/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { actionTypes as at, actionCreators as ac, } from "resource://activity-stream/common/Actions.mjs"; const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; export const PREFERENCES_LOADED_EVENT = "home-pane-loaded"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", }); // These "section" objects are formatted in a way to be similar to the ones from // SectionsManager to construct the preferences view. const PREFS_BEFORE_SECTIONS = () => [ { id: "search", pref: { feed: "showSearch", titleString: "home-prefs-search-header", }, icon: "chrome://global/skin/icons/search-glass.svg", }, { id: "topsites", pref: { feed: "feeds.topsites", titleString: "home-prefs-shortcuts-header", descString: "home-prefs-shortcuts-description", get nestedPrefs() { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.topsites.useRemoteSetting") ? [ { name: "showSponsoredTopSites", titleString: "home-prefs-shortcuts-by-option-sponsored", eventSource: "SPONSORED_TOP_SITES", }, ] : []; }, }, icon: "chrome://browser/skin/topsites.svg", maxRows: 4, rowsPref: "topSitesRows", eventSource: "TOP_SITES", }, ]; export class AboutPreferences { init() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, PREFERENCES_LOADED_EVENT); } uninit() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, PREFERENCES_LOADED_EVENT); } onAction(action) { switch (action.type) { case at.INIT: this.init(); break; case at.UNINIT: this.uninit(); break; case at.SETTINGS_OPEN: action._target.browser.ownerGlobal.openPreferences("paneHome"); break; // This is used to open the web extension settings page for an extension case at.OPEN_WEBEXT_SETTINGS: action._target.browser.ownerGlobal.BrowserOpenAddonsMgr( `addons://detail/${encodeURIComponent(action.data)}` ); break; } } handleDiscoverySettings(sections) { // Deep copy object to not modify original Sections state in store let sectionsCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sections)); sectionsCopy.forEach(obj => { if (obj.id === "topstories") { obj.rowsPref = ""; } }); return sectionsCopy; } setupUserEvent(element, eventSource) { element.addEventListener("command", e => { const { checked } = e.target; if (typeof checked === "boolean") { this.store.dispatch( ac.UserEvent({ event: "PREF_CHANGED", source: eventSource, value: { status: checked, menu_source: "ABOUT_PREFERENCES" }, }) ); } }); } observe(window) { const discoveryStreamConfig = this.store.getState().DiscoveryStream.config; let sections = this.store.getState().Sections; if (discoveryStreamConfig.enabled) { sections = this.handleDiscoverySettings(sections); } const featureConfig = lazy.NimbusFeatures.newtab.getAllVariables() || {}; this.renderPreferences(window, [ ...PREFS_BEFORE_SECTIONS(featureConfig), ...sections, ]); } /** * Render preferences to an about:preferences content window with the provided * preferences structure. */ renderPreferences({ document, Preferences, gHomePane }, prefStructure) { // Helper to create a new element and append it const createAppend = (tag, parent, options) => parent.appendChild(document.createXULElement(tag, options)); // Helper to get fluentIDs sometimes encase in an object const getString = message => typeof message !== "object" ? message : message.id; // Helper to link a UI element to a preference for updating const linkPref = (element, name, type) => { const fullPref = `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.${name}`; element.setAttribute("preference", fullPref); Preferences.add({ id: fullPref, type }); // Prevent changing the UI if the preference can't be changed element.disabled = Preferences.get(fullPref).locked; }; // Insert a new group immediately after the homepage one const homeGroup = document.getElementById("homepageGroup"); const contentsGroup = homeGroup.insertAdjacentElement( "afterend", homeGroup.cloneNode() ); contentsGroup.id = "homeContentsGroup"; contentsGroup.setAttribute("data-subcategory", "contents"); const homeHeader = createAppend("label", contentsGroup).appendChild( document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "h2") ); document.l10n.setAttributes(homeHeader, "home-prefs-content-header2"); const