import { ContextMenu } from "content-src/components/ContextMenu/ContextMenu"; import { _LinkMenu as LinkMenu } from "content-src/components/LinkMenu/LinkMenu"; import React from "react"; import { shallow } from "enzyme"; describe("", () => { let wrapper; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); }); it("should render a ContextMenu element", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.find(ContextMenu).exists()); }); it("should pass onUpdate, and options to ContextMenu", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.find(ContextMenu).exists()); const contextMenuProps = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); ["onUpdate", "options"].forEach(prop =>, prop) ); }); it("should give ContextMenu the correct tabbable options length for a11y", () => { const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); const [firstItem] = options; const lastItem = options[options.length - 1]; // first item should have {first: true} assert.isTrue(firstItem.first); assert.ok(!firstItem.last); // last item should have {last: true} assert.isTrue(lastItem.last); assert.ok(!lastItem.first); // middle items should have neither for (let i = 1; i < options.length - 1; i++) { assert.ok(!options[i].first && !options[i].last); } }); it("should show the correct options for default sites", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); let i = 0; assert.propertyVal(options[i++], "id", "newtab-menu-pin"); assert.propertyVal(options[i++], "id", "newtab-menu-edit-topsites"); assert.propertyVal(options[i++], "type", "separator"); assert.propertyVal(options[i++], "id", "newtab-menu-open-new-window"); assert.propertyVal( options[i++], "id", "newtab-menu-open-new-private-window" ); assert.propertyVal(options[i++], "type", "separator"); assert.propertyVal(options[i++], "id", "newtab-menu-dismiss"); assert.propertyVal(options, "length", i); // Double check that delete options are not included for default top sites options .filter(o => o.type !== "separator") .forEach(o => { assert.notInclude(["newtab-menu-delete-history"],; }); }); it("should show Unpin option for a pinned site if CheckPinTopSite in options list", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined(options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-unpin")); }); it("should show Pin option for an unpinned site if CheckPinTopSite in options list", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined(options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-pin")); }); it("should show Unbookmark option for a bookmarked site if CheckBookmark in options list", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-remove-bookmark") ); }); it("should show Bookmark option for an unbookmarked site if CheckBookmark in options list", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-bookmark") ); }); it("should show Save to Pocket option for an unsaved Pocket item if CheckSavedToPocket in options list", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-save-to-pocket") ); }); it("should show Delete from Pocket option for a saved Pocket item if CheckSavedToPocket in options list", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-delete-pocket") ); }); it("should show Archive from Pocket option for a saved Pocket item if CheckBookmarkOrArchive", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-archive-pocket") ); }); it("should show Bookmark option for an unbookmarked site if CheckBookmarkOrArchive in options list and no pocket_id", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-bookmark") ); }); it("should show Unbookmark option for a bookmarked site if CheckBookmarkOrArchive in options list and no pocket_id", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-remove-bookmark") ); }); it("should show Archive from Pocket option for a saved Pocket item if CheckArchiveFromPocket", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-archive-pocket") ); }); it("should show empty from no Pocket option for no saved Pocket item if CheckArchiveFromPocket", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isUndefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-archive-pocket") ); }); it("should show Delete from Pocket option for a saved Pocket item if CheckDeleteFromPocket", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-delete-pocket") ); }); it("should show empty from Pocket option for no saved Pocket item if CheckDeleteFromPocket", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isUndefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-archive-pocket") ); }); it("should show Open File option for a downloaded item", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-open-file") ); }); it("should show Show File option for a downloaded item on a default platform", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-show-file") ); }); it("should show Copy Downlad Link option for a downloaded item when CopyDownloadLink", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-copy-download-link") ); }); it("should show Go To Download Page option for a downloaded item when GoToDownloadPage", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-go-to-download-page") ); assert.isFalse(options[0].disabled); }); it("should show Go To Download Page option as disabled for a downloaded item when GoToDownloadPage if no referrer exists", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-go-to-download-page") ); assert.isTrue(options[0].disabled); }); it("should show Remove Download Link option for a downloaded item when RemoveDownload", () => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); assert.isDefined( options.find(o => && === "newtab-menu-remove-download") ); }); it("should show Edit option", () => { const props = { url: "foo", label: "label" }; const index = 5; wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); const { options } = wrapper.find(ContextMenu).props(); const option = options.find( o => && === "newtab-menu-edit-topsites" ); assert.isDefined(option); assert.equal(, index); }); describe(".onClick", () => { const