElement); } if (this.idleCallbackId) { this.props.windowObj.cancelIdleCallback(this.idleCallbackId); } } render() { if (this.props.placeholder || !this.state.isSeen) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-card placeholder", ref: this.setPlaceholderRef }); } const { isRecentSave, DiscoveryStream, saveToPocketCard } = this.props; let source = this.props.source || this.props.publisher; if (!source) { try { source = new URL(this.props.url).hostname; } catch (e) {} } const { pocketButtonEnabled, hideDescriptions, compactImages, imageGradient, newSponsoredLabel, titleLines = 3, descLines = 3, readTime: displayReadTime } = DiscoveryStream; const excerpt = !hideDescriptions ? this.props.excerpt : ""; let timeToRead; if (displayReadTime) { timeToRead = this.props.time_to_read || readTimeFromWordCount(this.props.word_count); } const ctaButtonEnabled = this.props.ctaButtonSponsors?.includes(this.props.sponsor?.toLowerCase()); let ctaButtonVariant = ""; if (ctaButtonEnabled) { ctaButtonVariant = this.props.ctaButtonVariant; } let ctaButtonVariantClassName = ctaButtonVariant; const ctaButtonClassName = ctaButtonEnabled ? `ds-card-cta-button` : ``; const compactImagesClassName = compactImages ? `ds-card-compact-image` : ``; const imageGradientClassName = imageGradient ? `ds-card-image-gradient` : ``; const titleLinesName = `ds-card-title-lines-${titleLines}`; const descLinesClassName = `ds-card-desc-lines-${descLines}`; let stpButton = () => { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "card-stp-button", onClick: this.onSaveClick }, this.props.context_type === "pocket" ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "story-badge-icon icon icon-pocket" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-pocket-saved" })) : /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "story-badge-icon icon icon-pocket-save" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-pocket-save" }))); }; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("article", { className: `ds-card ${compactImagesClassName} ${imageGradientClassName} ${titleLinesName} ${descLinesClassName} ${ctaButtonClassName} ${ctaButtonVariantClassName}`, ref: this.setContextMenuButtonHostRef }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "img-wrapper" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSImage, { extraClassNames: "img", source: this.props.image_src, rawSource: this.props.raw_image_src, sizes: this.dsImageSizes, url: this.props.url, title: this.props.title, isRecentSave: isRecentSave })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { className: "ds-card-link", dispatch: this.props.dispatch, onLinkClick: !this.props.placeholder ? this.onLinkClick : undefined, url: this.props.url, title: this.props.title }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ImpressionStats_ImpressionStats, { flightId: this.props.flightId, rows: [{ id: this.props.id, pos: this.props.pos, ...(this.props.shim && this.props.shim.impression ? { shim: this.props.shim.impression } : {}), recommendation_id: this.props.recommendation_id, fetchTimestamp: this.props.fetchTimestamp }], dispatch: this.props.dispatch, source: this.props.type, firstVisibleTimestamp: this.props.firstVisibleTimestamp })), ctaButtonVariant === "variant-b" && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "cta-header" }, "Shop Now"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DefaultMeta, { source: source, title: this.props.title, excerpt: excerpt, newSponsoredLabel: newSponsoredLabel, timeToRead: timeToRead, context: this.props.context, context_type: this.props.context_type, sponsor: this.props.sponsor, sponsored_by_override: this.props.sponsored_by_override, saveToPocketCard: saveToPocketCard, ctaButtonVariant: ctaButtonVariant, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, spocMessageVariant: this.props.spocMessageVariant }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card-stp-button-hover-background" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card-stp-button-position-wrapper" }, saveToPocketCard && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, !this.props.flightId && stpButton()), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSLinkMenu, { id: this.props.id, index: this.props.pos, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, url: this.props.url, title: this.props.title, source: source, type: this.props.type, pocket_id: this.props.pocket_id, shim: this.props.shim, bookmarkGuid: this.props.bookmarkGuid, flightId: !this.props.is_collection ? this.props.flightId : undefined, showPrivacyInfo: !!this.props.flightId, onMenuUpdate: this.onMenuUpdate, onMenuShow: this.onMenuShow, saveToPocketCard: saveToPocketCard, pocket_button_enabled: pocketButtonEnabled, isRecentSave: isRecentSave })))); } } _DSCard.defaultProps = { windowObj: window // Added to support unit tests }; const DSCard = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ App: state.App, DiscoveryStream: state.DiscoveryStream }))(_DSCard); const PlaceholderDSCard = () => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSCard, { placeholder: true }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSEmptyState/DSEmptyState.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class DSEmptyState extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onReset = this.onReset.bind(this); this.state = {}; } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } } onReset() { if (this.props.dispatch && this.props.feed) { const { feed } = this.props; const { url } = feed; this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE, data: { feed: { ...feed, data: { ...feed.data, status: "waiting" } }, url } }); this.setState({ waiting: true }); this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.timeout = null; this.setState({ waiting: false }); }, 300); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_RETRY_FEED, data: { feed } })); } } renderButton() { if (this.props.status === "waiting" || this.state.waiting) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "try-again-button waiting", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-loading" }); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "try-again-button", onClick: this.onReset, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-try-again-button" }); } renderState() { if (this.props.status === "waiting" || this.props.status === "failed") { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h2", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-timed-out" }), this.renderButton()); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h2", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-header" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-content" })); } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "section-empty-state" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "empty-state-message" }, this.renderState())); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSDismiss/DSDismiss.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class DSDismiss extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onDismissClick = this.onDismissClick.bind(this); this.onHover = this.onHover.bind(this); this.offHover = this.offHover.bind(this); this.state = { hovering: false }; } onDismissClick() { if (this.props.onDismissClick) { this.props.onDismissClick(); } } onHover() { this.setState({ hovering: true }); } offHover() { this.setState({ hovering: false }); } render() { let className = `ds-dismiss ${this.state.hovering ? ` hovering` : ``} ${this.props.extraClasses ? ` ${this.props.extraClasses}` : ``}`; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: className }, this.props.children, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "ds-dismiss-button", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-dismiss-button-tooltip", onClick: this.onDismissClick, onMouseEnter: this.onHover, onMouseLeave: this.offHover }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "icon icon-dismiss" }))); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/TopicsWidget/TopicsWidget.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function _TopicsWidget(props) { const { id, source, position, DiscoveryStream, dispatch } = props; const { utmCampaign, utmContent, utmSource } = DiscoveryStream.experimentData; let queryParams = `?utm_source=${utmSource}`; if (utmCampaign && utmContent) { queryParams += `&utm_content=${utmContent}&utm_campaign=${utmCampaign}`; } const topics = [{ label: "Technology", name: "technology" }, { label: "Science", name: "science" }, { label: "Self-Improvement", name: "self-improvement" }, { label: "Travel", name: "travel" }, { label: "Career", name: "career" }, { label: "Entertainment", name: "entertainment" }, { label: "Food", name: "food" }, { label: "Health", name: "health" }, { label: "Must-Reads", name: "must-reads", url: `https://getpocket.com/collections${queryParams}` }]; function onLinkClick(topic, positionInCard) { if (dispatch) { dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source, action_position: position, value: { card_type: "topics_widget", topic, ...(positionInCard || positionInCard === 0 ? { position_in_card: positionInCard } : {}) } })); dispatch(actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source, click: 0, window_inner_width: props.windowObj.innerWidth, window_inner_height: props.windowObj.innerHeight, tiles: [{ id, pos: position }] })); } } function mapTopicItem(topic, index) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("li", { key: topic.name, className: topic.overflow ? "ds-topics-widget-list-overflow-item" : "" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { url: topic.url || `https://getpocket.com/explore/${topic.name}${queryParams}`, dispatch: dispatch, onLinkClick: () => onLinkClick(topic.name, index) }, topic.label)); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-topics-widget" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("header", { className: "ds-topics-widget-header" }, "Popular Topics"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("hr", null), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-topics-widget-list-container" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("ul", null, topics.map(mapTopicItem))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { className: "ds-topics-widget-button button primary", url: `https://getpocket.com/${queryParams}`, dispatch: dispatch, onLinkClick: () => onLinkClick("more-topics") }, "More Topics"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ImpressionStats_ImpressionStats, { dispatch: dispatch, rows: [{ id, pos: position }], source: source })); } _TopicsWidget.defaultProps = { windowObj: window // Added to support unit tests }; const TopicsWidget = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ DiscoveryStream: state.DiscoveryStream }))(_TopicsWidget); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/CardGrid/CardGrid.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const PREF_ONBOARDING_EXPERIENCE_DISMISSED = "discoverystream.onboardingExperience.dismissed"; const CardGrid_INTERSECTION_RATIO = 0.5; const CardGrid_VISIBLE = "visible"; const CardGrid_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT = "visibilitychange"; const WIDGET_IDS = { TOPICS: 1 }; function DSSubHeader({ children }) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "section-top-bar ds-sub-header" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", { className: "section-title-container" }, children)); } function OnboardingExperience({ dispatch, windowObj = globalThis }) { const [dismissed, setDismissed] = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [maxHeight, setMaxHeight] = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const heightElement = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const onDismissClick = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => { // We update this as state and redux. // The state update is for this newtab, // and the redux update is for other tabs, offscreen tabs, and future tabs. // We need the state update for this tab to support the transition. setDismissed(true); dispatch(actionCreators.SetPref(PREF_ONBOARDING_EXPERIENCE_DISMISSED, true)); dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "BLOCK", source: "POCKET_ONBOARDING" })); }, [dispatch]); (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const resizeObserver = new windowObj.ResizeObserver(() => { if (heightElement.current) { setMaxHeight(heightElement.current.offsetHeight); } }); const options = { threshold: CardGrid_INTERSECTION_RATIO }; const intersectionObserver = new windowObj.IntersectionObserver(entries => { if (entries.some(entry => entry.isIntersecting && entry.intersectionRatio >= CardGrid_INTERSECTION_RATIO)) { dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "IMPRESSION", source: "POCKET_ONBOARDING" })); // Once we have observed an impression, we can stop for this instance of newtab. intersectionObserver.unobserve(heightElement.current); } }, options); const onVisibilityChange = () => { intersectionObserver.observe(heightElement.current); windowObj.document.removeEventListener(CardGrid_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, onVisibilityChange); }; if (heightElement.current) { resizeObserver.observe(heightElement.current); // Check visibility or setup a visibility event to make // sure we don't fire this for off screen pre loaded tabs. if (windowObj.document.visibilityState === CardGrid_VISIBLE) { intersectionObserver.observe(heightElement.current); } else { windowObj.document.addEventListener(CardGrid_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, onVisibilityChange); } setMaxHeight(heightElement.current.offsetHeight); } // Return unmount callback to clean up observers. return () => { resizeObserver?.disconnect(); intersectionObserver?.disconnect(); windowObj.document.removeEventListener(CardGrid_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, onVisibilityChange); }; }, [dispatch, windowObj]); const style = {}; if (dismissed) { style.maxHeight = "0"; style.opacity = "0"; style.transition = "max-height 0.26s ease, opacity 0.26s ease"; } else if (maxHeight) { style.maxHeight = `${maxHeight}px`; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { style: style }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-onboarding-ref", ref: heightElement }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-onboarding-container" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSDismiss, { onDismissClick: onDismissClick, extraClasses: `ds-onboarding` }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("header", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "icon icon-pocket" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-pocket-onboarding-discover" })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-pocket-onboarding-cta" })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-onboarding-graphic" }))))); } function CardGrid_IntersectionObserver({ children, windowObj = window, onIntersecting }) { const intersectionElement = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { let observer; if (!observer && onIntersecting && intersectionElement.current) { observer = new windowObj.IntersectionObserver(entries => { const entry = entries.find(e => e.isIntersecting); if (entry) { // Stop observing since element has been seen if (observer && intersectionElement.current) { observer.unobserve(intersectionElement.current); } onIntersecting(); } }); observer.observe(intersectionElement.current); } // Cleanup return () => observer?.disconnect(); }, [windowObj, onIntersecting]); return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { ref: intersectionElement }, children); } function RecentSavesContainer({ gridClassName = "", dispatch, windowObj = window, items = 3, source = "CARDGRID_RECENT_SAVES" }) { const { recentSavesData, isUserLoggedIn, experimentData: { utmCampaign, utmContent, utmSource } } = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.useSelector)(state => state.DiscoveryStream); const [visible, setVisible] = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const onIntersecting = (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => setVisible(true), []); (0,external_React_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (visible) { dispatch(actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_POCKET_STATE_INIT })); } }, [visible, dispatch]); // The user has not yet scrolled to this section, // so wait before potentially requesting Pocket data. if (!visible) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(CardGrid_IntersectionObserver, { windowObj: windowObj, onIntersecting: onIntersecting }); } // Intersection observer has finished, but we're not yet logged in. if (visible && !isUserLoggedIn) { return null; } let queryParams = `?utm_source=${utmSource}`; // We really only need to add these params to urls we own. if (utmCampaign && utmContent) { queryParams += `&utm_content=${utmContent}&utm_campaign=${utmCampaign}`; } function renderCard(rec, index) { const url = new URL(rec.url); const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(queryParams); if (rec?.id && !url.href.match(/getpocket\.com\/read/)) { url.href = `https://getpocket.com/read/${rec.id}`; } for (let [key, val] of urlSearchParams.entries()) { url.searchParams.set(key, val); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSCard, { key: `dscard-${rec?.id || index}`, id: rec.id, pos: index, type: source, image_src: rec.image_src, raw_image_src: rec.raw_image_src, word_count: rec.word_count, time_to_read: rec.time_to_read, title: rec.title, excerpt: rec.excerpt, url: url.href, source: rec.domain, isRecentSave: true, dispatch: dispatch }); } function onMyListClicked() { dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: `${source}_VIEW_LIST` })); } const recentSavesCards = []; // We fill the cards with a for loop over an inline map because // we want empty placeholders if there are not enough cards. for (let index = 0; index < items; index++) { const recentSave = recentSavesData[index]; if (!recentSave) { recentSavesCards.push( /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(PlaceholderDSCard, { key: `dscard-${index}` })); } else { recentSavesCards.push(renderCard({ id: recentSave.id, image_src: recentSave.top_image_url, raw_image_src: recentSave.top_image_url, word_count: recentSave.word_count, time_to_read: recentSave.time_to_read, title: recentSave.resolved_title || recentSave.given_title, url: recentSave.resolved_url || recentSave.given_url, domain: recentSave.domain_metadata?.name, excerpt: recentSave.excerpt }, index)); } } // We are visible and logged in. return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSSubHeader, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "section-title" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: "Recently Saved to your List" })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { onLinkClick: onMyListClicked, className: "section-sub-link", url: `https://getpocket.com/a${queryParams}` }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: "View My List" }))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: `ds-card-grid-recent-saves ${gridClassName}` }, recentSavesCards)); } class _CardGrid extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { renderCards() { const prefs = this.props.Prefs.values; const { items, hybridLayout, hideCardBackground, fourCardLayout, compactGrid, essentialReadsHeader, editorsPicksHeader, onboardingExperience, ctaButtonSponsors, ctaButtonVariant, spocMessageVariant, widgets, recentSavesEnabled, hideDescriptions, DiscoveryStream } = this.props; const { saveToPocketCard } = DiscoveryStream; const showRecentSaves = prefs.showRecentSaves && recentSavesEnabled; const isOnboardingExperienceDismissed = prefs[PREF_ONBOARDING_EXPERIENCE_DISMISSED]; const recs = this.props.data.recommendations.slice(0, items); const cards = []; let essentialReadsCards = []; let editorsPicksCards = []; for (let index = 0; index < items; index++) { const rec = recs[index]; cards.push(!rec || rec.placeholder ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(PlaceholderDSCard, { key: `dscard-${index}` }) : /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSCard, { key: `dscard-${rec.id}`, pos: rec.pos, flightId: rec.flight_id, image_src: rec.image_src, raw_image_src: rec.raw_image_src, word_count: rec.word_count, time_to_read: rec.time_to_read, title: rec.title, excerpt: rec.excerpt, url: rec.url, id: rec.id, shim: rec.shim, fetchTimestamp: rec.fetchTimestamp, type: this.props.type, context: rec.context, sponsor: rec.sponsor, sponsored_by_override: rec.sponsored_by_override, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, source: rec.domain, publisher: rec.publisher, pocket_id: rec.pocket_id, context_type: rec.context_type, bookmarkGuid: rec.bookmarkGuid, is_collection: this.props.is_collection, saveToPocketCard: saveToPocketCard, ctaButtonSponsors: ctaButtonSponsors, ctaButtonVariant: ctaButtonVariant, spocMessageVariant: spocMessageVariant, recommendation_id: rec.recommendation_id, firstVisibleTimestamp: this.props.firstVisibleTimestamp })); } if (widgets?.positions?.length && widgets?.data?.length) { let positionIndex = 0; const source = "CARDGRID_WIDGET"; for (const widget of widgets.data) { let widgetComponent = null; const position = widgets.positions[positionIndex]; // Stop if we run out of positions to place widgets. if (!position) { break; } switch (widget?.type) { case "TopicsWidget": widgetComponent = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopicsWidget, { position: position.index, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, source: source, id: WIDGET_IDS.TOPICS }); break; } if (widgetComponent) { // We found a widget, so up the position for next try. positionIndex++; // We replace an existing card with the widget. cards.splice(position.index, 1, widgetComponent); } } } let moreRecsHeader = ""; // For now this is English only. if (showRecentSaves || essentialReadsHeader && editorsPicksHeader) { let spliceAt = 6; // For 4 card row layouts, second row is 8 cards, and regular it is 6 cards. if (fourCardLayout) { spliceAt = 8; } // If we have a custom header, ensure the more recs section also has a header. moreRecsHeader = "More Recommendations"; // Put the first 2 rows into essentialReadsCards. essentialReadsCards = [...cards.splice(0, spliceAt)]; // Put the rest into editorsPicksCards. if (essentialReadsHeader && editorsPicksHeader) { editorsPicksCards = [...cards.splice(0, cards.length)]; } } const hideCardBackgroundClass = hideCardBackground ? `ds-card-grid-hide-background` : ``; const fourCardLayoutClass = fourCardLayout ? `ds-card-grid-four-card-variant` : ``; const hideDescriptionsClassName = !hideDescriptions ? `ds-card-grid-include-descriptions` : ``; const compactGridClassName = compactGrid ? `ds-card-grid-compact` : ``; const hybridLayoutClassName = hybridLayout ? `ds-card-grid-hybrid-layout` : ``; const gridClassName = `ds-card-grid ${hybridLayoutClassName} ${hideCardBackgroundClass} ${fourCardLayoutClass} ${hideDescriptionsClassName} ${compactGridClassName}`; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, !isOnboardingExperienceDismissed && onboardingExperience && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(OnboardingExperience, { dispatch: this.props.dispatch }), essentialReadsCards?.length > 0 && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: gridClassName }, essentialReadsCards), showRecentSaves && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(RecentSavesContainer, { gridClassName: gridClassName, dispatch: this.props.dispatch }), editorsPicksCards?.length > 0 && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSSubHeader, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "section-title" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: "Editor\u2019s Picks" }))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: gridClassName }, editorsPicksCards)), cards?.length > 0 && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, moreRecsHeader && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSSubHeader, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "section-title" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: moreRecsHeader }))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: gridClassName }, cards))); } render() { const { data } = this.props; // Handle a render before feed has been fetched by displaying nothing if (!data) { return null; } // Handle the case where a user has dismissed all recommendations const isEmpty = data.recommendations.length === 0; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, this.props.title && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-header" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "title" }, this.props.title), this.props.context && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: this.props.context }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-context" }))), isEmpty ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-card-grid empty" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSEmptyState, { status: data.status, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, feed: this.props.feed })) : this.renderCards()); } } _CardGrid.defaultProps = { items: 4 // Number of stories to display }; const CardGrid = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Prefs: state.Prefs, DiscoveryStream: state.DiscoveryStream }))(_CardGrid); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/CollectionCardGrid/CollectionCardGrid.