import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { MIN_RICH_FAVICON_SIZE } from "content-src/components/TopSites/TopSitesConstants"; import { TOP_SITES_DEFAULT_ROWS, TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW, } from "common/Reducers.sys.mjs"; import { TopSite, TopSiteLink, _TopSiteList as TopSiteList, TopSitePlaceholder, } from "content-src/components/TopSites/TopSite"; import { INTERSECTION_RATIO, TopSiteImpressionWrapper, } from "content-src/components/TopSites/TopSiteImpressionWrapper"; import { A11yLinkButton } from "content-src/components/A11yLinkButton/A11yLinkButton"; import { LinkMenu } from "content-src/components/LinkMenu/LinkMenu"; import React from "react"; import { mount, shallow } from "enzyme"; import { TopSiteForm } from "content-src/components/TopSites/TopSiteForm"; import { TopSiteFormInput } from "content-src/components/TopSites/TopSiteFormInput"; import { _TopSites as TopSites } from "content-src/components/TopSites/TopSites"; import { ContextMenuButton } from "content-src/components/ContextMenu/ContextMenuButton"; const perfSvc = { mark() {}, getMostRecentAbsMarkStartByName() {}, }; const DEFAULT_PROPS = { Prefs: { values: { featureConfig: {} } }, TopSites: { initialized: true, rows: [] }, TopSitesRows: TOP_SITES_DEFAULT_ROWS, topSiteIconType: () => "no_image", dispatch() {}, perfSvc, }; const DEFAULT_BLOB_URL = "blob://test"; describe("", () => { let sandbox; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it("should render a TopSites element", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); describe("#_dispatchTopSitesStats", () => { let globals; let wrapper; let dispatchStatsSpy; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS, "dispatch"); wrapper = shallow(, { disableLifecycleMethods: true, }); dispatchStatsSpy = sandbox.spy( wrapper.instance(), "_dispatchTopSitesStats" ); }); afterEach(() => { globals.restore(); sandbox.restore(); }); it("should call _dispatchTopSitesStats on componentDidMount", () => { wrapper.instance().componentDidMount(); assert.calledOnce(dispatchStatsSpy); }); it("should call _dispatchTopSitesStats on componentDidUpdate", () => { wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate(); assert.calledOnce(dispatchStatsSpy); }); it("should dispatch SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA", () => { wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 0, }, topsites_pinned: 0, topsites_search_shortcuts: 0, }, }) ); }); it("should correctly count TopSite images - just screenshot", () => { const rows = [{ screenshot: true }]; sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS.TopSites, "rows").value(rows); wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 1, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 0, }, topsites_pinned: 0, topsites_search_shortcuts: 0, }, }) ); }); it("should correctly count TopSite images - custom_screenshot", () => { const rows = [{ customScreenshotURL: true }]; sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS.TopSites, "rows").value(rows); wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 1, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 0, }, topsites_pinned: 0, topsites_search_shortcuts: 0, }, }) ); }); it("should correctly count TopSite images - rich_icon", () => { const rows = [{ faviconSize: MIN_RICH_FAVICON_SIZE }]; sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS.TopSites, "rows").value(rows); wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 1, no_image: 0, }, topsites_pinned: 0, topsites_search_shortcuts: 0, }, }) ); }); it("should correctly count TopSite images - tippytop", () => { const rows = [ { tippyTopIcon: "foo" }, { faviconRef: "tippytop" }, { faviconRef: "foobar" }, ]; sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS.TopSites, "rows").value(rows); wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 2, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 1, }, topsites_pinned: 0, topsites_search_shortcuts: 0, }, }) ); }); it("should correctly count TopSite images - no image", () => { const rows = [{}]; sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS.TopSites, "rows").value(rows); wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 1, }, topsites_pinned: 0, topsites_search_shortcuts: 0, }, }) ); }); it("should correctly count pinned Top Sites", () => { const rows = [ { isPinned: true }, { isPinned: false }, { isPinned: true }, ]; sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS.TopSites, "rows").value(rows); wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 3, }, topsites_pinned: 2, topsites_search_shortcuts: 0, }, }) ); }); it("should correctly count search shortcut Top Sites", () => { const rows = [{ searchTopSite: true }, { searchTopSite: true }]; sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS.TopSites, "rows").value(rows); wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 2, }, topsites_pinned: 0, topsites_search_shortcuts: 2, }, }) ); }); it("should only count visible top sites on wide layout", () => { globals.set("matchMedia", () => ({ matches: true })); const rows = [ {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, ]; sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS.TopSites, "rows").value(rows); wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 8, }, topsites_pinned: 0, topsites_search_shortcuts: 0, }, }) ); }); it("should only count visible top sites on normal layout", () => { globals.set("matchMedia", () => ({ matches: false })); const rows = [ {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, ]; sandbox.stub(DEFAULT_PROPS.TopSites, "rows").value(rows); wrapper.instance()._dispatchTopSitesStats(); assert.calledOnce(DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly( DEFAULT_PROPS.dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data: { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot: 0, tippytop: 0, rich_icon: 0, no_image: 6, }, topsites_pinned: 0, topsites_search_shortcuts: 0, }, }) ); }); }); }); describe("", () => { let globals; let link; let url; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); url = { createObjectURL: globals.sandbox.stub().returns(DEFAULT_BLOB_URL), revokeObjectURL: globals.sandbox.spy(), }; globals.set("URL", url); link = { url: "", screenshot: "foo.jpg", hostname: "foo" }; }); afterEach(() => globals.restore()); it("should add the right url", () => { link.url = ""; const wrapper = shallow(); assert.propertyVal( wrapper.find("a").props(), "href", "" ); }); it("should not add the url to the href if it a search shortcut", () => { link.searchTopSite = true; const wrapper = shallow(); assert.isUndefined(wrapper.find("a").props().href); }); it("should have rtl direction automatically set for text", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.isTrue(!!wrapper.find("[dir='auto']").length); }); it("should render a title", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const titleEl = wrapper.find(".title"); assert.equal(titleEl.text(), "foobar"); }); it("should have only the title as the text of the link", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.equal(wrapper.find("a").text(), "foobar"); }); it("should render the pin icon for pinned links", () => { link.isPinned = true; link.pinnedIndex = 7; const wrapper = shallow(); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".icon-pin-small").length, 1); }); it("should not render the pin icon for non pinned links", () => { link.isPinned = false; const wrapper = shallow(); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".icon-pin-small").length, 0); }); it("should render the first letter of the title as a fallback for missing icons", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".icon-wrapper").prop("data-fallback"), "f"); }); it("should render the tippy top icon if provided and not a small icon", () => { link.tippyTopIcon = "foo.png"; link.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; const wrapper = shallow(); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".screenshot"), 0); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".default-icon"), 0); const tippyTop = wrapper.find(".rich-icon"); assert.propertyVal( tippyTop.props().style, "backgroundImage", "url(foo.png)" ); assert.propertyVal(tippyTop.props().style, "backgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"); }); it("should render a rich icon if provided and not a small icon", () => { link.favicon = "foo.png"; link.faviconSize = 196; link.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; const wrapper = shallow(); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".screenshot"), 0); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".default-icon"), 0); const richIcon = wrapper.find(".rich-icon"); assert.propertyVal( richIcon.props().style, "backgroundImage", "url(foo.png)" ); assert.propertyVal(richIcon.props().style, "backgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"); }); it("should not render a rich icon if it is smaller than 96x96", () => { link.favicon = "foo.png"; link.faviconSize = 48; link.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; const wrapper = shallow(); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".default-icon"), 1); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".rich-icon").length, 0); }); it("should apply just the default class name to the outer link if props.className is falsey", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.find("li").hasClass("top-site-outer")); }); it("should add props.className to the outer link element", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.find("li").hasClass("top-site-outer foo bar")); }); describe("#_allowDrop", () => { let wrapper; let event; beforeEach(() => { event = { dataTransfer: { types: ["text/topsite-index"], }, }; wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); }); it("should be droppable for basic case", () => { const result = wrapper.instance()._allowDrop(event); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should not be droppable for sponsored_position", () => { wrapper.setProps({ link: { sponsored_position: 1 } }); const result = wrapper.instance()._allowDrop(event); assert.isFalse(result); }); it("should not be droppable for link.type", () => { wrapper.setProps({ link: { type: "SPOC" } }); const result = wrapper.instance()._allowDrop(event); assert.isFalse(result); }); }); describe("#onDragEvent", () => { let simulate; let wrapper; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallow( {}} /> ); simulate = type => { const event = { dataTransfer: { setData() {}, types: { includes() {} } }, preventDefault() { this.prevented = true; }, target: { blur() {} }, type, }; wrapper.simulate(type, event); return event; }; }); it("should allow clicks without dragging", () => { simulate("mousedown"); simulate("mouseup"); const event = simulate("click"); assert.notOk(event.prevented); }); it("should prevent