import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { PersonalityProviderWorker } from "lib/PersonalityProvider/PersonalityProviderWorkerClass.mjs"; import { tokenize, toksToTfIdfVector, } from "lib/PersonalityProvider/Tokenize.mjs"; import { RecipeExecutor } from "lib/PersonalityProvider/RecipeExecutor.mjs"; import { NmfTextTagger } from "lib/PersonalityProvider/NmfTextTagger.mjs"; import { NaiveBayesTextTagger } from "lib/PersonalityProvider/NaiveBayesTextTagger.mjs"; describe("Personality Provider Worker Class", () => { let instance; let globals; let sandbox; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); globals = new GlobalOverrider(); globals.set("tokenize", tokenize); globals.set("toksToTfIdfVector", toksToTfIdfVector); globals.set("NaiveBayesTextTagger", NaiveBayesTextTagger); globals.set("NmfTextTagger", NmfTextTagger); globals.set("RecipeExecutor", RecipeExecutor); instance = new PersonalityProviderWorker(); // mock the RecipeExecutor instance.recipeExecutor = { executeRecipe: (item, recipe) => { if (recipe === "history_item_builder") { if (item.title === "fail") { return null; } return { title: item.title, score: item.frecency, type: "history_item", }; } else if (recipe === "interest_finalizer") { return { title: item.title, score: item.score * 100, type: "interest_vector", }; } else if (recipe === "item_to_rank_builder") { if (item.title === "fail") { return null; } return { item_title: item.title, item_score: item.score, type: "item_to_rank", }; } else if (recipe === "item_ranker") { if (item.title === "fail" || item.item_title === "fail") { return null; } return { title: item.title, score: item.item_score * item.score, type: "ranked_item", }; } return null; }, executeCombinerRecipe: (item1, item2, recipe) => { if (recipe === "interest_combiner") { if ( item1.title === "combiner_fail" || item2.title === "combiner_fail" ) { return null; } if (item1.type === undefined) { item1.type = "combined_iv"; } if (item1.score === undefined) { item1.score = 0; } return { type: item1.type, score: item1.score + item2.score }; } return null; }, }; instance.interestConfig = { history_item_builder: "history_item_builder", history_required_fields: ["a", "b", "c"], interest_finalizer: "interest_finalizer", item_to_rank_builder: "item_to_rank_builder", item_ranker: "item_ranker", interest_combiner: "interest_combiner", }; }); afterEach(() => { sinon.restore(); sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); describe("#setBaseAttachmentsURL", () => { it("should set baseAttachmentsURL", () => { instance.setBaseAttachmentsURL("url"); assert.equal(instance.baseAttachmentsURL, "url"); }); }); describe("#setInterestConfig", () => { it("should set interestConfig", () => { instance.setInterestConfig("config"); assert.equal(instance.interestConfig, "config"); }); }); describe("#setInterestVector", () => { it("should set interestVector", () => { instance.setInterestVector("vector"); assert.equal(instance.interestVector, "vector"); }); }); describe("#onSync", async () => { it("should sync remote settings collection from onSync", async () => { sinon.stub(instance, "deleteAttachment").resolves(); sinon.stub(instance, "maybeDownloadAttachment").resolves(); instance.onSync({ data: { created: ["create-1", "create-2"], updated: [ { old: "update-old-1", new: "update-new-1" }, { old: "update-old-2", new: "update-new-2" }, ], deleted: ["delete-2", "delete-1"], }, }); assert(instance.maybeDownloadAttachment.withArgs("create-1").calledOnce); assert(instance.maybeDownloadAttachment.withArgs("create-2").calledOnce); assert( instance.maybeDownloadAttachment.withArgs("update-new-1").calledOnce ); assert( instance.maybeDownloadAttachment.withArgs("update-new-2").calledOnce ); assert(instance.deleteAttachment.withArgs("delete-1").calledOnce); assert(instance.deleteAttachment.withArgs("delete-2").calledOnce); assert(instance.deleteAttachment.withArgs("update-old-1").calledOnce); assert(instance.deleteAttachment.withArgs("update-old-2").calledOnce); }); }); describe("#maybeDownloadAttachment", () => { it("should