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class CollectionCardGrid extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onDismissClick = this.onDismissClick.bind(this); this.state = { dismissed: false }; } onDismissClick() { const { data } = this.props; if (this.props.dispatch && data && data.spocs && data.spocs.length) { this.setState({ dismissed: true }); const pos = 0; const source = this.props.type.toUpperCase(); // Grab the available items in the array to dismiss. // This fires a ping for all items available, even if below the fold. const spocsData = data.spocs.map(item => ({ url: item.url, guid: item.id, shim: item.shim, flight_id: item.flightId })); const blockUrlOption = LinkMenuOptions.BlockUrls(spocsData, pos, source); const { action, impression, userEvent } = blockUrlOption; this.props.dispatch(action); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: userEvent, source, action_position: pos })); if (impression) { this.props.dispatch(impression); } } } render() { const { data, dismissible, pocket_button_enabled } = this.props; if (this.state.dismissed || !data || !data.spocs || !data.spocs[0] || // We only display complete collections. data.spocs.length < 3) { return null; } const { spocs, placement, feed } = this.props; // spocs.data is spocs state data, and not an array of spocs. const { title, context, sponsored_by_override, sponsor } = spocs.data[placement.name] || {}; // Just in case of bad data, don't display a broken collection. if (!title) { return null; } let sponsoredByMessage = ""; // If override is not false or an empty string. if (sponsored_by_override || sponsored_by_override === "") { // We specifically want to display nothing if the server returns an empty string. // So the server can turn off the label. // This is to support the use cases where the sponsored context is displayed elsewhere. sponsoredByMessage = sponsored_by_override; } else if (sponsor) { sponsoredByMessage = { id: `newtab-label-sponsored-by`, values: { sponsor } }; } else if (context) { sponsoredByMessage = context; } // Generally a card grid displays recs with spocs already injected. // Normally it doesn't care which rec is a spoc and which isn't, // it just displays content in a grid. // For collections, we're only displaying a list of spocs. // We don't need to tell the card grid that our list of cards are spocs, // it shouldn't need to care. So we just pass our spocs along as recs. // Think of it as injecting all rec positions with spocs. // Consider maybe making recommendations in CardGrid use a more generic name. const recsData = { recommendations: data.spocs }; // All cards inside of a collection card grid have a slightly different type. // For the case of interactions to the card grid, we use the type "COLLECTIONCARDGRID". // Example, you dismiss the whole collection, we use the type "COLLECTIONCARDGRID". // For interactions inside the card grid, example, you dismiss a single card in the collection, // we use the type "COLLECTIONCARDGRID_CARD". const type = `${this.props.type}_card`; const collectionGrid = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-collection-card-grid" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(CardGrid, { pocket_button_enabled: pocket_button_enabled, title: title, context: sponsoredByMessage, data: recsData, feed: feed, type: type, is_collection: true, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, items: this.props.items })); if (dismissible) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSDismiss, { onDismissClick: this.onDismissClick, extraClasses: `ds-dismiss-ds-collection` }, collectionGrid); } return collectionGrid; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/A11yLinkButton/A11yLinkButton.jsx function A11yLinkButton_extends() { A11yLinkButton_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return A11yLinkButton_extends.apply(this, arguments); } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function A11yLinkButton(props) { // function for merging classes, if necessary let className = "a11y-link-button"; if (props.className) { className += ` ${props.className}`; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", A11yLinkButton_extends({ type: "button" }, props, { className: className }), props.children); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/ErrorBoundary/ErrorBoundary.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class ErrorBoundaryFallback extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.windowObj = this.props.windowObj || window; this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); } /** * Since we only get here if part of the page has crashed, do a * forced reload to give us the best chance at recovering. */ onClick() { this.windowObj.location.reload(true); } render() { const defaultClass = "as-error-fallback"; let className; if ("className" in this.props) { className = `${this.props.className} ${defaultClass}`; } else { className = defaultClass; } // "A11yLinkButton" to force normal link styling stuff (eg cursor on hover) return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: className }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-error-fallback-info" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(A11yLinkButton, { className: "reload-button", onClick: this.onClick, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-error-fallback-refresh-link" }))); } } ErrorBoundaryFallback.defaultProps = { className: "as-error-fallback" }; class ErrorBoundary extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { hasError: false }; } componentDidCatch() { this.setState({ hasError: true }); } render() { if (!this.state.hasError) { return this.props.children; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(this.props.FallbackComponent, { className: this.props.className }); } } ErrorBoundary.defaultProps = { FallbackComponent: ErrorBoundaryFallback }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/CollapsibleSection/CollapsibleSection.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * A section that can collapse. As of bug 1710937, it can no longer collapse. * See bug 1727365 for follow-up work to simplify this component. */ class _CollapsibleSection extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onBodyMount = this.onBodyMount.bind(this); this.onMenuButtonMouseEnter = this.onMenuButtonMouseEnter.bind(this); this.onMenuButtonMouseLeave = this.onMenuButtonMouseLeave.bind(this); this.onMenuUpdate = this.onMenuUpdate.bind(this); this.state = { menuButtonHover: false, showContextMenu: false }; this.setContextMenuButtonRef = this.setContextMenuButtonRef.bind(this); } setContextMenuButtonRef(element) { this.contextMenuButtonRef = element; } onBodyMount(node) { this.sectionBody = node; } onMenuButtonMouseEnter() { this.setState({ menuButtonHover: true }); } onMenuButtonMouseLeave() { this.setState({ menuButtonHover: false }); } onMenuUpdate(showContextMenu) { this.setState({ showContextMenu }); } render() { const { isAnimating, maxHeight, menuButtonHover, showContextMenu } = this.state; const { id, collapsed, learnMore, title, subTitle, mayHaveSponsoredStories } = this.props; const active = menuButtonHover || showContextMenu; let bodyStyle; if (isAnimating && !collapsed) { bodyStyle = { maxHeight }; } else if (!isAnimating && collapsed) { bodyStyle = { display: "none" }; } let titleStyle; if (this.props.hideTitle) { titleStyle = { visibility: "hidden" }; } const hasSubtitleClassName = subTitle ? `has-subtitle` : ``; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("section", { className: `collapsible-section ${this.props.className}${active ? " active" : ""}` // Note: data-section-id is used for web extension api tests in mozilla central , "data-section-id": id }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "section-top-bar" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", { className: `section-title-container ${hasSubtitleClassName}`, style: titleStyle }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "section-title" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: title })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "learn-more-link-wrapper" }, learnMore && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "learn-more-link" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: learnMore.link.message }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { href: learnMore.link.href })))), subTitle && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "section-sub-title" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: subTitle })), mayHaveSponsoredStories && this.props.spocMessageVariant === "variant-a" && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SponsoredContentHighlight, { position: "inset-block-start inset-inline-start", dispatch: this.props.dispatch }))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ErrorBoundary, { className: "section-body-fallback" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { ref: this.onBodyMount, style: bodyStyle }, this.props.children))); } } _CollapsibleSection.defaultProps = { document: globalThis.document || { addEventListener: () => {}, removeEventListener: () => {}, visibilityState: "hidden" } }; const CollapsibleSection = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Prefs: state.Prefs }))(_CollapsibleSection); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSMessage/DSMessage.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class DSMessage extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-message" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("header", { className: "title" }, this.props.icon && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "glyph", style: { backgroundImage: `url(${this.props.icon})` } }), this.props.title && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "title-text" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: this.props.title })), this.props.link_text && this.props.link_url && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { className: "link", url: this.props.link_url }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: this.props.link_text })))); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/ModalOverlay/ModalOverlay.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class ModalOverlayWrapper extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this); } // The intended behaviour is to listen for an escape key // but not for a click; see Bug 1582242 onKeyDown(event) { if (event.key === "Escape") { this.props.onClose(event); } } componentWillMount() { this.props.document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown); this.props.document.body.classList.add("modal-open"); } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown); this.props.document.body.classList.remove("modal-open"); } render() { const { props } = this; let className = props.unstyled ? "" : "modalOverlayInner active"; if (props.innerClassName) { className += ` ${props.innerClassName}`; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "modalOverlayOuter active", onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown, role: "presentation" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: className, "aria-labelledby": props.headerId, id: props.id, role: "dialog" }, props.children)); } } ModalOverlayWrapper.defaultProps = { document: globalThis.document }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSPrivacyModal/DSPrivacyModal.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class DSPrivacyModal extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this); this.onLearnLinkClick = this.onLearnLinkClick.bind(this); this.onManageLinkClick = this.onManageLinkClick.bind(this); } onLearnLinkClick() { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK_PRIVACY_INFO", source: "DS_PRIVACY_MODAL" })); } onManageLinkClick() { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SETTINGS_OPEN })); } closeModal() { this.props.dispatch({ type: `HIDE_PRIVACY_INFO`, data: {} }); } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ModalOverlayWrapper, { onClose: this.closeModal, innerClassName: "ds-privacy-modal" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "privacy-notice" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-privacy-modal-header" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-privacy-modal-paragraph-2" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { className: "modal-link modal-link-privacy", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-privacy-modal-link", onClick: this.onLearnLinkClick, href: "https://support.mozilla.org/kb/pocket-recommendations-firefox-new-tab" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "modal-link modal-link-manage", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-privacy-modal-button-manage", onClick: this.onManageLinkClick })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("section", { className: "actions" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "done", type: "submit", onClick: this.closeModal, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-privacy-modal-button-done" }))); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSSignup/DSSignup.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class DSSignup extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { active: false, lastItem: false }; this.onMenuButtonUpdate = this.onMenuButtonUpdate.bind(this); this.onLinkClick = this.onLinkClick.bind(this); this.onMenuShow = this.onMenuShow.bind(this); } onMenuButtonUpdate(showContextMenu) { if (!showContextMenu) { this.setState({ active: false, lastItem: false }); } } nextAnimationFrame() { return new Promise(resolve => this.props.windowObj.requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); } async onMenuShow() { let { lastItem } = this.state; // Wait for next frame before computing scrollMaxX to allow fluent menu strings to be visible await this.nextAnimationFrame(); if (this.props.windowObj.scrollMaxX > 0) { lastItem = true; } this.setState({ active: true, lastItem }); } onLinkClick() { const { data } = this.props; if (this.props.dispatch && data && data.spocs && data.spocs.length) { const source = this.props.type.toUpperCase(); // Grab the first item in the array as we only have 1 spoc position. const [spoc] = data.spocs; this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source, action_position: 0 })); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source, click: 0, tiles: [{ id: spoc.id, pos: 0, ...(spoc.shim && spoc.shim.click ? { shim: spoc.shim.click } : {}) }] })); } } render() { const { data, dispatch, type } = this.props; if (!data || !data.spocs || !data.spocs[0]) { return null; } // Grab the first item in the array as we only have 1 spoc position. const [spoc] = data.spocs; const { title, url, excerpt, flight_id, id, shim } = spoc; const SIGNUP_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS = ["OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", ...(flight_id ? ["ShowPrivacyInfo"] : [])]; const outerClassName = ["ds-signup", this.state.active && "active", this.state.lastItem && "last-item"].filter(v => v).join(" "); return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: outerClassName }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-signup-content" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "icon icon-small-spacer icon-mail" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, title, " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { className: "ds-chevron-link", dispatch: dispatch, onLinkClick: this.onLinkClick, url: url }, excerpt)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ImpressionStats_ImpressionStats, { flightId: flight_id, rows: [{ id, pos: 0, shim: shim && shim.impression }], dispatch: dispatch, source: type })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ContextMenuButton, { tooltip: "newtab-menu-content-tooltip", tooltipArgs: { title }, onUpdate: this.onMenuButtonUpdate }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(LinkMenu, { dispatch: dispatch, index: 0, source: type.toUpperCase(), onShow: this.onMenuShow, options: SIGNUP_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS, shouldSendImpressionStats: true, userEvent: actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent, site: { referrer: "https://getpocket.com/recommendations", title, type, url, guid: id, shim, flight_id } }))); } } DSSignup.defaultProps = { windowObj: window // Added to support unit tests }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSTextPromo/DSTextPromo.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class DSTextPromo extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onLinkClick = this.onLinkClick.bind(this); this.onDismissClick = this.onDismissClick.bind(this); } onLinkClick() { const { data } = this.props; if (this.props.dispatch && data && data.spocs && data.spocs.length) { const source = this.props.type.toUpperCase(); // Grab the first item in the array as we only have 1 spoc position. const [spoc] = data.spocs; this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source, action_position: 0 })); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source, click: 0, tiles: [{ id: spoc.id, pos: 0, ...(spoc.shim && spoc.shim.click ? { shim: spoc.shim.click } : {}) }] })); } } onDismissClick() { const { data } = this.props; if (this.props.dispatch && data && data.spocs && data.spocs.length) { const index = 0; const source = this.props.type.toUpperCase(); // Grab the first item in the array as we only have 1 spoc position. const [spoc] = data.spocs; const spocData = { url: spoc.url, guid: spoc.id, shim: spoc.shim }; const blockUrlOption = LinkMenuOptions.BlockUrl(spocData, index, source); const { action, impression, userEvent } = blockUrlOption; this.props.dispatch(action); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: userEvent, source, action_position: index })); if (impression) { this.props.dispatch(impression); } } } render() { const { data } = this.props; if (!data || !data.spocs || !data.spocs[0]) { return null; } // Grab the first item in the array as we only have 1 spoc position. const [spoc] = data.spocs; const { image_src, raw_image_src, alt_text, title, url, context, cta, flight_id, id, shim } = spoc; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSDismiss, { onDismissClick: this.onDismissClick, extraClasses: `ds-dismiss-ds-text-promo` }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-text-promo" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSImage, { alt_text: alt_text, source: image_src, rawSource: raw_image_src }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "text" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", null, `${title}\u2003`, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { className: "ds-chevron-link", dispatch: this.props.dispatch, onLinkClick: this.onLinkClick, url: url }, cta)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: "subtitle" }, context)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ImpressionStats_ImpressionStats, { flightId: flight_id, rows: [{ id, pos: 0, shim: shim && shim.impression }], dispatch: this.props.dispatch, source: this.props.type }))); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/lib/screenshot-utils.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * List of helper functions for screenshot-based images. * * There are two kinds of images: * 1. Remote Image: This is the image from the main process and it refers to * the image in the React props. This can either be an object with the `data` * and `path` properties, if it is a blob, or a string, if it is a normal image. * 2. Local Image: This is the image object in the content process and it refers * to the image *object* in the React component's state. All local image * objects have the `url` property, and an additional property `path`, if they * are blobs. */ const ScreenshotUtils = { isBlob(isLocal, image) { return !!( image && image.path && ((!isLocal && image.data) || (isLocal && image.url)) ); }, // This should always be called with a remote image and not a local image. createLocalImageObject(remoteImage) { if (!remoteImage) { return null; } if (this.isBlob(false, remoteImage)) { return { url: globalThis.URL.createObjectURL(remoteImage.data), path: remoteImage.path, }; } return { url: remoteImage }; }, // Revokes the object URL of the image if the local image is a blob. // This should always be called with a local image and not a remote image. maybeRevokeBlobObjectURL(localImage) { if (this.isBlob(true, localImage)) { globalThis.URL.revokeObjectURL(localImage.url); } }, // Checks if remoteImage and localImage are the same. isRemoteImageLocal(localImage, remoteImage) { // Both remoteImage and localImage are present. if (remoteImage && localImage) { return this.isBlob(false, remoteImage) ? localImage.path === remoteImage.path : localImage.url === remoteImage; } // This will only handle the remaining three possible outcomes. // (i.e. everything except when both image and localImage are present) return !remoteImage && !localImage; }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/Card/Card.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Keep track of pending image loads to only request once const gImageLoading = new Map(); /** * Card component. * Cards are found within a Section component and contain information about a link such * as preview image, page title, page description, and some context about if the page * was visited, bookmarked, trending etc... * Each Section can make an unordered list of Cards which will create one instane of * this class. Each card will then get a context menu which reflects the actions that * can be done on this Card. */ class _Card extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { activeCard: null, imageLoaded: false, cardImage: null }; this.onMenuButtonUpdate = this.onMenuButtonUpdate.bind(this); this.onLinkClick = this.onLinkClick.bind(this); } /** * Helper to conditionally load an image and update state when it loads. */ async maybeLoadImage() { // No need to load if it's already loaded or no image const { cardImage } = this.state; if (!cardImage) { return; } const imageUrl = cardImage.url; if (!this.state.imageLoaded) { // Initialize a promise to share a load across multiple card updates if (!gImageLoading.has(imageUrl)) { const loaderPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const loader = new Image(); loader.addEventListener("load", resolve); loader.addEventListener("error", reject); loader.src = imageUrl; }); // Save and remove the promise only while it's pending gImageLoading.set(imageUrl, loaderPromise); loaderPromise.catch(ex => ex).then(() => gImageLoading.delete(imageUrl)).catch(); } // Wait for the image whether just started loading or reused promise try { await gImageLoading.get(imageUrl); } catch (ex) { // Ignore the failed image without changing state return; } // Only update state if we're still waiting to load the original image if (ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal(this.state.cardImage, this.props.link.image) && !this.state.imageLoaded) { this.setState({ imageLoaded: true }); } } } /** * Helper to obtain the next state based on nextProps and prevState. * * NOTE: Rename this method to getDerivedStateFromProps when we update React * to >= 16.3. We will need to update tests as well. We cannot rename this * method to getDerivedStateFromProps now because there is a mismatch in * the React version that we are using for both testing and production. * (i.e. react-test-render => "16.3.2", react => "16.2.0"). * * See https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme/blob/master/packages/enzyme-adapter-react-16/package.json#L43. */ static getNextStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) { const { image } = nextProps.link; const imageInState = ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal(prevState.cardImage, image); let nextState = null; // Image is updating. if (!imageInState && nextProps.link) { nextState = { imageLoaded: false }; } if (imageInState) { return nextState; } // Since image was updated, attempt to revoke old image blob URL, if it exists. ScreenshotUtils.maybeRevokeBlobObjectURL(prevState.cardImage); nextState = nextState || {}; nextState.cardImage = ScreenshotUtils.createLocalImageObject(image); return nextState; } onMenuButtonUpdate(isOpen) { if (isOpen) { this.setState({ activeCard: this.props.index }); } else { this.setState({ activeCard: null }); } } /** * Report to telemetry additional information about the item. */ _getTelemetryInfo() { // Filter out "history" type for being the default if (this.props.link.type !== "history") { return { value: { card_type: this.props.link.type } }; } return null; } onLinkClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); const { altKey, button, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey } = event; if (this.props.link.type === "download") { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.OPEN_DOWNLOAD_FILE, data: Object.assign(this.props.link, { event: { button, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey } }) })); } else { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.OPEN_LINK, data: Object.assign(this.props.link, { event: { altKey, button, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey } }) })); } if (this.props.isWebExtension) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.WebExtEvent(actionTypes.WEBEXT_CLICK, { source: this.props.eventSource, url: this.props.link.url, action_position: this.props.index })); } else { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent(Object.assign({ event: "CLICK", source: this.props.eventSource, action_position: this.props.index }, this._getTelemetryInfo()))); if (this.props.shouldSendImpressionStats) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source: this.props.eventSource, click: 0, tiles: [{ id: this.props.link.guid, pos: this.props.index }] })); } } } componentDidMount() { this.maybeLoadImage(); } componentDidUpdate() { this.maybeLoadImage(); } // NOTE: Remove this function when we update React to >= 16.3 since React will // call getDerivedStateFromProps automatically. We will also need to // rename getNextStateFromProps to getDerivedStateFromProps. componentWillMount() { const nextState = _Card.getNextStateFromProps(this.props, this.state); if (nextState) { this.setState(nextState); } } // NOTE: Remove this function when we update React to >= 16.3 since React will // call getDerivedStateFromProps automatically. We will also need to // rename getNextStateFromProps to getDerivedStateFromProps. componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const nextState = _Card.getNextStateFromProps(nextProps, this.state); if (nextState) { this.setState(nextState); } } componentWillUnmount() { ScreenshotUtils.maybeRevokeBlobObjectURL(this.state.cardImage); } render() { const { index, className, link, dispatch, contextMenuOptions, eventSource, shouldSendImpressionStats } = this.props; const { props } = this; const title = link.title || link.hostname; const isContextMenuOpen = this.state.activeCard === index; // Display "now" as "trending" until we have new strings #3402 const { icon, fluentID } = cardContextTypes[link.type === "now" ? "trending" : link.type] || {}; const hasImage = this.state.cardImage || link.hasImage; const imageStyle = { backgroundImage: this.state.cardImage ? `url(${this.state.cardImage.url})` : "none" }; const outerClassName = ["card-outer", className, isContextMenuOpen && "active", props.placeholder && "placeholder"].filter(v => v).join(" "); return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("li", { className: outerClassName }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { href: link.type === "pocket" ? link.open_url : link.url, onClick: !props.placeholder ? this.onLinkClick : undefined }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card-preview-image-outer" }, hasImage && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: `card-preview-image${this.state.imageLoaded ? " loaded" : ""}`, style: imageStyle })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card-details" }, link.type === "download" && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card-host-name alternate", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-menu-open-file" }), link.hostname && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card-host-name" }, link.hostname.slice(0, 100), link.type === "download" && ` \u2014 ${link.description}`), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: ["card-text", icon ? "" : "no-context", link.description ? "" : "no-description", link.hostname ? "" : "no-host-name"].join(" ") }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h4", { className: "card-title", dir: "auto" }, link.title), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: "card-description", dir: "auto" }, link.description)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card-context" }, icon && !link.context && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "aria-haspopup": "true", className: `card-context-icon icon icon-${icon}` }), link.icon && link.context && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "aria-haspopup": "true", className: "card-context-icon icon", style: { backgroundImage: `url('${link.icon}')` } }), fluentID && !link.context && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card-context-label", "data-l10n-id": fluentID }), link.context && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "card-context-label" }, link.context))))), !props.placeholder && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ContextMenuButton, { tooltip: "newtab-menu-content-tooltip", tooltipArgs: { title }, onUpdate: this.onMenuButtonUpdate }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(LinkMenu, { dispatch: dispatch, index: index, source: eventSource, options: link.contextMenuOptions || contextMenuOptions, site: link, siteInfo: this._getTelemetryInfo(), shouldSendImpressionStats: shouldSendImpressionStats }))); } } _Card.defaultProps = { link: {} }; const Card = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ platform: state.Prefs.values.platform }))(_Card); const PlaceholderCard = props => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Card, { placeholder: true, className: props.className }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/lib/perf-service.