/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { actionTypes: at, actionCreators: ac } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://activity-stream/common/Actions.mjs" ); ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { AboutNewTab: "resource:///modules/AboutNewTab.sys.mjs", ExperimentAPI: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", NewTabUtils: "resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.sys.mjs", NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", PartnerLinkAttribution: "resource:///modules/PartnerLinkAttribution.sys.mjs", pktApi: "chrome://pocket/content/pktApi.sys.mjs", PlacesFeed: "resource://activity-stream/lib/PlacesFeed.sys.mjs", PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs", PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.sys.mjs", SearchService: "resource://gre/modules/SearchService.sys.mjs", sinon: "resource://testing-common/Sinon.sys.mjs", TestUtils: "resource://testing-common/TestUtils.sys.mjs", }); const { PlacesObserver } = PlacesFeed; const FAKE_BOOKMARK = { bookmarkGuid: "D3r1sKRobtbW", bookmarkTitle: "Foo", dateAdded: 123214232, url: "foo.com", }; const TYPE_BOOKMARK = 1; // This is fake, for testing const SOURCES = { DEFAULT: 0, SYNC: 1, IMPORT: 2, RESTORE: 5, RESTORE_ON_STARTUP: 6, }; // The event dispatched in NewTabUtils when a link is blocked; const BLOCKED_EVENT = "newtab-linkBlocked"; const TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF = "browser.topsites.blockedSponsors"; const POCKET_SITE_PREF = "extensions.pocket.site"; function getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox) { let feed = new PlacesFeed(); feed.store = { dispatch: sandbox.spy(), feeds: { get: sandbox.stub(), }, }; sandbox.stub(AboutNewTab, "activityStream").value({ store: feed.store, }); return feed; } add_task(async function test_construction() { info("PlacesFeed construction should work"); let feed = new PlacesFeed(); Assert.ok(feed, "PlacesFeed could be constructed."); }); add_task(async function test_PlacesObserver() { info("PlacesFeed should have a PlacesObserver that dispatches to the store"); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let action = { type: "FOO" }; feed.placesObserver.dispatch(action); await TestUtils.waitForTick(); Assert.ok(feed.store.dispatch.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store dispatch called"); Assert.equal(feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].type, action.type); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors_add_to_blocklist() { info( "PlacesFeed.addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors should add the blocked sponsors " + "to the blocklist" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); Services.prefs.setStringPref( TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF, `["foo","bar"]` ); feed.addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors([ { url: "test.com" }, { url: "test1.com" }, ]); let blockedSponsors = JSON.parse( Services.prefs.getStringPref(TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF) ); Assert.deepEqual( new Set(["foo", "bar", "test", "test1"]), new Set(blockedSponsors) ); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors_no_dupes() { info( "PlacesFeed.addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors should not add duplicate " + "sponsors to the blocklist" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); Services.prefs.setStringPref( TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF, `["foo","bar"]` ); feed.addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors([ { url: "foo.com" }, { url: "bar.com" }, { url: "test.com" }, ]); let blockedSponsors = JSON.parse( Services.prefs.getStringPref(TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF) ); Assert.deepEqual(new Set(["foo", "bar", "test"]), new Set(blockedSponsors)); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_PlacesEvents() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should add bookmark, history, places, blocked " + "observers on INIT" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(feed.placesObserver, "handlePlacesEvent"); feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); // The PlacesObserver registration happens at the next tick of the // event loop. await TestUtils.waitForTick(); // These are some dummy PlacesEvents that we'll pass through the // PlacesObserver service, checking that the handlePlacesEvent receives them // properly. let notifications = [ new PlacesBookmarkAddition({ dateAdded: 0, guid: "dQFSYrbM5SJN", id: -1, index: 0, isTagging: false, itemType: 1, parentGuid: "n_HOEFys1qsL", parentId: -2, source: 0, title: "test-123", tags: "tags", url: "http://example.com/test-123", frecency: 0, hidden: false, visitCount: 0, lastVisitDate: 0, targetFolderGuid: null, targetFolderItemId: -1, targetFolderTitle: null, }), new PlacesBookmarkRemoved({ id: -1, url: "http://example.com/test-123", title: "test-123", itemType: 1, parentId: -2, index: 0, guid: "M3WYgJlm2Jlx", parentGuid: "DO1f97R4KC3Y", source: 0, isTagging: false, isDescendantRemoval: false, }), new PlacesHistoryCleared(), new PlacesVisitRemoved({ url: "http://example.com/test-123", pageGuid: "sPVcW2V4H7Rg", reason: PlacesVisitRemoved.REASON_DELETED, transitionType: 0, isRemovedFromStore: true, isPartialVisistsRemoval: false, }), ]; for (let notification of notifications) { PlacesUtils.observers.notifyListeners([notification]); Assert.ok( feed.