attempt _downloadAttachment three times for maybeDownloadAttachment", async () => { let existsStub; let statStub; let attachmentStub; sinon.stub(instance, "_downloadAttachment").resolves(); const makeDirStub = globals.sandbox .stub(global.IOUtils, "makeDirectory") .resolves(); existsStub = globals.sandbox .stub(global.IOUtils, "exists") .resolves(true); statStub = globals.sandbox .stub(global.IOUtils, "stat") .resolves({ size: "1" }); attachmentStub = { attachment: { filename: "file", size: "1", // This hash matches the hash generated from the empty Uint8Array returned by the stub. hash: "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", }, }; await instance.maybeDownloadAttachment(attachmentStub); assert.calledWith(makeDirStub, "personality-provider"); assert.calledOnce(existsStub); assert.calledOnce(statStub); assert.notCalled(instance._downloadAttachment); existsStub.resetHistory(); statStub.resetHistory(); instance._downloadAttachment.resetHistory(); attachmentStub = { attachment: { filename: "file", size: "2", }, }; await instance.maybeDownloadAttachment(attachmentStub); assert.calledThrice(existsStub); assert.calledThrice(statStub); assert.calledThrice(instance._downloadAttachment); existsStub.resetHistory(); statStub.resetHistory(); instance._downloadAttachment.resetHistory(); attachmentStub = { attachment: { filename: "file", size: "1", // Bogus hash to trigger an update. hash: "1234", }, }; await instance.maybeDownloadAttachment(attachmentStub); assert.calledThrice(existsStub); assert.calledThrice(statStub); assert.calledThrice(instance._downloadAttachment); }); }); describe("#_downloadAttachment", () => { beforeEach(() => { globals.set("Uint8Array", class Uint8Array {}); }); it("should write a file from _downloadAttachment", async () => { globals.set( "XMLHttpRequest", class { constructor() { this.status = 200; this.response = "response!"; } open() {} setRequestHeader() {} send() {} } ); const ioutilsWriteStub = globals.sandbox .stub(global.IOUtils, "write") .resolves(); await instance._downloadAttachment({ attachment: { location: "location", filename: "filename" }, }); const writeArgs = ioutilsWriteStub.firstCall.args; assert.equal(writeArgs[0], "filename"); assert.equal(writeArgs[2].tmpPath, "filename.tmp"); }); it("should call console.error from _downloadAttachment if not valid response", async () => { globals.set( "XMLHttpRequest", class { constructor() { this.status = 0; this.response = "response!"; } open() {} setRequestHeader() {} send() {} } ); const consoleErrorStub = globals.sandbox .stub(console, "error") .resolves(); await instance._downloadAttachment({ attachment: { location: "location", filename: "filename" }, }); assert.calledOnce(consoleErrorStub); }); }); describe("#deleteAttachment", () => { it("should remove attachments when calling deleteAttachment", async () => { const makeDirStub = globals.sandbox .stub(global.IOUtils, "makeDirectory") .resolves(); const removeStub = globals.sandbox .stub(global.IOUtils, "remove") .resolves(); await instance.deleteAttachment({ attachment: { filename: "filename" } }); assert.calledOnce(makeDirStub); assert.calledTwice(removeStub); assert.calledWith(removeStub.firstCall, "filename", { ignoreAbsent: true, }); assert.calledWith(removeStub.secondCall, "personality-provider", { ignoreAbsent: true, }); }); }); describe("#getAttachment", () => { it("should return JSON when calling getAttachment", async () => { sinon.stub(instance, "maybeDownloadAttachment").resolves(); const readJSONStub = globals.sandbox .stub(global.IOUtils, "readJSON") .resolves({}); const record = { attachment: { filename: "filename" } }; let returnValue = await instance.getAttachment(record); assert.calledOnce(readJSONStub); assert.calledWith(readJSONStub, "filename"); assert.calledOnce(instance.maybeDownloadAttachment); assert.calledWith(instance.maybeDownloadAttachment, record); assert.deepEqual(returnValue, {}); readJSONStub.restore(); globals.sandbox.stub(global.IOUtils, "readJSON").throws("foo"); const