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ let usablePerfObj = window.performance; function _PerfService(options) { // For testing, so that we can use a fake Window.performance object with // known state. if (options && options.performanceObj) { this._perf = options.performanceObj; } else { this._perf = usablePerfObj; } } _PerfService.prototype = { /** * Calls the underlying mark() method on the appropriate Window.performance * object to add a mark with the given name to the appropriate performance * timeline. * * @param {String} name the name to give the current mark * @return {void} */ mark: function mark(str) { this._perf.mark(str); }, /** * Calls the underlying getEntriesByName on the appropriate Window.performance * object. * * @param {String} name * @param {String} type eg "mark" * @return {Array} Performance* objects */ getEntriesByName: function getEntriesByName(entryName, type) { return this._perf.getEntriesByName(entryName, type); }, /** * The timeOrigin property from the appropriate performance object. * Used to ensure that timestamps from the add-on code and the content code * are comparable. * * @note If this is called from a context without a window * (eg a JSM in chrome), it will return the timeOrigin of the XUL hidden * window, which appears to be the first created window (and thus * timeOrigin) in the browser. Note also, however, there is also a private * hidden window, presumably for private browsing, which appears to be * created dynamically later. Exactly how/when that shows up needs to be * investigated. * * @return {Number} A double of milliseconds with a precision of 0.5us. */ get timeOrigin() { return this._perf.timeOrigin; }, /** * Returns the "absolute" version of performance.now(), i.e. one that * should ([bug 1401406](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1401406) * be comparable across both chrome and content. * * @return {Number} */ absNow: function absNow() { return this.timeOrigin + this._perf.now(); }, /** * This returns the absolute startTime from the most recent performance.mark() * with the given name. * * @param {String} name the name to lookup the start time for * * @return {Number} the returned start time, as a DOMHighResTimeStamp * * @throws {Error} "No Marks with the name ..." if none are available * * @note Always surround calls to this by try/catch. Otherwise your code * may fail when the `privacy.resistFingerprinting` pref is true. When * this pref is set, all attempts to get marks will likely fail, which will * cause this method to throw. * * See [bug 1369303](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1369303) * for more info. */ getMostRecentAbsMarkStartByName(entryName) { let entries = this.getEntriesByName(entryName, "mark"); if (!entries.length) { throw new Error(`No marks with the name ${entryName}`); } let mostRecentEntry = entries[entries.length - 1]; return this._perf.timeOrigin + mostRecentEntry.startTime; }, }; const perfService = new _PerfService(); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/ComponentPerfTimer/ComponentPerfTimer.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Currently record only a fixed set of sections. This will prevent data // from custom sections from showing up or from topstories. const RECORDED_SECTIONS = ["highlights", "topsites"]; class ComponentPerfTimer extends (external_React_default()).Component { constructor(props) { super(props); // Just for test dependency injection: this.perfSvc = this.props.perfSvc || perfService; this._sendBadStateEvent = this._sendBadStateEvent.bind(this); this._sendPaintedEvent = this._sendPaintedEvent.bind(this); this._reportMissingData = false; this._timestampHandled = false; this._recordedFirstRender = false; } componentDidMount() { if (!RECORDED_SECTIONS.includes(this.props.id)) { return; } this._maybeSendPaintedEvent(); } componentDidUpdate() { if (!RECORDED_SECTIONS.includes(this.props.id)) { return; } this._maybeSendPaintedEvent(); } /** * Call the given callback after the upcoming frame paints. * * @note Both setTimeout and requestAnimationFrame are throttled when the page * is hidden, so this callback may get called up to a second or so after the * requestAnimationFrame "paint" for hidden tabs. * * Newtabs hidden while loading will presumably be fairly rare (other than * preloaded tabs, which we will be filtering out on the server side), so such * cases should get lost in the noise. * * If we decide that it's important to find out when something that's hidden * has "painted", however, another option is to post a message to this window. * That should happen even faster than setTimeout, and, at least as of this * writing, it's not throttled in hidden windows in Firefox. * * @param {Function} callback * * @returns void */ _afterFramePaint(callback) { requestAnimationFrame(() => setTimeout(callback, 0)); } _maybeSendBadStateEvent() { // Follow up bugs: // https://github.com/mozilla/activity-stream/issues/3691 if (!this.props.initialized) { // Remember to report back when data is available. this._reportMissingData = true; } else if (this._reportMissingData) { this._reportMissingData = false; // Report how long it took for component to become initialized. this._sendBadStateEvent(); } } _maybeSendPaintedEvent() { // If we've already handled a timestamp, don't do it again. if (this._timestampHandled || !this.props.initialized) { return; } // And if we haven't, we're doing so now, so remember that. Even if // something goes wrong in the callback, we can't try again, as we'd be // sending back the wrong data, and we have to do it here, so that other // calls to this method while waiting for the next frame won't also try to // handle it. this._timestampHandled = true; this._afterFramePaint(this._sendPaintedEvent); } /** * Triggered by call to render. Only first call goes through due to * `_recordedFirstRender`. */ _ensureFirstRenderTsRecorded() { // Used as t0 for recording how long component took to initialize. if (!this._recordedFirstRender) { this._recordedFirstRender = true; // topsites_first_render_ts, highlights_first_render_ts. const key = `${this.props.id}_first_render_ts`; this.perfSvc.mark(key); } } /** * Creates `SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA` with timestamp in ms * of how much longer the data took to be ready for display than it would * have been the ideal case. * https://github.com/mozilla/ping-centre/issues/98 */ _sendBadStateEvent() { // highlights_data_ready_ts, topsites_data_ready_ts. const dataReadyKey = `${this.props.id}_data_ready_ts`; this.perfSvc.mark(dataReadyKey); try { const firstRenderKey = `${this.props.id}_first_render_ts`; // value has to be Int32. const value = parseInt(this.perfSvc.getMostRecentAbsMarkStartByName(dataReadyKey) - this.perfSvc.getMostRecentAbsMarkStartByName(firstRenderKey), 10); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, // highlights_data_late_by_ms, topsites_data_late_by_ms. data: { [`${this.props.id}_data_late_by_ms`]: value } })); } catch (ex) { // If this failed, it's likely because the `privacy.resistFingerprinting` // pref is true. } } _sendPaintedEvent() { // Record first_painted event but only send if topsites. if (this.props.id !== "topsites") { return; } // topsites_first_painted_ts. const key = `${this.props.id}_first_painted_ts`; this.perfSvc.mark(key); try { const data = {}; data[key] = this.perfSvc.getMostRecentAbsMarkStartByName(key); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data })); } catch (ex) { // If this failed, it's likely because the `privacy.resistFingerprinting` // pref is true. We should at least not blow up, and should continue // to set this._timestampHandled to avoid going through this again. } } render() { if (RECORDED_SECTIONS.includes(this.props.id)) { this._ensureFirstRenderTsRecorded(); this._maybeSendBadStateEvent(); } return this.props.children; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/MoreRecommendations/MoreRecommendations.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class MoreRecommendations extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const { read_more_endpoint } = this.props; if (read_more_endpoint) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { className: "more-recommendations", href: read_more_endpoint, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-pocket-more-recommendations" }); } return null; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/PocketLoggedInCta/PocketLoggedInCta.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class _PocketLoggedInCta extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const { pocketCta } = this.props.Pocket; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "pocket-logged-in-cta" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { className: "pocket-cta-button", href: pocketCta.ctaUrl ? pocketCta.ctaUrl : "https://getpocket.com/" }, pocketCta.ctaButton ? pocketCta.ctaButton : /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-pocket-cta-button" })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { href: pocketCta.ctaUrl ? pocketCta.ctaUrl : "https://getpocket.com/" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "cta-text" }, pocketCta.ctaText ? pocketCta.ctaText : /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-pocket-cta-text" })))); } } const PocketLoggedInCta = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Pocket: state.Pocket }))(_PocketLoggedInCta); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/Topics/Topics.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class Topic extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const { url, name } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("li", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { key: name, href: url }, name)); } } class Topics extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const { topics } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "topics" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-pocket-read-more" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("ul", null, topics && topics.map(t => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Topic, { key: t.name, url: t.url, name: t.name })))); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/TopSites/SearchShortcutsForm.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class SelectableSearchShortcut extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const { shortcut, selected } = this.props; const imageStyle = { backgroundImage: `url("${shortcut.tippyTopIcon}")` }; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "top-site-outer search-shortcut" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { type: "checkbox", id: shortcut.keyword, name: shortcut.keyword, checked: selected, onChange: this.props.onChange }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", { htmlFor: shortcut.keyword }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "top-site-inner" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "tile" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "top-site-icon rich-icon", style: imageStyle, "data-fallback": "@" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "top-site-icon search-topsite" })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "title" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { dir: "auto" }, shortcut.keyword)))))); } } class SearchShortcutsForm extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); this.onCancelButtonClick = this.onCancelButtonClick.bind(this); this.onSaveButtonClick = this.onSaveButtonClick.bind(this); // clone the shortcuts and add them to the state so we can add isSelected property const shortcuts = []; const { rows, searchShortcuts } = props.TopSites; searchShortcuts.forEach(shortcut => { shortcuts.push({ ...shortcut, isSelected: !!rows.find(row => row && row.isPinned && row.searchTopSite && row.label === shortcut.keyword) }); }); this.state = { shortcuts }; } handleChange(event) { const { target } = event; const { name, checked } = target; this.setState(prevState => { const shortcuts = prevState.shortcuts.slice(); let shortcut = shortcuts.find(({ keyword }) => keyword === name); shortcut.isSelected = checked; return { shortcuts }; }); } onCancelButtonClick(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.props.onClose(); } onSaveButtonClick(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); // Check if there were any changes and act accordingly const { rows } = this.props.TopSites; const pinQueue = []; const unpinQueue = []; this.state.shortcuts.forEach(shortcut => { const alreadyPinned = rows.find(row => row && row.isPinned && row.searchTopSite && row.label === shortcut.keyword); if (shortcut.isSelected && !alreadyPinned) { pinQueue.push(this._searchTopSite(shortcut)); } else if (!shortcut.isSelected && alreadyPinned) { unpinQueue.push({ url: alreadyPinned.url, searchVendor: shortcut.shortURL }); } }); // Tell the feed to do the work. this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.UPDATE_PINNED_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS, data: { addedShortcuts: pinQueue, deletedShortcuts: unpinQueue } })); // Send the Telemetry pings. pinQueue.forEach(shortcut => { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, event: "SEARCH_EDIT_ADD", value: { search_vendor: shortcut.searchVendor } })); }); unpinQueue.forEach(shortcut => { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, event: "SEARCH_EDIT_DELETE", value: { search_vendor: shortcut.searchVendor } })); }); this.props.onClose(); } _searchTopSite(shortcut) { return { url: shortcut.url, searchTopSite: true, label: shortcut.keyword, searchVendor: shortcut.shortURL }; } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("form", { className: "topsite-form" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "search-shortcuts-container" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", { className: "section-title grey-title", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-topsites-add-search-engine-header" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, this.state.shortcuts.map(shortcut => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SelectableSearchShortcut, { key: shortcut.keyword, shortcut: shortcut, selected: shortcut.isSelected, onChange: this.handleChange })))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("section", { className: "actions" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "cancel", type: "button", onClick: this.onCancelButtonClick, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-topsites-cancel-button" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "done", type: "submit", onClick: this.onSaveButtonClick, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-topsites-save-button" }))); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./common/Dedupe.sys.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class Dedupe { constructor(createKey) { this.createKey = createKey || this.defaultCreateKey; } defaultCreateKey(item) { return item; } /** * Dedupe any number of grouped elements favoring those from earlier groups. * * @param {Array} groups Contains an arbitrary number of arrays of elements. * @returns {Array} A matching array of each provided group deduped. */ group(...groups) { const globalKeys = new Set(); const result = []; for (const values of groups) { const valueMap = new Map(); for (const value of values) { const key = this.createKey(value); if (!globalKeys.has(key) && !valueMap.has(key)) { valueMap.set(key, value); } } result.push(valueMap); valueMap.forEach((value, key) => globalKeys.add(key)); } return result.map(m => Array.from(m.values())); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./common/Reducers.sys.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const TOP_SITES_DEFAULT_ROWS = 1; const TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW = 8; const PREF_COLLECTION_DISMISSIBLE = "discoverystream.isCollectionDismissible"; const dedupe = new Dedupe(site => site && site.url); const INITIAL_STATE = { App: { // Have we received real data from the app yet? initialized: false, locale: "", isForStartupCache: false, customizeMenuVisible: false, }, ASRouter: { initialized: false }, TopSites: { // Have we received real data from history yet? initialized: false, // The history (and possibly default) links rows: [], // Used in content only to dispatch action to TopSiteForm. editForm: null, // Used in content only to open the SearchShortcutsForm modal. showSearchShortcutsForm: false, // The list of available search shortcuts. searchShortcuts: [], // The "Share-of-Voice" allocations generated by TopSitesFeed sov: { ready: false, positions: [ // {position: 0, assignedPartner: "amp"}, // {position: 1, assignedPartner: "moz-sales"}, ], }, }, Prefs: { initialized: false, values: { featureConfig: {} }, }, Dialog: { visible: false, data: {}, }, Sections: [], Pocket: { isUserLoggedIn: null, pocketCta: {}, waitingForSpoc: true, }, // This is the new pocket configurable layout state. DiscoveryStream: { // This is a JSON-parsed copy of the discoverystream.config pref value. config: { enabled: false }, layout: [], isPrivacyInfoModalVisible: false, isCollectionDismissible: false, feeds: { data: { // "https://foo.com/feed1": {lastUpdated: 123, data: [], personalized: false} }, loaded: false, }, spocs: { spocs_endpoint: "", lastUpdated: null, data: { // "spocs": {title: "", context: "", items: [], personalized: false}, // "placement1": {title: "", context: "", items: [], personalized: false}, }, loaded: false, frequency_caps: [], blocked: [], placements: [], }, experimentData: { utmSource: "pocket-newtab", utmCampaign: undefined, utmContent: undefined, }, recentSavesData: [], isUserLoggedIn: false, recentSavesEnabled: false, }, Personalization: { lastUpdated: null, initialized: false, }, Search: { // When search hand-off is enabled, we render a big button that is styled to // look like a search textbox. If the button is clicked, we style // the button as if it was a focused search box and show a fake cursor but // really focus the awesomebar without the focus styles ("hidden focus"). fakeFocus: false, // Hide the search box after handing off to AwesomeBar and user starts typing. hide: false, }, Wallpapers: { wallpaperList: [], }, Weather: { // do we have the data from WeatherFeed yet? initialized: false, suggestions: [], lastUpdated: null, }, }; function App(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.App, action) { switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.INIT: return Object.assign({}, prevState, action.data || {}, { initialized: true, }); case actionTypes.TOP_SITES_UPDATED: // Toggle `isForStartupCache` when receiving the `TOP_SITES_UPDATE` action // so that sponsored tiles can be rendered as usual. See Bug 1826360. return Object.assign({}, prevState, action.data || {}, { isForStartupCache: false, }); case actionTypes.SHOW_PERSONALIZE: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { customizeMenuVisible: true, }); case actionTypes.HIDE_PERSONALIZE: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { customizeMenuVisible: false, }); default: return prevState; } } function ASRouter(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.ASRouter, action) { switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.AS_ROUTER_INITIALIZED: return { ...action.data, initialized: true }; default: return prevState; } } /** * insertPinned - Inserts pinned links in their specified slots * * @param {array} a list of links * @param {array} a list of pinned links * @return {array} resulting list of links with pinned links inserted */ function insertPinned(links, pinned) { // Remove any pinned links const pinnedUrls = pinned.map(link => link && link.url); let newLinks = links.filter(link => link ? !pinnedUrls.includes(link.url) : false ); newLinks = newLinks.map(link => { if (link && link.isPinned) { delete link.isPinned; delete link.pinIndex; } return link; }); // Then insert them in their specified location pinned.forEach((val, index) => { if (!val) { return; } let link = Object.assign({}, val, { isPinned: true, pinIndex: index }); if (index > newLinks.length) { newLinks[index] = link; } else { newLinks.splice(index, 0, link); } }); return newLinks; } function TopSites(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.TopSites, action) { let hasMatch; let newRows; switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.TOP_SITES_UPDATED: if (!action.data || !action.data.links) { return prevState; } return Object.assign( {}, prevState, { initialized: true, rows: action.data.links }, action.data.pref ? { pref: action.data.pref } : {} ); case actionTypes.TOP_SITES_PREFS_UPDATED: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { pref: action.data.pref }); case actionTypes.TOP_SITES_EDIT: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { editForm: { index: action.data.index, previewResponse: null, }, }); case actionTypes.TOP_SITES_CANCEL_EDIT: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { editForm: null }); case actionTypes.TOP_SITES_OPEN_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_MODAL: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { showSearchShortcutsForm: true }); case actionTypes.TOP_SITES_CLOSE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_MODAL: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { showSearchShortcutsForm: false }); case actionTypes.PREVIEW_RESPONSE: if ( !prevState.editForm || action.data.url !== prevState.editForm.previewUrl ) { return prevState; } return Object.assign({}, prevState, { editForm: { index: prevState.editForm.index, previewResponse: action.data.preview, previewUrl: action.data.url, }, }); case actionTypes.PREVIEW_REQUEST: if (!prevState.editForm) { return prevState; } return Object.assign({}, prevState, { editForm: { index: prevState.editForm.index, previewResponse: null, previewUrl: action.data.url, }, }); case actionTypes.PREVIEW_REQUEST_CANCEL: if (!prevState.editForm) { return prevState; } return Object.assign({}, prevState, { editForm: { index: prevState.editForm.index, previewResponse: null, }, }); case actionTypes.SCREENSHOT_UPDATED: newRows = prevState.rows.map(row => { if (row && row.url === action.data.url) { hasMatch = true; return Object.assign({}, row, { screenshot: action.data.screenshot }); } return row; }); return hasMatch ? Object.assign({}, prevState, { rows: newRows }) : prevState; case actionTypes.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED: if (!action.data) { return prevState; } newRows = prevState.rows.map(site => { if (site && site.url === action.data.url) { const { bookmarkGuid, bookmarkTitle, dateAdded } = action.data; return Object.assign({}, site, { bookmarkGuid, bookmarkTitle, bookmarkDateCreated: dateAdded, }); } return site; }); return Object.assign({}, prevState, { rows: newRows }); case actionTypes.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED: if (!action.data) { return prevState; } newRows = prevState.rows.map(site => { if (site && action.data.urls.includes(site.url)) { const newSite = Object.assign({}, site); delete newSite.bookmarkGuid; delete newSite.bookmarkTitle; delete newSite.bookmarkDateCreated; return newSite; } return site; }); return Object.assign({}, prevState, { rows: newRows }); case actionTypes.PLACES_LINKS_DELETED: if (!action.data) { return prevState; } newRows = prevState.rows.filter( site => !action.data.urls.includes(site.url) ); return Object.assign({}, prevState, { rows: newRows }); case actionTypes.UPDATE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS: return { ...prevState, searchShortcuts: action.data.searchShortcuts }; case actionTypes.SOV_UPDATED: const sov = { ready: action.data.ready, positions: action.data.positions, }; return { ...prevState, sov }; default: return prevState; } } function Dialog(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.Dialog, action) { switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.DIALOG_OPEN: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { visible: true, data: action.data }); case actionTypes.DIALOG_CANCEL: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { visible: false }); case actionTypes.DELETE_HISTORY_URL: return Object.assign({}, INITIAL_STATE.Dialog); default: return prevState; } } function Prefs(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.Prefs, action) { let newValues; switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES: return Object.assign({}, prevState, { initialized: true, values: action.data, }); case actionTypes.PREF_CHANGED: newValues = Object.assign({}, prevState.values); newValues[action.data.name] = action.data.value; return Object.assign({}, prevState, { values: newValues }); default: return prevState; } } function Sections(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.Sections, action) { let hasMatch; let newState; switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.SECTION_DEREGISTER: return prevState.filter(section => section.id !== action.data); case actionTypes.SECTION_REGISTER: // If section exists in prevState, update it newState = prevState.map(section => { if (section && section.id === action.data.id) { hasMatch = true; return Object.assign({}, section, action.data); } return section; }); // Otherwise, append it if (!hasMatch) { const initialized = !!