"use strict"; import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE, MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE, PRELOAD_MESSAGE_TYPE, } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; import { EventEmitter, GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { SectionsFeed, SectionsManager } from "lib/SectionsManager.sys.mjs"; const FAKE_ID = "FAKE_ID"; const FAKE_OPTIONS = { icon: "FAKE_ICON", title: "FAKE_TITLE" }; const FAKE_ROWS = [ { url: "1.example.com", type: "bookmark" }, { url: "2.example.com", type: "pocket" }, { url: "3.example.com", type: "history" }, ]; const FAKE_TRENDING_ROWS = [{ url: "bar", type: "trending" }]; const FAKE_URL = "2.example.com"; const FAKE_CARD_OPTIONS = { title: "Some fake title" }; describe("SectionsManager", () => { let globals; let fakeServices; let fakePlacesUtils; let sandbox; let storage; beforeEach(async () => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); globals = new GlobalOverrider(); fakeServices = { prefs: { getBoolPref: sandbox.stub(), addObserver: sandbox.stub(), removeObserver: sandbox.stub(), }, }; fakePlacesUtils = { history: { update: sinon.stub(), insert: sinon.stub() }, }; globals.set({ Services: fakeServices, PlacesUtils: fakePlacesUtils, NimbusFeatures: { newtab: { getAllVariables: sandbox.stub() }, pocketNewtab: { getAllVariables: sandbox.stub() }, }, }); // Redecorate SectionsManager to remove any listeners that have been added EventEmitter.decorate(SectionsManager); storage = { get: sandbox.stub().resolves(), set: sandbox.stub().resolves(), }; }); afterEach(() => { globals.restore(); sandbox.restore(); }); describe("#init", () => { it("should initialise the sections map with the built in sections", async () => { SectionsManager.sections.clear(); SectionsManager.initialized = false; await SectionsManager.init({}, storage); assert.equal(SectionsManager.sections.size, 2); assert.ok(SectionsManager.sections.has("topstories")); assert.ok(SectionsManager.sections.has("highlights")); }); it("should set .initialized to true", async () => { SectionsManager.sections.clear(); SectionsManager.initialized = false; await SectionsManager.init({}, storage); assert.ok(SectionsManager.initialized); }); it("should add observer for context menu prefs", async () => { SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_PREFS = { MENU_ITEM: "MENU_ITEM_PREF" }; await SectionsManager.init({}, storage); assert.calledOnce(fakeServices.prefs.addObserver); assert.calledWith( fakeServices.prefs.addObserver, "MENU_ITEM_PREF", SectionsManager ); }); it("should save the reference to `storage` passed in", async () => { await SectionsManager.init({}, storage); assert.equal(SectionsManager._storage, storage); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { it("should remove observer for context menu prefs", () => { SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_PREFS = { MENU_ITEM: "MENU_ITEM_PREF" }; SectionsManager.initialized = true; SectionsManager.uninit(); assert.calledOnce(fakeServices.prefs.removeObserver); assert.calledWith( fakeServices.prefs.removeObserver, "MENU_ITEM_PREF", SectionsManager ); assert.isFalse(SectionsManager.initialized); }); }); describe("#addBuiltInSection", () => { it("should not report an error if options is undefined", async () => { globals.sandbox.spy(global.console, "error"); SectionsManager._storage.get = sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()); await SectionsManager.addBuiltInSection( "feeds.section.topstories", undefined ); assert.notCalled(console.error); }); it("should report an error if options is malformed", async () => { globals.sandbox.spy(global.console, "error"); SectionsManager._storage.get = sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()); await SectionsManager.addBuiltInSection( "feeds.section.topstories", "invalid" ); assert.calledOnce(console.error); }); it("should not throw if the indexedDB operation fails", async () => { globals.sandbox.spy(global.console, "error"); storage.get = sandbox.stub().throws(); SectionsManager._storage = storage; try { await SectionsManager.addBuiltInSection("feeds.section.topstories"); } catch (e) { assert.fail(); } assert.calledOnce(storage.get); assert.calledOnce(console.error); }); }); describe("#updateSectionPrefs", () => { it("should update the collapsed