import { INITIAL_STATE, insertPinned, reducers } from "common/Reducers.sys.mjs"; const { TopSites, App, Prefs, Dialog, Sections, Pocket, Personalization, DiscoveryStream, Search, ASRouter, } = reducers; import { actionTypes as at } from "common/Actions.mjs"; describe("Reducers", () => { describe("App", () => { it("should return the initial state", () => { const nextState = App(undefined, { type: "FOO" }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.App); }); it("should set initialized to true on INIT", () => { const nextState = App(undefined, { type: "INIT" }); assert.propertyVal(nextState, "initialized", true); }); }); describe("TopSites", () => { it("should return the initial state", () => { const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: "FOO" }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.TopSites); }); it("should add top sites on TOP_SITES_UPDATED", () => { const newRows = [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }]; const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.TOP_SITES_UPDATED, data: { links: newRows }, }); assert.equal(nextState.rows, newRows); }); it("should not update state for empty on TOP_SITES_UPDATED", () => { const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.TOP_SITES_UPDATED }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.TopSites); }); it("should initialize prefs on TOP_SITES_UPDATED", () => { const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.TOP_SITES_UPDATED, data: { links: [], pref: "foo" }, }); assert.equal(nextState.pref, "foo"); }); it("should pass prevState.prefs if not present in TOP_SITES_UPDATED", () => { const nextState = TopSites( { prefs: "foo" }, { type: at.TOP_SITES_UPDATED, data: { links: [] } } ); assert.equal(nextState.prefs, "foo"); }); it("should set to on TOP_SITES_EDIT", () => { const data = { index: 7 }; const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.TOP_SITES_EDIT, data }); assert.equal(nextState.editForm.index, data.index); }); it("should set editForm to null on TOP_SITES_CANCEL_EDIT", () => { const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.TOP_SITES_CANCEL_EDIT }); assert.isNull(nextState.editForm); }); it("should preserve the editForm.index", () => { const actionTypes = [ at.PREVIEW_RESPONSE, at.PREVIEW_REQUEST, at.PREVIEW_REQUEST_CANCEL, ]; actionTypes.forEach(type => { const oldState = { editForm: { index: 0, previewUrl: "foo" } }; const action = { type, data: { url: "foo" } }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); assert.equal(nextState.editForm.index, 0); }); }); it("should set previewResponse on PREVIEW_RESPONSE", () => { const oldState = { editForm: { previewUrl: "url" } }; const action = { type: at.PREVIEW_RESPONSE, data: { preview: "data:123", url: "url" }, }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); assert.propertyVal(nextState.editForm, "previewResponse", "data:123"); }); it("should return previous state if action url does not match expected", () => { const oldState = { editForm: { previewUrl: "foo" } }; const action = { type: at.PREVIEW_RESPONSE, data: { url: "bar" } }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); assert.equal(nextState, oldState); }); it("should return previous state if editForm is not set", () => { const actionTypes = [ at.PREVIEW_RESPONSE, at.PREVIEW_REQUEST, at.PREVIEW_REQUEST_CANCEL, ]; actionTypes.forEach(type => { const oldState = { editForm: null }; const action = { type, data: { url: "bar" } }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); assert.equal(nextState, oldState, type); }); }); it("should set previewResponse to null on PREVIEW_REQUEST", () => { const oldState = { editForm: { previewResponse: "foo" } }; const action = { type: at.PREVIEW_REQUEST, data: {} }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); assert.propertyVal(nextState.editForm, "previewResponse", null); }); it("should set previewUrl on PREVIEW_REQUEST", () => { const oldState = { editForm: {} }; const action = { type: at.PREVIEW_REQUEST, data: { url: "bar" } }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); assert.propertyVal(nextState.editForm, "previewUrl", "bar"); }); it("should add screenshots for SCREENSHOT_UPDATED", () => { const oldState = { rows: [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }] }; const action = { type: at.SCREENSHOT_UPDATED, data: { url: "", screenshot: "data:123" }, }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); assert.deepEqual(nextState.rows, [ { url: "" }, { url: "", screenshot: "data:123" }, ]); }); it("should not modify rows if nothing matches the url for SCREENSHOT_UPDATED", () => { const oldState = { rows: [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }] }; const action = { type: at.SCREENSHOT_UPDATED, data: { url: "", screenshot: "data:123" }, }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); assert.deepEqual(nextState, oldState); }); it("should bookmark an item on PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED", () => { const oldState = { rows: [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }] }; const action = { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED, data: { url: "", bookmarkGuid: "bookmark123", bookmarkTitle: "Title for", dateAdded: 1234567, }, }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); const [, newRow] = nextState.rows; // new row has bookmark data assert.equal(newRow.url,; assert.equal(newRow.bookmarkGuid,; assert.equal(newRow.bookmarkTitle,; assert.equal(newRow.bookmarkDateCreated,; // old row is unchanged assert.equal(nextState.rows[0], oldState.rows[0]); }); it("should not update state for empty on PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED", () => { const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.TopSites); }); it("should remove a bookmark on PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED", () => { const oldState = { rows: [ { url: "" }, { url: "", bookmarkGuid: "bookmark123", bookmarkTitle: "Title for", dateAdded: 123456, }, ], }; const action = { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED, data: { urls: [""] }, }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, action); const [, newRow] = nextState.rows; // new row no longer has bookmark data assert.equal(newRow.url, oldState.rows[1].url); assert.isUndefined(newRow.bookmarkGuid); assert.isUndefined(newRow.bookmarkTitle); assert.isUndefined(newRow.bookmarkDateCreated); // old row is unchanged assert.deepEqual(nextState.rows[0], oldState.rows[0]); }); it("should not update state for empty on PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED", () => { const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED, }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.TopSites); }); it("should update prefs on TOP_SITES_PREFS_UPDATED", () => { const state = TopSites( {}, { type: at.TOP_SITES_PREFS_UPDATED, data: { pref: "foo" } } ); assert.equal(state.pref, "foo"); }); it("should not update state for empty on PLACES_LINKS_DELETED", () => { const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.PLACES_LINKS_DELETED }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.TopSites); }); it("should remove the site on PLACES_LINKS_DELETED", () => { const oldState = { rows: [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }] }; const deleteAction = { type: at.PLACES_LINKS_DELETED, data: { urls: [""] }, }; const nextState = TopSites(oldState, deleteAction); assert.deepEqual(nextState.rows, [{ url: "" }]); }); it("should set showSearchShortcutsForm to true on TOP_SITES_OPEN_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_MODAL", () => { const data = { index: 7 }; const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.TOP_SITES_OPEN_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_MODAL, data, }); assert.isTrue(nextState.showSearchShortcutsForm); }); it("should set showSearchShortcutsForm to false on TOP_SITES_CLOSE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_MODAL", () => { const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.TOP_SITES_CLOSE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_MODAL, }); assert.isFalse(nextState.showSearchShortcutsForm); }); it("should update searchShortcuts on UPDATE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS", () => { const shortcuts = [ { keyword: "@google", shortURL: "google", url: "", searchIdentifier: /^google/, }, { keyword: "@baidu", shortURL: "baidu", url: "", searchIdentifier: /^baidu/, }, ]; const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.UPDATE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS, data: { searchShortcuts: shortcuts }, }); assert.deepEqual(shortcuts, nextState.searchShortcuts); }); it("should set sov positions and state", () => { const positions = [ { position: 0, assignedPartner: "amp" }, { position: 1, assignedPartner: "moz-sales" }, ]; const nextState = TopSites(undefined, { type: at.SOV_UPDATED, data: { ready: true, positions }, }); assert.equal(nextState.sov.ready, true); assert.equal(nextState.sov.positions, positions); }); }); describe("Prefs", () => { function prevState(custom = {}) { return Object.assign({}, INITIAL_STATE.Prefs, custom); } it("should have the correct initial state", () => { const state = Prefs(undefined, {}); assert.deepEqual(state, INITIAL_STATE.Prefs); }); describe("PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES", () => { it("should return a new object", () => { const state = Prefs(undefined, { type: at.PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES, data: {}, }); assert.notEqual( INITIAL_STATE.Prefs, state, "should not modify INITIAL_STATE" ); }); it("should set initalized to true", () => { const state = Prefs(undefined, { type: at.PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES, data: {}, }); assert.isTrue(state.initialized); }); it("should set .values", () => { const newValues = { foo: 1, bar: 2 }; const state = Prefs(undefined, { type: at.PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES, data: newValues, }); assert.equal(state.values, newValues); }); }); describe("PREF_CHANGED", () => { it("should return a new Prefs object", () => { const state = Prefs(undefined, { type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "foo", value: 2 }, }); assert.notEqual( INITIAL_STATE.Prefs, state, "should not modify INITIAL_STATE" ); }); it("should set the changed pref", () => { const state = Prefs(prevState({ foo: 1 }), { type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "foo", value: 2 }, }); assert.equal(, 2); }); it("should return a new .pref object instead of mutating", () => { const oldState = prevState({ foo: 1 }); const state = Prefs(oldState, { type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "foo", value: 2 }, }); assert.notEqual(oldState.values, state.values); }); }); }); describe("Dialog", () => { it("should return INITIAL_STATE by default", () => { assert.equal( INITIAL_STATE.Dialog, Dialog(undefined, { type: "non_existent" }) ); }); it("should toggle visible to true on DIALOG_OPEN", () => { const action = { type: at.DIALOG_OPEN }; const nextState = Dialog(INITIAL_STATE.Dialog, action); assert.isTrue(nextState.visible); }); it("should pass url data on DIALOG_OPEN", () => { const action = { type: at.DIALOG_OPEN, data: "some url" }; const nextState = Dialog(INITIAL_STATE.Dialog, action); assert.equal(,; }); it("should toggle visible to false on DIALOG_CANCEL", () => { const action = { type: at.DIALOG_CANCEL, data: "some url" }; const nextState = Dialog(INITIAL_STATE.Dialog, action); assert.isFalse(nextState.visible); }); it("should return inital state on DELETE_HISTORY_URL", () => { const action = { type: at.DELETE_HISTORY_URL }; const nextState = Dialog(INITIAL_STATE.Dialog, action); assert.deepEqual(INITIAL_STATE.Dialog, nextState); }); }); describe("Sections", () => { let oldState; beforeEach(() => { oldState = new Array(5).fill(null).map((v, i) => ({ id: `foo_bar_${i}`, title: `Foo Bar ${i}`, initialized: false, rows: [ { url: "", pocket_id: 123 }, { url: "www.other.url" }, ], order: i, type: "history", })); }); it("should return INITIAL_STATE by default", () => { assert.equal( INITIAL_STATE.Sections, Sections(undefined, { type: "non_existent" }) ); }); it("should remove the correct section on SECTION_DEREGISTER", () => { const newState = Sections(oldState, { type: at.SECTION_DEREGISTER, data: "foo_bar_2", }); assert.lengthOf(newState, 4); const expectedNewState = oldState.splice(2, 1) && oldState; assert.deepEqual(newState, expectedNewState); }); it("should add a section on SECTION_REGISTER if it doesn't already exist", () => { const action = { type: at.SECTION_REGISTER, data: { id: "foo_bar_5", title: "Foo Bar 5" }, }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); assert.lengthOf(newState, 6); const insertedSection = newState.find( section => === "foo_bar_5" ); assert.propertyVal(insertedSection, "title",; }); it("should set newSection.rows === [] if no rows are provided on SECTION_REGISTER", () => { const action = { type: at.SECTION_REGISTER, data: { id: "foo_bar_5", title: "Foo Bar 5" }, }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); const insertedSection = newState.find( section => === "foo_bar_5" ); assert.deepEqual(insertedSection.rows, []); }); it("should update a section on SECTION_REGISTER if it already exists", () => { const NEW_TITLE = "New Title"; const action = { type: at.SECTION_REGISTER, data: { id: "foo_bar_2", title: NEW_TITLE }, }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); assert.lengthOf(newState, 5); const updatedSection = newState.find( section => === "foo_bar_2" ); assert.ok(updatedSection && updatedSection.title === NEW_TITLE); }); it("should set initialized to false on SECTION_REGISTER if there are no rows", () => { const NEW_TITLE = "New Title"; const action = { type: at.SECTION_REGISTER, data: { id: "bloop", title: NEW_TITLE }, }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); const updatedSection = newState.find(section => === "bloop"); assert.propertyVal(updatedSection, "initialized", false); }); it("should set initialized to true on SECTION_REGISTER if there are rows", () => { const NEW_TITLE = "New Title"; const action = { type: at.SECTION_REGISTER, data: { id: "bloop", title: NEW_TITLE, rows: [{}, {}] }, }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); const updatedSection = newState.find(section => === "bloop"); assert.propertyVal(updatedSection, "initialized", true); }); it("should have no effect on SECTION_UPDATE if the id doesn't exist", () => { const action = { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data: { id: "fake_id", data: "fake_data" }, }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); assert.deepEqual(oldState, newState); }); it("should update the section with the correct data on SECTION_UPDATE", () => { const FAKE_DATA = { rows: ["some", "fake", "data"], foo: "bar" }; const action = { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data: Object.assign(FAKE_DATA, { id: "foo_bar_2" }), }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); const updatedSection = newState.find( section => === "foo_bar_2" ); assert.include(updatedSection, FAKE_DATA); }); it("should set initialized to true on SECTION_UPDATE if rows is defined on", () => { const data = { rows: [], id: "foo_bar_2" }; const action = { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); const updatedSection = newState.find( section => === "foo_bar_2" ); assert.propertyVal(updatedSection, "initialized", true); }); it("should retain pinned cards on SECTION_UPDATE", () => { const ROW = { id: "row" }; let newState = Sections(oldState, { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data: Object.assign({ rows: [ROW] }, { id: "foo_bar_2" }), }); let updatedSection = newState.find(section => === "foo_bar_2"); assert.deepEqual(updatedSection.rows, [ROW]); const PINNED_ROW = { id: "pinned", pinned: true, guid: "pinned" }; newState = Sections(newState, { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data: Object.assign({ rows: [PINNED_ROW] }, { id: "foo_bar_2" }), }); updatedSection = newState.find(section => === "foo_bar_2"); assert.deepEqual(updatedSection.rows, [PINNED_ROW]); // Updating the section again should not duplicate pinned cards newState = Sections(newState, { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data: Object.assign({ rows: [PINNED_ROW] }, { id: "foo_bar_2" }), }); updatedSection = newState.find(section => === "foo_bar_2"); assert.deepEqual(updatedSection.rows, [PINNED_ROW]); // Updating the section should retain pinned card at its index newState = Sections(newState, { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data: Object.assign({ rows: [ROW] }, { id: "foo_bar_2" }), }); updatedSection = newState.find(section => === "foo_bar_2"); assert.deepEqual(updatedSection.rows, [PINNED_ROW, ROW]); // Clearing/Resetting the section should clear pinned cards newState = Sections(newState, { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data: Object.assign({ rows: [] }, { id: "foo_bar_2" }), }); updatedSection = newState.find(section => === "foo_bar_2"); assert.deepEqual(updatedSection.rows, []); }); it("should have no effect on SECTION_UPDATE_CARD if the id or url doesn't exist", () => { const noIdAction = { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE_CARD, data: { id: "non-existent", url: "", options: { title: "New title" }, }, }; const noIdState = Sections(oldState, noIdAction); const noUrlAction = { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE_CARD, data: { id: "foo_bar_2", url: "www.non-existent.url", options: { title: "New title" }, }, }; const noUrlState = Sections(oldState, noUrlAction); assert.deepEqual(noIdState, oldState); assert.deepEqual(noUrlState, oldState); }); it("should update the card with the correct data on SECTION_UPDATE_CARD", () => { const action = { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE_CARD, data: { id: "foo_bar_2", url: "www.other.url", options: { title: "Fake new title" }, }, }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); const updatedSection = newState.find( section => === "foo_bar_2" ); const updatedCard = updatedSection.rows.find( card => card.url === "www.other.url" ); assert.propertyVal(updatedCard, "title", "Fake new title"); }); it("should only update the cards belonging to the right section on SECTION_UPDATE_CARD", () => { const action = { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE_CARD, data: { id: "foo_bar_2", url: "www.other.url", options: { title: "Fake new title" }, }, }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); newState.forEach((section, i) => { if ( !== "foo_bar_2") { assert.deepEqual(section, oldState[i]); } }); }); it("should allow to set .initialized", () => { const data = { rows: [], initialized: false, id: "foo_bar_2" }; const action = { type: at.SECTION_UPDATE, data }; const newState = Sections(oldState, action); const updatedSection = newState.find( section => === "foo_bar_2" ); assert.propertyVal(updatedSection, "initialized", false); }); it("should dedupe based on dedupeConfigurations", () => { const site = { url: "" }; const highlights = { rows: [site], id: "highlights" }; const topstories = { rows: [site], id: "topstories" }; const dedupeConfigurations = [ { id: "topstories", dedupeFrom: ["highlights"] }, ]; const action = { data: { dedupeConfigurations }, type: "SECTION_UPDATE" }; const state = [highlights, topstories]; const nextState = Sections(state, action); assert.equal(nextState.find(s => === "highlights").rows.length, 1); assert.equal(nextState.find(s => === "topstories").rows.length, 0); }); it("should remove blocked and deleted urls from all rows in all sections", () => { const blockAction = { type: at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }; const deleteAction = { type: at.PLACES_LINKS_DELETED, data: { urls: [""] }, }; const newBlockState = Sections(oldState, blockAction); const newDeleteState = Sections(oldState, deleteAction); newBlockState.concat(newDeleteState).forEach(section => { assert.deepEqual(section.rows, [{ url: "www.other.url" }]); }); }); it("should not update state for empty on PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED", () => { const nextState = Sections(undefined, { type: at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.Sections); }); it("should not update state for empty on PLACES_LINKS_DELETED", () => { const nextState = Sections(undefined, { type: at.PLACES_LINKS_DELETED }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.Sections); }); it("should remove all removed pocket urls", () => { const removeAction = { type: at.DELETE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: 123 }, }; const newBlockState = Sections(oldState, removeAction); newBlockState.forEach(section => { assert.deepEqual(section.rows, [{ url: "www.other.url" }]); }); }); it("should archive all archived pocket urls", () => { const removeAction = { type: at.ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: 123 }, }; const newBlockState = Sections(oldState, removeAction); newBlockState.forEach(section => { assert.deepEqual(section.rows, [{ url: "www.other.url" }]); }); }); it("should not update state for empty on PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED", () => { const nextState = Sections(undefined, { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.Sections); }); it("should bookmark an item when PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED is received", () => { const action = { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED, data: { url: "", bookmarkGuid: "bookmark123", bookmarkTitle: "Title for", dateAdded: 1234567, }, }; const nextState = Sections(oldState, action); // check a section to ensure the correct url was bookmarked const [newRow, oldRow] = nextState[0].rows; // new row has bookmark data assert.equal(newRow.url,; assert.equal(newRow.type, "bookmark"); assert.equal(newRow.bookmarkGuid,; assert.equal(newRow.bookmarkTitle,; assert.equal(newRow.bookmarkDateCreated,; // old row is unchanged assert.equal(oldRow, oldState[0].rows[1]); }); it("should not update state for empty on PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED", () => { const nextState = Sections(undefined, { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED, }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.Sections); }); it("should remove the bookmark when PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED is received", () => { const action = { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED, data: { urls: [""], bookmarkGuid: "bookmark123", }, }; // add some bookmark data for the first url in rows oldState.forEach(item => { item.rows[0].bookmarkGuid = "bookmark123"; item.rows[0].bookmarkTitle = "Title for"; item.rows[0].bookmarkDateCreated = 1234567; item.rows[0].type = "bookmark"; }); const nextState = Sections(oldState, action); // check a section to ensure the correct bookmark was removed const [newRow, oldRow] = nextState[0].rows; // new row isn't a bookmark assert.equal(newRow.url,[0]); assert.equal(newRow.type, "history"); assert.isUndefined(newRow.bookmarkGuid); assert.isUndefined(newRow.bookmarkTitle); assert.isUndefined(newRow.bookmarkDateCreated); // old row is unchanged assert.equal(oldRow, oldState[0].rows[1]); }); it("should not update state for empty on PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET", () => { const nextState = Sections(undefined, { type: at.PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET, }); assert.equal(nextState, INITIAL_STATE.Sections); }); it("should add a pocked item on PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET", () => { const action = { type: at.PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET, data: { url: "", pocket_id: 1234, title: "Title for", }, }; const nextState = Sections(oldState, action); // check a section to ensure the correct url was saved to pocket const [newRow, oldRow] = nextState[0].rows; // new row has pocket data assert.equal(newRow.url,; assert.equal(newRow.type, "pocket"); assert.equal(newRow.pocket_id,; assert.equal(newRow.title,; // old row is unchanged assert.equal(oldRow, oldState[0].rows[1]); }); }); describe("#insertPinned", () => { let links; beforeEach(() => { links = new Array(12).fill(null).map((v, i) => ({ url: `site${i}.com` })); }); it("should place pinned links where they belong", () => { const pinned = [ { url: "", title: "moz/a-s" }, { url: "", title: "example" }, ]; const result = insertPinned(links, pinned); for (let index of [0, 1]) { assert.equal(result[index].url, pinned[index].url); assert.ok(result[index].isPinned); assert.equal(result[index].pinIndex, index); } assert.deepEqual(result.slice(2), links); }); it("should handle empty slots in the pinned list", () => { const pinned = [ null, { url: "", title: "moz/a-s" }, null, null, { url: "", title: "example" }, ]; const result = insertPinned(links, pinned); for (let index of [1, 4]) { assert.equal(result[index].url, pinned[index].url); assert.ok(result[index].isPinned); assert.equal(result[index].pinIndex, index); } result.splice(4, 1); result.splice(1, 1); assert.deepEqual(result, links); }); it("should handle a pinned site past the end of the list of links", () => { const pinned = []; pinned[11] = { url: "", title: "moz/a-s", }; const result = insertPinned([], pinned); assert.equal(result[11].url, pinned[11].url); assert.isTrue(result[11].isPinned); assert.equal(result[11].pinIndex, 11); }); it("should unpin previously pinned links no longer in the pinned list", () => { const pinned = []; links[2].isPinned = true; links[2].pinIndex = 2; const result = insertPinned(links, pinned); assert.notProperty(result[2], "isPinned"); assert.notProperty(result[2], "pinIndex"); }); it("should handle a link present in both the links and pinned list", () => { const pinned = [links[7]]; const result = insertPinned(links, pinned); assert.equal(links.length, result.length); }); it("should not modify the original data", () => { const pinned = [{ url: "" }]; insertPinned(links, pinned); assert.equal(typeof pinned[0].isPinned, "undefined"); }); }); describe("Pocket", () => { it("should return INITIAL_STATE by default", () => { assert.equal( Pocket(undefined, { type: "some_action" }), INITIAL_STATE.Pocket ); }); it("should set waitingForSpoc on a POCKET_WAITING_FOR_SPOC action", () => { const state = Pocket(undefined, { type: at.POCKET_WAITING_FOR_SPOC, data: false, }); assert.isFalse(state.waitingForSpoc); }); it("should have undefined for initial isUserLoggedIn state", () => { assert.isNull(Pocket(undefined, { type: "some_action" }).isUserLoggedIn); }); it("should set isUserLoggedIn to false on a POCKET_LOGGED_IN with null", () => { const state = Pocket(undefined, { type: at.POCKET_LOGGED_IN, data: null, }); assert.isFalse(state.isUserLoggedIn); }); it("should set isUserLoggedIn to false on a POCKET_LOGGED_IN with false", () => { const state = Pocket(undefined, { type: at.POCKET_LOGGED_IN, data: false, }); assert.isFalse(state.isUserLoggedIn); }); it("should set isUserLoggedIn to true on a POCKET_LOGGED_IN with true", () => { const state = Pocket(undefined, { type: at.POCKET_LOGGED_IN, data: true, }); assert.isTrue(state.isUserLoggedIn); }); it("should set pocketCta with correct object on a POCKET_CTA", () => { const data = { cta_button: "cta button", cta_text: "cta text", cta_url: "", use_cta: true, }; const state = Pocket(undefined, { type: at.POCKET_CTA, data }); assert.equal(state.pocketCta.ctaButton, data.cta_button); assert.equal(state.pocketCta.ctaText, data.cta_text); assert.equal(state.pocketCta.ctaUrl, data.cta_url); assert.equal(state.pocketCta.useCta, data.use_cta); }); }); describe("Personalization", () => { it("should return INITIAL_STATE by default", () => { assert.equal( Personalization(undefined, { type: "some_action" }), INITIAL_STATE.Personalization ); }); it("should set lastUpdated with DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_LAST_UPDATED", () => { const state = Personalization(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_LAST_UPDATED, data: { lastUpdated: 123, }, }); assert.equal(state.lastUpdated, 123); }); it("should set initialized to true with DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_INIT", () => { const state = Personalization(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PERSONALIZATION_INIT, }); assert.equal(state.initialized, true); }); }); describe("DiscoveryStream", () => { it("should return INITIAL_STATE by default", () => { assert.equal( DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: "some_action" }), INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream ); }); it("should set isPrivacyInfoModalVisible to true with SHOW_PRIVACY_INFO", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.SHOW_PRIVACY_INFO, }); assert.equal(state.isPrivacyInfoModalVisible, true); }); it("should set isPrivacyInfoModalVisible to false with HIDE_PRIVACY_INFO", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.HIDE_PRIVACY_INFO, }); assert.equal(state.isPrivacyInfoModalVisible, false); }); it("should set layout data with DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_UPDATE", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_UPDATE, data: { layout: ["test"] }, }); assert.equal(state.layout[0], "test"); }); it("should reset layout data with DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_RESET", () => { const layoutData = { layout: ["test"], lastUpdated: 123 }; const feedsData = { "": { lastUpdated: 123, data: [1, 2, 3] }, }; const spocsData = { lastUpdated: 123, spocs: [1, 2, 3], }; let state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_UPDATE, data: layoutData, }); state = DiscoveryStream(state, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEEDS_UPDATE, data: feedsData, }); state = DiscoveryStream(state, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE, data: spocsData, }); state = DiscoveryStream(state, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_RESET, }); assert.deepEqual(state, INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream); }); it("should set config data with DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE, data: { enabled: true }, }); assert.deepEqual(state.config, { enabled: true }); }); it("should set recentSavesEnabled with DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREFS_SETUP", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_PREFS_SETUP, data: { recentSavesEnabled: true }, }); assert.isTrue(state.recentSavesEnabled); }); it("should set recentSavesData with DISCOVERY_STREAM_RECENT_SAVES", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_RECENT_SAVES, data: { recentSaves: [1, 2, 3] }, }); assert.deepEqual(state.recentSavesData, [1, 2, 3]); }); it("should set isUserLoggedIn with DISCOVERY_STREAM_POCKET_STATE_SET", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_POCKET_STATE_SET, data: { isUserLoggedIn: true }, }); assert.isTrue(state.isUserLoggedIn); }); it("should set feeds as loaded with DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEEDS_UPDATE", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEEDS_UPDATE, }); assert.isTrue(state.feeds.loaded); }); it("should set spoc_endpoint with DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_ENDPOINT", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_ENDPOINT, data: { url: "" }, }); assert.equal(state.spocs.spocs_endpoint, ""); }); it("should use initial state with DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_PLACEMENTS", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_PLACEMENTS, data: {}, }); assert.deepEqual(state.spocs.placements, []); }); it("should set placements with DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_PLACEMENTS", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_PLACEMENTS, data: { placements: [1, 2, 3], }, }); assert.deepEqual(state.spocs.placements, [1, 2, 3]); }); it("should set