import { CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE } from "common/Actions.mjs"; import { ActivityStream, PREFS_CONFIG } from "lib/ActivityStream.sys.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { DEFAULT_SITES } from "lib/DefaultSites.sys.mjs"; import { AboutPreferences } from "lib/AboutPreferences.sys.mjs"; import { DefaultPrefs } from "lib/ActivityStreamPrefs.sys.mjs"; import { NewTabInit } from "lib/NewTabInit.sys.mjs"; import { SectionsFeed } from "lib/SectionsManager.sys.mjs"; import { RecommendationProvider } from "lib/RecommendationProvider.sys.mjs"; import { PlacesFeed } from "lib/PlacesFeed.sys.mjs"; import { PrefsFeed } from "lib/PrefsFeed.sys.mjs"; import { SystemTickFeed } from "lib/SystemTickFeed.sys.mjs"; import { TelemetryFeed } from "lib/TelemetryFeed.sys.mjs"; import { FaviconFeed } from "lib/FaviconFeed.sys.mjs"; import { TopSitesFeed } from "lib/TopSitesFeed.sys.mjs"; import { TopStoriesFeed } from "lib/TopStoriesFeed.sys.mjs"; import { HighlightsFeed } from "lib/HighlightsFeed.sys.mjs"; import { DiscoveryStreamFeed } from "lib/DiscoveryStreamFeed.sys.mjs"; import { LinksCache } from "lib/LinksCache.sys.mjs"; import { PersistentCache } from "lib/PersistentCache.sys.mjs"; import { DownloadsManager } from "lib/DownloadsManager.sys.mjs"; describe("ActivityStream", () => { let sandbox; let as; function FakeStore() { return { init: () => {}, uninit: () => {}, feeds: { get: () => {} } }; } let globals; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); globals.set({ Store: FakeStore, DEFAULT_SITES, AboutPreferences, DefaultPrefs, NewTabInit, SectionsFeed, RecommendationProvider, PlacesFeed, PrefsFeed, SystemTickFeed, TelemetryFeed, FaviconFeed, TopSitesFeed, TopStoriesFeed, HighlightsFeed, DiscoveryStreamFeed, LinksCache, PersistentCache, DownloadsManager, }); as = new ActivityStream(); sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(, "init"); sandbox.stub(, "uninit"); sandbox.stub(as._defaultPrefs, "init"); PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value = undefined; }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); it("should exist", () => { assert.ok(ActivityStream); }); it("should initialize with .initialized=false", () => { assert.isFalse(as.initialized, ".initialized"); }); describe("#init", () => { beforeEach(() => { as.init(); }); it("should initialize default prefs", () => { assert.calledOnce(as._defaultPrefs.init); }); it("should set .initialized to true", () => { assert.isTrue(as.initialized, ".initialized"); }); it("should call .store.init", () => { assert.calledOnce(; }); it("should pass to Store an INIT event for content", () => { as.init(); const [, action] =; assert.equal(, CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE); }); it("should pass to Store an UNINIT event", () => { as.init(); const [, , action] =; assert.equal(action.type, "UNINIT"); }); it("should clear old default discoverystream config pref", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "prefHasUserValue").returns(true); sandbox .stub(global.Services.prefs, "getStringPref") .returns( `{"api_key_pref":"extensions.pocket.oAuthConsumerKey","enabled":false,"show_spocs":true,"layout_endpoint":"$apiKey&layout_variant=basic"}` ); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "clearUserPref"); as.init(); assert.calledWith( global.Services.prefs.clearUserPref, "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.config" ); }); it("should call addObserver for the app locales", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "addObserver"); as.init(); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.addObserver, as, "intl:app-locales-changed" ); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { beforeEach(() => { as.init(); as.uninit(); }); it("should set .initialized to false", () => { assert.isFalse(as.initialized, ".initialized"); }); it("should call .store.uninit", () => { assert.calledOnce(; }); it("should call removeObserver for the region", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver"); as.geo = ""; as.uninit(); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.removeObserver, as, global.Region.REGION_TOPIC ); }); it("should call removeObserver for the app locales", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver"); as.uninit(); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.removeObserver, as, "intl:app-locales-changed" ); }); }); describe("#observe", () => { it("should call _updateDynamicPrefs from observe", () => { sandbox.stub(as, "_updateDynamicPrefs"); as.observe(undefined, global.Region.REGION_TOPIC); assert.calledOnce(as._updateDynamicPrefs); }); }); describe("feeds", () => { it("should create a NewTabInit feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.newtabinit")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a Places feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.places")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a TopSites feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.system.topsites")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a Telemetry feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.telemetry")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a Prefs feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.prefs")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a HighlightsFeed feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.section.highlights")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a TopStoriesFeed feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.system.topstories")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a AboutPreferences feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.aboutpreferences")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a SectionsFeed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.sections")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a SystemTick feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.systemtick")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a Favicon feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.favicon")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a RecommendationProvider feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.recommendationprovider")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); it("should create a DiscoveryStreamFeed feed", () => { const feed = as.feeds.get("feeds.discoverystreamfeed")(); assert.ok(feed, "feed should exist"); }); }); describe("_migratePref", () => { it("should migrate a pref if the user has set a custom value", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "prefHasUserValue").returns(true); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getPrefType").returns("integer"); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getIntPref").returns(10); as._migratePref("oldPrefName", result => assert.equal(10, result)); }); it("should not migrate a pref if the user has not set a custom value", () => { // we bailed out early so we don't check the pref type later sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "prefHasUserValue").returns(false); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getPrefType"); as._migratePref("oldPrefName"); assert.notCalled(global.Services.prefs.getPrefType); }); it("should use the proper pref getter for each type", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "prefHasUserValue").returns(true); // Integer sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getIntPref"); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getPrefType").returns("integer"); as._migratePref("oldPrefName", () => {}); assert.calledWith(global.Services.prefs.getIntPref, "oldPrefName"); // Boolean sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref"); global.Services.prefs.getPrefType.returns("boolean"); as._migratePref("oldPrefName", () => {}); assert.calledWith(global.Services.prefs.getBoolPref, "oldPrefName"); // String sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getStringPref"); global.Services.prefs.getPrefType.returns("string"); as._migratePref("oldPrefName", () => {}); assert.calledWith(global.Services.prefs.getStringPref, "oldPrefName"); }); it("should clear the old pref after setting the new one", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "prefHasUserValue").returns(true); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "clearUserPref"); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getPrefType").returns("integer"); as._migratePref("oldPrefName", () => {}); assert.calledWith(global.Services.prefs.clearUserPref, "oldPrefName"); }); }); describe("discoverystream.region-basic-layout config", () => { let getStringPrefStub; beforeEach(() => { getStringPrefStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getStringPref"); sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => "CA"); sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "en-CA"); }); it("should enable 7 row layout pref if no basic config is set and no geo is set", () => { getStringPrefStub .withArgs( "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-basic-config" ) .returns(""); sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => ""); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isFalse( PREFS_CONFIG.get("discoverystream.region-basic-layout").value ); }); it("should enable 1 row layout pref based on region layout pref", () => { getStringPrefStub .withArgs( "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-basic-config" ) .returns("CA"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isTrue( PREFS_CONFIG.get("discoverystream.region-basic-layout").value ); }); it("should enable 7 row layout pref based on region layout pref", () => { getStringPrefStub .withArgs( "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-basic-config" ) .returns(""); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isFalse( PREFS_CONFIG.get("discoverystream.region-basic-layout").value ); }); }); describe("discoverystream.region-weather-config", () => { let getVariableStub; beforeEach(() => { getVariableStub = sandbox.stub( global.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab, "getVariable" ); sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => "CA"); }); it("should turn off weather system pref if no region weather config is set and no geo is set", () => { getVariableStub.withArgs("regionWeatherConfig").returns(""); sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => ""); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("system.showWeather").value); }); it("should turn on weather system pref based on region weather config pref", () => { getVariableStub.withArgs("regionWeatherConfig").returns("CA"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isTrue(PREFS_CONFIG.get("system.showWeather").value); }); it("should turn off weather system pref if no region weather config is set", () => { getVariableStub.withArgs("regionWeatherConfig").returns(""); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("system.showWeather").value); }); }); describe("_updateDynamicPrefs topstories default value", () => { let getVariableStub; let getBoolPrefStub; let appLocaleAsBCP47Stub; beforeEach(() => { getVariableStub = sandbox.stub( global.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab, "getVariable" ); appLocaleAsBCP47Stub = sandbox.stub( global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47" ); getBoolPrefStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref"); getBoolPrefStub .withArgs("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.topstories") .returns(true); appLocaleAsBCP47Stub.get(() => "en-US"); sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => "US"); getVariableStub.withArgs("regionStoriesConfig").returns("US,CA"); }); it("should be false with no geo/locale", () => { appLocaleAsBCP47Stub.get(() => ""); sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => ""); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should be false with no geo but an allowed locale", () => { appLocaleAsBCP47Stub.get(() => ""); sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => ""); appLocaleAsBCP47Stub.get(() => "en-US"); getVariableStub .withArgs("localeListConfig") .returns("en-US,en-CA,en-GB") // We only have this pref set to trigger a close to real situation. .withArgs( "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-stories-block" ) .returns("FR"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should be false with unexpected geo", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => "NOGEO"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should be false with expected geo and unexpected locale", () => { appLocaleAsBCP47Stub.get(() => "no-LOCALE"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should be true with expected geo and locale", () => { as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isTrue(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should be false after expected geo and locale then unexpected", () => { sandbox .stub(global.Region, "home") .onFirstCall() .get(() => "US") .onSecondCall() .get(() => "NOGEO"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should be true with updated pref change", () => { appLocaleAsBCP47Stub.get(() => "en-GB"); sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => "GB"); getVariableStub.withArgs("regionStoriesConfig").returns("GB"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isTrue(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should be true with allowed locale in non US region", () => { appLocaleAsBCP47Stub.get(() => "en-CA"); sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => "DE"); getVariableStub.withArgs("localeListConfig").returns("en-US,en-CA,en-GB"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.isTrue(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); }); describe("_updateDynamicPrefs topstories delayed default value", () => { let clock; beforeEach(() => { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); // Have addObserver cause prefHasUserValue to now return true then observe sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "addObserver").callsFake(() => { setTimeout(() => { Services.obs.notifyObservers("US", "browser-region-updated"); }); }); }); afterEach(() => clock.restore()); it("should set false with unexpected geo", () => { sandbox .stub(global.Services.prefs, "getStringPref") .withArgs("") .returns("NOGEO"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); clock.tick(1); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should set true with expected geo and locale", () => { sandbox .stub(global.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab, "getVariable") .withArgs("regionStoriesConfig") .returns("US"); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref").returns(true); sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "en-US"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); clock.tick(1); assert.isTrue(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should not change default even with expected geo and locale", () => { as._defaultPrefs.set("feeds.system.topstories", false); sandbox .stub(global.Services.prefs, "getStringPref") .withArgs( "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-stories-config" ) .returns("US"); sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "en-US"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); clock.tick(1); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); it("should set false with geo blocked", () => { sandbox .stub(global.Services.prefs, "getStringPref") .withArgs( "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-stories-config" ) .returns("US") .withArgs( "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-stories-block" ) .returns("US"); sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref").returns(true); sandbox .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47") .get(() => "en-US"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); clock.tick(1); assert.isFalse(PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").value); }); }); describe("telemetry reporting on init failure", () => { it("should send a ping on init error", () => { as = new ActivityStream(); const telemetry = { handleUndesiredEvent: sandbox.spy() }; sandbox.stub(, "init").throws(); sandbox.stub(, "get").returns(telemetry); try { as.init(); } catch (e) {} assert.calledOnce(telemetry.handleUndesiredEvent); }); }); describe("searchs shortcuts shouldPin pref", () => { const SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_SEARCH_ENGINES_PREF = "improvesearch.topSiteSearchShortcuts.searchEngines"; let stub; beforeEach(() => { stub = sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home"); }); it("should be an empty string when no geo is available", () => { stub.get(() => ""); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.equal( PREFS_CONFIG.get(SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_SEARCH_ENGINES_PREF).value, "" ); }); it("should be 'baidu' in China", () => { stub.get(() => "CN"); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.equal( PREFS_CONFIG.get(SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_SEARCH_ENGINES_PREF).value, "baidu" ); }); it("should be 'yandex' in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Turkey", () => { const geos = ["BY", "KZ", "RU", "TR"]; for (const geo of geos) { stub.get(() => geo); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.equal( PREFS_CONFIG.get(SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_SEARCH_ENGINES_PREF).value, "yandex" ); } }); it("should be 'google,amazon' in Germany, France, the UK, Japan, Italy, and the US", () => { const geos = ["DE", "FR", "GB", "IT", "JP", "US"]; for (const geo of geos) { stub.returns(geo); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.equal( PREFS_CONFIG.get(SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_SEARCH_ENGINES_PREF).value, "google,amazon" ); } }); it("should be 'google' elsewhere", () => { // A selection of other geos const geos = ["BR", "CA", "ES", "ID", "IN"]; for (const geo of geos) { stub.get(() => geo); as._updateDynamicPrefs(); assert.equal( PREFS_CONFIG.get(SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_SEARCH_ENGINES_PREF).value, "google" ); } }); }); });