import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at } from "common/Actions.mjs"; import { NewTabInit } from "lib/NewTabInit.sys.mjs"; describe("NewTabInit", () => { let instance; let store; let STATE; const requestFromTab = portID => instance.onAction( ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.NEW_TAB_STATE_REQUEST }, portID) ); beforeEach(() => { STATE = {}; store = { getState: sinon.stub().returns(STATE), dispatch: sinon.stub() }; instance = new NewTabInit(); = store; }); it("should reply with a copy of the state immediately", () => { requestFromTab(123); const resp = ac.AlsoToOneContent( { type: at.NEW_TAB_INITIAL_STATE, data: STATE }, 123 ); assert.calledWith(store.dispatch, resp); }); describe("early / simulated new tabs", () => { const simulateTabInit = portID => instance.onAction({ type: at.NEW_TAB_INIT, data: { portID, simulated: true }, }); beforeEach(() => { simulateTabInit("foo"); }); it("should dispatch if not replied yet", () => { requestFromTab("foo"); assert.calledWith( store.dispatch, ac.AlsoToOneContent( { type: at.NEW_TAB_INITIAL_STATE, data: STATE }, "foo" ) ); }); it("should dispatch once for multiple requests", () => { requestFromTab("foo"); requestFromTab("foo"); requestFromTab("foo"); assert.calledOnce(store.dispatch); }); describe("multiple tabs", () => { beforeEach(() => { simulateTabInit("bar"); }); it("should dispatch once to each tab", () => { requestFromTab("foo"); requestFromTab("bar"); assert.calledTwice(store.dispatch); requestFromTab("foo"); requestFromTab("bar"); assert.calledTwice(store.dispatch); }); it("should clean up when tabs close", () => { assert.propertyVal(instance._repliedEarlyTabs, "size", 2); instance.onAction(ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.NEW_TAB_UNLOAD }, "foo")); assert.propertyVal(instance._repliedEarlyTabs, "size", 1); instance.onAction(ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.NEW_TAB_UNLOAD }, "foo")); assert.propertyVal(instance._repliedEarlyTabs, "size", 1); instance.onAction(ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.NEW_TAB_UNLOAD }, "bar")); assert.propertyVal(instance._repliedEarlyTabs, "size", 0); }); }); }); });