import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { shortURL } from "lib/ShortURL.sys.mjs"; const puny = "xn--kpry57d"; const idn = "台灣"; describe("shortURL", () => { let globals; let IDNStub; let getPublicSuffixFromHostStub; beforeEach(() => { IDNStub = sinon.stub().callsFake(host => host.replace(puny, idn)); getPublicSuffixFromHostStub = sinon.stub().returns("com"); globals = new GlobalOverrider(); globals.set("IDNService", { convertToDisplayIDN: IDNStub }); globals.set("Services", { eTLD: { getPublicSuffixFromHost: getPublicSuffixFromHostStub }, }); }); afterEach(() => { globals.restore(); }); it("should return a blank string if url is falsey", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: false }), ""); assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "" }), ""); assert.equal(shortURL({}), ""); }); it("should return the 'url' if not a valid url", () => { const checkInvalid = url => assert.equal(shortURL({ url }), url); checkInvalid(true); checkInvalid("something"); checkInvalid("http:"); checkInvalid("http::double"); checkInvalid("http://badport:65536/"); }); it("should remove the eTLD", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "" }), "com.blah"); }); it("should convert host to idn when calling shortURL", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: `http://${puny}` }), `${idn}.blah`); }); it("should get the hostname from .url", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "" }), "bar"); }); it("should not strip out www if not first subdomain", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "" }), "foo.www"); }); it("should convert to lowercase", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "HTTP://FOO.COM" }), "foo"); }); it("should not include the port", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "" }), "foo"); }); it("should return hostname for localhost", () => { getPublicSuffixFromHostStub.throws("insufficient domain levels"); assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "http://localhost:8000/" }), "localhost"); }); it("should return hostname for ip address", () => { getPublicSuffixFromHostStub.throws("host is ip address"); assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "" }), ""); }); it("should return etld for (www-only non-etld)", () => { getPublicSuffixFromHostStub.returns(""); assert.equal( shortURL({ url: "" }), "" ); }); it("should return idn etld for www-only non-etld", () => { getPublicSuffixFromHostStub.returns(puny); assert.equal(shortURL({ url: `https://www.${puny}/foo` }), idn); }); it("should return not the protocol for file:", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "file:///foo/bar.txt" }), "/foo/bar.txt"); }); it("should return not the protocol for about:", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "about:newtab" }), "newtab"); }); it("should fall back to full url as a last resort", () => { assert.equal(shortURL({ url: "about:" }), "about:"); }); });