(action.data.rows && !!action.data.rows.length); const section = Object.assign( { title: "", rows: [], enabled: false }, action.data, { initialized } ); newState.push(section); } return newState; case actionTypes.SECTION_UPDATE: newState = prevState.map(section => { if (section && section.id === action.data.id) { // If the action is updating rows, we should consider initialized to be true. // This can be overridden if initialized is defined in the action.data const initialized = action.data.rows ? { initialized: true } : {}; // Make sure pinned cards stay at their current position when rows are updated. // Disabling a section (SECTION_UPDATE with empty rows) does not retain pinned cards. if ( action.data.rows && !!action.data.rows.length && section.rows.find(card => card.pinned) ) { const rows = Array.from(action.data.rows); section.rows.forEach((card, index) => { if (card.pinned) { // Only add it if it's not already there. if (rows[index].guid !== card.guid) { rows.splice(index, 0, card); } } }); return Object.assign( {}, section, initialized, Object.assign({}, action.data, { rows }) ); } return Object.assign({}, section, initialized, action.data); } return section; }); if (!action.data.dedupeConfigurations) { return newState; } action.data.dedupeConfigurations.forEach(dedupeConf => { newState = newState.map(section => { if (section.id === dedupeConf.id) { const dedupedRows = dedupeConf.dedupeFrom.reduce( (rows, dedupeSectionId) => { const dedupeSection = newState.find( s => s.id === dedupeSectionId ); const [, newRows] = dedupe.group(dedupeSection.rows, rows); return newRows; }, section.rows ); return Object.assign({}, section, { rows: dedupedRows }); } return section; }); }); return newState; case actionTypes.SECTION_UPDATE_CARD: return prevState.map(section => { if (section && section.id === action.data.id && section.rows) { const newRows = section.rows.map(card => { if (card.url === action.data.url) { return Object.assign({}, card, action.data.options); } return card; }); return Object.assign({}, section, { rows: newRows }); } return section; }); case actionTypes.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED: if (!action.data) { return prevState; } return prevState.map(section => Object.assign({}, section, { rows: section.rows.map(item => { // find the item within the rows that is attempted to be bookmarked if (item.url === action.data.url) { const { bookmarkGuid, bookmarkTitle, dateAdded } = action.data; return Object.assign({}, item, { bookmarkGuid, bookmarkTitle, bookmarkDateCreated: dateAdded, type: "bookmark", }); } return item; }), }) ); case actionTypes.PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET: if (!action.data) { return prevState; } return prevState.map(section => Object.assign({}, section, { rows: section.rows.map(item => { if (item.url === action.data.url) { return Object.assign({}, item, { open_url: action.data.open_url, pocket_id: action.data.pocket_id, title: action.data.title, type: "pocket", }); } return item; }), }) ); case actionTypes.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED: if (!action.data) { return prevState; } return prevState.map(section => Object.assign({}, section, { rows: section.rows.map(item => { // find the bookmark within the rows that is attempted to be removed if (action.data.urls.includes(item.url)) { const newSite = Object.assign({}, item); delete newSite.bookmarkGuid; delete newSite.bookmarkTitle; delete newSite.bookmarkDateCreated; if (!newSite.type || newSite.type === "bookmark") { newSite.type = "history"; } return newSite; } return item; }), }) ); case actionTypes.PLACES_LINKS_DELETED: if (!action.data) { return prevState; } return prevState.map(section => Object.assign({}, section, { rows: section.rows.filter( site => !action.data.urls.includes(site.url) ), }) ); case actionTypes.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED: if (!action.data) { return prevState; } return prevState.map(section => Object.assign({}, section, { rows: section.rows.filter(site => site.url !== action.data.url), }) ); case actionTypes.DELETE_FROM_POCKET: case actionTypes.ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET: return prevState.map(section => Object.assign({}, section, { rows: section.rows.filter( site => site.pocket_id !== action.data.pocket_id ), }) ); default: return prevState; } } function Pocket(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.Pocket, action) { switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.POCKET_WAITING_FOR_SPOC: return { ...prevState, waitingForSpoc: action.data }; case actionTypes.POCKET_LOGGED_IN: return { ...prevState, isUserLoggedIn: !!action.data }; case actionTypes.POCKET_CTA: return { ...prevState, pocketCta: { ctaButton: action.data.cta_button, ctaText: action.data.cta_text, ctaUrl: action.data.cta_url, useCta: action.data.use_cta, }, }; default: return prevState; } } function Reducers_sys_Personalization(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.Personalization, action) { switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_LAST_UPDATED: return { ...prevState, lastUpdated: action.data.lastUpdated, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_INIT: return { ...prevState, initialized: true, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_RESET: return { ...INITIAL_STATE.Personalization }; default: return prevState; } } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity function DiscoveryStream(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream, action) { // Return if action data is empty, or spocs or feeds data is not loaded const isNotReady = () => !action.data || !prevState.spocs.loaded || !prevState.feeds.loaded; const handlePlacements = handleSites => { const { data, placements } = prevState.spocs; const result = {}; const forPlacement = placement => { const placementSpocs = data[placement.name]; if ( !placementSpocs || !placementSpocs.items || !placementSpocs.items.length ) { return; } result[placement.name] = { ...placementSpocs, items: handleSites(placementSpocs.items), }; }; if (!placements || !placements.length) { [{ name: "spocs" }].forEach(forPlacement); } else { placements.forEach(forPlacement); } return result; }; const nextState = handleSites => ({ ...prevState, spocs: { ...prevState.spocs, data: handlePlacements(handleSites), }, feeds: { ...prevState.feeds, data: Object.keys(prevState.feeds.data).reduce( (accumulator, feed_url) => { accumulator[feed_url] = { data: { ...prevState.feeds.data[feed_url].data, recommendations: handleSites( prevState.feeds.data[feed_url].data.recommendations ), }, }; return accumulator; }, {} ), }, }); switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE: // Fall through to a separate action is so it doesn't trigger a listener update on init case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_SETUP: return { ...prevState, config: action.data || {} }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_EXPERIMENT_DATA: return { ...prevState, experimentData: action.data || {} }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_UPDATE: return { ...prevState, layout: action.data.layout || [], }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_COLLECTION_DISMISSIBLE_TOGGLE: return { ...prevState, isCollectionDismissible: action.data.value, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREFS_SETUP: return { ...prevState, recentSavesEnabled: action.data.recentSavesEnabled, pocketButtonEnabled: action.data.pocketButtonEnabled, saveToPocketCard: action.data.saveToPocketCard, hideDescriptions: action.data.hideDescriptions, compactImages: action.data.compactImages, imageGradient: action.data.imageGradient, newSponsoredLabel: action.data.newSponsoredLabel, titleLines: action.data.titleLines, descLines: action.data.descLines, readTime: action.data.readTime, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_RECENT_SAVES: return { ...prevState, recentSavesData: action.data.recentSaves, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_POCKET_STATE_SET: return { ...prevState, isUserLoggedIn: action.data.isUserLoggedIn, }; case actionTypes.HIDE_PRIVACY_INFO: return { ...prevState, isPrivacyInfoModalVisible: false, }; case actionTypes.SHOW_PRIVACY_INFO: return { ...prevState, isPrivacyInfoModalVisible: true, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_RESET: return { ...INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream, config: prevState.config }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEEDS_UPDATE: return { ...prevState, feeds: { ...prevState.feeds, loaded: true, }, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE: const newData = {}; newData[action.data.url] = action.data.feed; return { ...prevState, feeds: { ...prevState.feeds, data: { ...prevState.feeds.data, ...newData, }, }, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_CAPS: return { ...prevState, spocs: { ...prevState.spocs, frequency_caps: [...prevState.spocs.frequency_caps, ...action.data], }, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_ENDPOINT: return { ...prevState, spocs: { ...INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream.spocs, spocs_endpoint: action.data.url || INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream.spocs.spocs_endpoint, }, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_PLACEMENTS: return { ...prevState, spocs: { ...prevState.spocs, placements: action.data.placements || INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream.spocs.placements, }, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE: if (action.data) { return { ...prevState, spocs: { ...prevState.spocs, lastUpdated: action.data.lastUpdated, data: action.data.spocs, loaded: true, }, }; } return prevState; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_BLOCKED: return { ...prevState, spocs: { ...prevState.spocs, blocked: [...prevState.spocs.blocked, action.data.url], }, }; case actionTypes.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED: return isNotReady() ? prevState : nextState(items => items.filter(item => item.url !== action.data.url) ); case actionTypes.PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET: const addPocketInfo = item => { if (item.url === action.data.url) { return Object.assign({}, item, { open_url: action.data.open_url, pocket_id: action.data.pocket_id, context_type: "pocket", }); } return item; }; return isNotReady() ? prevState : nextState(items => items.map(addPocketInfo)); case actionTypes.DELETE_FROM_POCKET: case actionTypes.ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET: return isNotReady() ? prevState : nextState(items => items.filter(item => item.pocket_id !== action.data.pocket_id) ); case actionTypes.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED: const updateBookmarkInfo = item => { if (item.url === action.data.url) { const { bookmarkGuid, bookmarkTitle, dateAdded } = action.data; return Object.assign({}, item, { bookmarkGuid, bookmarkTitle, bookmarkDateCreated: dateAdded, context_type: "bookmark", }); } return item; }; return isNotReady() ? prevState : nextState(items => items.map(updateBookmarkInfo)); case actionTypes.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED: const removeBookmarkInfo = item => { if (action.data.urls.includes(item.url)) { const newSite = Object.assign({}, item); delete newSite.bookmarkGuid; delete newSite.bookmarkTitle; delete newSite.bookmarkDateCreated; if (!newSite.context_type || newSite.context_type === "bookmark") { newSite.context_type = "removedBookmark"; } return newSite; } return item; }; return isNotReady() ? prevState : nextState(items => items.map(removeBookmarkInfo)); case actionTypes.PREF_CHANGED: if (action.data.name === PREF_COLLECTION_DISMISSIBLE) { return { ...prevState, isCollectionDismissible: action.data.value, }; } return prevState; default: return prevState; } } function Search(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.Search, action) { switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.DISABLE_SEARCH: return Object.assign({ ...prevState, disable: true }); case actionTypes.FAKE_FOCUS_SEARCH: return Object.assign({ ...prevState, fakeFocus: true }); case actionTypes.SHOW_SEARCH: return Object.assign({ ...prevState, disable: false, fakeFocus: false }); default: return prevState; } } function Wallpapers(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.Wallpapers, action) { switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.WALLPAPERS_SET: return { wallpaperList: action.data }; default: return prevState; } } function Weather(prevState = INITIAL_STATE.Weather, action) { switch (action.type) { case actionTypes.WEATHER_UPDATE: return { ...prevState, suggestions: action.data.suggestions, lastUpdated: action.data.date, initialized: true, }; default: return prevState; } } const reducers = { TopSites, App, ASRouter, Prefs, Dialog, Sections, Pocket, Personalization: Reducers_sys_Personalization, DiscoveryStream, Search, Wallpapers, Weather, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/TopSites/TopSiteFormInput.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class TopSiteFormInput extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { validationError: this.props.validationError }; this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this); this.onMount = this.onMount.bind(this); this.onClearIconPress = this.onClearIconPress.bind(this); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.shouldFocus && !this.props.shouldFocus) { this.input.focus(); } if (nextProps.validationError && !this.props.validationError) { this.setState({ validationError: true }); } // If the component is in an error state but the value was cleared by the parent if (this.state.validationError && !nextProps.value) { this.setState({ validationError: false }); } } onClearIconPress(event) { // If there is input in the URL or custom image URL fields, // and we hit 'enter' while tabbed over the clear icon, // we should execute the function to clear the field. if (event.key === "Enter") { this.props.onClear(); } } onChange(ev) { if (this.state.validationError) { this.setState({ validationError: false }); } this.props.onChange(ev); } onMount(input) { this.input = input; } renderLoadingOrCloseButton() { const showClearButton = this.props.value && this.props.onClear; if (this.props.loading) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "loading-container" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "loading-animation" })); } else if (showClearButton) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { type: "button", className: "icon icon-clear-input icon-button-style", onClick: this.props.onClear, onKeyPress: this.onClearIconPress }); } return null; } render() { const { typeUrl } = this.props; const { validationError } = this.state; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": this.props.titleId }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: `field ${typeUrl ? "url" : ""}${validationError ? " invalid" : ""}` }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { type: "text", value: this.props.value, ref: this.onMount, onChange: this.onChange, "data-l10n-id": this.props.placeholderId // Set focus on error if the url field is valid or when the input is first rendered and is empty // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/no-autofocus , autoFocus: this.props.autoFocusOnOpen, disabled: this.props.loading }), this.renderLoadingOrCloseButton(), validationError && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("aside", { className: "error-tooltip", "data-l10n-id": this.props.errorMessageId }))); } } TopSiteFormInput.defaultProps = { showClearButton: false, value: "", validationError: false }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/TopSites/TopSiteImpressionWrapper.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const TopSiteImpressionWrapper_VISIBLE = "visible"; const TopSiteImpressionWrapper_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT = "visibilitychange"; // Per analytical requirement, we set the minimal intersection ratio to // 0.5, and an impression is identified when the wrapped item has at least // 50% visibility. // // This constant is exported for unit test const TopSiteImpressionWrapper_INTERSECTION_RATIO = 0.5; /** * Impression wrapper for a TopSite tile. * * It makses use of the Intersection Observer API to detect the visibility, * and relies on page visibility to ensure the impression is reported * only when the component is visible on the page. */ class TopSiteImpressionWrapper extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { _dispatchImpressionStats() { const { actionType, tile } = this.props; if (!actionType) { return; } this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionType, data: { type: "impression", ...tile } })); } setImpressionObserverOrAddListener() { const { props } = this; if (!props.dispatch) { return; } if (props.document.visibilityState === TopSiteImpressionWrapper_VISIBLE) { this.setImpressionObserver(); } else { // We should only ever send the latest impression stats ping, so remove any // older listeners. if (this._onVisibilityChange) { props.document.removeEventListener(TopSiteImpressionWrapper_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } this._onVisibilityChange = () => { if (props.document.visibilityState === TopSiteImpressionWrapper_VISIBLE) { this.setImpressionObserver(); props.document.removeEventListener(TopSiteImpressionWrapper_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } }; props.document.addEventListener(TopSiteImpressionWrapper_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } } /** * Set an impression observer for the wrapped component. It makes use of * the Intersection Observer API to detect if the wrapped component is * visible with a desired ratio, and only sends impression if that's the case. * * See more details about Intersection Observer API at: * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API */ setImpressionObserver() { const { props } = this; if (!props.tile) { return; } this._handleIntersect = entries => { if (entries.some(entry => entry.isIntersecting && entry.intersectionRatio >= TopSiteImpressionWrapper_INTERSECTION_RATIO)) { this._dispatchImpressionStats(); this.impressionObserver.unobserve(this.refs.topsite_impression_wrapper); } }; const options = { threshold: TopSiteImpressionWrapper_INTERSECTION_RATIO }; this.impressionObserver = new props.IntersectionObserver(this._handleIntersect, options); this.impressionObserver.observe(this.refs.topsite_impression_wrapper); } componentDidMount() { if (this.props.tile) { this.setImpressionObserverOrAddListener(); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (this._handleIntersect && this.impressionObserver) { this.impressionObserver.unobserve(this.refs.topsite_impression_wrapper); } if (this._onVisibilityChange) { this.props.document.removeEventListener(TopSiteImpressionWrapper_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { ref: "topsite_impression_wrapper", className: "topsite-impression-observer" }, this.props.children); } } TopSiteImpressionWrapper.defaultProps = { IntersectionObserver: globalThis.IntersectionObserver, document: globalThis.document, actionType: null, tile: null }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/TopSites/TopSite.jsx function TopSite_extends() { TopSite_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return TopSite_extends.apply(this, arguments); } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const SPOC_TYPE = "SPOC"; const NEWTAB_SOURCE = "newtab"; // For cases if we want to know if this is sponsored by either sponsored_position or type. // We have two sources for sponsored topsites, and // sponsored_position is set by one sponsored source, and type is set by another. // This is not called in all cases, sometimes we want to know if it's one source // or the other. This function is only applicable in cases where we only care if it's either. function isSponsored(link) { return link?.sponsored_position || link?.type === SPOC_TYPE; } class TopSiteLink extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { screenshotImage: null }; this.onDragEvent = this.onDragEvent.bind(this); this.onKeyPress = this.onKeyPress.bind(this); } /* * Helper to determine whether the drop zone should allow a drop. We only allow * dropping top sites for now. We don't allow dropping on sponsored top sites * as their position is fixed. */ _allowDrop(e) { return (this.dragged || !isSponsored(this.props.link)) && e.dataTransfer.types.includes("text/topsite-index"); } onDragEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case "click": // Stop any link clicks if we started any dragging if (this.dragged) { event.preventDefault(); } break; case "dragstart": event.target.blur(); if (isSponsored(this.props.link)) { event.preventDefault(); break; } this.dragged = true; event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "move"; event.dataTransfer.setData("text/topsite-index", this.props.index); this.props.onDragEvent(event, this.props.index, this.props.link, this.props.title); break; case "dragend": this.props.onDragEvent(event); break; case "dragenter": case "dragover": case "drop": if (this._allowDrop(event)) { event.preventDefault(); this.props.onDragEvent(event, this.props.index); } break; case "mousedown": // Block the scroll wheel from appearing for middle clicks on search top sites if (event.button === 1 && this.props.link.searchTopSite) { event.preventDefault(); } // Reset at the first mouse event of a potential drag this.dragged = false; break; } } /** * Helper to obtain the next state based on nextProps and prevState. * * NOTE: Rename this method to getDerivedStateFromProps when we update React * to >= 16.3. We will need to update tests as well. We cannot rename this * method to getDerivedStateFromProps now because there is a mismatch in * the React version that we are using for both testing and production. * (i.e. react-test-render => "16.3.2", react => "16.2.0"). * * See https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme/blob/master/packages/enzyme-adapter-react-16/package.json#L43. */ static getNextStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) { const { screenshot } = nextProps.link; const imageInState = ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal(prevState.screenshotImage, screenshot); if (imageInState) { return null; } // Since image was updated, attempt to revoke old image blob URL, if it exists. ScreenshotUtils.maybeRevokeBlobObjectURL(prevState.screenshotImage); return { screenshotImage: ScreenshotUtils.createLocalImageObject(screenshot) }; } // NOTE: Remove this function when we update React to >= 16.3 since React will // call getDerivedStateFromProps automatically. We will also need to // rename getNextStateFromProps to getDerivedStateFromProps. componentWillMount() { const nextState = TopSiteLink.getNextStateFromProps(this.props, this.state); if (nextState) { this.setState(nextState); } } // NOTE: Remove this function when we update React to >= 16.3 since React will // call getDerivedStateFromProps automatically. We will also need to // rename getNextStateFromProps to getDerivedStateFromProps. componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const nextState = TopSiteLink.getNextStateFromProps(nextProps, this.state); if (nextState) { this.setState(nextState); } } componentWillUnmount() { ScreenshotUtils.maybeRevokeBlobObjectURL(this.state.screenshotImage); } onKeyPress(event) { // If we have tabbed to a search shortcut top site, and we click 'enter', // we should execute the onClick function. This needs to be added because // search top sites are anchor tags without an href. See bug 1483135 if (event.key === "Enter" && (this.props.link.searchTopSite || this.props.isAddButton)) { this.props.onClick(event); } } /* * Takes the url as a string, runs it through a simple (non-secure) hash turning it into a random number * Apply that random number to the color array. The same url will always generate the same color. */ generateColor() { let { title, colors } = this.props; if (!colors) { return ""; } let colorArray = colors.split(","); const hashStr = str => { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { let charCode = str.charCodeAt(i); hash += charCode; } return hash; }; let hash = hashStr(title); let index = hash % colorArray.length; return colorArray[index]; } calculateStyle() { const { defaultStyle, link } = this.props; const { tippyTopIcon, faviconSize } = link; let imageClassName; let imageStyle; let showSmallFavicon = false; let smallFaviconStyle; let hasScreenshotImage = this.state.screenshotImage && this.state.screenshotImage.url; let selectedColor; if (defaultStyle) { // force no styles (letter fallback) even if the link has imagery selectedColor = this.generateColor(); } else if (link.searchTopSite) { imageClassName = "top-site-icon rich-icon"; imageStyle = { backgroundColor: link.backgroundColor, backgroundImage: `url(${tippyTopIcon})` }; smallFaviconStyle = { backgroundImage: `url(${tippyTopIcon})` }; } else if (link.customScreenshotURL) { // assume high quality custom screenshot and use rich icon styles and class names imageClassName = "top-site-icon rich-icon"; imageStyle = { backgroundColor: link.backgroundColor, backgroundImage: hasScreenshotImage ? `url(${this.state.screenshotImage.url})` : "" }; } else if (tippyTopIcon || link.type === SPOC_TYPE || faviconSize >= MIN_RICH_FAVICON_SIZE) { // styles and class names for top sites with rich icons imageClassName = "top-site-icon rich-icon"; imageStyle = { backgroundColor: link.backgroundColor, backgroundImage: `url(${tippyTopIcon || link.favicon})` }; } else if (faviconSize >= MIN_SMALL_FAVICON_SIZE) { showSmallFavicon = true; smallFaviconStyle = { backgroundImage: `url(${link.favicon})` }; } else { selectedColor = this.generateColor(); imageClassName = ""; } return { showSmallFavicon, smallFaviconStyle, imageStyle, imageClassName, selectedColor }; } render() { const { children, className, isDraggable, link, onClick, title, isAddButton } = this.props; const topSiteOuterClassName = `top-site-outer${className ? ` ${className}` : ""}${link.isDragged ? " dragged" : ""}${link.searchTopSite ? " search-shortcut" : ""}`; const [letterFallback] = title; const { showSmallFavicon, smallFaviconStyle, imageStyle, imageClassName, selectedColor } = this.calculateStyle(); let addButtonl10n = { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-topsites-add-shortcut-label" }; let draggableProps = {}; if (isDraggable) { draggableProps = { onClick: this.onDragEvent, onDragEnd: this.onDragEvent, onDragStart: this.onDragEvent, onMouseDown: this.onDragEvent }; } let impressionStats = null; if (link.type === SPOC_TYPE) { // Record impressions for Pocket tiles. impressionStats = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ImpressionStats_ImpressionStats, { flightId: link.flightId, rows: [{ id: link.id, pos: link.pos, shim: link.shim && link.shim.impression, advertiser: title.toLocaleLowerCase() }], dispatch: this.props.dispatch, source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE }); } else if (isSponsored(link)) { // Record impressions for non-Pocket sponsored tiles. impressionStats = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteImpressionWrapper, { actionType: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_SPONSORED_IMPRESSION_STATS, tile: { position: this.props.index, tile_id: link.sponsored_tile_id || -1, reporting_url: link.sponsored_impression_url, advertiser: title.toLocaleLowerCase(), source: NEWTAB_SOURCE } // For testing. , IntersectionObserver: this.props.IntersectionObserver, document: this.props.document, dispatch: this.props.dispatch }); } else { // Record impressions for organic tiles. impressionStats = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteImpressionWrapper, { actionType: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_ORGANIC_IMPRESSION_STATS, tile: { position: this.props.index, source: NEWTAB_SOURCE } // For testing. , IntersectionObserver: this.props.IntersectionObserver, document: this.props.document, dispatch: this.props.dispatch }); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("li", TopSite_extends({ className: topSiteOuterClassName, onDrop: this.onDragEvent, onDragOver: this.onDragEvent, onDragEnter: this.onDragEvent, onDragLeave: this.onDragEvent }, draggableProps), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "top-site-inner" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { className: "top-site-button", href: link.searchTopSite ? undefined : link.url, tabIndex: "0", onKeyPress: this.onKeyPress, onClick: onClick, draggable: true, "data-is-sponsored-link": !!link.sponsored_tile_id }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "tile", "aria-hidden": true }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: selectedColor ? "icon-wrapper letter-fallback" : "icon-wrapper", "data-fallback": letterFallback, style: selectedColor ? { backgroundColor: selectedColor } : {} }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: imageClassName, style: imageStyle }), showSmallFavicon && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "top-site-icon default-icon", "data-fallback": smallFaviconStyle ? "" : letterFallback, style: smallFaviconStyle })), link.searchTopSite && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "top-site-icon search-topsite" })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: `title${link.isPinned ? " has-icon pinned" : ""}${link.type === SPOC_TYPE || link.show_sponsored_label ? " sponsored" : ""}` }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", TopSite_extends({ dir: "auto" }, isAddButton && { ...addButtonl10n }), link.isPinned && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "icon icon-pin-small" }), title || /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("br", null)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "sponsored-label", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-topsite-sponsored" }))), children, impressionStats)); } } TopSiteLink.defaultProps = { title: "", link: {}, isDraggable: true }; class TopSite extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showContextMenu: false }; this.onLinkClick = this.onLinkClick.bind(this); this.onMenuUpdate = this.onMenuUpdate.bind(this); } /** * Report to telemetry additional information about the item. */ _getTelemetryInfo() { const value = { icon_type: this.props.link.iconType }; // Filter out "not_pinned" type for being the default if (this.props.link.isPinned) { value.card_type = "pinned"; } if (this.props.link.searchTopSite) { // Set the card_type as "search" regardless of its pinning status value.card_type = "search"; value.search_vendor = this.props.link.hostname; } if (isSponsored(this.props.link)) { value.card_type = "spoc"; } return { value }; } userEvent(event) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent(Object.assign({ event, source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, action_position: this.props.index }, this._getTelemetryInfo()))); } onLinkClick(event) { this.userEvent("CLICK"); // Specially handle a top site link click for "typed" frecency bonus as // specified as a property on the link. event.preventDefault(); const { altKey, button, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey } = event; if (!this.props.link.searchTopSite) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.OPEN_LINK, data: Object.assign(this.props.link, { event: { altKey, button, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey } }) })); if (this.props.link.type === SPOC_TYPE) { // Record a Pocket-specific click. this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, click: 0, tiles: [{ id: this.props.link.id, pos: this.props.link.pos, shim: this.props.link.shim && this.props.link.shim.click }] })); // Record a click for a Pocket sponsored tile. // This first event is for the shim property // and is used by our ad service provider. this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, action_position: this.props.link.pos, value: { card_type: "spoc", tile_id: this.props.link.id, shim: this.props.link.shim && this.props.link.shim.click } })); // A second event is recoded for internal usage. const title = this.props.link.label || this.props.link.hostname; this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_SPONSORED_IMPRESSION_STATS, data: { type: "click", position: this.props.link.pos, tile_id: this.props.link.id, advertiser: title.toLocaleLowerCase(), source: NEWTAB_SOURCE } })); } else if (isSponsored(this.props.link)) { // Record a click for a non-Pocket sponsored tile. const title = this.props.link.label || this.props.link.hostname; this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_SPONSORED_IMPRESSION_STATS, data: { type: "click", position: this.props.index, tile_id: this.props.link.sponsored_tile_id || -1, reporting_url: this.props.link.sponsored_click_url, advertiser: title.toLocaleLowerCase(), source: NEWTAB_SOURCE } })); } else { // Record a click for an organic tile. this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_ORGANIC_IMPRESSION_STATS, data: { type: "click", position: this.props.index, source: NEWTAB_SOURCE } })); } if (this.props.link.sendAttributionRequest) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.PARTNER_LINK_ATTRIBUTION, data: { targetURL: this.props.link.url, source: "newtab" } })); } } else { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.FILL_SEARCH_TERM, data: { label: this.props.link.label } })); } } onMenuUpdate(isOpen) { if (isOpen) { this.props.onActivate(this.props.index); } else { this.props.onActivate(); } } render() { const { props } = this; const { link } = props; const isContextMenuOpen = props.activeIndex === props.index; const title = link.label || link.hostname; let menuOptions; if (link.sponsored_position) { menuOptions = TOP_SITES_SPONSORED_POSITION_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS; } else if (link.searchTopSite) { menuOptions = TOP_SITES_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS; } else if (link.type === SPOC_TYPE) { menuOptions = TOP_SITES_SPOC_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS; } else { menuOptions = TOP_SITES_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteLink, TopSite_extends({}, props, { onClick: this.onLinkClick, onDragEvent: this.props.onDragEvent, className: `${props.className || ""}${isContextMenuOpen ? " active" : ""}`, title: title }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ContextMenuButton, { tooltip: "newtab-menu-content-tooltip", tooltipArgs: { title }, onUpdate: this.onMenuUpdate }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(LinkMenu, { dispatch: props.dispatch, index: props.index, onUpdate: this.onMenuUpdate, options: menuOptions, site: link, shouldSendImpressionStats: link.type === SPOC_TYPE, siteInfo: this._getTelemetryInfo(), source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE })))); } } TopSite.defaultProps = { link: {}, onActivate() {} }; class TopSitePlaceholder extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onEditButtonClick = this.onEditButtonClick.bind(this); } onEditButtonClick() { this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_EDIT, data: { index: this.props.index } }); } render() { let addButtonProps = {}; if (this.props.isAddButton) { addButtonProps = { title: "newtab-topsites-add-shortcut-label", onClick: this.onEditButtonClick }; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteLink, TopSite_extends({}, this.props, this.props.isAddButton ? { ...addButtonProps } : {}, { className: `placeholder ${this.props.className || ""} ${this.props.isAddButton ? "add-button" : ""}`, isDraggable: false })); } } class _TopSiteList extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { static get DEFAULT_STATE() { return { activeIndex: null, draggedIndex: null, draggedSite: null, draggedTitle: null, topSitesPreview: null }; } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = _TopSiteList.DEFAULT_STATE; this.onDragEvent = this.onDragEvent.bind(this); this.onActivate = this.onActivate.bind(this); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (this.state.draggedSite) { const prevTopSites = this.props.TopSites && this.props.TopSites.rows; const newTopSites = nextProps.TopSites && nextProps.TopSites.rows; if (prevTopSites && prevTopSites[this.state.draggedIndex] && prevTopSites[this.state.draggedIndex].url === this.state.draggedSite.url && (!newTopSites[this.state.draggedIndex] || newTopSites[this.state.draggedIndex].url !== this.state.draggedSite.url)) { // We got the new order from the redux store via props. We can clear state now. this.setState(_TopSiteList.DEFAULT_STATE); } } } userEvent(event, index) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ event, source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, action_position: index })); } onDragEvent(event, index, link, title) { switch (event.type) { case "dragstart": this.dropped = false; this.setState({ draggedIndex: index, draggedSite: link, draggedTitle: title, activeIndex: null }); this.userEvent("DRAG", index); break; case "dragend": if (!this.dropped) { // If there was no drop event, reset the state to the default. this.setState(_TopSiteList.DEFAULT_STATE); } break; case "dragenter": if (index === this.state.draggedIndex) { this.setState({ topSitesPreview: null }); } else { this.setState({ topSitesPreview: this._makeTopSitesPreview(index) }); } break; case "drop": if (index !== this.state.draggedIndex) { this.dropped = true; this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_INSERT, data: { site: { url: this.state.draggedSite.url, label: this.state.draggedTitle, customScreenshotURL: this.state.draggedSite.customScreenshotURL, // Only if the search topsites experiment is enabled ...(this.state.draggedSite.searchTopSite && { searchTopSite: true }) }, index, draggedFromIndex: this.state.draggedIndex } })); this.userEvent("DROP", index); } break; } } _getTopSites() { // Make a copy of the sites to truncate or extend to desired length let topSites = this.props.TopSites.rows.slice(); topSites.length = this.props.TopSitesRows * TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW; // if topSites do not fill an entire row add 'Add shortcut' button to array of topSites // (there should only be one of these) let firstPlaceholder = topSites.findIndex(Object.is.bind(null, undefined)); // make sure placeholder exists and there already isnt a add button if (firstPlaceholder && !topSites.includes(site => site.isAddButton)) { topSites[firstPlaceholder] = { isAddButton: true }; } else if (topSites.includes(site => site.isAddButton)) { topSites.push(topSites.splice(topSites.indexOf({ isAddButton: true }), 1)[0]); } return topSites; } /** * Make a preview of the topsites that will be the result of dropping the currently * dragged site at the specified index. */ _makeTopSitesPreview(index) { const topSites = this._getTopSites(); topSites[this.state.draggedIndex] = null; const preview = topSites.map(site => site && (site.isPinned || isSponsored(site)) ? site : null); const unpinned = topSites.filter(site => site && !site.isPinned && !isSponsored(site)); const siteToInsert = Object.assign({}, this.state.draggedSite, { isPinned: true, isDragged: true }); if (!preview[index]) { preview[index] = siteToInsert; } else { // Find the hole to shift the pinned site(s) towards. We shift towards the // hole left by the site being dragged. let holeIndex = index; const indexStep = index > this.state.draggedIndex ? -1 : 1; while (preview[holeIndex]) { holeIndex += indexStep; } // Shift towards the hole. const shiftingStep = index > this.state.draggedIndex ? 1 : -1; while (index > this.state.draggedIndex ? holeIndex < index : holeIndex > index) { let nextIndex = holeIndex + shiftingStep; while (isSponsored(preview[nextIndex])) { nextIndex += shiftingStep; } preview[holeIndex] = preview[nextIndex]; holeIndex = nextIndex; } preview[index] = siteToInsert; } // Fill in the remaining holes with unpinned sites. for (let i = 0; i < preview.length; i++) { if (!preview[i]) { preview[i] = unpinned.shift() || null; } } return preview; } onActivate(index) { this.setState({ activeIndex: index }); } render() { const { props } = this; const topSites = this.state.topSitesPreview || this._getTopSites(); const topSitesUI = []; const commonProps = { onDragEvent: this.onDragEvent, dispatch: props.dispatch }; // We assign a key to each placeholder slot. We need it to be independent // of the slot index (i below) so that the keys used stay the same during // drag and drop reordering and the underlying DOM nodes are reused. // This mostly (only?) affects linux so be sure to test on linux before changing. let holeIndex = 0; // On narrow viewports, we only show 6 sites per row. We'll mark the rest as // .hide-for-narrow to hide in CSS via @media query. const maxNarrowVisibleIndex = props.TopSitesRows * 6; for (let i = 0, l = topSites.length; i < l; i++) { const link = topSites[i] && Object.assign({}, topSites[i], { iconType: this.props.topSiteIconType(topSites[i]) }); const slotProps = { key: link ? link.url : holeIndex++, index: i }; if (i >= maxNarrowVisibleIndex) { slotProps.className = "hide-for-narrow"; } let topSiteLink; // Use a placeholder if the link is empty or it's rendering a sponsored // tile for the about:home startup cache. if (!link || props.App.isForStartupCache && isSponsored(link) || topSites[i]?.isAddButton) { if (link) { topSiteLink = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSitePlaceholder, TopSite_extends({}, slotProps, commonProps, { isAddButton: topSites[i] && topSites[i].isAddButton })); } } else { topSiteLink = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSite, TopSite_extends({ link: link, activeIndex: this.state.activeIndex, onActivate: this.onActivate }, slotProps, commonProps, { colors: props.colors })); } topSitesUI.push(topSiteLink); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("ul", { className: `top-sites-list${this.state.draggedSite ? " dnd-active" : ""}` }, topSitesUI); } } const TopSiteList = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ App: state.App }))(_TopSiteList); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/TopSites/TopSiteForm.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class TopSiteForm extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); const { site } = props; this.state = { label: site ? site.label || site.hostname : "", url: site ? site.url : "", validationError: false, customScreenshotUrl: site ? site.customScreenshotURL : "", showCustomScreenshotForm: site ? site.customScreenshotURL : false }; this.onClearScreenshotInput = this.onClearScreenshotInput.bind(this); this.onLabelChange = this.onLabelChange.bind(this); this.onUrlChange = this.onUrlChange.bind(this); this.onCancelButtonClick = this.onCancelButtonClick.bind(this); this.onClearUrlClick = this.onClearUrlClick.bind(this); this.onDoneButtonClick = this.onDoneButtonClick.bind(this); this.onCustomScreenshotUrlChange = this.onCustomScreenshotUrlChange.bind(this); this.onPreviewButtonClick = this.onPreviewButtonClick.bind(this); this.onEnableScreenshotUrlForm = this.onEnableScreenshotUrlForm.bind(this); this.validateUrl = this.validateUrl.bind(this); } onLabelChange(event) { this.setState({ label: event.target.value }); } onUrlChange(event) { this.setState({ url: event.target.value, validationError: false }); } onClearUrlClick() { this.setState({ url: "", validationError: false }); } onEnableScreenshotUrlForm() { this.setState({ showCustomScreenshotForm: true }); } _updateCustomScreenshotInput(customScreenshotUrl) { this.setState({ customScreenshotUrl, validationError: false }); this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.PREVIEW_REQUEST_CANCEL }); } onCustomScreenshotUrlChange(event) { this._updateCustomScreenshotInput(event.target.value); } onClearScreenshotInput() { this._updateCustomScreenshotInput(""); } onCancelButtonClick(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.props.onClose(); } onDoneButtonClick(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if (this.validateForm()) { const site = { url: this.cleanUrl(this.state.url) }; const { index } = this.props; if (this.state.label !== "") { site.label = this.state.label; } if (this.state.customScreenshotUrl) { site.customScreenshotURL = this.cleanUrl(this.state.customScreenshotUrl); } else if (this.props.site && this.props.site.customScreenshotURL) { // Used to flag that previously cached screenshot should be removed site.customScreenshotURL = null; } this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_PIN, data: { site, index } })); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, event: "TOP_SITES_EDIT", action_position: index })); this.props.onClose(); } } onPreviewButtonClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.validateForm()) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.PREVIEW_REQUEST, data: { url: this.cleanUrl(this.state.customScreenshotUrl) } })); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, event: "PREVIEW_REQUEST" })); } } cleanUrl(url) { // If we are missing a protocol, prepend http:// if (!url.startsWith("http:") && !url.startsWith("https:")) { return `http://${url}`; } return url; } _tryParseUrl(url) { try { return new URL(url); } catch (e) { return null; } } validateUrl(url) { const validProtocols = ["http:", "https:"]; const urlObj = this._tryParseUrl(url) || this._tryParseUrl(this.cleanUrl(url)); return urlObj && validProtocols.includes(urlObj.protocol); } validateCustomScreenshotUrl() { const { customScreenshotUrl } = this.state; return !customScreenshotUrl || this.validateUrl(customScreenshotUrl); } validateForm() { const validate = this.validateUrl(this.state.url) && this.validateCustomScreenshotUrl(); if (!validate) { this.setState({ validationError: true }); } return validate; } _renderCustomScreenshotInput() { const { customScreenshotUrl } = this.state; const requestFailed = this.props.previewResponse === ""; const validationError = this.state.validationError && !this.validateCustomScreenshotUrl() || requestFailed; // Set focus on error if the url field is valid or when the input is first rendered and is empty const shouldFocus = validationError && this.validateUrl(this.state.url) || !customScreenshotUrl; const isLoading = this.props.previewResponse === null && customScreenshotUrl && this.props.previewUrl === this.cleanUrl(customScreenshotUrl); if (!this.state.showCustomScreenshotForm) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(A11yLinkButton, { onClick: this.onEnableScreenshotUrlForm, className: "enable-custom-image-input", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-topsites-use-image-link" }); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "custom-image-input-container" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteFormInput, { errorMessageId: requestFailed ? "newtab-topsites-image-validation" : "newtab-topsites-url-validation", loading: isLoading, onChange: this.onCustomScreenshotUrlChange, onClear: this.onClearScreenshotInput, shouldFocus: shouldFocus, typeUrl: true, value: customScreenshotUrl, validationError: validationError, titleId: "newtab-topsites-image-url-label", placeholderId: "newtab-topsites-url-input" })); } render() { const { customScreenshotUrl } = this.state; const requestFailed = this.props.previewResponse === ""; // For UI purposes, editing without an existing link is "add" const showAsAdd = !this.props.site; const previous = this.props.site && this.props.site.customScreenshotURL || ""; const changed = customScreenshotUrl && this.cleanUrl(customScreenshotUrl) !== previous; // Preview mode if changes were made to the custom screenshot URL and no preview was received yet // or the request failed const previewMode = changed && !this.props.previewResponse; const previewLink = Object.assign({}, this.props.site); if (this.props.previewResponse) { previewLink.screenshot = this.props.previewResponse; previewLink.customScreenshotURL = this.props.previewUrl; } // Handles the form submit so an enter press performs the correct action const onSubmit = previewMode ? this.onPreviewButtonClick : this.onDoneButtonClick; const addTopsitesHeaderL10nId = "newtab-topsites-add-shortcut-header"; const editTopsitesHeaderL10nId = "newtab-topsites-edit-shortcut-header"; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("form", { className: "topsite-form", onSubmit: onSubmit }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "form-input-container" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h3", { className: "section-title grey-title", "data-l10n-id": showAsAdd ? addTopsitesHeaderL10nId : editTopsitesHeaderL10nId }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "fields-and-preview" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "form-wrapper" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteFormInput, { onChange: this.onLabelChange, value: this.state.label, titleId: "newtab-topsites-title-label", placeholderId: "newtab-topsites-title-input", autoFocusOnOpen: true }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteFormInput, { onChange: this.onUrlChange, shouldFocus: this.state.validationError && !this.validateUrl(this.state.url), value: this.state.url, onClear: this.onClearUrlClick, validationError: this.state.validationError && !this.validateUrl(this.state.url), titleId: "newtab-topsites-url-label", typeUrl: true, placeholderId: "newtab-topsites-url-input", errorMessageId: "newtab-topsites-url-validation" }), this._renderCustomScreenshotInput()), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteLink, { link: previewLink, defaultStyle: requestFailed, title: this.state.label }))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("section", { className: "actions" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "cancel", type: "button", onClick: this.onCancelButtonClick, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-topsites-cancel-button" }), previewMode ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "done preview", type: "submit", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-topsites-preview-button" }) : /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "done", type: "submit", "data-l10n-id": showAsAdd ? "newtab-topsites-add-button" : "newtab-topsites-save-button" }))); } } TopSiteForm.defaultProps = { site: null, index: -1 }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/TopSites/TopSites.jsx function TopSites_extends() { TopSites_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return TopSites_extends.apply(this, arguments); } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function topSiteIconType(link) { if (link.customScreenshotURL) { return "custom_screenshot"; } if (link.tippyTopIcon || link.faviconRef === "tippytop") { return "tippytop"; } if (link.faviconSize >= MIN_RICH_FAVICON_SIZE) { return "rich_icon"; } if (link.screenshot) { return "screenshot"; } return "no_image"; } /** * Iterates through TopSites and counts types of images. * @param acc Accumulator for reducer. * @param topsite Entry in TopSites. */ function countTopSitesIconsTypes(topSites) { const countTopSitesTypes = (acc, link) => { acc[topSiteIconType(link)]++; return acc; }; return topSites.reduce(countTopSitesTypes, { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 0 }); } class _TopSites extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onEditFormClose = this.onEditFormClose.bind(this); this.onSearchShortcutsFormClose = this.onSearchShortcutsFormClose.bind(this); } /** * Dispatch session statistics about the quality of TopSites icons and pinned count. */ _dispatchTopSitesStats() { const topSites = this._getVisibleTopSites().filter(topSite => topSite !== null && topSite !