spocs with DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE", () => { const data = { lastUpdated: 123, spocs: [1, 2, 3], }; const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE, data, }); assert.deepEqual(state.spocs, { spocs_endpoint: "", data: [1, 2, 3], lastUpdated: 123, loaded: true, frequency_caps: [], blocked: [], placements: [], }); }); it("should default to a single spoc placement", () => { const deleteAction = { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }; const oldState = { spocs: { data: { spocs: { items: [ { url: "", }, ], }, }, loaded: true, }, feeds: { data: {}, loaded: true, }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, deleteAction); assert.equal(, 1); }); it("should handle no data from DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE", () => { const data = null; const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE, data, }); assert.deepEqual(state.spocs, INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream.spocs); }); it("should add blocked spocs to blocked array with DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_BLOCKED", () => { const firstState = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }); const secondState = DiscoveryStream(firstState, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }); assert.deepEqual(firstState.spocs.blocked, [""]); assert.deepEqual(secondState.spocs.blocked, [ "", "", ]); }); it("should not update state for empty on DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED", () => { const newState = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED, }); assert.equal(newState, INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream); }); it("should not update state if feeds are not loaded", () => { const deleteAction = { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(undefined, deleteAction); assert.equal(newState, INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream); }); it("should not update state if spocs and feeds data is undefined", () => { const deleteAction = { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }; const oldState = { spocs: { data: {}, loaded: true, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], }, feeds: { data: {}, loaded: true, }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, deleteAction); assert.deepEqual(newState, oldState); }); it("should remove the site on DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED from spocs if feeds data is empty", () => { const deleteAction = { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }; const oldState = { spocs: { data: { spocs: { items: [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }], }, }, loaded: true, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], }, feeds: { data: {}, loaded: true, }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, deleteAction); assert.deepEqual(, [ { url: "" }, ]); }); it("should remove the site on DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED from feeds if spocs data is empty", () => { const deleteAction = { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }; const oldState = { spocs: { data: {}, loaded: true, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], }, feeds: { data: { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { url: "" }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, }, loaded: true, }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, deleteAction); assert.deepEqual([""].data.recommendations, [{ url: "" }] ); }); it("should remove the site on DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED from both feeds and spocs", () => { const oldState = { feeds: { data: { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { url: "" }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, }, loaded: true, }, spocs: { data: { spocs: { items: [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }], }, }, loaded: true, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], }, }; const deleteAction = { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, deleteAction); assert.deepEqual(, [ { url: "" }, ]); assert.deepEqual([""].data.recommendations, [{ url: "" }] ); }); it("should not update state for empty on PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET", () => { const newState = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET, }); assert.equal(newState, INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream); }); it("should add pocket_id on PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET in both feeds and spocs", () => { const oldState = { feeds: { data: { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { url: "" }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, }, loaded: true, }, spocs: { data: { spocs: { items: [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }], }, }, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], loaded: true, }, }; const action = { type: at.PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET, data: { url: "", pocket_id: 1234, open_url: "https://foo-1234", }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, action); assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.equal([0].pocket_id, ); assert.equal([0].open_url, ); assert.isUndefined([1].pocket_id); assert.lengthOf([""].data.recommendations, 2 ); assert.equal([""].data.recommendations[0] .pocket_id, ); assert.equal([""].data.recommendations[0] .open_url, ); assert.isUndefined([""].data.recommendations[1] .pocket_id ); }); it("should not update state for empty on DELETE_FROM_POCKET", () => { const newState = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.DELETE_FROM_POCKET, }); assert.equal(newState, INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream); }); it("should remove site on DELETE_FROM_POCKET in both feeds and spocs", () => { const oldState = { feeds: { data: { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { url: "", pocket_id: 1234 }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, }, loaded: true, }, spocs: { data: { spocs: { items: [ { url: "", pocket_id: 1234 }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, loaded: true, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], }, }; const deleteAction = { type: at.DELETE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: 1234, }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, deleteAction); assert.deepEqual(, [ { url: "" }, ]); assert.deepEqual([""].data.recommendations, [{ url: "" }] ); }); it("should remove site on ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET in both feeds and spocs", () => { const oldState = { feeds: { data: { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { url: "", pocket_id: 1234 }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, }, loaded: true, }, spocs: { data: { spocs: { items: [ { url: "", pocket_id: 1234 }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, loaded: true, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], }, }; const deleteAction = { type: at.ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: 1234, }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, deleteAction); assert.deepEqual(, [ { url: "" }, ]); assert.deepEqual([""].data.recommendations, [{ url: "" }] ); }); it("should add boookmark details on PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED in both feeds and spocs", () => { const oldState = { feeds: { data: { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { url: "" }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, }, loaded: true, }, spocs: { data: { spocs: { items: [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }], }, }, loaded: true, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], }, }; const bookmarkAction = { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED, data: { url: "", bookmarkGuid: "bookmark123", bookmarkTitle: "Title for", dateAdded: 1234567, }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, bookmarkAction); assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.equal([0].bookmarkGuid, ); assert.equal([0].bookmarkTitle, ); assert.isUndefined([1].bookmarkGuid); assert.lengthOf([""].data.recommendations, 2 ); assert.equal([""].data.recommendations[0] .bookmarkGuid, ); assert.equal([""].data.recommendations[0] .bookmarkTitle, ); assert.isUndefined([""].data.recommendations[1] .bookmarkGuid ); }); it("should remove boookmark details on PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED in both feeds and spocs", () => { const oldState = { feeds: { data: { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { url: "", bookmarkGuid: "bookmark123", bookmarkTitle: "Title for", }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, }, loaded: true, }, spocs: { data: { spocs: { items: [ { url: "", bookmarkGuid: "bookmark123", bookmarkTitle: "Title for", }, { url: "" }, ], }, }, loaded: true, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], }, }; const action = { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED, data: { urls: [""], }, }; const newState = DiscoveryStream(oldState, action); assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.isUndefined([0].bookmarkGuid); assert.isUndefined([0].bookmarkTitle); assert.lengthOf([""].data.recommendations, 2 ); assert.isUndefined([""].data.recommendations[0] .bookmarkGuid ); assert.isUndefined([""].data.recommendations[0] .bookmarkTitle ); }); describe("PREF_CHANGED", () => { it("should set isCollectionDismissible", () => { const state = DiscoveryStream(undefined, { type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "discoverystream.isCollectionDismissible", value: true, }, }); assert.equal(state.isCollectionDismissible, true); }); }); }); describe("Search", () => { it("should return INITIAL_STATE by default", () => { assert.equal( Search(undefined, { type: "some_action" }), INITIAL_STATE.Search ); }); it("should set disable to true on DISABLE_SEARCH", () => { const nextState = Search(undefined, { type: "DISABLE_SEARCH" }); assert.propertyVal(nextState, "disable", true); }); it("should set focus to true on FAKE_FOCUS_SEARCH", () => { const nextState = Search(undefined, { type: "FAKE_FOCUS_SEARCH" }); assert.propertyVal(nextState, "fakeFocus", true); }); it("should set focus and disable to false on SHOW_SEARCH", () => { const nextState = Search(undefined, { type: "SHOW_SEARCH" }); assert.propertyVal(nextState, "fakeFocus", false); assert.propertyVal(nextState, "disable", false); }); }); it("should set initialized to true on AS_ROUTER_INITIALIZED", () => { const nextState = ASRouter(undefined, { type: "AS_ROUTER_INITIALIZED" }); assert.propertyVal(nextState, "initialized", true); }); });