clicks after dragging", () => { simulate("mousedown"); simulate("dragstart"); simulate("dragenter"); simulate("drop"); simulate("dragend"); simulate("mouseup"); const event = simulate("click"); assert.ok(event.prevented); }); it("should allow clicks after dragging then clicking", () => { simulate("mousedown"); simulate("dragstart"); simulate("dragenter"); simulate("drop"); simulate("dragend"); simulate("mouseup"); simulate("click"); simulate("mousedown"); simulate("mouseup"); const event = simulate("click"); assert.notOk(event.prevented); }); it("should prevent dragging with sponsored_position from dragstart", () => { const preventDefault = sinon.stub(); const blur = sinon.stub(); wrapper.setProps({ link: { sponsored_position: 1 } }); wrapper.instance().onDragEvent({ type: "dragstart", preventDefault, target: { blur }, }); assert.calledOnce(preventDefault); assert.calledOnce(blur); assert.isUndefined(wrapper.instance().dragged); }); it("should prevent dragging with link.shim from dragstart", () => { const preventDefault = sinon.stub(); const blur = sinon.stub(); wrapper.setProps({ link: { type: "SPOC" } }); wrapper.instance().onDragEvent({ type: "dragstart", preventDefault, target: { blur }, }); assert.calledOnce(preventDefault); assert.calledOnce(blur); assert.isUndefined(wrapper.instance().dragged); }); }); describe("#generateColor", () => { let colors; beforeEach(() => { colors = "#0090ED,#FF4F5F,#2AC3A2"; }); it("should generate a random color but always pick the same color for the same string", async () => { let wrapper = shallow( ); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".icon-wrapper").prop("data-fallback"), "f"); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".icon-wrapper").prop("style").backgroundColor, colors.split(",")[1] ); assert.ok(true); }); it("should generate a different random color", async () => { let wrapper = shallow( ); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".icon-wrapper").prop("style").backgroundColor, colors.split(",")[2] ); assert.ok(true); }); it("should generate a third random color", async () => { let wrapper = shallow(); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".icon-wrapper").prop("data-fallback"), "f"); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".icon-wrapper").prop("style").backgroundColor, colors.split(",")[0] ); assert.ok(true); }); }); }); describe("", () => { let link; beforeEach(() => { link = { url: "", screenshot: "foo.jpg", hostname: "foo" }; }); // Build IntersectionObserver class with the arg `entries` for the intersect callback. function buildIntersectionObserver(entries) { return class { constructor(callback) { this.callback = callback; } observe() { this.callback(entries); } unobserve() {} }; } it("should render a TopSite", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should render a shortened title based off the url", () => { link.url = ""; link.hostname = "foobar"; link.eTLD = "org"; const wrapper = shallow(); assert.equal(wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).props().title, "foobar"); }); it("should parse args for fluent correctly", () => { const title = '"fluent"'; link.hostname = title; const wrapper = mount(); const button = wrapper.find( "button[data-l10n-id='newtab-menu-content-tooltip']" ); assert.equal(button.prop("data-l10n-args"), JSON.stringify({ title })); }); it("should have .active class, on top-site-outer if context menu is open", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({ showContextMenu: true }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).props().className.trim(), "active"); }); it("should not add .active class, on top-site-outer if context menu is closed", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({ showContextMenu: false, activeTile: 1 }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).props().className, ""); }); it("should render a context menu button", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.equal(wrapper.find(ContextMenuButton).length, 1); }); it("should render a link menu", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.equal(wrapper.find(LinkMenu).length, 1); }); it("should pass onUpdate, site, options, and index to LinkMenu", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const linkMenuProps = wrapper.find(LinkMenu).props(); ["onUpdate", "site", "index", "options"].forEach(prop =>, prop) ); }); it("should pass through the correct menu options to LinkMenu", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const linkMenuProps = wrapper.find(LinkMenu).props(); assert.deepEqual(linkMenuProps.options, [ "CheckPinTopSite", "EditTopSite", "Separator", "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", "DeleteUrl", ]); }); it("should record impressions for visible organic Top Sites", () => { const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const wrapper = shallow( ); const linkWrapper = wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).dive(); assert.ok(linkWrapper.exists()); const impressionWrapper = linkWrapper.find(TopSiteImpressionWrapper).dive(); assert.ok(impressionWrapper.exists()); assert.calledOnce(dispatch); let [action] = dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.equal(action.type, at.TOP_SITES_ORGANIC_IMPRESSION_STATS); assert.propertyVal(, "type", "impression"); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "newtab"); assert.propertyVal(, "position", 3); }); it("should record impressions for visible