FAKE_EVENT = {}; const FAKE_INDEX = 3; const FAKE_SOURCE = "TOP_SITES"; const FAKE_SITE = { bookmarkGuid: 1234, hostname: "foo", path: "foo", pocket_id: "1234", referrer: "", title: "bar", type: "bookmark", typedBonus: true, url: "", sponsored_tile_id: 12345, }; const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const propOptions = [ "ShowFile", "CopyDownloadLink", "GoToDownloadPage", "RemoveDownload", "Separator", "ShowPrivacyInfo", "RemoveBookmark", "AddBookmark", "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "BlockUrl", "DeleteUrl", "PinTopSite", "UnpinTopSite", "SaveToPocket", "DeleteFromPocket", "ArchiveFromPocket", "WebExtDismiss", ]; const expectedActionData = { "newtab-menu-remove-bookmark": FAKE_SITE.bookmarkGuid, "newtab-menu-bookmark": { url: FAKE_SITE.url, title: FAKE_SITE.title, type: FAKE_SITE.type, }, "newtab-menu-open-new-window": { url: FAKE_SITE.url, referrer: FAKE_SITE.referrer, typedBonus: FAKE_SITE.typedBonus, sponsored_tile_id: FAKE_SITE.sponsored_tile_id, }, "newtab-menu-open-new-private-window": { url: FAKE_SITE.url, referrer: FAKE_SITE.referrer, }, "newtab-menu-dismiss": [ { url: FAKE_SITE.url, pocket_id: FAKE_SITE.pocket_id, isSponsoredTopSite: undefined, position: 3, tile_id: 12345, is_pocket_card: false, }, ], menu_action_webext_dismiss: { source: "TOP_SITES", url: FAKE_SITE.url, action_position: 3, }, "newtab-menu-delete-history": { url: FAKE_SITE.url, pocket_id: FAKE_SITE.pocket_id, forceBlock: FAKE_SITE.bookmarkGuid, }, "newtab-menu-pin": { site: FAKE_SITE, index: FAKE_INDEX }, "newtab-menu-unpin": { site: { url: FAKE_SITE.url } }, "newtab-menu-save-to-pocket": { site: { url: FAKE_SITE.url, title: FAKE_SITE.title }, }, "newtab-menu-delete-pocket": { pocket_id: "1234" }, "newtab-menu-archive-pocket": { pocket_id: "1234" }, "newtab-menu-show-file": { url: FAKE_SITE.url }, "newtab-menu-copy-download-link": { url: FAKE_SITE.url }, "newtab-menu-go-to-download-page": { url: FAKE_SITE.referrer }, "newtab-menu-remove-download": { url: FAKE_SITE.url }, }; const { options } = shallow( ) .find(ContextMenu) .props(); afterEach(() => dispatch.reset()); options .filter(o => o.type !== "separator") .forEach(option => { it(`should fire a ${option.action.type} action for ${} with the expected data`, () => { option.onClick(FAKE_EVENT); if (option.impression && option.userEvent) { assert.calledThrice(dispatch); } else if (option.impression || option.userEvent) { assert.calledTwice(dispatch); } else { assert.calledOnce(dispatch); } // option.action is dispatched assert.ok(dispatch.firstCall.calledWith(option.action)); // option.action has correct data // (delete is a special case as it dispatches a nested DIALOG_OPEN-type action) // in the case of this FAKE_SITE, we send a bookmarkGuid therefore we also want // to block this if we delete it if ( === "newtab-menu-delete-history") { assert.deepEqual([0].data, expectedActionData[] ); // Test UserEvent send correct meta about item deleted assert.propertyVal([1].data, "action_position", FAKE_INDEX ); assert.propertyVal([1].data, "source", FAKE_SOURCE ); } else { assert.deepEqual(, expectedActionData[]); } }); it(`should fire a UserEvent action for ${} if configured`, () => { if (option.userEvent) { option.onClick(FAKE_EVENT); const [action] = dispatch.secondCall.args; assert.isUserEventAction(action); assert.propertyVal(, "source", FAKE_SOURCE); assert.propertyVal(, "action_position", FAKE_INDEX); assert.propertyVal(, "card_type", FAKE_SITE.type); } }); it(`should send impression stats for ${}`, () => { if (option.impression) { option.onClick(FAKE_EVENT); const [action] = dispatch.thirdCall.args; assert.deepEqual(action, option.impression); } }); }); it(`should not send impression stats if not configured`, () => { const fakeOptions = shallow( ) .find(ContextMenu) .props().options; fakeOptions .filter(o => o.type !== "separator") .forEach(option => { if (option.impression) { option.onClick(FAKE_EVENT); assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.notEqual(dispatch.firstCall.args[0], option.impression); assert.notEqual(dispatch.secondCall.args[0], option.impression); dispatch.reset(); } }); }); it(`should pin a SPOC with all of the site details sent`, () => { const pinSpocTopSite = "PinTopSite"; const { options: spocOptions } = shallow( ) .find(ContextMenu) .props(); const [pinSpocOption] = spocOptions; pinSpocOption.onClick(FAKE_EVENT); if (pinSpocOption.impression && pinSpocOption.userEvent) { assert.calledThrice(dispatch); } else if (pinSpocOption.impression || pinSpocOption.userEvent) { assert.calledTwice(dispatch); } else { assert.calledOnce(dispatch); } // option.action is dispatched assert.ok(dispatch.firstCall.calledWith(pinSpocOption.action)); assert.deepEqual(, { site: FAKE_SITE, index: FAKE_INDEX, }); }); it(`should create a proper BLOCK_URL action for a sponsored tile`, () => { const site = { hostname: "foo", path: "foo", referrer: "", title: "bar", type: "bookmark", typedBonus: true, url: "", sponsored_position: 1, }; const { options: blockOptions } = shallow( ) .find(ContextMenu) .props(); const [blockUrlOption] = blockOptions; blockUrlOption.onClick(FAKE_EVENT); assert.calledThrice(dispatch); assert.ok(dispatch.firstCall.calledWith(blockUrlOption.action)); const expected = { url: site.url, pocket_id: undefined, advertiser_name: site.hostname, isSponsoredTopSite: 1, position: 3, is_pocket_card: false, }; assert.deepEqual([0], expected); }); it(`should create a proper BLOCK_URL action for a pocket item`, () => { const site = { hostname: "foo", path: "foo", referrer: "", title: "bar", type: "CardGrid", typedBonus: true, url: "", }; const { options: blockOptions } = shallow( ) .find(ContextMenu) .props(); const [blockUrlOption] = blockOptions; blockUrlOption.onClick(FAKE_EVENT); assert.calledThrice(dispatch); assert.ok(dispatch.firstCall.calledWith(blockUrlOption.action)); const expected = { url: site.url, pocket_id: undefined, isSponsoredTopSite: undefined, position: 3, is_pocket_card: true, }; assert.deepEqual([0], expected); }); }); });