homeDescription = createAppend("description", contentsGroup); homeDescription.classList.add("description-deemphasized"); document.l10n.setAttributes( homeDescription, "home-prefs-content-description2" ); // Add preferences for each section prefStructure.forEach(sectionData => { const { id, pref: prefData, icon = "webextension", maxRows, rowsPref, shouldHidePref, eventSource, } = sectionData; const { feed: name, titleString = {}, descString, nestedPrefs = [], } = prefData || {}; // Don't show any sections that we don't want to expose in preferences UI if (shouldHidePref) { return; } // Use full icon spec for certain protocols or fall back to packaged icon const iconUrl = !icon.search(/^(chrome|moz-extension|resource):/) ? icon : `chrome://activity-stream/content/data/content/assets/glyph-${icon}-16.svg`; // Add the main preference for turning on/off a section const sectionVbox = createAppend("vbox", contentsGroup); sectionVbox.setAttribute("data-subcategory", id); const checkbox = createAppend("checkbox", sectionVbox); checkbox.classList.add("section-checkbox"); checkbox.setAttribute("src", iconUrl); // Setup a user event if we have an event source for this pref. if (eventSource) { this.setupUserEvent(checkbox, eventSource); } document.l10n.setAttributes( checkbox, getString(titleString), titleString.values ); linkPref(checkbox, name, "bool"); // Specially add a link for stories if (id === "topstories") { const sponsoredHbox = createAppend("hbox", sectionVbox); sponsoredHbox.setAttribute("align", "center"); sponsoredHbox.appendChild(checkbox); checkbox.classList.add("tail-with-learn-more"); const link = createAppend("label", sponsoredHbox, { is: "text-link" }); link.classList.add("learn-sponsored"); link.setAttribute("href", sectionData.pref.learnMore.link.href); document.l10n.setAttributes(link, sectionData.pref.learnMore.link.id); } // Add more details for the section (e.g., description, more prefs) const detailVbox = createAppend("vbox", sectionVbox); detailVbox.classList.add("indent"); if (descString) { const description = createAppend("description", detailVbox); description.classList.add("indent", "text-deemphasized"); document.l10n.setAttributes( description, getString(descString), descString.values ); // Add a rows dropdown if we have a pref to control and a maximum if (rowsPref && maxRows) { const detailHbox = createAppend("hbox", detailVbox); detailHbox.setAttribute("align", "center"); description.setAttribute("flex", 1); detailHbox.appendChild(description); // Add box so the search tooltip is positioned correctly const tooltipBox = createAppend("hbox", detailHbox); // Add appropriate number of localized entries to the dropdown const menulist = createAppend("menulist", tooltipBox); menulist.setAttribute("crop", "none"); const menupopup = createAppend("menupopup", menulist); for (let num = 1; num <= maxRows; num++) { const item = createAppend("menuitem", menupopup); document.l10n.setAttributes( item, "home-prefs-sections-rows-option", { num } ); item.setAttribute("value", num); } linkPref(menulist, rowsPref, "int"); } } const subChecks = []; const fullName = `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.${sectionData.pref.feed}`; const pref = Preferences.get(fullName); // Add a checkbox pref for any nested preferences nestedPrefs.forEach(nested => { const subcheck = createAppend("checkbox", detailVbox); // Setup a user event if we have an event source for this pref. if (nested.eventSource) { this.setupUserEvent(subcheck, nested.eventSource); } subcheck.classList.add("indent"); document.l10n.setAttributes(subcheck, nested.titleString); linkPref(subcheck, nested.name, "bool"); subChecks.push(subcheck); subcheck.disabled = !pref._value; subcheck.hidden = nested.hidden; }); // Disable any nested checkboxes if the parent pref is not enabled. pref.on("change", () => { subChecks.forEach(subcheck => { subcheck.disabled = !pref._value; }); }); }); // Update the visibility of the Restore Defaults btn based on checked prefs gHomePane.toggleRestoreDefaultsBtn(); } }