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.handlePlacesEvent called" ); Assert.ok(feed.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent.calledWith([notification])); feed.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent.resetHistory(); } info( "PlacesFeed.onAction remove bookmark, history, places, blocked " + "observers, and timers on UNINIT" ); let placesChangedTimerCancel = sandbox.spy(); feed.placesChangedTimer = { cancel: placesChangedTimerCancel, }; // Unlike INIT, UNINIT removes the observers synchronously, so no need to // wait for the event loop to tick around again. feed.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); for (let notification of notifications) { PlacesUtils.observers.notifyListeners([notification]); Assert.ok( feed.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent.notCalled, "PlacesFeed.handlePlacesEvent not called" ); feed.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent.resetHistory(); } Assert.equal(feed.placesChangedTimer, null); Assert.ok(placesChangedTimerCancel.calledOnce); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_BLOCK_URL() { info("PlacesFeed.onAction should block a url on BLOCK_URL"); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "blockURL"); feed.onAction({ type: at.BLOCK_URL, data: [{ url: "apple.com", pocket_id: 1234 }], }); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.blockURL.calledWith({ url: "apple.com", pocket_id: 1234, }) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_BLOCK_URL_topsites_sponsors() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction BLOCK_URL should update the blocked top " + "sites sponsors" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(feed, "addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors"); feed.onAction({ type: at.BLOCK_URL, data: [{ url: "foo.com", pocket_id: 1234, isSponsoredTopSite: 1 }], }); Assert.ok(feed.addToBlockedTopSitesSponsors.calledWith([{ url: "foo.com" }])); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_BOOKMARK_URL() { info("PlacesFeed.onAction should bookmark a url on BOOKMARK_URL"); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "addBookmark"); let data = { url: "pear.com", title: "A pear" }; let _target = { browser: { ownerGlobal() {} } }; feed.onAction({ type: at.BOOKMARK_URL, data, _target }); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.addBookmark.calledWith( data, _target.browser.ownerGlobal ) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_DELETE_BOOKMARK_BY_ID() { info("PlacesFeed.onAction should delete a bookmark on DELETE_BOOKMARK_BY_ID"); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "deleteBookmark"); feed.onAction({ type: at.DELETE_BOOKMARK_BY_ID, data: "g123kd" }); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.deleteBookmark.calledWith("g123kd") ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_DELETE_HISTORY_URL() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should delete a history entry on DELETE_HISTORY_URL" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "deleteHistoryEntry"); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "blockURL"); feed.onAction({ type: at.DELETE_HISTORY_URL, data: { url: "guava.com", forceBlock: null }, }); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.deleteHistoryEntry.calledWith("guava.com") ); Assert.ok(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.blockURL.notCalled); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_DELETE_HISTORY_URL_and_block() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should delete a history entry on " + "DELETE_HISTORY_URL and force a site to be blocked if specified" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "deleteHistoryEntry"); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "blockURL"); feed.onAction({ type: at.DELETE_HISTORY_URL, data: { url: "guava.com", forceBlock: "g123kd" }, }); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.deleteHistoryEntry.calledWith("guava.com") ); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.blockURL.calledWith({ url: "guava.com", pocket_id: undefined, }) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call openTrustedLinkIn with the " + "correct url, where and params on OPEN_NEW_WINDOW" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let openWindowAction = { type: at.OPEN_NEW_WINDOW, data: { url: "https://foo.com" }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn } } }, }; feed.onAction(openWindowAction); Assert.ok(openTrustedLinkIn.calledOnce, "openTrustedLinkIn called"); let [url, where, params] = openTrustedLinkIn.firstCall.args; Assert.equal(url, "https://foo.com"); Assert.equal(where, "window"); Assert.ok(!params.private); Assert.ok(!params.forceForeground); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call openTrustedLinkIn with the " + "correct url, where, params and privacy args on OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let openWindowAction = { type: at.OPEN_PRIVATE_WINDOW, data: { url: "https://foo.com" }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn } } }, }; feed.onAction(openWindowAction); Assert.ok(openTrustedLinkIn.calledOnce, "openTrustedLinkIn called"); let [url, where, params] = openTrustedLinkIn.firstCall.args; Assert.equal(url, "https://foo.com"); Assert.equal(where, "window"); Assert.ok(params.private); Assert.ok(!params.forceForeground); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_OPEN_LINK() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call openTrustedLinkIn with the " + "correct url, where and params on OPEN_LINK" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let openLinkAction = { type: at.OPEN_LINK, data: { url: "https://foo.com" }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, whereToOpenLink: () => "current" }, }, }, }; feed.onAction(openLinkAction); Assert.ok(openTrustedLinkIn.calledOnce, "openTrustedLinkIn called"); let [url, where, params] = openTrustedLinkIn.firstCall.args; Assert.equal(url, "https://foo.com"); Assert.equal(where, "current"); Assert.ok(!params.private); Assert.ok(!params.forceForeground); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_OPEN_LINK_referrer() { info("PlacesFeed.onAction should open link with referrer on OPEN_LINK"); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let openLinkAction = { type: at.OPEN_LINK, data: { url: "https://foo.com", referrer: "https://foo.com/ref" }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, whereToOpenLink: () => "tab" }, }, }, }; feed.onAction(openLinkAction); Assert.ok(openTrustedLinkIn.calledOnce, "openTrustedLinkIn called"); let [, , params] = openTrustedLinkIn.firstCall.args; Assert.equal(params.referrerInfo.referrerPolicy, 5); Assert.equal( params.referrerInfo.originalReferrer.spec, "https://foo.com/ref" ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_OPEN_LINK_typed_bonus() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should mark link with typed bonus as " + "typed before opening OPEN_LINK" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let callOrder = []; // We can't stub out PlacesUtils.history.markPageAsTyped, since that's an // XPCOM component. We'll stub out history instead. sandbox.stub(PlacesUtils, "history").get(() => { return { markPageAsTyped: sandbox.stub().callsFake(() => { callOrder.push("markPageAsTyped"); }), }; }); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub().callsFake(() => { callOrder.push("openTrustedLinkIn"); }); let openLinkAction = { type: at.OPEN_LINK, data: { typedBonus: true, url: "https://foo.com", }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, whereToOpenLink: () => "tab" }, }, }, }; feed.onAction(openLinkAction); Assert.deepEqual(callOrder, ["markPageAsTyped", "openTrustedLinkIn"]); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_OPEN_LINK_pocket() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should open the pocket link if it's a " + "pocket story on OPEN_LINK" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let openLinkAction = { type: at.OPEN_LINK, data: { url: "https://foo.com", open_url: "https://getpocket.com/foo", type: "pocket", }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, whereToOpenLink: () => "current" }, }, }, }; feed.onAction(openLinkAction); Assert.ok(openTrustedLinkIn.calledOnce, "openTrustedLinkIn called"); let [url, where, params] = openTrustedLinkIn.firstCall.args; Assert.equal(url, "https://getpocket.com/foo"); Assert.equal(where, "current"); Assert.ok(!params.private); Assert.ok(!params.forceForeground); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_OPEN_LINK_not_http() { info("PlacesFeed.onAction should not open link if not http"); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let openLinkAction = { type: at.OPEN_LINK, data: { url: "file:///foo.com" }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, whereToOpenLink: () => "current" }, }, }, }; feed.onAction(openLinkAction); Assert.ok(openTrustedLinkIn.notCalled, "openTrustedLinkIn not called"); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_FILL_SEARCH_TERM() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call fillSearchTopSiteTerm " + "on FILL_SEARCH_TERM" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(feed, "fillSearchTopSiteTerm"); feed.onAction({ type: at.FILL_SEARCH_TERM }); Assert.ok( feed.fillSearchTopSiteTerm.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.fillSearchTopSiteTerm called" ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_ABOUT_SPONSORED_TOP_SITES() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call openTrustedLinkIn with the " + "correct SUMO url on ABOUT_SPONSORED_TOP_SITES" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let openLinkAction = { type: at.ABOUT_SPONSORED_TOP_SITES, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn }, }, }, }; feed.onAction(openLinkAction); Assert.ok(openTrustedLinkIn.calledOnce, "openTrustedLinkIn called"); let [url, where] = openTrustedLinkIn.firstCall.args; Assert.ok(url.endsWith("sponsor-privacy")); Assert.equal(where, "tab"); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_FILL_SEARCH_TERM() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should set the URL bar value to the label value " + "on