== undefined); const topSitesIconsStats = countTopSitesIconsTypes(topSites); const topSitesPinned = topSites.filter(site => !!site.isPinned).length; const searchShortcuts = topSites.filter(site => !!site.searchTopSite).length; // Dispatch telemetry event with the count of TopSites images types. this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: topSitesIconsStats, topsites_pinned: topSitesPinned, topsites_search_shortcuts: searchShortcuts } })); } /** * Return the TopSites that are visible based on prefs and window width. */ _getVisibleTopSites() { // We hide 2 sites per row when not in the wide layout. let sitesPerRow = TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW; // $break-point-widest = 1072px (from _variables.scss) if (!globalThis.matchMedia(`(min-width: 1072px)`).matches) { sitesPerRow -= 2; } return this.props.TopSites.rows.slice(0, this.props.TopSitesRows * sitesPerRow); } componentDidUpdate() { this._dispatchTopSitesStats(); } componentDidMount() { this._dispatchTopSitesStats(); } onEditFormClose() { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, event: "TOP_SITES_EDIT_CLOSE" })); this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_CANCEL_EDIT }); } onSearchShortcutsFormClose() { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ source: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, event: "SEARCH_EDIT_CLOSE" })); this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.TOP_SITES_CLOSE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_MODAL }); } render() { const { props } = this; const { editForm, showSearchShortcutsForm } = props.TopSites; const extraMenuOptions = ["AddTopSite"]; const colors = props.Prefs.values["newNewtabExperience.colors"]; if (props.Prefs.values["improvesearch.topSiteSearchShortcuts"]) { extraMenuOptions.push("AddSearchShortcut"); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ComponentPerfTimer, { id: "topsites", initialized: props.TopSites.initialized, dispatch: props.dispatch }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(CollapsibleSection, { className: "top-sites", id: "topsites", title: props.title || { id: "newtab-section-header-topsites" }, hideTitle: true, extraMenuOptions: extraMenuOptions, showPrefName: "feeds.topsites", eventSource: TOP_SITES_SOURCE, collapsed: false, isFixed: props.isFixed, isFirst: props.isFirst, isLast: props.isLast, dispatch: props.dispatch }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteList, { TopSites: props.TopSites, TopSitesRows: props.TopSitesRows, dispatch: props.dispatch, topSiteIconType: topSiteIconType, colors: colors }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "edit-topsites-wrapper" }, editForm && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "edit-topsites" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ModalOverlayWrapper, { unstyled: true, onClose: this.onEditFormClose, innerClassName: "modal" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSiteForm, TopSites_extends({ site: props.TopSites.rows[editForm.index], onClose: this.onEditFormClose, dispatch: this.props.dispatch }, editForm)))), showSearchShortcutsForm && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "edit-search-shortcuts" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ModalOverlayWrapper, { unstyled: true, onClose: this.onSearchShortcutsFormClose, innerClassName: "modal" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SearchShortcutsForm, { TopSites: props.TopSites, onClose: this.onSearchShortcutsFormClose, dispatch: this.props.dispatch })))))); } } const TopSites_TopSites = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ TopSites: state.TopSites, Prefs: state.Prefs, TopSitesRows: state.Prefs.values.topSitesRows }))(_TopSites); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/Sections/Sections.jsx function Sections_extends() { Sections_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return Sections_extends.apply(this, arguments); } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const Sections_VISIBLE = "visible"; const Sections_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT = "visibilitychange"; const CARDS_PER_ROW_DEFAULT = 3; const CARDS_PER_ROW_COMPACT_WIDE = 4; class Section extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { get numRows() { const { rowsPref, maxRows, Prefs } = this.props; return rowsPref ? Prefs.values[rowsPref] : maxRows; } _dispatchImpressionStats() { const { props } = this; let cardsPerRow = CARDS_PER_ROW_DEFAULT; if (props.compactCards && globalThis.matchMedia(`(min-width: 1072px)`).matches) { // If the section has compact cards and the viewport is wide enough, we show // 4 columns instead of 3. // $break-point-widest = 1072px (from _variables.scss) cardsPerRow = CARDS_PER_ROW_COMPACT_WIDE; } const maxCards = cardsPerRow * this.numRows; const cards = props.rows.slice(0, maxCards); if (this.needsImpressionStats(cards)) { props.dispatch(actionCreators.ImpressionStats({ source: props.eventSource, tiles: cards.map(link => ({ id: link.guid })) })); this.impressionCardGuids = cards.map(link => link.guid); } } // This sends an event when a user sees a set of new content. If content // changes while the page is hidden (i.e. preloaded or on a hidden tab), // only send the event if the page becomes visible again. sendImpressionStatsOrAddListener() { const { props } = this; if (!props.shouldSendImpressionStats || !props.dispatch) { return; } if (props.document.visibilityState === Sections_VISIBLE) { this._dispatchImpressionStats(); } else { // We should only ever send the latest impression stats ping, so remove any // older listeners. if (this._onVisibilityChange) { props.document.removeEventListener(Sections_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } // When the page becomes visible, send the impression stats ping if the section isn't collapsed. this._onVisibilityChange = () => { if (props.document.visibilityState === Sections_VISIBLE) { if (!this.props.pref.collapsed) { this._dispatchImpressionStats(); } props.document.removeEventListener(Sections_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } }; props.document.addEventListener(Sections_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } } componentWillMount() { this.sendNewTabRehydrated(this.props.initialized); } componentDidMount() { if (this.props.rows.length && !this.props.pref.collapsed) { this.sendImpressionStatsOrAddListener(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { props } = this; const isCollapsed = props.pref.collapsed; const wasCollapsed = prevProps.pref.collapsed; if ( // Don't send impression stats for the empty state props.rows.length && ( // We only want to send impression stats if the content of the cards has changed // and the section is not collapsed... props.rows !== prevProps.rows && !isCollapsed || // or if we are expanding a section that was collapsed. wasCollapsed && !isCollapsed)) { this.sendImpressionStatsOrAddListener(); } } componentWillUpdate(nextProps) { this.sendNewTabRehydrated(nextProps.initialized); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this._onVisibilityChange) { this.props.document.removeEventListener(Sections_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } } needsImpressionStats(cards) { if (!this.impressionCardGuids || this.impressionCardGuids.length !== cards.length) { return true; } for (let i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) { if (cards[i].guid !== this.impressionCardGuids[i]) { return true; } } return false; } // The NEW_TAB_REHYDRATED event is used to inform feeds that their // data has been consumed e.g. for counting the number of tabs that // have rendered that data. sendNewTabRehydrated(initialized) { if (initialized && !this.renderNotified) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.NEW_TAB_REHYDRATED, data: {} })); this.renderNotified = true; } } render() { const { id, eventSource, title, rows, Pocket, topics, emptyState, dispatch, compactCards, read_more_endpoint, contextMenuOptions, initialized, learnMore, pref, privacyNoticeURL, isFirst, isLast } = this.props; const waitingForSpoc = id === "topstories" && this.props.Pocket.waitingForSpoc; const maxCardsPerRow = compactCards ? CARDS_PER_ROW_COMPACT_WIDE : CARDS_PER_ROW_DEFAULT; const { numRows } = this; const maxCards = maxCardsPerRow * numRows; const maxCardsOnNarrow = CARDS_PER_ROW_DEFAULT * numRows; const { pocketCta, isUserLoggedIn } = Pocket || {}; const { useCta } = pocketCta || {}; // Don't display anything until we have a definitve result from Pocket, // to avoid a flash of logged out state while we render. const isPocketLoggedInDefined = isUserLoggedIn === true || isUserLoggedIn === false; const hasTopics = topics && !!topics.length; const shouldShowPocketCta = id === "topstories" && useCta && isUserLoggedIn === false; // Show topics only for top stories and if it has loaded with topics. // The classs .top-stories-bottom-container ensures content doesn't shift as things load. const shouldShowTopics = id === "topstories" && hasTopics && (useCta && isUserLoggedIn === true || !useCta && isPocketLoggedInDefined); // We use topics to determine language support for read more. const shouldShowReadMore = read_more_endpoint && hasTopics; const realRows = rows.slice(0, maxCards); // The empty state should only be shown after we have initialized and there is no content. // Otherwise, we should show placeholders. const shouldShowEmptyState = initialized && !rows.length; const cards = []; if (!shouldShowEmptyState) { for (let i = 0; i < maxCards; i++) { const link = realRows[i]; // On narrow viewports, we only show 3 cards per row. We'll mark the rest as // .hide-for-narrow to hide in CSS via @media query. const className = i >= maxCardsOnNarrow ? "hide-for-narrow" : ""; let usePlaceholder = !link; // If we are in the third card and waiting for spoc, // use the placeholder. if (!usePlaceholder && i === 2 && waitingForSpoc) { usePlaceholder = true; } cards.push(!usePlaceholder ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Card, { key: i, index: i, className: className, dispatch: dispatch, link: link, contextMenuOptions: contextMenuOptions, eventSource: eventSource, shouldSendImpressionStats: this.props.shouldSendImpressionStats, isWebExtension: this.props.isWebExtension }) : /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(PlaceholderCard, { key: i, className: className })); } } const sectionClassName = ["section", compactCards ? "compact-cards" : "normal-cards"].join(" "); //
<-- React component //
<-- HTML5 element return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ComponentPerfTimer, this.props, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(CollapsibleSection, { className: sectionClassName, title: title, id: id, eventSource: eventSource, collapsed: this.props.pref.collapsed, showPrefName: pref && pref.feed || id, privacyNoticeURL: privacyNoticeURL, Prefs: this.props.Prefs, isFixed: this.props.isFixed, isFirst: isFirst, isLast: isLast, learnMore: learnMore, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, isWebExtension: this.props.isWebExtension }, !shouldShowEmptyState && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("ul", { className: "section-list", style: { padding: 0 } }, cards), shouldShowEmptyState && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "section-empty-state" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "empty-state" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: emptyState.message }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: "empty-state-message" })))), id === "topstories" && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "top-stories-bottom-container" }, shouldShowTopics && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "wrapper-topics" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Topics, { topics: this.props.topics })), shouldShowPocketCta && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "wrapper-cta" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(PocketLoggedInCta, null)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "wrapper-more-recommendations" }, shouldShowReadMore && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(MoreRecommendations, { read_more_endpoint: read_more_endpoint }))))); } } Section.defaultProps = { document: globalThis.document, rows: [], emptyState: {}, pref: {}, title: "" }; const SectionIntl = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Prefs: state.Prefs, Pocket: state.Pocket }))(Section); class _Sections extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { renderSections() { const sections = []; const enabledSections = this.props.Sections.filter(section => section.enabled); const { sectionOrder, "feeds.topsites": showTopSites } = this.props.Prefs.values; // Enabled sections doesn't include Top Sites, so we add it if enabled. const expectedCount = enabledSections.length + ~~showTopSites; for (const sectionId of sectionOrder.split(",")) { const commonProps = { key: sectionId, isFirst: sections.length === 0, isLast: sections.length === expectedCount - 1 }; if (sectionId === "topsites" && showTopSites) { sections.push( /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSites_TopSites, commonProps)); } else { const section = enabledSections.find(s => s.id === sectionId); if (section) { sections.push( /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SectionIntl, Sections_extends({}, section, commonProps))); } } } return sections; } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "sections-list" }, this.renderSections()); } } const Sections_Sections = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Sections: state.Sections, Prefs: state.Prefs }))(_Sections); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/Highlights/Highlights.jsx function Highlights_extends() { Highlights_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return Highlights_extends.apply(this, arguments); } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class _Highlights extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const section = this.props.Sections.find(s => s.id === "highlights"); if (!section || !section.enabled) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-highlights sections-list" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SectionIntl, Highlights_extends({}, section, { isFixed: true }))); } } const Highlights = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Sections: state.Sections }))(_Highlights); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/HorizontalRule/HorizontalRule.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class HorizontalRule extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("hr", { className: "ds-hr" }); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/Navigation/Navigation.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class Navigation_Topic extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onLinkClick = this.onLinkClick.bind(this); } onLinkClick(event) { if (this.props.dispatch) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: "POPULAR_TOPICS", action_position: 0, value: { topic: event.target.text.toLowerCase().replace(` `, `-`) } })); } } render() { const { url, name } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { onLinkClick: this.onLinkClick, className: this.props.className, url: url }, name); } } class Navigation extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { let links = this.props.links || []; const alignment = this.props.alignment || "centered"; const header = this.props.header || {}; const english = this.props.locale.startsWith("en-"); const privacyNotice = this.props.privacyNoticeURL || {}; const { newFooterSection } = this.props; const className = `ds-navigation ds-navigation-${alignment} ${newFooterSection ? `ds-navigation-new-topics` : ``}`; let { title } = header; if (newFooterSection) { title = { id: "newtab-pocket-new-topics-title" }; if (this.props.extraLinks) { links = [...links.slice(0, links.length - 1), ...this.props.extraLinks, links[links.length - 1]]; } } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: className }, title && english ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: title }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "ds-navigation-header" })) : null, english ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("ul", null, links && links.map(t => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("li", { key: t.name }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Navigation_Topic, { url: t.url, name: t.name, dispatch: this.props.dispatch })))) : null, !newFooterSection ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { className: "ds-navigation-privacy", url: privacyNotice.url }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: privacyNotice.title })) : null, newFooterSection ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-navigation-family" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "icon firefox-logo" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, "|"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "icon pocket-logo" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "ds-navigation-family-message", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-pocket-pocket-firefox-family" })) : null); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/PrivacyLink/PrivacyLink.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class PrivacyLink extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const { properties } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-privacy-link" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { url: properties.url }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(FluentOrText, { message: properties.title }))); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/SectionTitle/SectionTitle.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class SectionTitle extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { render() { const { header: { title, subtitle } } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-section-title" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "title" }, title), subtitle ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "subtitle" }, subtitle) : null); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/lib/selectLayoutRender.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const selectLayoutRender = ({ state = {}, prefs = {} }) => { const { layout, feeds, spocs } = state; let spocIndexPlacementMap = {}; /* This function fills spoc positions on a per placement basis with available spocs. * It does this by looping through each position for a placement and replacing a rec with a spoc. * If it runs out of spocs or positions, it stops. * If it sees the same placement again, it remembers the previous spoc index, and continues. * If it sees a blocked spoc, it skips that position leaving in a regular story. */ function fillSpocPositionsForPlacement( data, spocsConfig, spocsData, placementName ) { if ( !spocIndexPlacementMap[placementName] && spocIndexPlacementMap[placementName] !== 0 ) { spocIndexPlacementMap[placementName] = 0; } const results = [...data]; for (let position of spocsConfig.positions) { const spoc = spocsData[spocIndexPlacementMap[placementName]]; // If there are no spocs left, we can stop filling positions. if (!spoc) { break; } // A placement could be used in two sections. // In these cases, we want to maintain the index of the previous section. // If we didn't do this, it might duplicate spocs. spocIndexPlacementMap[placementName]++; // A spoc that's blocked is removed from the source for subsequent newtab loads. // If we have a spoc in the source that's blocked, it means it was *just* blocked, // and in this case, we skip this position, and show a regular spoc instead. if (!spocs.blocked.includes(spoc.url)) { results.splice(position.index, 0, spoc); } } return results; } const positions = {}; const DS_COMPONENTS = [ "Message", "TextPromo", "SectionTitle", "Signup", "Navigation", "CardGrid", "CollectionCardGrid", "HorizontalRule", "PrivacyLink", ]; const filterArray = []; if (!prefs["feeds.topsites"]) { filterArray.push("TopSites"); } const pocketEnabled = prefs["feeds.section.topstories"] && prefs["feeds.system.topstories"]; if (!pocketEnabled) { filterArray.push(...DS_COMPONENTS); } const placeholderComponent = component => { if (!component.feed) { // TODO we now need a placeholder for topsites and textPromo. return { ...component, data: { spocs: [], }, }; } const data = { recommendations: [], }; let items = 0; if (component.properties && component.properties.items) { items = component.properties.items; } for (let i = 0; i < items; i++) { data.recommendations.push({ placeholder: true }); } return { ...component, data }; }; // TODO update devtools to show placements const handleSpocs = (data, component) => { let result = [...data]; // Do we ever expect to possibly have a spoc. if ( component.spocs && component.spocs.positions && component.spocs.positions.length ) { const placement = component.placement || {}; const placementName = placement.name || "spocs"; const spocsData = spocs.data[placementName]; // We expect a spoc, spocs are loaded, and the server returned spocs. if ( spocs.loaded && spocsData && spocsData.items && spocsData.items.length ) { result = fillSpocPositionsForPlacement( result, component.spocs, spocsData.items, placementName ); } } return result; }; const handleComponent = component => { if ( component.spocs && component.spocs.positions && component.spocs.positions.length ) { const placement = component.placement || {}; const placementName = placement.name || "spocs"; const spocsData = spocs.data[placementName]; if ( spocs.loaded && spocsData && spocsData.items && spocsData.items.length ) { return { ...component, data: { spocs: spocsData.items .filter(spoc => spoc && !spocs.blocked.includes(spoc.url)) .map((spoc, index) => ({ ...spoc, pos: index, })), }, }; } } return { ...component, data: { spocs: [], }, }; }; const handleComponentWithFeed = component => { positions[component.type] = positions[component.type] || 0; let data = { recommendations: [], }; const feed = feeds.data[component.feed.url]; if (feed && feed.data) { data = { ...feed.data, recommendations: [...(feed.data.recommendations || [])], }; } if (component && component.properties && component.properties.offset) { data = { ...data, recommendations: data.recommendations.slice( component.properties.offset ), }; } data = { ...data, recommendations: handleSpocs(data.recommendations, component), }; let items = 0; if (component.properties && component.properties.items) { items = Math.min(component.properties.items, data.recommendations.length); } // loop through a component items // Store the items position sequentially for multiple components of the same type. // Example: A second card grid starts pos offset from the last card grid. for (let i = 0; i < items; i++) { data.recommendations[i] = { ...data.recommendations[i], pos: positions[component.type]++, }; } return { ...component, data }; }; const renderLayout = () => { const renderedLayoutArray = []; for (const row of layout.filter( r => r.components.filter(c => !filterArray.includes(c.type)).length )) { let components = []; renderedLayoutArray.push({ ...row, components, }); for (const component of row.components.filter( c => !filterArray.includes(c.type) )) { const spocsConfig = component.spocs; if (spocsConfig || component.feed) { // TODO make sure this still works for different loading cases. if ( (component.feed && !feeds.data[component.feed.url]) || (spocsConfig && spocsConfig.positions && spocsConfig.positions.length && !spocs.loaded) ) { components.push(placeholderComponent(component)); return renderedLayoutArray; } if (component.feed) { components.push(handleComponentWithFeed(component)); } else { components.push(handleComponent(component)); } } else { components.push(component); } } } return renderedLayoutArray; }; const layoutRender = renderLayout(); return { layoutRender }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamBase/DiscoveryStreamBase.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const ALLOWED_CSS_URL_PREFIXES = ["chrome://", "resource://", "https://img-getpocket.cdn.mozilla.net/"]; const DUMMY_CSS_SELECTOR = "DUMMY#CSS.SELECTOR"; /** * Validate a CSS declaration. The values are assumed to be normalized by CSSOM. */ function isAllowedCSS(property, value) { // Bug 1454823: INTERNAL properties, e.g., -moz-context-properties, are // exposed but their values aren't resulting in getting nothing. Fortunately, // we don't care about validating the values of the current set of properties. if (value === undefined) { return true; } // Make sure all urls are of the allowed protocols/prefixes const urls = value.match(/url\("[^"]+"\)/g); return !urls || urls.every(url => ALLOWED_CSS_URL_PREFIXES.some(prefix => url.slice(5).startsWith(prefix))); } class _DiscoveryStreamBase extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onStyleMount = this.onStyleMount.bind(this); } onStyleMount(style) { // Unmounting style gets rid of old styles, so nothing else to do if (!style) { return; } const { sheet } = style; const styles = JSON.parse(style.dataset.styles); styles.forEach((row, rowIndex) => { row.forEach((component, componentIndex) => { // Nothing to do without optional styles overrides if (!component) { return; } Object.entries(component).forEach(([selectors, declarations]) => { // Start with a dummy rule to validate declarations and selectors sheet.insertRule(`${DUMMY_CSS_SELECTOR} {}`); const [rule] = sheet.cssRules; // Validate declarations and remove any offenders. CSSOM silently // discards invalid entries, so here we apply extra restrictions. rule.style = declarations; [...rule.style].forEach(property => { const value = rule.style[property]; if (!isAllowedCSS(property, value)) { console.error(`Bad CSS declaration ${property}: ${value}`); rule.style.removeProperty(property); } }); // Set the actual desired selectors scoped to the component const prefix = `.ds-layout > .ds-column:nth-child(${rowIndex + 1}) .ds-column-grid > :nth-child(${componentIndex + 1})`; // NB: Splitting on "," doesn't work with strings with commas, but // we're okay with not supporting those selectors rule.selectorText = selectors.split(",").map(selector => prefix + ( // Assume :pseudo-classes are for component instead of descendant selector[0] === ":" ? "" : " ") + selector).join(","); // CSSOM silently ignores bad selectors, so we'll be noisy instead if (rule.selectorText === DUMMY_CSS_SELECTOR) { console.error(`Bad CSS selector ${selectors}`); } }); }); }); } renderComponent(component) { switch (component.type) { case "Highlights": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Highlights, null); case "TopSites": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-top-sites" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(TopSites_TopSites, { isFixed: true, title: component.header?.title })); case "TextPromo": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSTextPromo, { dispatch: this.props.dispatch, type: component.type, data: component.data }); case "Signup": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSSignup, { dispatch: this.props.dispatch, type: component.type, data: component.data }); case "Message": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSMessage, { title: component.header && component.header.title, subtitle: component.header && component.header.subtitle, link_text: component.header && component.header.link_text, link_url: component.header && component.header.link_url, icon: component.header && component.header.icon, essentialReadsHeader: component.essentialReadsHeader, editorsPicksHeader: component.editorsPicksHeader }); case "SectionTitle": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SectionTitle, { header: component.header }); case "Navigation": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Navigation, { dispatch: this.props.dispatch, links: component.properties.links, extraLinks: component.properties.extraLinks, alignment: component.properties.alignment, explore_topics: component.properties.explore_topics, header: component.header, locale: this.props.App.locale, newFooterSection: component.newFooterSection, privacyNoticeURL: component.properties.privacyNoticeURL }); case "CollectionCardGrid": { const { DiscoveryStream } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(CollectionCardGrid, { data: component.data, feed: component.feed, spocs: DiscoveryStream.spocs, placement: component.placement, type: component.type, items: component.properties.items, dismissible: this.props.DiscoveryStream.isCollectionDismissible, dispatch: this.props.dispatch }); } case "CardGrid": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(CardGrid, { title: component.header && component.header.title, data: component.data, feed: component.feed, widgets: component.widgets, type: component.type, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, items: component.properties.items, hybridLayout: component.properties.hybridLayout, hideCardBackground: component.properties.hideCardBackground, fourCardLayout: component.properties.fourCardLayout, compactGrid: component.properties.compactGrid, essentialReadsHeader: component.properties.essentialReadsHeader, onboardingExperience: component.properties.onboardingExperience, ctaButtonSponsors: component.properties.ctaButtonSponsors, ctaButtonVariant: component.properties.ctaButtonVariant, spocMessageVariant: component.properties.spocMessageVariant, editorsPicksHeader: component.properties.editorsPicksHeader, recentSavesEnabled: this.props.DiscoveryStream.recentSavesEnabled, hideDescriptions: this.props.DiscoveryStream.hideDescriptions, firstVisibleTimestamp: this.props.firstVisibleTimestamp }); case "HorizontalRule": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(HorizontalRule, null); case "PrivacyLink": return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(PrivacyLink, { properties: component.properties }); default: return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, component.type); } } renderStyles(styles) { // Use json string as both the key and styles to render so React knows when // to unmount and mount a new instance for new styles. const json = JSON.stringify(styles); return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("style", { key: json, "data-styles": json, ref: this.onStyleMount }); } render() { const { locale, mayHaveSponsoredStories } = this.props; // Select layout render data by adding spocs and position to recommendations const { layoutRender } = selectLayoutRender({ state: this.props.DiscoveryStream, prefs: this.props.Prefs.values, locale }); const { config } = this.props.DiscoveryStream; // Allow rendering without extracting special components if (!config.collapsible) { return this.renderLayout(layoutRender); } // Find the first component of a type and remove it from layout const extractComponent = type => { for (const [rowIndex, row] of Object.entries(layoutRender)) { for (const [index, component] of Object.entries(row.components)) { if (component.type === type) { // Remove the row if it was the only component or the single item if (row.components.length === 1) { layoutRender.splice(rowIndex, 1); } else { row.components.splice(index, 1); } return component; } } } return null; }; // Get "topstories" Section state for default values const topStories = this.props.Sections.find(s => s.id === "topstories"); if (!topStories) { return null; } // Extract TopSites to render before the rest and Message to use for header const topSites = extractComponent("TopSites"); const sponsoredCollection = extractComponent("CollectionCardGrid"); const message = extractComponent("Message") || { header: { link_text: topStories.learnMore.link.message, link_url: topStories.learnMore.link.href, title: topStories.title } }; const privacyLinkComponent = extractComponent("PrivacyLink"); let learnMore = { link: { href: message.header.link_url, message: message.header.link_text } }; let sectionTitle = message.header.title; let subTitle = ""; // If we're in one of these experiments, override the default message. // For now this is English only. if (message.essentialReadsHeader || message.editorsPicksHeader) { learnMore = null; subTitle = "Recommended By Pocket"; if (message.essentialReadsHeader) { sectionTitle = "Today’s Essential Reads"; } else if (message.editorsPicksHeader) { sectionTitle = "Editor’s Picks"; } } // Render a DS-style TopSites then the rest if any in a collapsible section return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, this.props.DiscoveryStream.isPrivacyInfoModalVisible && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DSPrivacyModal, { dispatch: this.props.dispatch }), topSites && this.renderLayout([{ width: 12, components: [topSites] }]), sponsoredCollection && this.renderLayout([{ width: 12, components: [sponsoredCollection] }]), !!layoutRender.length && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(CollapsibleSection, { className: "ds-layout", collapsed: topStories.pref.collapsed, dispatch: this.props.dispatch, id: topStories.id, isFixed: true, learnMore: learnMore, privacyNoticeURL: topStories.privacyNoticeURL, showPrefName: topStories.pref.feed, title: sectionTitle, subTitle: subTitle, mayHaveSponsoredStories: mayHaveSponsoredStories, spocMessageVariant: message?.properties?.spocMessageVariant, eventSource: "CARDGRID" }, this.renderLayout(layoutRender)), this.renderLayout([{ width: 12, components: [{ type: "Highlights" }] }]), privacyLinkComponent && this.renderLayout([{ width: 12, components: [privacyLinkComponent] }])); } renderLayout(layoutRender) { const styles = []; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "discovery-stream ds-layout" }, layoutRender.map((row, rowIndex) => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { key: `row-${rowIndex}`, className: `ds-column ds-column-${row.width}` }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "ds-column-grid" }, row.components.map((component, componentIndex) => { if (!component) { return null; } styles[rowIndex] = [...(styles[rowIndex] || []), component.styles]; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { key: `component-${componentIndex}` }, this.renderComponent(component, row.width)); })))), this.renderStyles(styles)); } } const DiscoveryStreamBase = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ DiscoveryStream: state.DiscoveryStream, Prefs: state.Prefs, Sections: state.Sections, document: globalThis.document, App: state.App }))(_DiscoveryStreamBase); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/WallpapersSection/WallpapersSection.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class _WallpapersSection extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); this.handleReset = this.handleReset.bind(this); this.prefersHighContrastQuery = null; this.prefersDarkQuery = null; } componentDidMount() { this.prefersDarkQuery = globalThis.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"); } handleChange(event) { const { id } = event.target; const prefs = this.props.Prefs.values; const colorMode = this.prefersDarkQuery?.matches ? "dark" : "light"; this.props.setPref(`newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-${colorMode}`, id); this.handleUserEvent({ selected_wallpaper: id, hadPreviousWallpaper: !!this.props.activeWallpaper }); // bug 1892095 if (prefs["newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-dark"] === "" && colorMode === "light") { this.props.setPref("newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-dark", id.replace("light", "dark")); } if (prefs["newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-light"] === "" && colorMode === "dark") { this.props.setPref(`newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-light`, id.replace("dark", "light")); } } handleReset() { const colorMode = this.prefersDarkQuery?.matches ? "dark" : "light"; this.props.setPref(`newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-${colorMode}`, ""); this.handleUserEvent({ selected_wallpaper: "none", hadPreviousWallpaper: !!this.props.activeWallpaper }); } // Record user interaction when changing wallpaper and reseting wallpaper to default handleUserEvent(data) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.WALLPAPER_CLICK, data })); } render() { const { wallpaperList } = this.props.Wallpapers; const { activeWallpaper } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("fieldset", { className: "wallpaper-list" }, wallpaperList.map(({ title, theme, fluent_id }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { onChange: this.handleChange, type: "radio", name: `wallpaper-${title}`, id: title, value: title, checked: title === activeWallpaper, "aria-checked": title === activeWallpaper, className: `wallpaper-input theme-${theme} ${title}` }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", { htmlFor: title, className: "sr-only", "data-l10n-id": fluent_id }, fluent_id)); })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "wallpapers-reset", onClick: this.handleReset, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-wallpaper-reset" })); } } const WallpapersSection = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => { return { Wallpapers: state.Wallpapers, Prefs: state.Prefs }; })(_WallpapersSection); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/CustomizeMenu/ContentSection/ContentSection.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class ContentSection extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onPreferenceSelect = this.onPreferenceSelect.bind(this); // Refs are necessary for dynamically measuring drawer heights for slide animations this.topSitesDrawerRef = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createRef(); this.pocketDrawerRef = /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createRef(); } inputUserEvent(eventSource, status) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ event: "PREF_CHANGED", source: eventSource, value: { status, menu_source: "CUSTOMIZE_MENU" } })); } onPreferenceSelect(e) { // eventSource: TOP_SITES | TOP_STORIES | HIGHLIGHTS | WEATHER const { preference, eventSource } = e.target.dataset; let value; if (e.target.nodeName === "SELECT") { value = parseInt(e.target.value, 10); } else if (e.target.nodeName === "INPUT") { value = e.target.checked; if (eventSource) { this.inputUserEvent(eventSource, value); } } else if (e.target.nodeName === "MOZ-TOGGLE") { value = e.target.pressed; if (eventSource) { this.inputUserEvent(eventSource, value); } } this.props.setPref(preference, value); } componentDidMount() { this.setDrawerMargins(); } componentDidUpdate() { this.setDrawerMargins(); } setDrawerMargins() { this.setDrawerMargin(`TOP_SITES`, this.props.enabledSections.topSitesEnabled); this.setDrawerMargin(`TOP_STORIES`, this.props.enabledSections.pocketEnabled); } setDrawerMargin(drawerID, isOpen) { let drawerRef; if (drawerID === `TOP_SITES`) { drawerRef = this.topSitesDrawerRef.current; } else if (drawerID === `TOP_STORIES`) { drawerRef = this.pocketDrawerRef.current; } else { return; } let drawerHeight; if (drawerRef) { drawerHeight = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(drawerRef)?.height); if (isOpen) { drawerRef.style.marginTop = `0`; } else { drawerRef.style.marginTop = `-${drawerHeight}px`; } } } render() { const { enabledSections, mayHaveSponsoredTopSites, pocketRegion, mayHaveSponsoredStories, mayHaveRecentSaves, mayHaveWeather, openPreferences, spocMessageVariant, wallpapersEnabled, activeWallpaper, setPref } = this.props; const { topSitesEnabled, pocketEnabled, highlightsEnabled, weatherEnabled, showSponsoredTopSitesEnabled, showSponsoredPocketEnabled, showRecentSavesEnabled, topSitesRowsCount } = enabledSections; return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "home-section" }, wallpapersEnabled && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "wallpapers-section" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("h2", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-wallpaper-title" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(WallpapersSection, { setPref: setPref, activeWallpaper: activeWallpaper })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { id: "shortcuts-section", className: "section" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("moz-toggle", { id: "shortcuts-toggle", pressed: topSitesEnabled || null, onToggle: this.onPreferenceSelect, "data-preference": "feeds.topsites", "data-eventSource": "TOP_SITES", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-shortcuts-toggle", "data-l10n-attrs": "label, description" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "more-info-top-wrapper" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "more-information", ref: this.topSitesDrawerRef }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("select", { id: "row-selector", className: "selector", name: "row-count", "data-preference": "topSitesRows", value: topSitesRowsCount, onChange: this.onPreferenceSelect, disabled: !topSitesEnabled, "aria-labelledby": "custom-shortcuts-title" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("option", { value: "1", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-row-selector", "data-l10n-args": "{\"num\": 1}" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("option", { value: "2", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-row-selector", "data-l10n-args": "{\"num\": 2}" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("option", { value: "3", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-row-selector", "data-l10n-args": "{\"num\": 3}" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("option", { value: "4", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-row-selector", "data-l10n-args": "{\"num\": 4}" })), mayHaveSponsoredTopSites && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "check-wrapper", role: "presentation" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { id: "sponsored-shortcuts", className: "sponsored-checkbox", disabled: !topSitesEnabled, checked: showSponsoredTopSitesEnabled, type: "checkbox", onChange: this.onPreferenceSelect, "data-preference": "showSponsoredTopSites", "data-eventSource": "SPONSORED_TOP_SITES" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", { className: "sponsored", htmlFor: "sponsored-shortcuts", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-sponsored-sites" })))))), pocketRegion && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { id: "pocket-section", className: "section" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", { className: "switch" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("moz-toggle", { id: "pocket-toggle", pressed: pocketEnabled || null, onToggle: this.onPreferenceSelect, "aria-describedby": "custom-pocket-subtitle", "data-preference": "feeds.section.topstories", "data-eventSource": "TOP_STORIES", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-stories-toggle", "data-l10n-attrs": "label, description" })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, (mayHaveSponsoredStories || mayHaveRecentSaves) && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "more-info-pocket-wrapper" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "more-information", ref: this.pocketDrawerRef }, mayHaveSponsoredStories && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "check-wrapper", role: "presentation" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { id: "sponsored-pocket", className: "sponsored-checkbox", disabled: !pocketEnabled, checked: showSponsoredPocketEnabled, type: "checkbox", onChange: this.onPreferenceSelect, "data-preference": "showSponsored", "data-eventSource": "POCKET_SPOCS" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", { className: "sponsored", htmlFor: "sponsored-pocket", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-pocket-sponsored" })), mayHaveRecentSaves && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "check-wrapper", role: "presentation" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { id: "recent-saves-pocket", className: "sponsored-checkbox", disabled: !pocketEnabled, checked: showRecentSavesEnabled, type: "checkbox", onChange: this.onPreferenceSelect, "data-preference": "showRecentSaves", "data-eventSource": "POCKET_RECENT_SAVES" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", { className: "sponsored", htmlFor: "recent-saves-pocket", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-pocket-show-recent-saves" })))))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { id: "recent-section", className: "section" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", { className: "switch" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("moz-toggle", { id: "highlights-toggle", pressed: highlightsEnabled || null, onToggle: this.onPreferenceSelect, "data-preference": "feeds.section.highlights", "data-eventSource": "HIGHLIGHTS", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-recent-toggle", "data-l10n-attrs": "label, description" }))), mayHaveWeather && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { id: "weather-section", className: "section" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("label", { className: "switch" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("moz-toggle", { id: "weather-toggle", pressed: weatherEnabled || null, onToggle: this.onPreferenceSelect, "data-preference": "showWeather", "data-eventSource": "WEATHER", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-weather-toggle", "data-l10n-attrs": "label, description" }))), pocketRegion && mayHaveSponsoredStories && spocMessageVariant === "variant-c" && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "sponsored-content-info" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "icon icon-help" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, "Sponsored content supports our mission to build a better web.", " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(SafeAnchor, { dispatch: this.props.dispatch, url: "https://support.mozilla.org/kb/pocket-sponsored-stories-new-tabs" }, "Find out how"))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "divider", role: "separator" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { id: "settings-link", className: "external-link", onClick: openPreferences, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-settings" }))); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/CustomizeMenu/CustomizeMenu.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class _CustomizeMenu extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onEntered = this.onEntered.bind(this); this.onExited = this.onExited.bind(this); } onEntered() { if (this.closeButton) { this.closeButton.focus(); } } onExited() { if (this.openButton) { this.openButton.focus(); } } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(external_ReactTransitionGroup_namespaceObject.CSSTransition, { timeout: 300, classNames: "personalize-animate", in: !this.props.showing, appear: true }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "icon icon-settings personalize-button", onClick: () => this.props.onOpen(), "data-l10n-id": "newtab-personalize-icon-label", ref: c => this.openButton = c })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(external_ReactTransitionGroup_namespaceObject.CSSTransition, { timeout: 250, classNames: "customize-animate", in: this.props.showing, onEntered: this.onEntered, onExited: this.onExited, appear: true }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "customize-menu", role: "dialog", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-personalize-dialog-label" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "close-button-wrapper" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { onClick: () => this.props.onClose(), className: "close-button", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-custom-close-button", ref: c => this.closeButton = c })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ContentSection, { openPreferences: this.props.openPreferences, setPref: this.props.setPref, enabledSections: this.props.enabledSections, wallpapersEnabled: this.props.wallpapersEnabled, activeWallpaper: this.props.activeWallpaper, pocketRegion: this.props.pocketRegion, mayHaveSponsoredTopSites: this.props.mayHaveSponsoredTopSites, mayHaveSponsoredStories: this.props.mayHaveSponsoredStories, mayHaveRecentSaves: this.props.DiscoveryStream.recentSavesEnabled, mayHaveWeather: this.props.mayHaveWeather, spocMessageVariant: this.props.spocMessageVariant, dispatch: this.props.dispatch })))); } } const CustomizeMenu = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ DiscoveryStream: state.DiscoveryStream }))(_CustomizeMenu); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/lib/constants.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const IS_NEWTAB = globalThis.document && globalThis.document.documentURI === "about:newtab"; const NEWTAB_DARK_THEME = { ntp_background: { r: 42, g: 42, b: 46, a: 1, }, ntp_card_background: { r: 66, g: 65, b: 77, a: 1, }, ntp_text: { r: 249, g: 249, b: 250, a: 1, }, sidebar: { r: 56, g: 56, b: 61, a: 1, }, sidebar_text: { r: 249, g: 249, b: 250, a: 1, }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/Search/Search.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* globals ContentSearchUIController, ContentSearchHandoffUIController */ class _Search extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onSearchClick = this.onSearchClick.bind(this); this.onSearchHandoffClick = this.onSearchHandoffClick.bind(this); this.onSearchHandoffPaste = this.onSearchHandoffPaste.bind(this); this.onSearchHandoffDrop = this.onSearchHandoffDrop.bind(this); this.onInputMount = this.onInputMount.bind(this); this.onInputMountHandoff = this.onInputMountHandoff.bind(this); this.onSearchHandoffButtonMount = this.onSearchHandoffButtonMount.bind(this); } handleEvent(event) { // Also track search events with our own telemetry if (event.detail.type === "Search") { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ event: "SEARCH" })); } } onSearchClick(event) { window.gContentSearchController.search(event); } doSearchHandoff(text) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.HANDOFF_SEARCH_TO_AWESOMEBAR, data: { text } })); this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.FAKE_FOCUS_SEARCH }); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ event: "SEARCH_HANDOFF" })); if (text) { this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.DISABLE_SEARCH }); } } onSearchHandoffClick(event) { // When search hand-off is enabled, we render a big button that is styled to // look like a search textbox. If the button is clicked, we style // the button as if it was a focused search box and show a fake cursor but // really focus the awesomebar without the focus styles ("hidden focus"). event.preventDefault(); this.doSearchHandoff(); } onSearchHandoffPaste(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.doSearchHandoff(event.clipboardData.getData("Text")); } onSearchHandoffDrop(event) { event.preventDefault(); let text = event.dataTransfer.getData("text"); if (text) { this.doSearchHandoff(text); } } componentWillUnmount() { delete window.gContentSearchController; } onInputMount(input) { if (input) { // The "healthReportKey" and needs to be "newtab" or "abouthome" so that // BrowserUsageTelemetry.sys.mjs knows to handle events with this name, and // can add the appropriate telemetry probes for search. Without the correct // name, certain tests like browser_UsageTelemetry_content.js will fail // (See github ticket #2348 for more details) const healthReportKey = IS_NEWTAB ? "newtab" : "abouthome"; // The "searchSource" needs to be "newtab" or "homepage" and is sent with // the search data and acts as context for the search request (See // nsISearchEngine.getSubmission). It is necessary so that search engine // plugins can correctly atribute referrals. (See github ticket #3321 for // more details) const searchSource = IS_NEWTAB ? "newtab" : "homepage"; // gContentSearchController needs to exist as a global so that tests for // the existing about:home can find it; and so it allows these tests to pass. // In the future, when activity stream is default about:home, this can be renamed window.gContentSearchController = new ContentSearchUIController(input, input.parentNode, healthReportKey, searchSource); addEventListener("ContentSearchClient", this); } else { window.gContentSearchController = null; removeEventListener("ContentSearchClient", this); } } onInputMountHandoff(input) { if (input) { // The handoff UI controller helps us set the search icon and reacts to // changes to default engine to keep everything in sync. this._handoffSearchController = new ContentSearchHandoffUIController(); } } onSearchHandoffButtonMount(button) { // Keep a reference to the button for use during "paste" event handling. this._searchHandoffButton = button; } /* * Do not change the ID on the input field, as legacy newtab code * specifically looks for the id 'newtab-search-text' on input fields * in order to execute searches in various tests */ render() { const wrapperClassName = ["search-wrapper", this.props.disable && "search-disabled", this.props.fakeFocus && "fake-focus"].filter(v => v).join(" "); return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: wrapperClassName }, this.props.showLogo && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "logo-and-wordmark" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "logo" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "wordmark" })), !this.props.handoffEnabled && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "search-inner-wrapper" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { id: "newtab-search-text", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-search-box-input", maxLength: "256", ref: this.onInputMount, type: "search" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { id: "searchSubmit", className: "search-button", "data-l10n-id": "newtab-search-box-search-button", onClick: this.onSearchClick })), this.props.handoffEnabled && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "search-inner-wrapper" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: "search-handoff-button", ref: this.onSearchHandoffButtonMount, onClick: this.onSearchHandoffClick, tabIndex: "-1" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "fake-textbox" }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("input", { type: "search", className: "fake-editable", tabIndex: "-1", "aria-hidden": "true", onDrop: this.onSearchHandoffDrop, onPaste: this.onSearchHandoffPaste, ref: this.onInputMountHandoff }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "fake-caret" })))); } } const Search_Search = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Prefs: state.Prefs }))(_Search); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/Weather/Weather.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const Weather_VISIBLE = "visible"; const Weather_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT = "visibilitychange"; class _Weather extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { contextMenuKeyboard: false, showContextMenu: false, url: "https://example.com", impressionSeen: false, errorSeen: false }; this.setImpressionRef = element => { this.impressionElement = element; }; this.setErrorRef = element => { this.errorElement = element; }; this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this); this.onUpdate = this.onUpdate.bind(this); this.onProviderClick = this.onProviderClick.