import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { PrefsFeed } from "lib/PrefsFeed.sys.mjs"; let overrider = new GlobalOverrider(); describe("PrefsFeed", () => { let feed; let FAKE_PREFS; let sandbox; let ServicesStub; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); FAKE_PREFS = new Map([ ["foo", 1], ["bar", 2], ["baz", { value: 1, skipBroadcast: true }], ["qux", { value: 1, skipBroadcast: true, alsoToPreloaded: true }], ]); feed = new PrefsFeed(FAKE_PREFS); const storage = { getAll: sandbox.stub().resolves(), set: sandbox.stub().resolves(), }; ServicesStub = { prefs: { clearUserPref: sinon.spy(), getStringPref: sinon.spy(), getIntPref: sinon.spy(), getBoolPref: sinon.spy(), }, obs: { removeObserver: sinon.spy(), addObserver: sinon.spy(), }, }; sinon.spy(feed, "_setPref"); = { dispatch: sinon.spy(), getState() { return this.state; }, dbStorage: { getDbTable: sandbox.stub().returns(storage) }, }; // Setup for tests that don't call `init` feed._storage = storage; feed._prefs = { get: sinon.spy(item => FAKE_PREFS.get(item)), set: sinon.spy((name, value) => FAKE_PREFS.set(name, value)), observe: sinon.spy(), observeBranch: sinon.spy(), ignore: sinon.spy(), ignoreBranch: sinon.spy(), reset: sinon.stub(), _branchStr: "branch.str.", }; overrider.set({ PrivateBrowsingUtils: { enabled: true }, Services: ServicesStub, }); }); afterEach(() => { overrider.restore(); sandbox.restore(); }); it("should set a pref when a SET_PREF action is received", () => { feed.onAction(ac.SetPref("foo", 2)); assert.calledWith(feed._prefs.set, "foo", 2); }); it("should call clearUserPref with action CLEAR_PREF", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.CLEAR_PREF, data: { name: "pref.test" } }); assert.calledWith(ServicesStub.prefs.clearUserPref, "branch.str.pref.test"); }); it("should dispatch PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES on init with pref values and .isPrivateBrowsingEnabled", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.calledOnce(; assert.equal([0].type, at.PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES ); const [{ data }] =; assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal(, 2); assert.isTrue(data.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled); }); it("should dispatch PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES with a .featureConfig", () => { sandbox.stub(global.NimbusFeatures.newtab, "getAllVariables").returns({ prefsButtonIcon: "icon-foo", }); feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.equal([0].type, at.PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES ); const [{ data }] =; assert.deepEqual(data.featureConfig, { prefsButtonIcon: "icon-foo" }); }); it("should dispatch PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES with an empty object if no experiment is returned", () => { sandbox.stub(global.NimbusFeatures.newtab, "getAllVariables").returns(null); feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.equal([0].type, at.PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES ); const [{ data }] =; assert.deepEqual(data.featureConfig, {}); }); it("should add one branch observer on init", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.calledOnce(feed._prefs.observeBranch); assert.calledWith(feed._prefs.observeBranch, feed); }); it("should initialise the storage on init", () => { feed.init(); assert.calledOnce(; assert.calledWithExactly(, "sectionPrefs"); }); it("should handle region on init", () => { feed.init(); assert.equal(feed.geo, "US"); }); it("should add region observer on init", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Region, "home").get(() => ""); feed.init(); assert.equal(feed.geo, ""); assert.calledWith( ServicesStub.obs.addObserver, feed, global.Region.REGION_TOPIC ); }); it("should remove the branch observer on uninit", () => { feed.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); assert.calledOnce(feed._prefs.ignoreBranch); assert.calledWith(feed._prefs.ignoreBranch, feed); }); it("should call removeObserver", () => { feed.geo = ""; feed.uninit(); assert.calledWith( ServicesStub.obs.removeObserver, feed, global.Region.REGION_TOPIC ); }); it("should send a PREF_CHANGED action when onPrefChanged is called", () => { feed.onPrefChanged("foo", 2); assert.calledWith(, ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "foo", value: 2 }, }) ); }); it("should send a PREF_CHANGED actions when onPocketExperimentUpdated is called", () => { sandbox .stub(global.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab, "getAllVariables") .returns({ prefsButtonIcon: "icon-new", }); feed.onPocketExperimentUpdated(); assert.calledWith(, ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "pocketConfig", value: { prefsButtonIcon: "icon-new", }, }, }) ); }); it("should not send a PREF_CHANGED actions when onPocketExperimentUpdated is called during startup", () => { sandbox .stub(global.