FILL_SEARCH_TERM" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(SearchService.prototype, "getEngineByAlias").resolves(null); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let locationBar = { search: sandbox.stub() }; let action = { type: at.FILL_SEARCH_TERM, data: { label: "@Foo" }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { gURLBar: locationBar } } }, }; await feed.onAction(action); Assert.ok(locationBar.search.calledOnce, "gURLBar.search called"); Assert.ok( locationBar.search.calledWithExactly("@Foo", { searchEngine: null, searchModeEntry: "topsites_newtab", }) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_SAVE_TO_POCKET() { info("PlacesFeed.onAction should call saveToPocket on SAVE_TO_POCKET"); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(feed, "saveToPocket"); let action = { type: at.SAVE_TO_POCKET, data: { site: { url: "raspberry.com", title: "raspberry" } }, _target: { browser: {} }, }; await feed.onAction(action); Assert.ok(feed.saveToPocket.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.saveToPocket called"); Assert.ok( feed.saveToPocket.calledWithExactly( action.data.site, action._target.browser ) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_SAVE_TO_POCKET_not_logged_in() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should openTrustedLinkIn with sendToPocket " + "if not logged in on SAVE_TO_POCKET" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(pktApi, "isUserLoggedIn").returns(false); sandbox.stub(NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab, "getVariable").returns(true); sandbox.stub(ExperimentAPI, "getExperiment").returns({ slug: "slug", branch: { slug: "branch-slug" }, }); Services.prefs.setStringPref(POCKET_SITE_PREF, "getpocket.com"); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let action = { type: at.SAVE_TO_POCKET, data: { site: { url: "raspberry.com", title: "raspberry" } }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, }, }, }, }; await feed.onAction(action); Assert.ok(openTrustedLinkIn.calledOnce, "openTrustedLinkIn called"); let [url, where] = openTrustedLinkIn.firstCall.args; Assert.equal( url, "https://getpocket.com/signup?utm_source=firefox_newtab_save_button&utm_campaign=slug&utm_content=branch-slug" ); Assert.equal(where, "tab"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(POCKET_SITE_PREF); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_SAVE_TO_POCKET_logged_in() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call " + "NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.addPocketEntry if we are saving a " + "pocket story on SAVE_TO_POCKET" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(pktApi, "isUserLoggedIn").returns(true); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "addPocketEntry"); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let action = { type: at.SAVE_TO_POCKET, data: { site: { url: "raspberry.com", title: "raspberry" } }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, }, }, }, }; await feed.onAction(action); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.addPocketEntry.calledOnce, "NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.addPocketEntry called" ); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.addPocketEntry.calledWithExactly( action.data.site.url, action.data.site.title, action._target.browser ) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_saveToPocket_addPocketEntry_rejects() { info( "PlacesFeed.saveToPocket should still resolve if " + "NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.addPocketEntry rejects" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let e = new Error("Error"); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "addPocketEntry").rejects(e); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let action = { data: { site: { url: "raspberry.com", title: "raspberry" } }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, }, }, }, }; try { await feed.saveToPocket(action.data.site, action._target.browser); Assert.ok(true, "PlacesFeed.saveToPocket Promise resolved"); } catch { Assert.ok(false, "PlacesFeed.saveToPocket Promise rejected"); } sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_saveToPocket_broadcast_to_content() { info( "PlacesFeed.saveToPocket should broadcast to content if we " + "successfully added a link to Pocket" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(pktApi, "isUserLoggedIn").returns(true); sandbox .stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "addPocketEntry") .resolves({ item: { open_url: "pocket.com/itemID", item_id: 1234 } }); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let action = { data: { site: { url: "raspberry.com", title: "raspberry" } }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, }, }, }, }; await feed.saveToPocket(action.data.site, action._target.browser); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch was called" ); Assert.equal( feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].type, at.PLACES_SAVED_TO_POCKET ); Assert.deepEqual(feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].data, { url: "raspberry.com", title: "raspberry", pocket_id: 1234, open_url: "pocket.com/itemID", }); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_saveToPocket_broadcast_only_on_data() { info( "PlacesFeed.saveToPocket should broadcast to content if we " + "successfully added a link to Pocket" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(pktApi, "isUserLoggedIn").returns(true); sandbox .stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "addPocketEntry") .resolves(null); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let openTrustedLinkIn = sandbox.stub(); let action = { data: { site: { url: "raspberry.com", title: "raspberry" } }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { openTrustedLinkIn, }, }, }, }; await feed.saveToPocket(action.data.site, action._target.browser); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.notCalled, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch was not called" ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_DELETE_FROM_POCKET() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call deleteFromPocket on DELETE_FROM_POCKET" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(feed, "deleteFromPocket"); feed.onAction({ type: at.DELETE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: 12345 }, }); Assert.ok( feed.deleteFromPocket.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.deleteFromPocket called" ); Assert.ok(feed.deleteFromPocket.calledWithExactly(12345)); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_deleteFromPocket_resolves() { info( "PlacesFeed.deleteFromPocket should still resolve if deletePocketEntry " + "rejects" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let e = new Error("Error"); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "deletePocketEntry").rejects(e); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); await feed.deleteFromPocket(12345); try { await feed.deleteFromPocket(12345); Assert.ok(true, "PlacesFeed.deleteFromPocket Promise resolved"); } catch { Assert.ok(false, "PlacesFeed.deleteFromPocket Promise rejected"); } sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_deleteFromPocket_calls_deletePocketEntry() { info( "PlacesFeed.deleteFromPocket should call " + "NewTabUtils.deletePocketEntry and dispatch " + "POCKET_LINK_DELETED_OR_ARCHIVED when deleting from Pocket" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "deletePocketEntry"); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); await feed.deleteFromPocket(12345); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.deletePocketEntry.calledOnce, "NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.deletePocketEntry called" ); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.deletePocketEntry.calledWithExactly(12345) ); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch was called" ); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledWithExactly({ type: at.POCKET_LINK_DELETED_OR_ARCHIVED, }) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call archiveFromPocket on ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(feed, "archiveFromPocket"); await feed.onAction({ type: at.ARCHIVE_FROM_POCKET, data: { pocket_id: 12345 }, }); Assert.ok( feed.archiveFromPocket.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.archiveFromPocket called" ); Assert.ok(feed.archiveFromPocket.calledWithExactly(12345)); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_archiveFromPocket_resolves() { info( "PlacesFeed.archiveFromPocket should resolve if archivePocketEntry rejects" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let e = new Error("Error"); sandbox .stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "archivePocketEntry") .rejects(e); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(feed, "archiveFromPocket"); try { await feed.archiveFromPocket(12345); Assert.ok(true, "PlacesFeed.archiveFromPocket Promise resolved"); } catch { Assert.ok(false, "PlacesFeed.archiveFromPocket Promise rejected"); } sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_archiveFromPocket_calls_archivePocketEntry() { info( "PlacesFeed.archiveFromPocket should call " + "NewTabUtils.archivePocketEntry and dispatch " + "POCKET_LINK_DELETED_OR_ARCHIVED when deleting from Pocket" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "archivePocketEntry"); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); await feed.archiveFromPocket(12345); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.archivePocketEntry.calledOnce, "NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.archivePocketEntry called" ); Assert.ok( NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks.archivePocketEntry.calledWithExactly(12345) ); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch was called" ); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledWithExactly({ type: at.POCKET_LINK_DELETED_OR_ARCHIVED, }) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_HANDOFF_SEARCH_TO_AWESOMEBAR() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call handoffSearchToAwesomebar " + "on HANDOFF_SEARCH_TO_AWESOMEBAR" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(feed, "handoffSearchToAwesomebar"); let action = { type: at.HANDOFF_SEARCH_TO_AWESOMEBAR, data: { text: "f" }, meta: { fromTarget: {} }, _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { gURLBar: { focus: () => {} } } } }, }; await feed.onAction(action); Assert.ok( feed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar called" ); Assert.ok(feed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar.calledWithExactly(action)); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_onAction_PARTNER_LINK_ATTRIBUTION() { info( "PlacesFeed.onAction should call makeAttributionRequest on " + "PARTNER_LINK_ATTRIBUTION" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(feed, "makeAttributionRequest"); let data = { targetURL: "https://partnersite.com", source: "topsites" }; feed.onAction({ type: at.PARTNER_LINK_ATTRIBUTION, data, }); Assert.ok( feed.makeAttributionRequest.