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const { props } = this; if (!props.dispatch) { return; } if (props.document.visibilityState === Weather_VISIBLE) { // Setup the impression observer once the page is visible. this.setImpressionObservers(); } else { // We should only ever send the latest impression stats ping, so remove any // older listeners. if (this._onVisibilityChange) { props.document.removeEventListener(Weather_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } this._onVisibilityChange = () => { if (props.document.visibilityState === Weather_VISIBLE) { // Setup the impression observer once the page is visible. this.setImpressionObservers(); props.document.removeEventListener(Weather_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } }; props.document.addEventListener(Weather_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } } componentWillUnmount() { // Remove observers on unmount if (this.observer && this.impressionElement) { this.observer.unobserve(this.impressionElement); } if (this.observer && this.errorElement) { this.observer.unobserve(this.errorElement); } if (this._onVisibilityChange) { this.props.document.removeEventListener(Weather_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } } setImpressionObservers() { if (this.impressionElement) { this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(this.onImpression.bind(this)); this.observer.observe(this.impressionElement); } if (this.errorElement) { this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(this.onError.bind(this)); this.observer.observe(this.errorElement); } } onImpression(entries) { if (this.state) { const entry = entries.find(e => e.isIntersecting); if (entry) { if (this.impressionElement) { this.observer.unobserve(this.impressionElement); } this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.WEATHER_IMPRESSION })); // Stop observing since element has been seen this.setState({ impressionSeen: true }); } } } onError(entries) { if (this.state) { const entry = entries.find(e => e.isIntersecting); if (entry) { if (this.errorElement) { this.observer.unobserve(this.errorElement); } this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.WEATHER_LOAD_ERROR })); // Stop observing since element has been seen this.setState({ errorSeen: true }); } } } openContextMenu(isKeyBoard) { if (this.props.onUpdate) { this.props.onUpdate(true); } this.setState({ showContextMenu: true, contextMenuKeyboard: isKeyBoard }); } onClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.openContextMenu(false, event); } onKeyDown(event) { if (event.key === "Enter" || event.key === " ") { event.preventDefault(); this.openContextMenu(true, event); } } onUpdate(showContextMenu) { if (this.props.onUpdate) { this.props.onUpdate(showContextMenu); } this.setState({ showContextMenu }); } onProviderClick() { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.WEATHER_OPEN_PROVIDER_URL, data: { source: "WEATHER" } })); } render() { // Check if weather should be rendered const isWeatherEnabled = this.props.Prefs.values["system.showWeather"]; if (!isWeatherEnabled || !this.props.Weather.initialized) { return false; } const { showContextMenu } = this.state; const WEATHER_SUGGESTION = this.props.Weather.suggestions?.[0]; const { className, index, dispatch, eventSource, shouldSendImpressionStats } = this.props; const { props } = this; const isContextMenuOpen = this.state.activeCard === index; const outerClassName = ["weather", className, isContextMenuOpen && "active", props.placeholder && "placeholder"].filter(v => v).join(" "); const showDetailedView = this.props.Prefs.values["weather.display"] === "detailed"; // Note: The temperature units/display options will become secondary menu items const WEATHER_SOURCE_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS = [...(this.props.Prefs.values["weather.locationSearchEnabled"] ? ["ChangeWeatherLocation"] : []), ...(this.props.Prefs.values["weather.temperatureUnits"] === "f" ? ["ChangeTempUnitCelsius"] : ["ChangeTempUnitFahrenheit"]), ...(this.props.Prefs.values["weather.display"] === "simple" ? ["ChangeWeatherDisplayDetailed"] : ["ChangeWeatherDisplaySimple"]), "HideWeather", "OpenLearnMoreURL"]; // Only return the widget if we have data. Otherwise, show error state if (WEATHER_SUGGESTION) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { ref: this.setImpressionRef, className: outerClassName }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weatherCard" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-weather-see-forecast", "data-l10n-args": "{\"provider\": \"AccuWeather\"}", href: WEATHER_SUGGESTION.forecast.url, className: "weatherInfoLink", onClick: this.onProviderClick }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weatherIconCol" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: `weatherIcon iconId${WEATHER_SUGGESTION.current_conditions.icon_id}` })), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weatherText" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weatherForecastRow" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "weatherTemperature" }, WEATHER_SUGGESTION.current_conditions.temperature[this.props.Prefs.values["weather.temperatureUnits"]], "\xB0", this.props.Prefs.values["weather.temperatureUnits"])), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weatherCityRow" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "weatherCity" }, WEATHER_SUGGESTION.city_name)), showDetailedView ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weatherDetailedSummaryRow" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weatherHighLowTemps" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, WEATHER_SUGGESTION.forecast.high[this.props.Prefs.values["weather.temperatureUnits"]], "\xB0", this.props.Prefs.values["weather.temperatureUnits"]), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, "\u2022"), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", null, WEATHER_SUGGESTION.forecast.low[this.props.Prefs.values["weather.temperatureUnits"]], "\xB0", this.props.Prefs.values["weather.temperatureUnits"])), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "weatherTextSummary" }, WEATHER_SUGGESTION.current_conditions.summary)) : null)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weatherButtonContextMenuWrapper" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { "aria-haspopup": "true", onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown, onClick: this.onClick, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-menu-section-tooltip", className: "weatherButtonContextMenu" }, showContextMenu ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(LinkMenu, { dispatch: dispatch, index: index, source: eventSource, onUpdate: this.onUpdate, options: WEATHER_SOURCE_CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS, site: { url: "https://support.mozilla.org/kb/customize-items-on-firefox-new-tab-page" }, link: "https://support.mozilla.org/kb/customize-items-on-firefox-new-tab-page", shouldSendImpressionStats: shouldSendImpressionStats }) : null))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-weather-sponsored", "data-l10n-args": "{\"provider\": \"AccuWeather\"}", className: "weatherSponsorText" })); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { ref: this.setErrorRef, className: outerClassName }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "weatherNotAvailable" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { className: "icon icon-small-spacer icon-info-critical" }), " ", /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("span", { "data-l10n-id": "newtab-weather-error-not-available" }))); } } const Weather_Weather = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ Weather: state.Weather, Prefs: state.Prefs, IntersectionObserver: globalThis.IntersectionObserver, document: globalThis.document }))(_Weather); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/components/Base/Base.jsx function Base_extends() { Base_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return Base_extends.apply(this, arguments); } /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const Base_VISIBLE = "visible"; const Base_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT = "visibilitychange"; const PrefsButton = ({ onClick, icon }) => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "prefs-button" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("button", { className: `icon ${icon || "icon-settings"}`, onClick: onClick, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-settings-button" })); // Returns a function will not be continuously triggered when called. The // function will be triggered if called again after `wait` milliseconds. function debounce(func, wait) { let timer; return (...args) => { if (timer) { return; } let wakeUp = () => { timer = null; }; timer = setTimeout(wakeUp, wait); func.apply(this, args); }; } class _Base extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { message: {} }; this.notifyContent = this.notifyContent.bind(this); } notifyContent(state) { this.setState(state); } componentWillUnmount() { this.updateTheme(); } componentWillUpdate() { this.updateTheme(); } updateTheme() { const bodyClassName = ["activity-stream", // If we skipped the about:welcome overlay and removed the CSS classes // we don't want to add them back to the Activity Stream view document.body.classList.contains("inline-onboarding") ? "inline-onboarding" : ""].filter(v => v).join(" "); globalThis.document.body.className = bodyClassName; } render() { const { props } = this; const { App } = props; const isDevtoolsEnabled = props.Prefs.values["asrouter.devtoolsEnabled"]; if (!App.initialized) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ErrorBoundary, { className: "base-content-fallback" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement((external_React_default()).Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(BaseContent, Base_extends({}, this.props, { adminContent: this.state })), isDevtoolsEnabled ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DiscoveryStreamAdmin, { notifyContent: this.notifyContent }) : null)); } } class BaseContent extends (external_React_default()).PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.openPreferences = this.openPreferences.bind(this); this.openCustomizationMenu = this.openCustomizationMenu.bind(this); this.closeCustomizationMenu = this.closeCustomizationMenu.bind(this); this.handleOnKeyDown = this.handleOnKeyDown.bind(this); this.onWindowScroll = debounce(this.onWindowScroll.bind(this), 5); this.setPref = this.setPref.bind(this); this.updateWallpaper = this.updateWallpaper.bind(this); this.prefersDarkQuery = null; this.handleColorModeChange = this.handleColorModeChange.bind(this); this.state = { fixedSearch: false, firstVisibleTimestamp: null, colorMode: "" }; } setFirstVisibleTimestamp() { if (!this.state.firstVisibleTimestamp) { this.setState({ firstVisibleTimestamp: Date.now() }); } } componentDidMount() { __webpack_require__.g.addEventListener("scroll", this.onWindowScroll); __webpack_require__.g.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleOnKeyDown); if (this.props.document.visibilityState === Base_VISIBLE) { this.setFirstVisibleTimestamp(); } else { this._onVisibilityChange = () => { if (this.props.document.visibilityState === Base_VISIBLE) { this.setFirstVisibleTimestamp(); this.props.document.removeEventListener(Base_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); this._onVisibilityChange = null; } }; this.props.document.addEventListener(Base_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } // track change event to dark/light mode this.prefersDarkQuery = globalThis.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"); this.prefersDarkQuery.addEventListener("change", this.handleColorModeChange); this.handleColorModeChange(); } handleColorModeChange() { const colorMode = this.prefersDarkQuery?.matches ? "dark" : "light"; this.setState({ colorMode }); } componentWillUnmount() { this.prefersDarkQuery?.removeEventListener("change", this.handleColorModeChange); __webpack_require__.g.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onWindowScroll); __webpack_require__.g.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleOnKeyDown); if (this._onVisibilityChange) { this.props.document.removeEventListener(Base_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange); } } onWindowScroll() { const prefs = this.props.Prefs.values; const SCROLL_THRESHOLD = prefs["logowordmark.alwaysVisible"] ? 179 : 34; if (__webpack_require__.g.scrollY > SCROLL_THRESHOLD && !this.state.fixedSearch) { this.setState({ fixedSearch: true }); } else if (__webpack_require__.g.scrollY <= SCROLL_THRESHOLD && this.state.fixedSearch) { this.setState({ fixedSearch: false }); } } openPreferences() { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.OnlyToMain({ type: actionTypes.SETTINGS_OPEN })); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ event: "OPEN_NEWTAB_PREFS" })); } openCustomizationMenu() { this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.SHOW_PERSONALIZE }); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ event: "SHOW_PERSONALIZE" })); } closeCustomizationMenu() { if (this.props.App.customizeMenuVisible) { this.props.dispatch({ type: actionTypes.HIDE_PERSONALIZE }); this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.UserEvent({ event: "HIDE_PERSONALIZE" })); } } handleOnKeyDown(e) { if (e.key === "Escape") { this.closeCustomizationMenu(); } } setPref(pref, value) { this.props.dispatch(actionCreators.SetPref(pref, value)); } renderWallpaperAttribution() { const { wallpaperList } = this.props.Wallpapers; const activeWallpaper = this.props.Prefs.values[`newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-${this.state.colorMode}`]; const selected = wallpaperList.find(wp => wp.title === activeWallpaper); // make sure a wallpaper is selected and that the attribution also exists if (!selected?.attribution) { return null; } const { name, webpage } = selected.attribution; if (activeWallpaper && wallpaperList && name.url) { return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("p", { className: `wallpaper-attribution`, key: name.string, "data-l10n-id": "newtab-wallpaper-attribution", "data-l10n-args": JSON.stringify({ author_string: name.string, author_url: name.url, webpage_string: webpage.string, webpage_url: webpage.url }) }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { "data-l10n-name": "name-link", href: name.url }, name.string), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("a", { "data-l10n-name": "webpage-link", href: webpage.url }, webpage.string)); } return null; } async updateWallpaper() { const prefs = this.props.Prefs.values; const { wallpaperList } = this.props.Wallpapers; if (wallpaperList) { const lightWallpaper = wallpaperList.find(wp => wp.title === prefs["newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-light"]) || ""; const darkWallpaper = wallpaperList.find(wp => wp.title === prefs["newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-dark"]) || ""; __webpack_require__.g.document?.body.style.setProperty(`--newtab-wallpaper-light`, `url(${lightWallpaper?.wallpaperUrl || ""})`); __webpack_require__.g.document?.body.style.setProperty(`--newtab-wallpaper-dark`, `url(${darkWallpaper?.wallpaperUrl || ""})`); // Add helper class to body if user has a wallpaper selected if (lightWallpaper) { __webpack_require__.g.document?.body.classList.add("hasWallpaperLight"); } if (darkWallpaper) { __webpack_require__.g.document?.body.classList.add("hasWallpaperDark"); } } } render() { const { props } = this; const { App } = props; const { initialized, customizeMenuVisible } = App; const prefs = props.Prefs.values; const activeWallpaper = prefs[`newtabWallpapers.wallpaper-${this.state.colorMode}`]; const wallpapersEnabled = prefs["newtabWallpapers.enabled"]; const weatherEnabled = prefs.showWeather; const { pocketConfig } = prefs; const isDiscoveryStream = props.DiscoveryStream.config && props.DiscoveryStream.config.enabled; let filteredSections = props.Sections.filter(section => section.id !== "topstories"); let spocMessageVariant = ""; if (props.App.locale?.startsWith("en-") && pocketConfig?.spocMessageVariant === "variant-c") { spocMessageVariant = pocketConfig.spocMessageVariant; } const pocketEnabled = prefs["feeds.section.topstories"] && prefs["feeds.system.topstories"]; const noSectionsEnabled = !prefs["feeds.topsites"] && !pocketEnabled && filteredSections.filter(section => section.enabled).length === 0; const searchHandoffEnabled = prefs["improvesearch.handoffToAwesomebar"]; const enabledSections = { topSitesEnabled: prefs["feeds.topsites"], pocketEnabled: prefs["feeds.section.topstories"], highlightsEnabled: prefs["feeds.section.highlights"], showSponsoredTopSitesEnabled: prefs.showSponsoredTopSites, showSponsoredPocketEnabled: prefs.showSponsored, showRecentSavesEnabled: prefs.showRecentSaves, topSitesRowsCount: prefs.topSitesRows, weatherEnabled: prefs.showWeather }; const pocketRegion = prefs["feeds.system.topstories"]; const mayHaveSponsoredStories = prefs["system.showSponsored"]; const mayHaveWeather = prefs["system.showWeather"]; const { mayHaveSponsoredTopSites } = prefs; const outerClassName = ["outer-wrapper", isDiscoveryStream && pocketEnabled && "ds-outer-wrapper-search-alignment", isDiscoveryStream && "ds-outer-wrapper-breakpoint-override", prefs.showSearch && this.state.fixedSearch && !noSectionsEnabled && "fixed-search", prefs.showSearch && noSectionsEnabled && "only-search", prefs["logowordmark.alwaysVisible"] && "visible-logo"].filter(v => v).join(" "); if (wallpapersEnabled) { this.updateWallpaper(); } return /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(CustomizeMenu, { onClose: this.closeCustomizationMenu, onOpen: this.openCustomizationMenu, openPreferences: this.openPreferences, setPref: this.setPref, enabledSections: enabledSections, wallpapersEnabled: wallpapersEnabled, activeWallpaper: activeWallpaper, pocketRegion: pocketRegion, mayHaveSponsoredTopSites: mayHaveSponsoredTopSites, mayHaveSponsoredStories: mayHaveSponsoredStories, mayHaveWeather: mayHaveWeather, spocMessageVariant: spocMessageVariant, showing: customizeMenuVisible }), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: outerClassName, onClick: this.closeCustomizationMenu }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("main", null, prefs.showSearch && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: "non-collapsible-section" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ErrorBoundary, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Search_Search, Base_extends({ showLogo: noSectionsEnabled || prefs["logowordmark.alwaysVisible"], handoffEnabled: searchHandoffEnabled }, props.Search)))), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("div", { className: `body-wrapper${initialized ? " on" : ""}` }, isDiscoveryStream ? /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ErrorBoundary, { className: "borderless-error" }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(DiscoveryStreamBase, { locale: props.App.locale, mayHaveSponsoredStories: mayHaveSponsoredStories, firstVisibleTimestamp: this.state.firstVisibleTimestamp })) : /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Sections_Sections, null)), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ConfirmDialog, null), wallpapersEnabled && this.renderWallpaperAttribution()), /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement("aside", null, weatherEnabled && /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(ErrorBoundary, null, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Weather_Weather, null))))); } } BaseContent.defaultProps = { document: __webpack_require__.g.document }; const Base = (0,external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.connect)(state => ({ App: state.App, Prefs: state.Prefs, Sections: state.Sections, DiscoveryStream: state.DiscoveryStream, Search: state.Search, Wallpapers: state.Wallpapers, Weather: state.Weather }))(_Base); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/lib/detect-user-session-start.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const detect_user_session_start_VISIBLE = "visible"; const detect_user_session_start_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT = "visibilitychange"; class DetectUserSessionStart { constructor(store, options = {}) { this._store = store; // Overrides for testing this.document = options.document || globalThis.document; this._perfService = options.perfService || perfService; this._onVisibilityChange = this._onVisibilityChange.bind(this); } /** * sendEventOrAddListener - Notify immediately if the page is already visible, * or else set up a listener for when visibility changes. * This is needed for accurate session tracking for telemetry, * because tabs are pre-loaded. */ sendEventOrAddListener() { if (this.document.visibilityState === detect_user_session_start_VISIBLE) { // If the document is already visible, to the user, send a notification // immediately that a session has started. this._sendEvent(); } else { // If the document is not visible, listen for when it does become visible. this.document.addEventListener( detect_user_session_start_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange ); } } /** * _sendEvent - Sends a message to the main process to indicate the current * tab is now visible to the user, includes the * visibility_event_rcvd_ts time in ms from the UNIX epoch. */ _sendEvent() { this._perfService.mark("visibility_event_rcvd_ts"); try { let visibility_event_rcvd_ts = this._perfService.getMostRecentAbsMarkStartByName( "visibility_event_rcvd_ts" ); this._store.dispatch( actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { visibility_event_rcvd_ts }, }) ); } catch (ex) { // If this failed, it's likely because the `privacy.resistFingerprinting` // pref is true. We should at least not blow up. } } /** * _onVisibilityChange - If the visibility has changed to visible, sends a notification * and removes the event listener. This should only be called once per tab. */ _onVisibilityChange() { if (this.document.visibilityState === detect_user_session_start_VISIBLE) { this._sendEvent(); this.document.removeEventListener( detect_user_session_start_VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENT, this._onVisibilityChange ); } } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "Redux" const external_Redux_namespaceObject = Redux; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/lib/init-store.mjs /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint-env mozilla/remote-page */ // We disable import checking here as redux is installed via the npm packages // at the newtab level, rather than in the top-level package.json. // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved const MERGE_STORE_ACTION = "NEW_TAB_INITIAL_STATE"; const OUTGOING_MESSAGE_NAME = "ActivityStream:ContentToMain"; const INCOMING_MESSAGE_NAME = "ActivityStream:MainToContent"; /** * A higher-order function which returns a reducer that, on MERGE_STORE action, * will return the action.data object merged into the previous state. * * For all other actions, it merely calls mainReducer. * * Because we want this to merge the entire state object, it's written as a * higher order function which takes the main reducer (itself often a call to * combineReducers) as a parameter. * * @param {function} mainReducer reducer to call if action != MERGE_STORE_ACTION * @return {function} a reducer that, on MERGE_STORE_ACTION action, * will return the action.data object merged * into the previous state, and the result * of calling mainReducer otherwise. */ function mergeStateReducer(mainReducer) { return (prevState, action) => { if (action.type === MERGE_STORE_ACTION) { return { ...prevState, ...action.data }; } return mainReducer(prevState, action); }; } /** * messageMiddleware - Middleware that looks for SentToMain type actions, and sends them if necessary */ const messageMiddleware = () => next => action => { const skipLocal = action.meta && action.meta.skipLocal; if (actionUtils.isSendToMain(action)) { RPMSendAsyncMessage(OUTGOING_MESSAGE_NAME, action); } if (!skipLocal) { next(action); } }; const rehydrationMiddleware = ({ getState }) => { // NB: The parameter here is MiddlewareAPI which looks like a Store and shares // the same getState, so attached properties are accessible from the store. getState.didRehydrate = false; getState.didRequestInitialState = false; return next => action => { if (getState.didRehydrate || window.__FROM_STARTUP_CACHE__) { // Startup messages can be safely ignored by the about:home document // stored in the startup cache. if ( window.__FROM_STARTUP_CACHE__ && action.meta && action.meta.isStartup ) { return null; } return next(action); } const isMergeStoreAction = action.type === MERGE_STORE_ACTION; const isRehydrationRequest = action.type === actionTypes.NEW_TAB_STATE_REQUEST; if (isRehydrationRequest) { getState.didRequestInitialState = true; return next(action); } if (isMergeStoreAction) { getState.didRehydrate = true; return next(action); } // If init happened after our request was made, we need to re-request if (getState.didRequestInitialState && action.type === actionTypes.INIT) { return next(actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.NEW_TAB_STATE_REQUEST })); } if ( actionUtils.isBroadcastToContent(action) || actionUtils.isSendToOneContent(action) || actionUtils.isSendToPreloaded(action) ) { // Note that actions received before didRehydrate will not be dispatched // because this could negatively affect preloading and the the state // will be replaced by rehydration anyway. return null; } return next(action); }; }; /** * initStore - Create a store and listen for incoming actions * * @param {object} reducers An object containing Redux reducers * @param {object} intialState (optional) The initial state of the store, if desired * @return {object} A redux store */ function initStore(reducers, initialState) { const store = (0,external_Redux_namespaceObject.createStore)( mergeStateReducer((0,external_Redux_namespaceObject.combineReducers)(reducers)), initialState, globalThis.RPMAddMessageListener && (0,external_Redux_namespaceObject.applyMiddleware)(rehydrationMiddleware, messageMiddleware) ); if (globalThis.RPMAddMessageListener) { globalThis.RPMAddMessageListener(INCOMING_MESSAGE_NAME, msg => { try { store.dispatch(msg.data); } catch (ex) { console.error("Content msg:", msg, "Dispatch error: ", ex); dump( `Content msg: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}\nDispatch error: ${ex}\n${ ex.stack }` ); } }); } return store; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactDOM" const external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject = ReactDOM; var external_ReactDOM_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./content-src/activity-stream.jsx /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const NewTab = ({ store }) => /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(external_ReactRedux_namespaceObject.Provider, { store: store }, /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(Base, null)); function renderWithoutState() { const store = initStore(reducers); new DetectUserSessionStart(store).sendEventOrAddListener(); // If this document has already gone into the background by the time we've reached // here, we can deprioritize requesting the initial state until the event loop // frees up. If, however, the visibility changes, we then send the request. let didRequest = false; let requestIdleCallbackId = 0; function doRequest() { if (!didRequest) { if (requestIdleCallbackId) { cancelIdleCallback(requestIdleCallbackId); } didRequest = true; store.dispatch(actionCreators.AlsoToMain({ type: actionTypes.NEW_TAB_STATE_REQUEST })); } } if (document.hidden) { requestIdleCallbackId = requestIdleCallback(doRequest); addEventListener("visibilitychange", doRequest, { once: true }); } else { doRequest(); } external_ReactDOM_default().hydrate( /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(NewTab, { store: store }), document.getElementById("root")); } function renderCache(initialState) { const store = initStore(reducers, initialState); new DetectUserSessionStart(store).sendEventOrAddListener(); external_ReactDOM_default().hydrate( /*#__PURE__*/external_React_default().createElement(NewTab, { store: store }), document.getElementById("root")); } NewtabRenderUtils = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;