value of the section", async () => { sandbox.stub(SectionsManager, "updateSection"); let topstories = SectionsManager.sections.get("topstories"); assert.isFalse(topstories.pref.collapsed); await SectionsManager.updateSectionPrefs("topstories", { collapsed: true, }); topstories = SectionsManager.sections.get("topstories"); assert.isTrue(SectionsManager.updateSection.args[0][1].pref.collapsed); }); it("should ignore invalid ids", async () => { sandbox.stub(SectionsManager, "updateSection"); await SectionsManager.updateSectionPrefs("foo", { collapsed: true }); assert.notCalled(SectionsManager.updateSection); }); }); describe("#addSection", () => { it("should add the id to sections and emit an ADD_SECTION event", () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.ADD_SECTION, spy); SectionsManager.addSection(FAKE_ID, FAKE_OPTIONS); assert.ok(SectionsManager.sections.has(FAKE_ID)); assert.calledOnce(spy); assert.calledWith( spy, SectionsManager.ADD_SECTION, FAKE_ID, FAKE_OPTIONS ); }); }); describe("#removeSection", () => { it("should remove the id from sections and emit an REMOVE_SECTION event", () => { // Ensure we start with the id in the set assert.ok(SectionsManager.sections.has(FAKE_ID)); const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.REMOVE_SECTION, spy); SectionsManager.removeSection(FAKE_ID); assert.notOk(SectionsManager.sections.has(FAKE_ID)); assert.calledOnce(spy); assert.calledWith(spy, SectionsManager.REMOVE_SECTION, FAKE_ID); }); }); describe("#enableSection", () => { it("should call updateSection with {enabled: true}", () => { sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "updateSection"); SectionsManager.addSection(FAKE_ID, FAKE_OPTIONS); SectionsManager.enableSection(FAKE_ID); assert.calledOnce(SectionsManager.updateSection); assert.calledWith( SectionsManager.updateSection, FAKE_ID, { enabled: true }, true ); SectionsManager.updateSection.restore(); }); it("should emit an ENABLE_SECTION event", () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.ENABLE_SECTION, spy); SectionsManager.enableSection(FAKE_ID); assert.calledOnce(spy); assert.calledWith(spy, SectionsManager.ENABLE_SECTION, FAKE_ID); }); }); describe("#disableSection", () => { it("should call updateSection with {enabled: false, rows: [], initialized: false}", () => { sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "updateSection"); SectionsManager.addSection(FAKE_ID, FAKE_OPTIONS); SectionsManager.disableSection(FAKE_ID); assert.calledOnce(SectionsManager.updateSection); assert.calledWith( SectionsManager.updateSection, FAKE_ID, { enabled: false, rows: [], initialized: false }, true ); SectionsManager.updateSection.restore(); }); it("should emit a DISABLE_SECTION event", () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.DISABLE_SECTION, spy); SectionsManager.disableSection(FAKE_ID); assert.calledOnce(spy); assert.calledWith(spy, SectionsManager.DISABLE_SECTION, FAKE_ID); }); }); describe("#updateSection", () => { it("should emit an UPDATE_SECTION event with correct arguments", () => { SectionsManager.addSection(FAKE_ID, FAKE_OPTIONS); const spy = sinon.spy(); const dedupeConfigurations = [ { id: "topstories", dedupeFrom: ["highlights"] }, ]; SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION, spy); SectionsManager.updateSection(FAKE_ID, { rows: FAKE_ROWS }, true); assert.calledOnce(spy); assert.calledWith( spy, SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION, FAKE_ID, { rows: FAKE_ROWS, dedupeConfigurations }, true ); }); it("should do nothing if the section doesn't exist", () => { SectionsManager.removeSection(FAKE_ID); const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION, spy); SectionsManager.updateSection(FAKE_ID, { rows: FAKE_ROWS }, true); assert.notCalled(spy); }); it("should update all sections", () => { SectionsManager.sections.clear(); const updateSectionOrig = SectionsManager.updateSection; SectionsManager.updateSection = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.addSection("ID1", { title: "FAKE_TITLE_1" }); SectionsManager.addSection("ID2", { title: "FAKE_TITLE_2" }); SectionsManager.updateSections(); assert.calledTwice(SectionsManager.updateSection); assert.calledWith( SectionsManager.updateSection, "ID1", { title: "FAKE_TITLE_1" }, true ); assert.calledWith( SectionsManager.updateSection, "ID2", { title: "FAKE_TITLE_2" }, true ); SectionsManager.updateSection = updateSectionOrig; }); it("context menu pref change should update sections", async () => { let observer; const services = { prefs: { getBoolPref: sinon.spy(), addObserver: (pref, o) => (observer = o), removeObserver: sinon.spy(), }, }; globals.set("Services", services); SectionsManager.updateSections = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_PREFS = { MENU_ITEM: "MENU_ITEM_PREF" }; await SectionsManager.init({}, storage); observer.observe("", "nsPref:changed", "MENU_ITEM_PREF"); assert.calledOnce(SectionsManager.updateSections); }); }); describe("#_addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions", () => { const addCardTypeLinkMenuOptionsOrig = SectionsManager._addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions; const contextMenuOptionsOrig = SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS_FOR_HIGHLIGHT_TYPES; beforeEach(() => { // Add a topstories section and a highlights section, with types for each card SectionsManager.addSection("topstories", { FAKE_TRENDING_ROWS }); SectionsManager.addSection("highlights", { FAKE_ROWS }); }); it("should only call _addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions if the section update is for highlights", () => { SectionsManager._addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.updateSection("topstories", { rows: FAKE_ROWS }, false); assert.notCalled(SectionsManager._addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions); SectionsManager.updateSection("highlights", { rows: FAKE_ROWS }, false); assert.calledWith(SectionsManager._addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions, FAKE_ROWS); }); it("should only call _addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions if the section update has rows", () => { SectionsManager._addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.updateSection("highlights", {}, false); assert.notCalled(SectionsManager._addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions); }); it("should assign the correct context menu options based on the type of highlight", () => { SectionsManager._addCardTypeLinkMenuOptions = addCardTypeLinkMenuOptionsOrig; SectionsManager.updateSection("highlights", { rows: FAKE_ROWS }, false); const highlights = SectionsManager.sections.get("highlights").FAKE_ROWS; // FAKE_ROWS was added in the following order: bookmark, pocket, history assert.deepEqual( highlights[0].contextMenuOptions, SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS_FOR_HIGHLIGHT_TYPES.bookmark ); assert.deepEqual( highlights[1].contextMenuOptions, SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS_FOR_HIGHLIGHT_TYPES.pocket ); assert.deepEqual( highlights[2].contextMenuOptions, SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS_FOR_HIGHLIGHT_TYPES.history ); }); it("should throw an error if you are assigning a context menu to a non-existant highlight type", () => { globals.sandbox.spy(global.console, "error"); SectionsManager.updateSection( "highlights", { rows: [{ url: "foo", type: "badtype" }] }, false ); const highlights = SectionsManager.sections.get("highlights").rows; assert.calledOnce(console.error); assert.equal(highlights[0].contextMenuOptions, undefined); }); it("should filter out context menu options that are in CONTEXT_MENU_PREFS", () => { const services = { prefs: { getBoolPref: o => SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_PREFS[o] !== "RemoveMe", addObserver() {}, removeObserver() {}, }, }; globals.set("Services", services); SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_PREFS = { RemoveMe: "RemoveMe" }; SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS_FOR_HIGHLIGHT_TYPES = { bookmark: ["KeepMe", "RemoveMe"], pocket: ["KeepMe", "RemoveMe"], history: ["KeepMe", "RemoveMe"], }; SectionsManager.updateSection("highlights", { rows: FAKE_ROWS }, false); const highlights = SectionsManager.sections.get("highlights").FAKE_ROWS; // Only keep context menu options that were not supposed to be removed based on CONTEXT_MENU_PREFS assert.deepEqual(highlights[0].contextMenuOptions, ["KeepMe"]); assert.deepEqual(highlights[1].contextMenuOptions, ["KeepMe"]); assert.deepEqual(highlights[2].contextMenuOptions, ["KeepMe"]); SectionsManager.CONTEXT_MENU_OPTIONS_FOR_HIGHLIGHT_TYPES = contextMenuOptionsOrig; globals.restore(); }); }); describe("#onceInitialized", () => { it("should call the callback immediately if SectionsManager is initialised", () => { SectionsManager.initialized = true; const callback = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.onceInitialized(callback); assert.calledOnce(callback); }); it("should bind the callback to .once(INIT) if SectionsManager is not initialised", () => { SectionsManager.initialized = false; sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "once"); const callback = () => {}; SectionsManager.onceInitialized(callback); assert.calledOnce(SectionsManager.once); assert.calledWith(SectionsManager.once, SectionsManager.INIT, callback); }); }); describe("#updateSectionCard", () => { it("should emit an UPDATE_SECTION_CARD event with correct arguments", () => { SectionsManager.addSection( FAKE_ID, Object.assign({}, FAKE_OPTIONS, { rows: FAKE_ROWS }) ); const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION_CARD, spy); SectionsManager.updateSectionCard( FAKE_ID, FAKE_URL, FAKE_CARD_OPTIONS, true ); assert.calledOnce(spy); assert.calledWith( spy, SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION_CARD, FAKE_ID, FAKE_URL, FAKE_CARD_OPTIONS, true ); }); it("should do nothing if the section doesn't exist", () => { SectionsManager.removeSection(FAKE_ID); const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION_CARD, spy); SectionsManager.updateSectionCard( FAKE_ID, FAKE_URL, FAKE_CARD_OPTIONS, true ); assert.notCalled(spy); }); }); describe("#removeSectionCard", () => { it("should dispatch an SECTION_UPDATE action in which cards corresponding to the given url are removed", () => { const rows = [{ url: "foo.com" }, { url: "bar.com" }]; SectionsManager.addSection( FAKE_ID, Object.assign({}, FAKE_OPTIONS, { rows }) ); const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION, spy); SectionsManager.removeSectionCard(FAKE_ID, "foo.com"); assert.calledOnce(spy); assert.equal(spy.firstCall.args[1], FAKE_ID); assert.deepEqual(spy.firstCall.args[2].rows, [{ url: "bar.com" }]); }); it("should do nothing if the section doesn't exist", () => { SectionsManager.removeSection(FAKE_ID); const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION, spy); SectionsManager.removeSectionCard(FAKE_ID, "bar.com"); assert.notCalled(spy); }); }); describe("#updateBookmarkMetadata", () => { beforeEach(() => { let rows = [ { url: "bar", title: "title", description: "description", image: "image", type: "trending", }, ]; SectionsManager.addSection("topstories", { rows }); // Simulate 2 sections. rows = [ { url: "foo", title: "title", description: "description", image: "image", type: "bookmark", }, ]; SectionsManager.addSection("highlights", { rows }); }); it("shouldn't call PlacesUtils if URL is not in topstories", () => { SectionsManager.updateBookmarkMetadata({ url: "foo" }); assert.notCalled(fakePlacesUtils.history.update); }); it("should call PlacesUtils.history.update", () => { SectionsManager.updateBookmarkMetadata({ url: "bar" }); assert.calledOnce(fakePlacesUtils.history.update); assert.calledWithExactly(fakePlacesUtils.history.update, { url: "bar", title: "title", description: "description", previewImageURL: "image", }); }); it("should call PlacesUtils.history.insert", () => { SectionsManager.updateBookmarkMetadata({ url: "bar" }); assert.calledOnce(fakePlacesUtils.history.insert); assert.calledWithExactly(fakePlacesUtils.history.insert, { url: "bar", title: "title", visits: [{}], }); }); }); }); describe("SectionsFeed", () => { let feed; let sandbox; let storage; let globals; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); SectionsManager.sections.clear(); SectionsManager.initialized = false; globals = new GlobalOverrider(); globals.set("NimbusFeatures", { newtab: { getAllVariables: sandbox.stub() }, pocketNewtab: { getAllVariables: sandbox.stub() }, }); storage = { get: sandbox.stub().resolves(), set: sandbox.stub().resolves(), }; feed = new SectionsFeed(); feed.store = { dispatch: sinon.spy() }; feed.store = { dispatch: sinon.spy(), getState() { return this.state; }, state: { Prefs: { values: { sectionOrder: "topsites,topstories,highlights", "feeds.topsites": true, }, }, Sections: [{ initialized: false }], }, dbStorage: { getDbTable: sandbox.stub().returns(storage) }, }; }); afterEach(() => { feed.uninit(); globals.restore(); }); describe("#init", () => { it("should create a SectionsFeed", () => { assert.instanceOf(feed, SectionsFeed); }); it("should bind appropriate listeners", () => { sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "on"); feed.init(); assert.callCount(SectionsManager.on, 4); for (const [event, listener] of [ [SectionsManager.ADD_SECTION, feed.onAddSection], [SectionsManager.REMOVE_SECTION, feed.onRemoveSection], [SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION, feed.onUpdateSection], [SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION_CARD, feed.onUpdateSectionCard], ]) { assert.calledWith(SectionsManager.on, event, listener); } }); it("should call onAddSection for any already added sections in SectionsManager", async () => { await SectionsManager.init({}, storage); assert.ok(SectionsManager.sections.has("topstories")); assert.ok(SectionsManager.sections.has("highlights")); const topstories = SectionsManager.sections.get("topstories"); const highlights = SectionsManager.sections.get("highlights"); sinon.spy(feed, "onAddSection"); feed.init(); assert.calledTwice(feed.onAddSection); assert.calledWith( feed.onAddSection, SectionsManager.ADD_SECTION, "topstories", topstories ); assert.calledWith( feed.onAddSection, SectionsManager.ADD_SECTION, "highlights", highlights ); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { it("should unbind all listeners", () => { sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "off"); feed.init(); feed.uninit(); assert.callCount(SectionsManager.off, 4); for (const [event, listener] of [ [SectionsManager.ADD_SECTION, feed.onAddSection], [SectionsManager.REMOVE_SECTION, feed.onRemoveSection], [SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION, feed.onUpdateSection], [SectionsManager.UPDATE_SECTION_CARD, feed.onUpdateSectionCard], ]) { assert.calledWith(SectionsManager.off, event, listener); } }); it("should emit an UNINIT event and set SectionsManager.initialized to false", () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.UNINIT, spy); feed.init(); feed.uninit(); assert.calledOnce(spy); assert.notOk(SectionsManager.initialized); }); }); describe("#onAddSection", () => { it("should broadcast a SECTION_REGISTER action with the correct data", () => { feed.onAddSection(null, FAKE_ID, FAKE_OPTIONS); const [action] = feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.equal(action.type, "SECTION_REGISTER"); assert.deepEqual( action.data, Object.assign({ id: FAKE_ID }, FAKE_OPTIONS) ); assert.equal(action.meta.from, MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE); assert.equal(action.meta.to, CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE); }); it("should prepend id to sectionOrder pref if not already included", () => { feed.store.state.Sections = [ { id: "topstories", enabled: true }, { id: "highlights", enabled: true }, ]; feed.onAddSection(null, FAKE_ID, FAKE_OPTIONS); assert.calledWith(feed.store.dispatch, { data: { name: "sectionOrder", value: `${FAKE_ID},topsites,topstories,highlights`, }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "SET_PREF", }); }); }); describe("#onRemoveSection", () => { it("should broadcast a SECTION_DEREGISTER action with the correct data", () => { feed.onRemoveSection(null, FAKE_ID); const [action] = feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.equal(action.type, "SECTION_DEREGISTER"); assert.deepEqual(action.data, FAKE_ID); // Should be broadcast assert.equal(action.meta.from, MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE); assert.equal(action.meta.to, CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE); }); }); describe("#onUpdateSection", () => { it("should do nothing if no options are provided", () => { feed.onUpdateSection(null, FAKE_ID, null); assert.notCalled(feed.store.dispatch); }); it("should dispatch a SECTION_UPDATE action with the correct data", () => { feed.onUpdateSection(null, FAKE_ID, { rows: FAKE_ROWS }); const [action] = feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.equal(action.type, "SECTION_UPDATE"); assert.deepEqual(action.data, { id: FAKE_ID, rows: FAKE_ROWS }); // Should be not broadcast by default, but should update the preloaded tab, so check meta