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.makeAttributionRequest called" ); Assert.ok(feed.makeAttributionRequest.calledWithExactly(data)); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task( async function test_makeAttributionRequest_PartnerLinkAttribution_makeReq() { info( "PlacesFeed.makeAttributionRequest should call " + "PartnerLinkAttribution.makeRequest" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); sandbox.stub(PartnerLinkAttribution, "makeRequest"); let data = { targetURL: "https://partnersite.com", source: "topsites" }; feed.makeAttributionRequest(data); Assert.ok( PartnerLinkAttribution.makeRequest.calledOnce, "PartnerLinkAttribution.makeRequest called" ); sandbox.restore(); } ); function createFakeURLBar(sandbox) { let fakeURLBar = { focus: sandbox.spy(), handoff: sandbox.spy(), setHiddenFocus: sandbox.spy(), removeHiddenFocus: sandbox.spy(), addEventListener: (ev, cb) => { fakeURLBar.listeners[ev] = cb; }, removeEventListener: sandbox.spy(), listeners: [], }; return fakeURLBar; } add_task(async function test_handoffSearchToAwesomebar_no_text() { info( "PlacesFeed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar should properly handle handoff " + "with no text passed in" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let fakeURLBar = createFakeURLBar(sandbox); sandbox.stub(PrivateBrowsingUtils, "isBrowserPrivate").returns(false); sandbox.stub(feed, "_getDefaultSearchEngine").returns(null); feed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar({ _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { gURLBar: fakeURLBar } } }, data: {}, meta: { fromTarget: {} }, }); Assert.ok( fakeURLBar.setHiddenFocus.calledOnce, "gURLBar.setHiddenFocus called" ); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.notCalled, "gURLBar.handoff not called"); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.notCalled, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch not called" ); // Now type a character. fakeURLBar.listeners.keydown({ key: "f" }); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.calledOnce, "gURLBar.handoff called"); Assert.ok( fakeURLBar.removeHiddenFocus.calledOnce, "gURLBar.removeHiddenFocus called" ); Assert.ok(feed.store.dispatch.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch called"); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledWith({ meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Main", skipMain: true, to: "ActivityStream:Content", toTarget: {}, }, type: "DISABLE_SEARCH", }), "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch called" ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_handoffSearchToAwesomebar_with_text() { info( "PlacesFeed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar should properly handle handoff " + "with text data passed in" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let fakeURLBar = createFakeURLBar(sandbox); sandbox.stub(PrivateBrowsingUtils, "isBrowserPrivate").returns(false); let engine = {}; sandbox.stub(feed, "_getDefaultSearchEngine").returns(engine); const SESSION_ID = "decafc0ffee"; AboutNewTab.activityStream.store.feeds.get.returns({ sessions: { get: () => { return { session_id: SESSION_ID }; }, }, }); feed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar({ _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { gURLBar: fakeURLBar } } }, data: { text: "foo" }, meta: { fromTarget: {} }, }); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.calledOnce, "gURLBar.handoff was called"); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.calledWithExactly("foo", engine, SESSION_ID)); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.focus.notCalled, "gURLBar.focus not called"); Assert.ok( fakeURLBar.setHiddenFocus.notCalled, "gURLBar.setHiddenFocus not called" ); // Now call blur listener. fakeURLBar.listeners.blur(); Assert.ok(feed.store.dispatch.