/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, actionUtils as au, } from "resource://activity-stream/common/Actions.mjs"; import { shortURL } from "resource://activity-stream/lib/ShortURL.sys.mjs"; // We use importESModule here instead of static import so that // the Karma test environment won't choke on this module. This // is because the Karma test environment already stubs out // AboutNewTab, and overrides importESModule to be a no-op (which // can't be done for a static import statement). // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/use-static-import const { AboutNewTab } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/AboutNewTab.sys.mjs" ); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { BrowserUtils: "resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.sys.mjs", ExperimentAPI: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", NewTabUtils: "resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.sys.mjs", NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", PartnerLinkAttribution: "resource:///modules/PartnerLinkAttribution.sys.mjs", pktApi: "chrome://pocket/content/pktApi.sys.mjs", PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs", PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.sys.mjs", }); const LINK_BLOCKED_EVENT = "newtab-linkBlocked"; const PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED_DELAY_TIME = 1000; // time in ms to delay timer for places links changed events // The pref to store the blocked sponsors of the sponsored Top Sites. // The value of this pref is an array (JSON serialized) of hostnames of the // blocked sponsors. const TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF = "browser.topsites.blockedSponsors"; /** * PlacesObserver - observes events from PlacesUtils.observers */ class PlacesObserver { constructor(dispatch) { this.dispatch = dispatch; this.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsISupportsWeakReference"]); this.handlePlacesEvent = this.handlePlacesEvent.bind(this); } handlePlacesEvent(events) { const removedPages = []; const removedBookmarks = []; for (const { itemType, source, dateAdded, guid, title, url, isRemovedFromStore, isTagging, type, } of events) { switch (type) { case "history-cleared": this.dispatch({ type: at.PLACES_HISTORY_CLEARED }); break; case "page-removed": if (isRemovedFromStore) { removedPages.push(url); } break; case "bookmark-added": // Skips items that are not bookmarks (like folders), about:* pages or // default bookmarks, added when the profile is created. if ( isTagging || itemType !== lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK || source === lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.IMPORT || source === lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.RESTORE || source === lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.RESTORE_ON_STARTUP || source === lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC || (!url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://")) ) { return; } this.dispatch({ type: at.PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED }); this.dispatch({ type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED, data: { bookmarkGuid: guid, bookmarkTitle: title, dateAdded: dateAdded * 1000, url, }, }); break; case "bookmark-removed": if ( isTagging || (itemType === lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK && source !== lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.IMPORT && source !== lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.RESTORE && source !== lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.RESTORE_ON_STARTUP && source !== lazy.PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC) ) { removedBookmarks.push(url); } break; } } if (removedPages.length || removedBookmarks.length) { this.dispatch({ type: at.PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED }); } if (removedPages.length) { this.dispatch({ type: at.PLACES_LINKS_DELETED, data: { urls: removedPages }, }); } if (removedBookmarks.length) { this.dispatch({ type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED, data: { urls: removedBookmarks }, }); } } } export class PlacesFeed { constructor() { this.placesChangedTimer = null; this.customDispatch = this.customDispatch.bind(this); this.placesObserver = new PlacesObserver(this.customDispatch); } addObservers() { lazy.PlacesUtils.observers.addListener( ["bookmark-added", "bookmark-removed", "history-cleared", "page-removed"], this.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent ); Services.obs.addObserver(this, LINK_BLOCKED_EVENT); } /** * setTimeout - A custom function that creates an nsITimer that can be cancelled * * @param {func} callback A function to be executed after the timer expires * @param {int} delay The time (in ms) the timer should wait before the function is executed */ setTimeout(callback, delay) { let timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); timer.initWithCallback(callback, delay, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return timer; } customDispatch(action) { // If we are changing many links at once, delay this action and only dispatch // one action at the end if (action.type === at.PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED) { if (this.placesChangedTimer) { this.placesChangedTimer.delay = PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED_DELAY_TIME; } else { this.placesChangedTimer = this.setTimeout(() => { this.placesChangedTimer = null; this.store.dispatch(ac.OnlyToMain(action)); }, PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED_DELAY_TIME); } } else { // To avoid blocking Places notifications on expensive work, run it at the // next tick of the events loop. Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(() => this.store.dispatch(ac.BroadcastToContent(action)) ); } } removeObservers() { if (this.placesChangedTimer) { this.placesChangedTimer.cancel(); this.placesChangedTimer = null; } lazy.PlacesUtils.observers.removeListener( ["bookmark-added", "bookmark-removed", "history-cleared", "page-removed"], this.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent ); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, LINK_BLOCKED_EVENT); } /** * observe - An observer for the LINK_BLOCKED_EVENT. * Called when a link is blocked. * Links can be blocked outside of newtab, * which is why we need to listen to this * on such a generic level. * * @param {null} subject * @param {str} topic The name of the event * @param {str} value The data associated with the event */ observe(subject, topic, value) { if (topic === LINK_BLOCKED_EVENT) { this.store.dispatch( ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: value }, }) ); } } /** * Open a link in a desired destination defaulting to action's event. */ openLink(action, where = "", isPrivate = false) { const params = { private: isPrivate, targetBrowser: action._target.browser, forceForeground: false, // This ensure we maintain user preference for how to open new tabs. globalHistoryOptions: { triggeringSponsoredURL: action.data.sponsored_tile_id ? action.data.url : undefined, }, }; // Always include the referrer (even for http links) if we have one const { event, referrer, typedBonus } = action.data; if (referrer) { const ReferrerInfo = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/referrer-info;1", "nsIReferrerInfo", "init" ); params.referrerInfo = new ReferrerInfo( Ci.nsIReferrerInfo.UNSAFE_URL, true, Services.io.newURI(referrer) ); } // Pocket gives us a special reader URL to open their stories in const urlToOpen = action.data.type === "pocket" ? action.data.open_url : action.data.url; try { let uri = Services.io.newURI(urlToOpen); if (!["http", "https"].includes(uri.scheme)) { throw new Error( `Can't open link using ${uri.scheme} protocol from the new tab page.` ); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); return; } // Mark the page as typed for frecency bonus before opening the link if (typedBonus) { lazy.PlacesUtils.history.markPageAsTyped(Services.io.newURI(urlToOpen)); } const win = action._target.browser.ownerGlobal; win.openTrustedLinkIn( urlToOpen, where || lazy.BrowserUtils.whereToOpenLink(event), params ); // If there's an original URL e.g. using the unprocessed %YYYYMMDDHH% tag, // add a visit for that so it may become a frecent top site. if (action.data.original_url) { lazy.PlacesUtils.history.insert({ url: action.data.original_url, visits: [{ transition: lazy.PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITION_TYPED }], }); } } async saveToPocket(site, browser) { const sendToPocket = lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable("sendToPocket"); // An experiment to send the user directly to Pocket's signup page. if (sendToPocket && !lazy.pktApi.isUserLoggedIn()) { const pocketNewtabExperiment = lazy.ExperimentAPI.getExperiment({ featureId: "pocketNewtab", }); const pocketSiteHost = Services.prefs.getStringPref( "extensions.pocket.site" ); // getpocket.com let utmSource = "firefox_newtab_save_button"; // We want to know if the user is in a Pocket newtab related experiment. let utmCampaign = pocketNewtabExperiment?.slug; let utmContent = pocketNewtabExperiment?.branch?.slug; const url = new URL(`https://${pocketSiteHost}/signup`); url.searchParams.append("utm_source", utmSource); if (utmCampaign && utmContent) { url.searchParams.append("utm_campaign", utmCampaign); url.searchParams.append("utm_content", utmContent); } const win = browser.ownerGlobal; win.openTrustedLinkIn(url.href, "tab"); return; } const { url, title } = site; try { let data = await lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.addPocketEntry( url, title, browser ); if (data) { this.store.dispatch( ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET, data: { url, open_url: data.item.open_url, title, pocket_id: data.item.item_id, }, }) ); } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } /** * Deletes an item from a user's saved to Pocket feed * @param {int} itemID * The unique ID given by Pocket for that item; used to look the item up when deleting */ async deleteFromPocket(itemID) { try { await lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.deletePocketEntry(itemID); this.store.dispatch({ type: at.POCKET_LINK_DELETED_OR_ARCHIVED }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } /** * Archives an item from a user's saved to Pocket feed * @param {int} itemID * The unique ID given by Pocket for that item; used to look the item up when archiving */ async archiveFromPocket(itemID) { try { await lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.archivePocketEntry(itemID); this.store.dispatch({ type: at.POCKET_LINK_DELETED_OR_ARCHIVED }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } /** * Sends an attribution request for Top Sites interactions. * @param {object} data * Attribution paramters from a Top Site. */ makeAttributionRequest(data) { let args = Object.assign( { campaignID: Services.prefs.getStringPref( "browser.partnerlink.campaign.topsites" ), }, data ); lazy.PartnerLinkAttribution.makeRequest(args); } async