consoleErrorStub = globals.sandbox .stub(console, "error") .resolves(); returnValue = await instance.getAttachment(record); assert.calledOnce(consoleErrorStub); assert.deepEqual(returnValue, {}); }); }); describe("#fetchModels", () => { it("should return ok true", async () => { sinon.stub(instance, "getAttachment").resolves(); const result = await instance.fetchModels([{ key: 1234 }]); assert.isTrue(result.ok); assert.deepEqual(instance.models, [{ recordKey: 1234 }]); }); it("should return ok false", async () => { sinon.stub(instance, "getAttachment").resolves(); const result = await instance.fetchModels([]); assert.isTrue(!result.ok); }); }); describe("#generateTaggers", () => { it("should generate taggers from modelKeys", () => { const modelKeys = ["nb_model_sports", "nmf_model_sports"]; instance.models = [ { recordKey: "nb_model_sports", model_type: "nb" }, { recordKey: "nmf_model_sports", model_type: "nmf", parent_tag: "nmf_sports_parent_tag", }, ]; instance.generateTaggers(modelKeys); assert.equal(instance.taggers.nbTaggers.length, 1); assert.equal(Object.keys(instance.taggers.nmfTaggers).length, 1); }); it("should skip any models not in modelKeys", () => { const modelKeys = ["nb_model_sports"]; instance.models = [ { recordKey: "nb_model_sports", model_type: "nb" }, { recordKey: "nmf_model_sports", model_type: "nmf", parent_tag: "nmf_sports_parent_tag", }, ]; instance.generateTaggers(modelKeys); assert.equal(instance.taggers.nbTaggers.length, 1); assert.equal(Object.keys(instance.taggers.nmfTaggers).length, 0); }); it("should skip any models not defined", () => { const modelKeys = ["nb_model_sports", "nmf_model_sports"]; instance.models = [{ recordKey: "nb_model_sports", model_type: "nb" }]; instance.generateTaggers(modelKeys); assert.equal(instance.taggers.nbTaggers.length, 1); assert.equal(Object.keys(instance.taggers.nmfTaggers).length, 0); }); }); describe("#generateRecipeExecutor", () => { it("should generate a recipeExecutor", () => { instance.recipeExecutor = null; instance.taggers = {}; instance.generateRecipeExecutor(); assert.isNotNull(instance.recipeExecutor); }); }); describe("#createInterestVector", () => { let mockHistory = []; beforeEach(() => { mockHistory = [ { title: "automotive", description: "something about automotive", url: "", frecency: 10, }, { title: "fashion", description: "something about fashion", url: "", frecency: 5, }, { title: "tech", description: "something about tech", url: "", frecency: 1, }, ]; }); it("should gracefully handle history entries that fail", () => { mockHistory.push({ title: "fail" }); assert.isNotNull(instance.createInterestVector(mockHistory)); }); it("should fail if the combiner fails", () => { mockHistory.push({ title: "combiner_fail", frecency: 111 }); let actual = instance.createInterestVector(mockHistory); assert.isNull(actual); }); it("should process history, combine, and finalize", () => { let actual = instance.createInterestVector(mockHistory); assert.equal(actual.interestVector.score, 1600); }); }); describe("#calculateItemRelevanceScore", () => { it("should return null for busted item", () => { assert.equal( instance.calculateItemRelevanceScore({ title: "fail" }), null ); }); it("should return null for a busted ranking", () => { instance.interestVector = { title: "fail", score: 10 }; assert.equal( instance.calculateItemRelevanceScore({ title: "some item", score: 6 }), null ); }); it("should return a score, and not change with interestVector", () => { instance.interestVector = { score: 10 }; assert.equal( instance.calculateItemRelevanceScore({ score: 2 }).rankingVector.score, 20 ); assert.deepEqual(instance.interestVector, { score: 10 }); }); it("should use defined personalization_models if available", () => { instance.interestVector = { score: 10 }; const item = { score: 2, personalization_models: { entertainment: 1, }, }; assert.equal( instance.calculateItemRelevanceScore(item).scorableItem.item_tags .entertainment, 1 ); }); }); });