import { FilterAdult } from "lib/FilterAdult.sys.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; describe("FilterAdult", () => { let hashStub; let hashValue; let globals; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); hashStub = { finish: sinon.stub().callsFake(() => hashValue), init: sinon.stub(), update: sinon.stub(), }; globals.set("Cc", { ";1": { createInstance() { return hashStub; }, }, }); globals.set("gFilterAdultEnabled", true); }); afterEach(() => { hashValue = ""; globals.restore(); }); describe("filter", () => { it("should default to include on unexpected urls", () => { const empty = {}; const result = FilterAdult.filter([empty]); assert.equal(result.length, 1); assert.equal(result[0], empty); }); it("should not filter out non-adult urls", () => { const link = { url: "" }; const result = FilterAdult.filter([link]); assert.equal(result.length, 1); assert.equal(result[0], link); }); it("should filter out adult urls", () => { // Use a hash value that is in the adult set hashValue = "+/UCpAhZhz368iGioEO8aQ=="; const link = { url: "https://some-adult-site/" }; const result = FilterAdult.filter([link]); assert.equal(result.length, 0); }); it("should not filter out adult urls if the preference is turned off", () => { // Use a hash value that is in the adult set hashValue = "+/UCpAhZhz368iGioEO8aQ=="; globals.set("gFilterAdultEnabled", false); const link = { url: "https://some-adult-site/" }; const result = FilterAdult.filter([link]); assert.equal(result.length, 1); assert.equal(result[0], link); }); }); describe("isAdultUrl", () => { it("should default to false on unexpected urls", () => { const result = FilterAdult.isAdultUrl(""); assert.equal(result, false); }); it("should return false for non-adult urls", () => { const result = FilterAdult.isAdultUrl(""); assert.equal(result, false); }); it("should return true for adult urls", () => { // Use a hash value that is in the adult set hashValue = "+/UCpAhZhz368iGioEO8aQ=="; const result = FilterAdult.isAdultUrl("https://some-adult-site/"); assert.equal(result, true); }); it("should return false for adult urls when the preference is turned off", () => { // Use a hash value that is in the adult set hashValue = "+/UCpAhZhz368iGioEO8aQ=="; globals.set("gFilterAdultEnabled", false); const result = FilterAdult.isAdultUrl("https://some-adult-site/"); assert.equal(result, false); }); describe("test functions", () => { it("should add and remove a filter in the adult list", () => { // Use a hash value that is in the adult set FilterAdult.addDomainToList("https://some-adult-site/"); let result = FilterAdult.isAdultUrl("https://some-adult-site/"); assert.equal(result, true); FilterAdult.removeDomainFromList("https://some-adult-site/"); result = FilterAdult.isAdultUrl("https://some-adult-site/"); assert.equal(result, false); }); }); }); });