sponsored Top Sites", () => { const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const wrapper = shallow( ); const linkWrapper = wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).dive(); assert.ok(linkWrapper.exists()); const impressionWrapper = linkWrapper.find(TopSiteImpressionWrapper).dive(); assert.ok(impressionWrapper.exists()); assert.calledOnce(dispatch); let [action] = dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.equal(action.type, at.TOP_SITES_SPONSORED_IMPRESSION_STATS); assert.propertyVal(, "type", "impression"); assert.propertyVal(, "tile_id", 12345); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "newtab"); assert.propertyVal(, "position", 3); assert.propertyVal(, "reporting_url", "" ); assert.propertyVal(, "advertiser", "foo"); }); describe("#onLinkClick", () => { it("should call dispatch when the link is clicked", () => { const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).simulate("click", { preventDefault() {} }); let [action] = dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.isUserEventAction(action); assert.propertyVal(, "event", "CLICK"); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "TOP_SITES"); assert.propertyVal(, "action_position", 3); [action] = dispatch.secondCall.args; assert.propertyVal(action, "type", at.OPEN_LINK); // Organic Top Site click event. [action] = dispatch.thirdCall.args; assert.equal(action.type, at.TOP_SITES_ORGANIC_IMPRESSION_STATS); assert.propertyVal(, "type", "click"); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "newtab"); assert.propertyVal(, "position", 3); }); it("should dispatch a UserEventAction with the right data", () => { const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).simulate("click", { preventDefault() {} }); const [action] = dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.isUserEventAction(action); assert.propertyVal(, "event", "CLICK"); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "TOP_SITES"); assert.propertyVal(, "action_position", 3); assert.propertyVal(, "card_type", "pinned"); assert.propertyVal(, "icon_type", "rich_icon"); }); it("should dispatch a UserEventAction with the right data for search top site", () => { const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const siteInfo = { iconType: "tippytop", isPinned: true, searchTopSite: true, hostname: "google", label: "@google", }; const wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).simulate("click", { preventDefault() {} }); const [action] = dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.isUserEventAction(action); assert.propertyVal(, "event", "CLICK"); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "TOP_SITES"); assert.propertyVal(, "action_position", 3); assert.propertyVal(, "card_type", "search"); assert.propertyVal(, "icon_type", "tippytop"); assert.propertyVal(, "search_vendor", "google"); }); it("should dispatch a UserEventAction with the right data for SPOC top site", () => { const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const siteInfo = { id: 1, iconType: "custom_screenshot", type: "SPOC", pos: 1, label: "test advertiser", shim: { click: "shim_click_id" }, }; const wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).simulate("click", { preventDefault() {} }); let [action] = dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.isUserEventAction(action); assert.propertyVal(, "event", "CLICK"); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "TOP_SITES"); assert.propertyVal(, "action_position", 0); assert.propertyVal(, "card_type", "spoc"); assert.propertyVal(, "icon_type", "custom_screenshot"); // Pocket SPOC click event. [action] = dispatch.getCall(2).args; assert.equal(action.type, at.TELEMETRY_IMPRESSION_STATS); assert.propertyVal(, "click", 0); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "TOP_SITES"); [action] = dispatch.getCall(3).args; assert.equal(action.type, at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_USER_EVENT); assert.propertyVal(, "event", "CLICK"); assert.propertyVal(, "action_position", 1); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "TOP_SITES"); assert.propertyVal(, "card_type", "spoc"); assert.propertyVal(, "tile_id", 1); assert.propertyVal(, "shim", "shim_click_id"); // Topsite SPOC click event. [action] = dispatch.getCall(4).args; assert.equal(action.type, at.TOP_SITES_SPONSORED_IMPRESSION_STATS); assert.propertyVal(, "type", "click"); assert.propertyVal(, "tile_id", 1); assert.propertyVal(, "source", "newtab"); assert.propertyVal(, "position", 1); assert.propertyVal(, "advertiser", "test advertiser"); }); it("should dispatch OPEN_LINK with the right data", () => { const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).simulate("click", { preventDefault() {} }); const [action] = dispatch.secondCall.args; assert.propertyVal(action, "type", at.OPEN_LINK); assert.propertyVal(, "typedBonus", true); }); }); }); describe("", () => { let wrapper; let sandbox; function setup(props = {}) { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const customProps = Object.assign( {}, { onClose: sandbox.spy(), dispatch: sandbox.spy() }, props ); wrapper = mount(); } describe("validateForm", () => { beforeEach(() => setup({ site: { url: "http://foo" } })); it("should return true for a correct URL", () => { wrapper.setState({ url: "foo" }); assert.isTrue(wrapper.instance().validateForm()); }); it("should return false for a incorrect URL", () => { wrapper.setState({ url: " " }); assert.isNull(wrapper.instance().validateForm()); assert.isTrue(wrapper.state().validationError); }); it("should return true for a correct custom screenshot URL", () => { wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "foo" }); assert.isTrue(wrapper.instance().validateForm()); }); it("should return false for a incorrect custom screenshot URL", () => { wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: " " }); assert.isNull(wrapper.instance().validateForm()); }); it("should return true for an empty custom screenshot URL", () => { wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "" }); assert.isTrue(wrapper.instance().validateForm()); }); it("should return false for file: protocol", () => { wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "file:///C:/Users/foo" }); assert.isFalse(wrapper.instance().validateForm()); }); }); describe("#previewButton", () => { beforeEach(() => setup({ site: { customScreenshotURL: "" }, previewResponse: null, }) ); it("should render the preview button on invalid urls", () => { assert.equal(0, wrapper.find(".preview").length); wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: " " }); assert.equal(1, wrapper.find(".preview").length); }); it("should render the preview button when input value updated", () => { assert.equal(0, wrapper.find(".preview").length); wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "", screenshotPreview: null, }); assert.equal(1, wrapper.find(".preview").length); }); }); describe("preview request", () => { beforeEach(() => { setup({ site: { customScreenshotURL: "", url: "" }, previewResponse: null, }); }); it("shouldn't dispatch a request for invalid urls", () => { wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: " ", url: "foo" }); wrapper.find(".preview").simulate("click"); assert.notCalled(wrapper.props().dispatch); }); it("should dispatch a PREVIEW_REQUEST", () => { wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "screenshot" }); wrapper.find(".preview").simulate("submit"); assert.calledTwice(wrapper.props().dispatch); assert.calledWith( wrapper.props().dispatch, ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.PREVIEW_REQUEST, data: { url: "http://screenshot" }, }) ); assert.calledWith( wrapper.props().dispatch, ac.UserEvent({ event: "PREVIEW_REQUEST", source: "TOP_SITES", }) ); }); }); describe("#TopSiteLink", () => { beforeEach(() => { setup(); }); it("should display a TopSiteLink preview", () => { assert.equal(wrapper.find(TopSiteLink).length, 1); }); it("should display an icon for tippyTop sites", () => { wrapper.setProps({ site: { tippyTopIcon: "bar" } }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".top-site-icon").getDOMNode().style["background-image"], 'url("bar")' ); }); it("should not display a preview screenshot", () => { wrapper.setProps({ previewResponse: "foo", previewUrl: "foo" }); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".screenshot"), 0); }); it("should not render any icon on error", () => { wrapper.setProps({ previewResponse: "" }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".top-site-icon").length, 0); }); it("should render the search icon when searchTopSite is true", () => { wrapper.setProps({ site: { tippyTopIcon: "bar", searchTopSite: true } }); assert.equal( wrapper.find(".rich-icon").getDOMNode().style["background-image"], 'url("bar")' ); assert.isTrue(wrapper.find(".search-topsite").exists()); }); }); describe("#addMode", () => { beforeEach(() => setup()); it("should render the component", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.find(TopSiteForm).exists()); }); it("should have the correct header", () => { assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.length && n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-add-shortcut-header" ).length, 1 ); }); it("should have the correct button text", () => { assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.length && n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-save-button" ).length, 0 ); assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.length && n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-add-button" ).length, 1 ); }); it("should not render a preview button", () => { assert.equal(0, wrapper.find(".custom-image-input-container").length); }); it("should call onClose if Cancel button is clicked", () => { wrapper.find(".cancel").simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(wrapper.instance().props.onClose); }); it("should set validationError if url is empty", () => { assert.equal(wrapper.state().validationError, false); wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.equal(wrapper.state().validationError, true); }); it("should set validationError if url is invalid", () => { wrapper.setState({ url: "not valid" }); assert.equal(wrapper.state().validationError, false); wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.equal(wrapper.state().validationError, true); }); it("should call onClose and dispatch with right args if URL is valid", () => { wrapper.setState({ url: "", label: "a label" }); wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.calledOnce(wrapper.instance().props.onClose); assert.calledWith(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch, { data: { site: { label: "a label", url: "" }, index: -1, }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: at.TOP_SITES_PIN, }); assert.calledWith(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch, { data: { action_position: -1, source: "TOP_SITES", event: "TOP_SITES_EDIT", }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: at.TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT, }); }); it("should not pass empty string label in dispatch data", () => { wrapper.setState({ url: "", label: "" }); wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.calledWith(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch, { data: { site: { url: "" }, index: -1 }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: at.TOP_SITES_PIN, }); }); it("should open the custom screenshot input", () => { assert.isFalse(wrapper.state().showCustomScreenshotForm); wrapper.find(A11yLinkButton).simulate("click"); assert.isTrue(wrapper.state().showCustomScreenshotForm); }); }); describe("edit existing Topsite", () => { beforeEach(() => setup({ site: { url: "", label: "baz", customScreenshotURL: "http://foo", }, index: 7, }) ); it("should render the component", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.find(TopSiteForm).exists()); }); it("should have the correct header", () => { assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-edit-shortcut-header" ).length, 1 ); }); it("should have the correct button text", () => { assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-add-button" ).length, 0 ); assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-save-button" ).length, 1 ); }); it("should call onClose if Cancel button is clicked", () => { wrapper.find(".cancel").simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(wrapper.instance().props.onClose); }); it("should show error and not call onClose or dispatch if URL is empty", () => { wrapper.setState({ url: "" }); assert.equal(wrapper.state().validationError, false); wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.equal(wrapper.state().validationError, true); assert.notCalled(wrapper.instance().props.onClose); assert.notCalled(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch); }); it("should show error and not call onClose or dispatch if URL is invalid", () => { wrapper.setState({ url: "not valid" }); assert.equal(wrapper.state().validationError, false); wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.equal(wrapper.state().validationError, true); assert.notCalled(wrapper.instance().props.onClose); assert.notCalled(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch); }); it("should call onClose and dispatch with right args if URL is valid", () => { wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.calledOnce(wrapper.instance().props.onClose); assert.calledTwice(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch); assert.calledWith(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch, { data: { site: { label: "baz", url: "", customScreenshotURL: "http://foo", }, index: 7, }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: at.TOP_SITES_PIN, }); assert.calledWith(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch, { data: { action_position: 7, source: "TOP_SITES", event: "TOP_SITES_EDIT", }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: at.TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT, }); }); it("should set customScreenshotURL to null if it was removed", () => { wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "" }); wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.calledWith(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch, { data: { site: { label: "baz", url: "", customScreenshotURL: null, }, index: 7, }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: at.TOP_SITES_PIN, }); }); it("should call onClose and dispatch with right args if URL is valid (negative index)", () => { wrapper.setProps({ index: -1 }); wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.calledOnce(wrapper.instance().props.onClose); assert.calledTwice(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch); assert.calledWith(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch, { data: { site: { label: "baz", url: "", customScreenshotURL: "http://foo", }, index: -1, }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: at.TOP_SITES_PIN, }); }); it("should not pass empty string label in dispatch data", () => { wrapper.setState({ label: "" }); wrapper.find(".done").simulate("submit"); assert.calledWith(wrapper.instance().props.dispatch, { data: { site: { url: "", customScreenshotURL: "http://foo" }, index: 7, }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: at.TOP_SITES_PIN, }); }); it("should render the save button if custom screenshot request finished", () => { wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "foo", screenshotPreview: "custom", }); assert.equal(0, wrapper.find(".preview").length); assert.equal(1, wrapper.find(".done").length); }); it("should render the save button if custom screenshot url was cleared", () => { wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "" }); wrapper.setProps({ site: { customScreenshotURL: "foo" } }); assert.equal(0, wrapper.find(".preview").length); assert.equal(1, wrapper.find(".done").length); }); }); describe("#previewMode", () => { beforeEach(() => setup({ previewResponse: null })); it("should transition from save to preview", () => { wrapper.setProps({ site: { url: "", customScreenshotURL: "baz" }, index: 7, }); assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.length && n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-save-button" ).length, 1 ); wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "foo" }); assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.length && n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-preview-button" ).length, 1 ); }); it("should transition from add to preview", () => { assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.length && n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-add-button" ).length, 1 ); wrapper.setState({ customScreenshotUrl: "foo" }); assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.length && n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-preview-button" ).length, 1 ); }); }); describe("#validateUrl", () => { it("should properly validate URLs", () => { setup(); assert.ok(wrapper.instance().validateUrl("")); assert.ok(wrapper.instance().validateUrl("")); assert.ok(wrapper.instance().validateUrl("")); assert.ok( wrapper .instance() .validateUrl( "" ) ); assert.ok(wrapper.instance().validateUrl("httpfoobar")); assert.ok(wrapper.instance().validateUrl("")); assert.isNull(wrapper.instance().validateUrl("mozilla org")); assert.isNull(wrapper.instance().validateUrl("")); }); }); describe("#cleanUrl", () => { it("should properly prepend http:// to URLs when required", () => { setup(); assert.equal( "", wrapper.instance().cleanUrl("") ); assert.equal( "", wrapper.instance().cleanUrl("") ); assert.equal("http://httpcom", wrapper.instance().cleanUrl("httpcom")); assert.equal( "", wrapper.instance().cleanUrl("") ); assert.equal( "", wrapper.instance().cleanUrl("") ); }); }); }); describe("", () => { const APP = { isForStartupCache: false }; it("should render a TopSiteList element", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should render a TopSite for each link with the right url", () => { const rows = [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }]; const wrapper = shallow( ); const links = wrapper.find(TopSite); assert.lengthOf(links, 2); rows.forEach((row, i) => assert.equal(links.get(i), row.url) ); }); it("should slice the TopSite rows to the TopSitesRows pref", () => { const rows = []; for ( let i = 0; i < TOP_SITES_DEFAULT_ROWS * TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW + 3; i++ ) { rows.push({ url: `https://foo${i}.com` }); } const wrapper = shallow( ); const links = wrapper.find(TopSite); assert.lengthOf( links, TOP_SITES_DEFAULT_ROWS * TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW ); }); it("should fill with placeholders if TopSites rows is less than TopSitesRows", () => { const rows = [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }]; const wrapper = shallow( ); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(TopSite), 2, "topSites"); assert.lengthOf( wrapper.find(TopSitePlaceholder), TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW - 2, "placeholders" ); }); it("should fill sponsored top sites with placeholders while rendering for startup cache", () => { const rows = [ { url: "", sponsored_position: 1 }, { url: "", sponsored_position: 2 }, { url: "", type: "SPOC" }, { url: "" }, { url: "" }, ]; const wrapper = shallow( ); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(TopSite), 2, "topSites"); assert.lengthOf( wrapper.find(TopSitePlaceholder), TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW - 2, "placeholders" ); }); it("should fill any holes in TopSites with placeholders", () => { const rows = [{ url: "" }]; rows[3] = { url: "" }; const wrapper = shallow( ); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(TopSite), 2, "topSites"); assert.lengthOf( wrapper.find(TopSitePlaceholder), TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW - 2, "placeholders" ); }); it("should update state onDragStart and clear it onDragEnd", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const instance = wrapper.instance(); const index = 7; const link = { url: "" }; const title = "foo"; instance.onDragEvent({ type: "dragstart" }, index, link, title); assert.equal(instance.state.draggedIndex, index); assert.equal(instance.state.draggedSite, link); assert.equal(instance.state.draggedTitle, title); instance.onDragEvent({ type: "dragend" }); assert.deepEqual(instance.state, TopSiteList.DEFAULT_STATE); }); it("should clear state when new props arrive after a drop", () => { const site1 = { url: "" }; const site2 = { url: "" }; const rows = [site1, site2]; const wrapper = shallow( ); const instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.setState({ draggedIndex: 1, draggedSite: site2, draggedTitle: "bar", topSitesPreview: [], }); wrapper.setProps({ TopSites: { rows: [site2, site1] } }); assert.deepEqual(instance.state, TopSiteList.DEFAULT_STATE); }); it("should dispatch events on drop", () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = shallow( ); const instance = wrapper.instance(); const index = 7; const link = { url: "", customScreenshotURL: "foo" }; const title = "foo"; instance.onDragEvent({ type: "dragstart" }, index, link, title); dispatch.resetHistory(); instance.onDragEvent({ type: "drop" }, 3); assert.calledTwice(dispatch); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { data: { draggedFromIndex: 7, index: 3, site: { label: "foo", url: "", customScreenshotURL: "foo", }, }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "TOP_SITES_INSERT", }); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { data: { action_position: 3, event: "DROP", source: "TOP_SITES" }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT", }); }); it("should