import { _DSCard as DSCard, readTimeFromWordCount, DSSource, DefaultMeta, PlaceholderDSCard, } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSCard/DSCard"; import { DSContextFooter, StatusMessage, SponsorLabel, } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSContextFooter/DSContextFooter"; import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; import { DSLinkMenu } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSLinkMenu/DSLinkMenu"; import React from "react"; import { INITIAL_STATE } from "common/Reducers.sys.mjs"; import { SafeAnchor } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/SafeAnchor/SafeAnchor"; import { shallow, mount } from "enzyme"; import { FluentOrText } from "content-src/components/FluentOrText/FluentOrText"; const DEFAULT_PROPS = { url: "about:robots", title: "title", App: { isForStartupCache: false, }, DiscoveryStream: INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream, }; describe("", () => { let wrapper; let sandbox; let dispatch; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); dispatch = sandbox.stub(); wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({ isSeen: true }); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it("should render", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.ok(wrapper.find(".ds-card")); }); it("should render a SafeAnchor", () => { wrapper.setProps({ url: "" }); assert.equal(wrapper.children().at(0).type(), SafeAnchor); assert.propertyVal( wrapper.children().at(0).props(), "url", "" ); }); it("should pass onLinkClick prop", () => { assert.propertyVal( wrapper.children().at(0).props(), "onLinkClick", wrapper.instance().onLinkClick ); }); it("should render DSLinkMenu", () => { assert.equal(wrapper.children().at(1).type(), DSLinkMenu); }); it("should start with no .active class", () => { assert.equal(wrapper.find(".active").length, 0); }); it("should render badges for pocket, bookmark when not a spoc element ", () => { wrapper = mount(); wrapper.setState({ isSeen: true }); const contextFooter = wrapper.find(DSContextFooter); assert.lengthOf(contextFooter.find(StatusMessage), 1); }); it("should render Sponsored Context for a spoc element", () => { const context = "Sponsored by Foo"; wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.setState({ isSeen: true }); const contextFooter = wrapper.find(DSContextFooter); assert.lengthOf(contextFooter.find(StatusMessage), 0); assert.equal(contextFooter.find(".story-sponsored-label").text(), context); }); it("should render time to read", () => { const discoveryStream = { ...INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream, readTime: true, }; wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.setState({ isSeen: true }); const defaultMeta = wrapper.find(DefaultMeta); assert.lengthOf(defaultMeta, 1); assert.equal(defaultMeta.props().timeToRead, 4); }); it("should not show save to pocket button for spocs", () => { wrapper.setProps({ id: "fooidx", pos: 1, type: "foo", flightId: 12345, saveToPocketCard: true, }); let stpButton = wrapper.find(".card-stp-button"); assert.lengthOf(stpButton, 0); }); it("should show save to pocket button for non-spocs", () => { wrapper.setProps({ id: "fooidx", pos: 1, type: "foo", saveToPocketCard: true, }); let stpButton = wrapper.find(".card-stp-button"); assert.lengthOf(stpButton, 1); }); describe("onLinkClick", () => { let fakeWindow; beforeEach(() => { fakeWindow = { requestIdleCallback: sinon.stub().returns(1), cancelIdleCallback: sinon.stub(), innerWidth: 1000, innerHeight: 900, }; wrapper = mount( ); }); it("should call dispatch with the correct events", () => { wrapper.setProps({ id: "fooidx", pos: 1, type: "foo" }); wrapper.instance().onLinkClick(); assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: "FOO", action_position: 1, value: { card_type: "organic", recommendation_id: undefined, tile_id: "fooidx", }, }) ); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.ImpressionStats({ click: 0, source: "FOO", tiles: [ { id: "fooidx", pos: 1, type: "organic", recommendation_id: undefined, }, ], window_inner_width: 1000, window_inner_height: 900, }) ); }); it("should set the right card_type on spocs", () => { wrapper.setProps({ id: "fooidx", pos: 1, type: "foo", flightId: 12345 }); wrapper.instance().onLinkClick(); assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: "FOO", action_position: 1, value: { card_type: "spoc", recommendation_id: undefined, tile_id: "fooidx", }, }) ); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.ImpressionStats({ click: 0, source: "FOO", tiles: [ { id: "fooidx", pos: 1, type: "spoc", recommendation_id: undefined, }, ], window_inner_width: 1000, window_inner_height: 900, }) ); }); it("should call dispatch with a shim", () => { wrapper.setProps({ id: "fooidx", pos: 1, type: "foo", shim: { click: "click shim", }, }); wrapper.instance().onLinkClick(); assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "CLICK", source: "FOO", action_position: 1, value: { card_type: "organic", recommendation_id: undefined, tile_id: "fooidx", shim: "click shim", }, }) ); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.ImpressionStats({ click: 0, source: "FOO", tiles: [ { id: "fooidx", pos: 1, shim: "click shim", type: "organic", recommendation_id: undefined, }, ], window_inner_width: 1000, window_inner_height: 900, }) ); }); }); describe("DSCard with CTA", () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(); wrapper.setState({ isSeen: true }); }); it("should render Default Meta", () => { const default_meta = wrapper.find(DefaultMeta); assert.ok(default_meta.exists()); }); }); describe("DSCard with Intersection Observer", () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallow(); }); it("should render card when seen", () => { let card = wrapper.find("div.ds-card.placeholder"); assert.lengthOf(card, 1); wrapper.instance().observer = { unobserve: sandbox.stub(), }; wrapper.instance().placeholderElement = "element"; wrapper.instance().onSeen([ { isIntersecting: true, }, ]); assert.isTrue(wrapper.instance().state.isSeen); card = wrapper.find("div.ds-card.placeholder"); assert.lengthOf(card, 0); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(SafeAnchor), 1); assert.calledOnce(wrapper.instance().observer.unobserve); assert.calledWith(wrapper.instance().observer.unobserve, "element"); }); it("should setup proper placholder ref for isSeen", () => { wrapper.instance().setPlaceholderRef("element"); assert.equal(wrapper.instance().placeholderElement, "element"); }); it("should setup observer on componentDidMount", () => { wrapper = mount(); assert.isTrue(!!wrapper.instance().observer); }); }); describe("DSCard with Idle Callback", () => { let windowStub = { requestIdleCallback: sinon.stub().returns(1), cancelIdleCallback: sinon.stub(), }; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallow(); }); it("should call requestIdleCallback on componentDidMount", () => { assert.calledOnce(windowStub.requestIdleCallback); }); it("should call cancelIdleCallback on componentWillUnmount", () => { wrapper.instance().componentWillUnmount(); assert.calledOnce(windowStub.cancelIdleCallback); }); }); describe("DSCard when rendered for about:home startup cache", () => { beforeEach(() => { const props = { App: { isForStartupCache: true, }, DiscoveryStream: INITIAL_STATE.DiscoveryStream, }; wrapper = mount(); }); it("should be set as isSeen automatically", () => { assert.isTrue(wrapper.instance().state.isSeen); }); }); describe("DSCard onSaveClick", () => { it("should fire telemetry for onSaveClick", () => { wrapper.setProps({ id: "fooidx", pos: 1, type: "foo" }); wrapper.instance().onSaveClick(); assert.calledThrice(dispatch); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_TO_POCKET, data: { site: { url: "about:robots", title: "title" } }, }) ); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.DiscoveryStreamUserEvent({ event: "SAVE_TO_POCKET", source: "CARDGRID_HOVER", action_position: 1, value: { card_type: "organic", recommendation_id: undefined, tile_id: "fooidx", }, }) ); assert.calledWith( dispatch, ac.ImpressionStats({ source: "CARDGRID_HOVER", pocket: 0, tiles: [ { id: "fooidx", pos: 1, recommendation_id: undefined, }, ], }) ); }); }); describe("DSCard menu open states", () => { let cardNode; let fakeDocument; let fakeWindow; beforeEach(() => { fakeDocument = { l10n: { translateFragment: sinon.stub() } }; fakeWindow = { document: fakeDocument, requestIdleCallback: sinon.stub().returns(1), cancelIdleCallback: sinon.stub(), }; wrapper = mount(); wrapper.setState({ isSeen: true }); cardNode = wrapper.getDOMNode(); }); it("Should remove active on Menu Update", () => { // Add active class name to DSCard wrapper // to simulate menu open state cardNode.classList.add("active"); assert.equal( cardNode.className, "ds-card ds-card-title-lines-3 ds-card-desc-lines-3 active" ); wrapper.instance().onMenuUpdate(false); wrapper.update(); assert.equal( cardNode.className, "ds-card ds-card-title-lines-3 ds-card-desc-lines-3" ); }); it("Should add active on Menu Show", async () => { await wrapper.instance().onMenuShow(); wrapper.update(); assert.equal( cardNode.className, "ds-card ds-card-title-lines-3 ds-card-desc-lines-3 active" ); }); it("Should add last-item to support resized window", async () => { fakeWindow.scrollMaxX = 20; await wrapper.instance().onMenuShow(); wrapper.update(); assert.equal( cardNode.className, "ds-card ds-card-title-lines-3 ds-card-desc-lines-3 last-item active" ); }); it("should remove .active and .last-item classes", () => { const instance = wrapper.instance(); const remove = sinon.stub(); instance.contextMenuButtonHostElement = { classList: { remove }, }; instance.onMenuUpdate(); assert.calledOnce(remove); }); it("should add .active and .last-item classes", async () => { const instance = wrapper.instance(); const add = sinon.stub(); instance.contextMenuButtonHostElement = { classList: { add }, }; await instance.onMenuShow(); assert.calledOnce(add); }); }); }); describe(" component", () => { it("should have placeholder prop", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const placeholder = wrapper.prop("placeholder"); assert.isTrue(placeholder); }); it("should contain placeholder div", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({ isSeen: true }); const card = wrapper.find("div.ds-card.placeholder"); assert.lengthOf(card, 1); }); it("should not be clickable", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({ isSeen: true }); const anchor = wrapper.find("SafeAnchor.ds-card-link"); assert.lengthOf(anchor, 0); }); it("should not have context menu", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({ isSeen: true }); const linkMenu = wrapper.find(DSLinkMenu); assert.lengthOf(linkMenu, 0); }); }); describe(" component", () => { it("should return a default source without compact", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); let sourceElement = wrapper.find(".source"); assert.equal(sourceElement.text(), "Mozilla"); }); it("should return a default source with compact without a sponsor or time to read", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); let sourceElement = wrapper.find(".source"); assert.equal(sourceElement.text(), "Mozilla"); }); it("should return a SponsorLabel with compact and a sponsor", () => { const wrapper = shallow( ); const sponsorLabel = wrapper.find(SponsorLabel); assert.lengthOf(sponsorLabel, 1); }); it("should return a time to read with compact and without a sponsor but with a time to read", () => { const wrapper = shallow( ); let timeToRead = wrapper.find(".time-to-read"); assert.lengthOf(timeToRead, 1); // Weirdly, we can test for the pressence of fluent, because time to read needs to be translated. // This is also because we did a shallow render, that th contents of fluent would be empty anyway. const fluentOrText = wrapper.find(FluentOrText); assert.lengthOf(fluentOrText, 1); }); it("should prioritize a SponsorLabel if for some reason it gets everything", () => { const wrapper = shallow( ); const sponsorLabel = wrapper.find(SponsorLabel); assert.lengthOf(sponsorLabel, 1); }); }); describe("readTimeFromWordCount function", () => { it("should return proper read time", () => { const result = readTimeFromWordCount(2000); assert.equal(result, 10); }); it("should return false with falsey word count", () => { assert.isFalse(readTimeFromWordCount()); assert.isFalse(readTimeFromWordCount(0)); assert.isFalse(readTimeFromWordCount("")); assert.isFalse(readTimeFromWordCount(null)); assert.isFalse(readTimeFromWordCount(undefined)); }); it("should return NaN with invalid word count", () => { assert.isNaN(readTimeFromWordCount("zero")); assert.isNaN(readTimeFromWordCount({})); }); });