import { SYSTEM_TICK_INTERVAL, SystemTickFeed, } from "lib/SystemTickFeed.sys.mjs"; import { actionTypes as at } from "common/Actions.mjs"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; describe("System Tick Feed", () => { let globals; let instance; let clock; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); instance = new SystemTickFeed(); = { getState() { return {}; }, dispatch() {}, }; }); afterEach(() => { globals.restore(); clock.restore(); }); it("should create a SystemTickFeed", () => { assert.instanceOf(instance, SystemTickFeed); }); it("should fire SYSTEM_TICK events at configured interval", () => { globals.set("ChromeUtils", { idleDispatch: f => f(), }); let expectation = sinon .mock( .expects("dispatch") .twice() .withExactArgs({ type: at.SYSTEM_TICK }); instance.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); clock.tick(SYSTEM_TICK_INTERVAL * 2); expectation.verify(); }); it("should not fire SYSTEM_TICK events after UNINIT", () => { let expectation = sinon.mock("dispatch").never(); instance.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); clock.tick(SYSTEM_TICK_INTERVAL * 2); expectation.verify(); }); it("should not fire SYSTEM_TICK events while the user is away", () => { let expectation = sinon.mock("dispatch").never(); instance.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); instance._idleService = { idleTime: SYSTEM_TICK_INTERVAL + 1 }; clock.tick(SYSTEM_TICK_INTERVAL * 3); expectation.verify(); instance.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); }); it("should fire SYSTEM_TICK immediately when the user is active again", () => { globals.set("ChromeUtils", { idleDispatch: f => f(), }); let expectation = sinon .mock( .expects("dispatch") .once() .withExactArgs({ type: at.SYSTEM_TICK }); instance.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); instance._idleService = { idleTime: SYSTEM_TICK_INTERVAL + 1 }; clock.tick(SYSTEM_TICK_INTERVAL * 3); instance.observe(); expectation.verify(); instance.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); }); });