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab, "getAllVariables") .returns({ prefsButtonIcon: "icon-new", }); feed.onPocketExperimentUpdated({}, "feature-experiment-loaded"); assert.notCalled(; feed.onPocketExperimentUpdated({}, "feature-rollout-loaded"); assert.notCalled(; }); it("should send a PREF_CHANGED actions when onExperimentUpdated is called", () => { sandbox.stub(global.NimbusFeatures.newtab, "getAllVariables").returns({ prefsButtonIcon: "icon-new", }); feed.onExperimentUpdated(); assert.calledWith(, ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "featureConfig", value: { prefsButtonIcon: "icon-new", }, }, }) ); }); it("should remove all events on removeListeners", () => { feed.geo = ""; sandbox.spy(global.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab, "offUpdate"); sandbox.spy(global.NimbusFeatures.newtab, "offUpdate"); feed.removeListeners(); assert.calledWith( global.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.offUpdate, feed.onPocketExperimentUpdated ); assert.calledWith( global.NimbusFeatures.newtab.offUpdate, feed.onExperimentUpdated ); assert.calledWith( ServicesStub.obs.removeObserver, feed, global.Region.REGION_TOPIC ); }); it("should set storage pref on UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS", async () => { await feed.onAction({ type: at.UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS, data: { id: "topsites", value: { collapsed: false } }, }); assert.calledWith(feed._storage.set, "topsites", { collapsed: false }); }); it("should set storage pref with section prefix on UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS", async () => { await feed.onAction({ type: at.UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS, data: { id: "topstories", value: { collapsed: false } }, }); assert.calledWith(feed._storage.set, "feeds.section.topstories", { collapsed: false, }); }); it("should catch errors on UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS", async () => { feed._storage.set.throws(new Error("foo")); assert.doesNotThrow(async () => { await feed.onAction({ type: at.UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS, data: { id: "topstories", value: { collapsed: false } }, }); }); }); it("should send OnlyToMain pref update if config for pref has skipBroadcast: true", async () => { feed.onPrefChanged("baz", { value: 2, skipBroadcast: true }); assert.calledWith(, ac.OnlyToMain({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "baz", value: { value: 2, skipBroadcast: true } }, }) ); }); it("should send AlsoToPreloaded pref update if config for pref has skipBroadcast: true and alsoToPreloaded: true", async () => { feed.onPrefChanged("qux", { value: 2, skipBroadcast: true, alsoToPreloaded: true, }); assert.calledWith(, ac.AlsoToPreloaded({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "qux", value: { value: 2, skipBroadcast: true, alsoToPreloaded: true }, }, }) ); }); describe("#observe", () => { it("should call dispatch from observe", () => { feed.observe(undefined, global.Region.REGION_TOPIC); assert.calledOnce(; }); }); describe("#_setStringPref", () => { it("should call _setPref and getStringPref from _setStringPref", () => { feed._setStringPref({}, "fake.pref", "default"); assert.calledOnce(feed._setPref); assert.calledWith( feed._setPref, { "fake.pref": undefined }, "fake.pref", "default" ); assert.calledOnce(ServicesStub.prefs.getStringPref); assert.calledWith( ServicesStub.prefs.getStringPref, "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.fake.pref", "default" ); }); }); describe("#_setBoolPref", () => { it("should call _setPref and getBoolPref from _setBoolPref", () => { feed._setBoolPref({}, "fake.pref", false); assert.calledOnce(feed._setPref); assert.calledWith( feed._setPref, { "fake.pref": undefined }, "fake.pref", false ); assert.calledOnce(ServicesStub.prefs.getBoolPref); assert.calledWith( ServicesStub.prefs.getBoolPref, "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.fake.pref", false ); }); }); describe("#_setIntPref", () => { it("should call _setPref and getIntPref from _setIntPref", () => { feed._setIntPref({}, "fake.pref", 1); assert.calledOnce(feed._setPref); assert.calledWith( feed._setPref, { "fake.pref": undefined }, "fake.pref", 1 ); assert.calledOnce(ServicesStub.prefs.getIntPref); assert.calledWith( ServicesStub.prefs.getIntPref, "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.fake.pref", 1 ); }); }); describe("#_setPref", () => { it("should set pref value with _setPref", () => { const getPrefFunctionSpy = sinon.spy(); const values = {}; feed._setPref(values, "fake.pref", "default", getPrefFunctionSpy); assert.deepEqual(values, { "fake.pref": undefined }); assert.calledOnce(getPrefFunctionSpy); assert.calledWith( getPrefFunctionSpy, "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.fake.pref", "default" ); }); }); });