make a topSitesPreview onDragEnter", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const instance = wrapper.instance(); const site = { url: "" }; instance.setState({ draggedIndex: 4, draggedSite: site, draggedTitle: "foo", }); const draggedSite = Object.assign({}, site, { isPinned: true, isDragged: true, }); instance.onDragEvent({ type: "dragenter" }, 2); assert.ok(instance.state.topSitesPreview); assert.deepEqual(instance.state.topSitesPreview[2], draggedSite); }); it("should _makeTopSitesPreview correctly", () => { const site1 = { url: "" }; const site2 = { url: "" }; const site3 = { url: "" }; const rows = [site1, site2, site3]; let wrapper = shallow( ); let instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.setState({ draggedIndex: 0, draggedSite: site1, draggedTitle: "foo", }); let draggedSite = Object.assign({}, site1, { isPinned: true, isDragged: true, }); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(1), [ site2, draggedSite, site3, null, null, null, null, null, ]); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(2), [ site2, site3, draggedSite, null, null, null, null, null, ]); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(3), [ site2, site3, null, draggedSite, null, null, null, null, ]); site2.isPinned = true; assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(1), [ site2, draggedSite, site3, null, null, null, null, null, ]); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(2), [ site3, site2, draggedSite, null, null, null, null, null, ]); site3.isPinned = true; assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(1), [ site2, draggedSite, site3, null, null, null, null, null, ]); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(2), [ site2, site3, draggedSite, null, null, null, null, null, ]); site2.isPinned = false; assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(1), [ site2, draggedSite, site3, null, null, null, null, null, ]); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(2), [ site2, site3, draggedSite, null, null, null, null, null, ]); site3.isPinned = false; instance.setState({ draggedIndex: 1, draggedSite: site2, draggedTitle: "bar", }); draggedSite = Object.assign({}, site2, { isPinned: true, isDragged: true }); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(0), [ draggedSite, site1, site3, null, null, null, null, null, ]); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(2), [ site1, site3, draggedSite, null, null, null, null, null, ]); site2.type = "SPOC"; instance.setState({ draggedIndex: 2, draggedSite: site3, draggedTitle: "baz", }); draggedSite = Object.assign({}, site3, { isPinned: true, isDragged: true }); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(0), [ draggedSite, site2, site1, null, null, null, null, null, ]); site2.type = ""; site2.sponsored_position = 2; instance.setState({ draggedIndex: 2, draggedSite: site3, draggedTitle: "baz", }); draggedSite = Object.assign({}, site3, { isPinned: true, isDragged: true }); assert.deepEqual(instance._makeTopSitesPreview(0), [ draggedSite, site2, site1, null, null, null, null, null, ]); }); it("should add a className hide-for-narrow to sites after 6/row", () => { const rows = []; for (let i = 0; i < TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW; i++) { rows.push({ url: `https://foo${i}.com` }); } const wrapper = mount( ); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find("li.hide-for-narrow"), 2); }); }); describe("TopSitePlaceholder", () => { it("should dispatch a TOP_SITES_EDIT action when edit-button is clicked", () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper.find(".edit-button").first().simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(dispatch); assert.calledWithExactly(dispatch, { type: at.TOP_SITES_EDIT, data: { index: 7 }, }); }); }); describe("#TopSiteFormInput", () => { let wrapper; let onChangeStub; describe("no errors", () => { beforeEach(() => { onChangeStub = sinon.stub(); wrapper = mount( ); }); it("should render the provided title", () => { const title = wrapper.find("span"); assert.propertyVal( title.props(), "data-l10n-id", "newtab-topsites-title-label" ); }); it("should render the provided value", () => { const input = wrapper.find("input"); assert.equal(input.getDOMNode().value, "foo"); }); it("should render the clear button if cb is provided", () => { assert.equal(wrapper.find(".icon-clear-input").length, 0); wrapper.setProps({ onClear: sinon.stub() }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".icon-clear-input").length, 1); }); it("should show the loading indicator", () => { assert.equal(wrapper.find(".loading-container").length, 0); wrapper.setProps({ loading: true }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".loading-container").length, 1); }); it("should disable the input when loading indicator is present", () => { assert.isFalse(wrapper.find("input").getDOMNode().disabled); wrapper.setProps({ loading: true }); assert.isTrue(wrapper.find("input").getDOMNode().disabled); }); }); describe("with error", () => { beforeEach(() => { onChangeStub = sinon.stub(); wrapper = mount( ); }); it("should render the error message", () => { assert.equal( wrapper.findWhere( n => n.prop("data-l10n-id") === "newtab-topsites-url-validation" ).length, 1 ); }); it("should reset the error state on value change", () => { wrapper.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "bar" } }); assert.isFalse(wrapper.state().validationError); }); }); });