import { ActivityStreamStorage } from "lib/ActivityStreamStorage.sys.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; let overrider = new GlobalOverrider(); describe("ActivityStreamStorage", () => { let sandbox; let indexedDB; let storage; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); indexedDB = { open: sandbox.stub().resolves({}), deleteDatabase: sandbox.stub().resolves(), }; overrider.set({ IndexedDB: indexedDB }); storage = new ActivityStreamStorage({ storeNames: ["storage_test"], telemetry: { handleUndesiredEvent: sandbox.stub() }, }); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it("should throw if required arguments not provided", () => { assert.throws(() => new ActivityStreamStorage({ telemetry: true })); }); describe(".db", () => { it("should not throw an error when accessing db", async () => { assert.ok(storage.db); }); it("should delete and recreate the db if opening db fails", async () => { const newDb = {}; Error("fake error"));; const db = await storage.db; assert.calledOnce(indexedDB.deleteDatabase); assert.calledTwice(; assert.equal(db, newDb); }); }); describe("#getDbTable", () => { let testStorage; let storeStub; beforeEach(() => { storeStub = { getAll: sandbox.stub().resolves(), get: sandbox.stub().resolves(), put: sandbox.stub().resolves(), }; sandbox.stub(storage, "_getStore").resolves(storeStub); testStorage = storage.getDbTable("storage_test"); }); it("should reverse key value parameters for put", async () => { await testStorage.set("key", "value"); assert.calledOnce(storeStub.put); assert.calledWith(storeStub.put, "value", "key"); }); it("should return the correct value for get", async () => { storeStub.get.withArgs("foo").resolves("foo"); const result = await testStorage.get("foo"); assert.calledOnce(storeStub.get); assert.equal(result, "foo"); }); it("should return the correct value for getAll", async () => { storeStub.getAll.resolves(["bar"]); const result = await testStorage.getAll(); assert.calledOnce(storeStub.getAll); assert.deepEqual(result, ["bar"]); }); it("should query the correct object store", async () => { await testStorage.get(); assert.calledOnce(storage._getStore); assert.calledWithExactly(storage._getStore, "storage_test"); }); it("should throw if table is not found", () => { assert.throws(() => storage.getDbTable("undefined_store")); }); }); it("should get the correct objectStore when calling _getStore", async () => { const objectStoreStub = sandbox.stub();{ objectStore: objectStoreStub }); await storage._getStore("foo"); assert.calledOnce(objectStoreStub); assert.calledWithExactly(objectStoreStub, "foo", "readwrite"); }); it("should create a db with the correct store name", async () => { const dbStub = { createObjectStore: sandbox.stub(), objectStoreNames: { contains: sandbox.stub().returns(false) }, }; await storage.db; // call the cb with a stub[0][2](dbStub); assert.calledOnce(dbStub.createObjectStore); assert.calledWithExactly(dbStub.createObjectStore, "storage_test"); }); it("should handle an array of object store names", async () => { storage = new ActivityStreamStorage({ storeNames: ["store1", "store2"], telemetry: {}, }); const dbStub = { createObjectStore: sandbox.stub(), objectStoreNames: { contains: sandbox.stub().returns(false) }, }; await storage.db; // call the cb with a stub[0][2](dbStub); assert.calledTwice(dbStub.createObjectStore); assert.calledWith(dbStub.createObjectStore, "store1"); assert.calledWith(dbStub.createObjectStore, "store2"); }); it("should skip creating existing stores", async () => { storage = new ActivityStreamStorage({ storeNames: ["store1", "store2"], telemetry: {}, }); const dbStub = { createObjectStore: sandbox.stub(), objectStoreNames: { contains: sandbox.stub().returns(true) }, }; await storage.db; // call the cb with a stub[0][2](dbStub); assert.notCalled(dbStub.createObjectStore); }); describe("#_requestWrapper", () => { it("should return a successful result", async () => { const result = await storage._requestWrapper(() => Promise.resolve("foo") ); assert.equal(result, "foo"); assert.notCalled(storage.telemetry.handleUndesiredEvent); }); it("should report failures", async () => { try { await storage._requestWrapper(() => Promise.reject(new Error())); } catch (e) { assert.calledOnce(storage.telemetry.handleUndesiredEvent); } }); }); });