assert.equal(action.meta.from, MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE); assert.equal(action.meta.to, PRELOAD_MESSAGE_TYPE); }); it("should broadcast the action only if shouldBroadcast is true", () => { feed.onUpdateSection(null, FAKE_ID, { rows: FAKE_ROWS }, true); const [action] = feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args; // Should be broadcast assert.equal(action.meta.from, MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE); assert.equal(action.meta.to, CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE); }); }); describe("#onUpdateSectionCard", () => { it("should do nothing if no options are provided", () => { feed.onUpdateSectionCard(null, FAKE_ID, FAKE_URL, null); assert.notCalled(feed.store.dispatch); }); it("should dispatch a SECTION_UPDATE_CARD action with the correct data", () => { feed.onUpdateSectionCard(null, FAKE_ID, FAKE_URL, FAKE_CARD_OPTIONS); const [action] = feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.equal(action.type, "SECTION_UPDATE_CARD"); assert.deepEqual(action.data, { id: FAKE_ID, url: FAKE_URL, options: FAKE_CARD_OPTIONS, }); // Should be not broadcast by default, but should update the preloaded tab, so check meta assert.equal(action.meta.from, MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE); assert.equal(action.meta.to, PRELOAD_MESSAGE_TYPE); }); it("should broadcast the action only if shouldBroadcast is true", () => { feed.onUpdateSectionCard( null, FAKE_ID, FAKE_URL, FAKE_CARD_OPTIONS, true ); const [action] = feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args; // Should be broadcast assert.equal(action.meta.from, MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE); assert.equal(action.meta.to, CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE); }); }); describe("#onAction", () => { it("should bind this.init to SectionsManager.INIT on INIT", () => { sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "once"); feed.onAction({ type: "INIT" }); assert.calledOnce(SectionsManager.once); assert.calledWith(SectionsManager.once, SectionsManager.INIT, feed.init); }); it("should call SectionsManager.init on action PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES", () => { sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "init"); feed.onAction({ type: "PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES", data: { foo: "bar" } }); assert.calledOnce(SectionsManager.init); assert.calledWith(SectionsManager.init, { foo: "bar" }); assert.calledOnce(feed.store.dbStorage.getDbTable); assert.calledWithExactly(feed.store.dbStorage.getDbTable, "sectionPrefs"); }); it("should call SectionsManager.addBuiltInSection on suitable PREF_CHANGED events", () => { sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "addBuiltInSection"); feed.onAction({ type: "PREF_CHANGED", data: { name: "feeds.section.topstories.options", value: "foo" }, }); assert.calledOnce(SectionsManager.addBuiltInSection); assert.calledWith( SectionsManager.addBuiltInSection, "feeds.section.topstories", "foo" ); }); it("should fire SECTION_OPTIONS_UPDATED on suitable PREF_CHANGED events", async () => { await feed.onAction({ type: "PREF_CHANGED", data: { name: "feeds.section.topstories.options", value: "foo" }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.store.dispatch); const [action] = feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.equal(action.type, "SECTION_OPTIONS_CHANGED"); assert.equal(action.data, "topstories"); }); it("should call SectionsManager.disableSection on SECTION_DISABLE", () => { sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "disableSection"); feed.onAction({ type: "SECTION_DISABLE", data: 1234 }); assert.calledOnce(SectionsManager.disableSection); assert.calledWith(SectionsManager.disableSection, 1234); SectionsManager.disableSection.restore(); }); it("should call SectionsManager.enableSection on SECTION_ENABLE", () => { sinon.spy(SectionsManager, "enableSection"); feed.onAction({ type: "SECTION_ENABLE", data: 1234 }); assert.calledOnce(SectionsManager.enableSection); assert.calledWith(SectionsManager.enableSection, 1234); SectionsManager.enableSection.restore(); }); it("should call the feed's uninit on UNINIT", () => { sinon.stub(feed, "uninit"); feed.onAction({ type: "UNINIT" }); assert.calledOnce(feed.uninit); }); it("should emit a ACTION_DISPATCHED