/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * This file tests both the AboutNewTab and nsIAboutNewTabService * for its default URL values, as well as its behaviour when overriding * the default URL values. */ const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs" ); const { AboutNewTab } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/AboutNewTab.sys.mjs" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "aboutNewTabService", "@mozilla.org/browser/aboutnewtab-service;1", "nsIAboutNewTabService" ); AboutNewTab.init(); const IS_RELEASE_OR_BETA = AppConstants.RELEASE_OR_BETA; const DOWNLOADS_URL = "chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xhtml"; const SEPARATE_PRIVILEGED_CONTENT_PROCESS_PREF = "browser.tabs.remote.separatePrivilegedContentProcess"; const ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF = "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.debug"; const SIMPLIFIED_WELCOME_ENABLED_PREF = "browser.aboutwelcome.enabled"; function cleanup() { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(SEPARATE_PRIVILEGED_CONTENT_PROCESS_PREF); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(SIMPLIFIED_WELCOME_ENABLED_PREF); AboutNewTab.resetNewTabURL(); } registerCleanupFunction(cleanup); let ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL; let ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_URL; function setExpectedUrlsWithScripts() { ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL = "resource://activity-stream/prerendered/activity-stream.html"; ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_URL = "resource://activity-stream/prerendered/activity-stream-debug.html"; } function setExpectedUrlsWithoutScripts() { ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL = "resource://activity-stream/prerendered/activity-stream-noscripts.html"; // Debug urls are the same as non-debug because debug scripts load dynamically ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_URL = ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL; } function nextChangeNotificationPromise(aNewURL, testMessage) { return new Promise(resolve => { Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, aTopic); Assert.equal(aData, aNewURL, testMessage); resolve(); }, "newtab-url-changed"); }); } function setPrivilegedContentProcessPref(usePrivilegedContentProcess) { if ( usePrivilegedContentProcess === AboutNewTab.privilegedAboutProcessEnabled ) { return Promise.resolve(); } let notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise("about:newtab"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( SEPARATE_PRIVILEGED_CONTENT_PROCESS_PREF, usePrivilegedContentProcess ); return notificationPromise; } // Default expected URLs to files with scripts in them. setExpectedUrlsWithScripts(); function addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref(test) { add_task(async () => { await setPrivilegedContentProcessPref(true); setExpectedUrlsWithoutScripts(); await test(); }); add_task(async () => { await setPrivilegedContentProcessPref(false); setExpectedUrlsWithScripts(); await test(); }); } function setBoolPrefAndWaitForChange(pref, value, testMessage) { return new Promise(resolve => { Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, aTopic); Assert.equal(aData, AboutNewTab.newTabURL, testMessage); resolve(); }, "newtab-url-changed"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(pref, value); }); } add_task(async function test_as_initial_values() { Assert.ok( AboutNewTab.activityStreamEnabled, ".activityStreamEnabled should be set to the correct initial value" ); // This pref isn't defined on release or beta, so we fall back to false Assert.equal( AboutNewTab.activityStreamDebug, Services.prefs.getBoolPref(ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, false), ".activityStreamDebug should be set to the correct initial value" ); }); /** * Test the overriding of the default URL */ add_task(async function test_override_activity_stream_disabled() { let notificationPromise; Assert.ok( !AboutNewTab.newTabURLOverridden, "Newtab URL should not be overridden" ); const ORIGINAL_URL = aboutNewTabService.defaultURL; // override with some remote URL let url = "http://example.com/"; notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise(url); AboutNewTab.newTabURL = url; await notificationPromise; Assert.ok(AboutNewTab.newTabURLOverridden, "Newtab URL should be overridden"); Assert.ok( !AboutNewTab.activityStreamEnabled, "Newtab activity stream should not be enabled" ); Assert.equal( AboutNewTab.newTabURL, url, "Newtab URL should be the custom URL" ); Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ORIGINAL_URL, "AboutNewTabService defaultURL is unchanged" ); // test reset with activity stream disabled notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise("about:newtab"); AboutNewTab.resetNewTabURL(); await notificationPromise; Assert.ok( !AboutNewTab.newTabURLOverridden, "Newtab URL should not be