fillSearchTopSiteTerm({ _target, data }) { const searchEngine = await Services.search.getEngineByAlias(data.label); _target.browser.ownerGlobal.gURLBar.search(data.label, { searchEngine, searchModeEntry: "topsites_newtab", }); } _getDefaultSearchEngine(isPrivateWindow) { return Services.search[ isPrivateWindow ? "defaultPrivateEngine" : "defaultEngine" ]; } handoffSearchToAwesomebar(action) { const { _target, data, meta } = action; const searchEngine = this._getDefaultSearchEngine( lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isBrowserPrivate(_target.browser) ); const urlBar = _target.browser.ownerGlobal.gURLBar; let isFirstChange = true; const newtabSession = AboutNewTab.activityStream.store.feeds .get("feeds.telemetry") ?.sessions.get(au.getPortIdOfSender(action)); if (!data || !data.text) { urlBar.setHiddenFocus(); } else { urlBar.handoff(data.text, searchEngine, newtabSession?.session_id); isFirstChange = false; } const checkFirstChange = () => { // Check if this is the first change since we hidden focused. If it is, // remove hidden focus styles, prepend the search alias and hide the // in-content search. if (isFirstChange) { isFirstChange = false; urlBar.removeHiddenFocus(true); urlBar.handoff("", searchEngine, newtabSession?.session_id); this.store.dispatch( ac.OnlyToOneContent({ type: at.DISABLE_SEARCH }, meta.fromTarget) ); urlBar.removeEventListener("compositionstart", checkFirstChange); urlBar.removeEventListener("paste", checkFirstChange); } }; const onKeydown = ev => { // Check if the keydown will cause a value change. if (ev.key.length === 1 && !ev.altKey && !ev.ctrlKey && !ev.metaKey) { checkFirstChange(); } // If the Esc button is pressed, we are done. Show in-content search and cleanup. if (ev.key === "Escape") { onDone(); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define } }; const onDone = ev => { // We are done. Show in-content search again and cleanup. this.store.dispatch( ac.OnlyToOneContent({ type: at.SHOW_SEARCH }, meta.fromTarget) ); const forceSuppressFocusBorder = ev?.type === "mousedown"; urlBar.removeHiddenFocus(forceSuppressFocusBorder); urlBar.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeydown); urlBar.removeEventListener("mousedown", onDone); urlBar.removeEventListener("blur", onDone); urlBar.removeEventListener("compositionstart", checkFirstChange); urlBar.removeEventListener("paste", checkFirstChange); }; urlBar.addEventListener("keydown", onKeydown); urlBar.addEventListener("mousedown", onDone); urlBar.addEventListener("blur", onDone); urlBar.addEventListener("compositionstart", checkFirstChange); urlBar.addEventListener("paste", checkFirstChange); } /** * Add the hostnames of the given urls to the Top Sites sponsor blocklist. * * @param {array} urls * An array of the objects structured as `{ url }` */ addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors(urls) { const blockedPref = JSON.parse( Services.prefs.getStringPref(TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF, "[]") ); const merged = new Set([...blockedPref, ...urls.map(url => shortURL(url))]); Services.prefs.setStringPref( TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF, JSON.stringify([...merged]) ); } onAction(action) { switch (action.type) { case at.INIT: // Briefly avoid loading services for observing for better startup timing Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(() => this.addObservers()); break; case at.UNINIT: this.removeObservers(); break; case at.ABOUT_SPONSORED_TOP_SITES: { const url = `${Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref( "app.support.baseURL" )}sponsor-privacy`; const win = action._target.browser.ownerGlobal; win.openTrustedLinkIn(url, "tab"); break; } case at.BLOCK_URL: { if (action.data) { let sponsoredTopSites = []; action.data.forEach(site => { const { url, pocket_id, isSponsoredTopSite } = site; lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.blockURL({ url, pocket_id }); if (isSponsoredTopSite) { sponsoredTopSites.push({ url }); } }); if (sponsoredTopSites.length) { this.addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors(sponsoredTopSites); } } break; } case at.BOOKMARK_URL: lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.addBookmark( action.data, action._target.browser.ownerGlobal ); break; case at.DELETE_BOOKMARK_BY_ID: lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.deleteBookmark(action.data); break; case at.DELETE_HISTORY_URL: { const { url, forceBlock, pocket_id } = action.data; lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.deleteHistoryEntry(url); if (forceBlock) { lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.blockURL({ url, pocket_id }); } break; } case at.OPEN_NEW_WINDOW: this.openLink(action, "window"); break; case at.OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW: this.openLink(action, "window", true); break; case at.SAVE_TO_POCKET: this.saveToPocket(action.data.site, action._target.browser); break; case at.DELETE_FROM_POCKET: this.deleteFromPocket(action.data.pocket_id); break; case at.ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET: this.archiveFromPocket(action.data.pocket_id); break; case at.FILL_SEARCH_TERM: this.fillSearchTopSiteTerm(action); break; case at.HANDOFF_SEARCH_TO_AWESOMEBAR: this.handoffSearchToAwesomebar(action); break; case at.OPEN_LINK: { this.openLink(action); break; } case at.PARTNER_LINK_ATTRIBUTION: this.makeAttributionRequest(action.data); break; } } } // Exported for testing only PlacesFeed.PlacesObserver = PlacesObserver;