event and forward any action in ACTIONS_TO_PROXY if there are any sections", () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); const allowedActions = SectionsManager.ACTIONS_TO_PROXY; const disallowedActions = ["PREF_CHANGED", "OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW"]; feed.init(); SectionsManager.on(SectionsManager.ACTION_DISPATCHED, spy); // Make sure we start with no sections - no event should be emitted SectionsManager.sections.clear(); feed.onAction({ type: allowedActions[0] }); assert.notCalled(spy); // Then add a section and check correct behaviour SectionsManager.addSection(FAKE_ID, FAKE_OPTIONS); for (const action of allowedActions.concat(disallowedActions)) { feed.onAction({ type: action }); } for (const action of allowedActions) { assert.calledWith(spy, "ACTION_DISPATCHED", action); } for (const action of disallowedActions) { assert.neverCalledWith(spy, "ACTION_DISPATCHED", action); } }); it("should call updateBookmarkMetadata on PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED", () => { const stub = sinon.stub(SectionsManager, "updateBookmarkMetadata"); feed.onAction({ type: "PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED", data: {} }); assert.calledOnce(stub); }); it("should call updateSectionPrefs on UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS", () => { const stub = sinon.stub(SectionsManager, "updateSectionPrefs"); feed.onAction({ type: "UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS", data: {} }); assert.calledOnce(stub); }); it("should call SectionManager.removeSectionCard on WEBEXT_DISMISS", () => { const stub = sinon.stub(SectionsManager, "removeSectionCard"); feed.onAction( ac.WebExtEvent(at.WEBEXT_DISMISS, { source: "Foo", url: "bar.com" }) ); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWith(stub, "Foo", "bar.com"); }); it("should call the feed's moveSection on SECTION_MOVE", () => { sinon.stub(feed, "moveSection"); const id = "topsites"; const direction = +1; feed.onAction({ type: "SECTION_MOVE", data: { id, direction } }); assert.calledOnce(feed.moveSection); assert.calledWith(feed.moveSection, id, direction); }); }); describe("#moveSection", () => { it("should Move Down correctly", () => { feed.store.state.Sections = [ { id: "topstories", enabled: true }, { id: "highlights", enabled: true }, ]; feed.moveSection("topsites", +1); assert.calledOnce(feed.store.dispatch); assert.calledWith(feed.store.dispatch, { data: { name: "sectionOrder", value: "topstories,topsites,highlights" }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "SET_PREF", }); feed.store.dispatch.resetHistory(); feed.moveSection("topstories", +1); assert.calledOnce(feed.store.dispatch); assert.calledWith(feed.store.dispatch, { data: { name: "sectionOrder", value: "topsites,highlights,topstories" }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "SET_PREF", }); }); it("should Move Up correctly", () => { feed.store.state.Sections = [ { id: "topstories", enabled: true }, { id: "highlights", enabled: true }, ]; feed.moveSection("topstories", -1); assert.calledOnce(feed.store.dispatch); assert.calledWith(feed.store.dispatch, { data: { name: "sectionOrder", value: "topstories,topsites,highlights" }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "SET_PREF", }); feed.store.dispatch.resetHistory(); feed.moveSection("highlights", -1); assert.calledOnce(feed.store.dispatch); assert.calledWith(feed.store.dispatch, { data: { name: "sectionOrder", value: "topsites,highlights,topstories" }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "SET_PREF", }); }); it("should skip over sections that aren't enabled", () => { feed.store.state.Sections = [ { id: "topstories", enabled: false }, { id: "highlights", enabled: true }, ]; feed.moveSection("highlights", -1); assert.calledOnce(feed.store.dispatch); assert.calledWith(feed.store.dispatch, { data: { name: "sectionOrder", value: "highlights,topsites,topstories" }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "SET_PREF", }); feed.store.dispatch.resetHistory(); feed.moveSection("topsites", +1); assert.calledOnce(feed.store.dispatch); assert.calledWith(feed.store.dispatch, { data: { name: "sectionOrder", value: "topstories,highlights,topsites" }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" }, type: "SET_PREF", }); }); }); });