overridden" ); Assert.equal( AboutNewTab.newTabURL, "about:newtab", "Newtab URL should be the default" ); // test override to a chrome URL notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise(DOWNLOADS_URL); AboutNewTab.newTabURL = DOWNLOADS_URL; await notificationPromise; Assert.ok(AboutNewTab.newTabURLOverridden, "Newtab URL should be overridden"); Assert.equal( AboutNewTab.newTabURL, DOWNLOADS_URL, "Newtab URL should be the custom URL" ); cleanup(); }); addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref( async function test_override_activity_stream_enabled() { Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL, "Newtab URL should be the default activity stream URL" ); Assert.ok( !AboutNewTab.newTabURLOverridden, "Newtab URL should not be overridden" ); Assert.ok( AboutNewTab.activityStreamEnabled, "Activity Stream should be enabled" ); // change to a chrome URL while activity stream is enabled let notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise(DOWNLOADS_URL); AboutNewTab.newTabURL = DOWNLOADS_URL; await notificationPromise; Assert.equal( AboutNewTab.newTabURL, DOWNLOADS_URL, "Newtab URL set to chrome url" ); Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL, "Newtab URL defaultURL still set to the default activity stream URL" ); Assert.ok( AboutNewTab.newTabURLOverridden, "Newtab URL should be overridden" ); Assert.ok( !AboutNewTab.activityStreamEnabled, "Activity Stream should not be enabled" ); cleanup(); } ); addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref(async function test_default_url() { Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL, "Newtab defaultURL initially set to AS url" ); // Only debug variants aren't available on release/beta if (!IS_RELEASE_OR_BETA) { await setBoolPrefAndWaitForChange( ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, true, "A notification occurs after changing the debug pref to true" ); Assert.equal( AboutNewTab.activityStreamDebug, true, "the .activityStreamDebug property is set to true" ); Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_URL, "Newtab defaultURL set to debug AS url after the pref has been changed" ); await setBoolPrefAndWaitForChange( ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, false, "A notification occurs after changing the debug pref to false" ); } else { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, true); Assert.equal( AboutNewTab.activityStreamDebug, false, "the .activityStreamDebug property is remains false" ); } Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL, "Newtab defaultURL set to un-prerendered AS if prerender is false and debug is false" ); cleanup(); }); addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref(async function test_welcome_url() { // Disable about:welcome to load newtab Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SIMPLIFIED_WELCOME_ENABLED_PREF, false); Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.welcomeURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL, "Newtab welcomeURL set to un-prerendered AS when debug disabled." ); Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.welcomeURL, aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, "Newtab welcomeURL is equal to defaultURL when prerendering disabled and debug disabled." ); // Only debug variants aren't available on release/beta if (!IS_RELEASE_OR_BETA) { await setBoolPrefAndWaitForChange( ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, true, "A notification occurs after changing the debug pref to true." ); Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.welcomeURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_URL, "Newtab welcomeURL set to un-prerendered debug AS when debug enabled" ); } cleanup(); }); /** * Tests response to updates to prefs */ addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref(async function test_updates() { // Simulates a "cold-boot" situation, with some pref already set before testing a series // of changes. AboutNewTab.resetNewTabURL(); // need to set manually because pref notifs are off let notificationPromise; // test update fires on override and reset let testURL = "https://example.com/"; notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise( testURL, "a notification occurs on override" ); AboutNewTab.newTabURL = testURL; await notificationPromise; // from overridden to default notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise( "about:newtab", "a notification occurs on reset" ); AboutNewTab.resetNewTabURL(); Assert.ok( AboutNewTab.activityStreamEnabled, "Activity Stream should be enabled" ); Assert.equal( aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL, "Default URL should be the activity stream page" ); await notificationPromise; // reset twice, only one notification for default URL notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise( "about:newtab", "reset occurs" ); AboutNewTab.resetNewTabURL(); await notificationPromise; cleanup(); });