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch called"); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledWith({ meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Main", skipMain: true, to: "ActivityStream:Content", toTarget: {}, }, type: "SHOW_SEARCH", }) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_handoffSearchToAwesomebar_with_text_pb_mode() { info( "PlacesFeed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar should properly handle handoff " + "with text data passed in, in private browsing mode" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let fakeURLBar = createFakeURLBar(sandbox); sandbox.stub(PrivateBrowsingUtils, "isBrowserPrivate").returns(true); let engine = {}; sandbox.stub(feed, "_getDefaultSearchEngine").returns(engine); feed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar({ _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { gURLBar: fakeURLBar } } }, data: { text: "foo" }, meta: { fromTarget: {} }, }); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.calledOnce, "gURLBar.handoff was called"); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.calledWithExactly("foo", engine, undefined)); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.focus.notCalled, "gURLBar.focus not called"); Assert.ok( fakeURLBar.setHiddenFocus.notCalled, "gURLBar.setHiddenFocus not called" ); // Now call blur listener. fakeURLBar.listeners.blur(); Assert.ok(feed.store.dispatch.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch called"); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledWith({ meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Main", skipMain: true, to: "ActivityStream:Content", toTarget: {}, }, type: "SHOW_SEARCH", }) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_handoffSearchToAwesomebar_SHOW_SEARCH_on_esc() { info( "PlacesFeed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar should SHOW_SEARCH on ESC keydown" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let fakeURLBar = createFakeURLBar(sandbox); sandbox.stub(PrivateBrowsingUtils, "isBrowserPrivate").returns(false); let engine = {}; sandbox.stub(feed, "_getDefaultSearchEngine").returns(engine); feed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar({ _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { gURLBar: fakeURLBar } } }, data: { text: "foo" }, meta: { fromTarget: {} }, }); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.calledOnce, "gURLBar.handoff was called"); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.calledWithExactly("foo", engine, undefined)); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.focus.notCalled, "gURLBar.focus not called"); // Now call ESC keydown. fakeURLBar.listeners.keydown({ key: "Escape" }); Assert.ok(feed.store.dispatch.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch called"); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledWith({ meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Main", skipMain: true, to: "ActivityStream:Content", toTarget: {}, }, type: "SHOW_SEARCH", }) ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task( async function test_handoffSearchToAwesomebar_with_session_id_no_text() { info( "PlacesFeed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar should properly handoff a " + "newtab session id with no text passed in" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); let fakeURLBar = createFakeURLBar(sandbox); sandbox.stub(PrivateBrowsingUtils, "isBrowserPrivate").returns(false); let engine = {}; sandbox.stub(feed, "_getDefaultSearchEngine").returns(engine); const SESSION_ID = "decafc0ffee"; AboutNewTab.activityStream.store.feeds.get.returns({ sessions: { get: () => { return { session_id: SESSION_ID }; }, }, }); feed.handoffSearchToAwesomebar({ _target: { browser: { ownerGlobal: { gURLBar: fakeURLBar } } }, data: {}, meta: { fromTarget: {} }, }); Assert.ok( fakeURLBar.setHiddenFocus.calledOnce, "gURLBar.setHiddenFocus was called" ); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.notCalled, "gURLBar.handoff not called"); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.focus.notCalled, "gURLBar.focus not called"); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.notCalled, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch not called" ); // Now type a character. fakeURLBar.listeners.keydown({ key: "f" }); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.calledOnce, "gURLBar.handoff was called"); Assert.ok(fakeURLBar.handoff.calledWithExactly("", engine, SESSION_ID)); Assert.ok( fakeURLBar.removeHiddenFocus.calledOnce, "gURLBar.removeHiddenFocus was called" ); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch called" ); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.calledWith({ meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Main", skipMain: true, to: "ActivityStream:Content", toTarget: {}, }, type: "DISABLE_SEARCH", }) ); sandbox.restore(); } ); add_task(async function test_observe_dispatch_PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED() { info( "PlacesFeed.observe should dispatch a PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED action " + "with the url of the blocked link" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); feed.observe(null, BLOCKED_EVENT, "foo123.com"); Assert.equal( feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].type, at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED ); Assert.deepEqual(feed.store.dispatch.firstCall.args[0].data, { url: "foo123.com", }); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_observe_no_dispatch() { info( "PlacesFeed.observe should not call dispatch if the topic is something " + "other than BLOCKED_EVENT" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); feed.observe(null, "someotherevent"); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.notCalled, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch not called" ); sandbox.restore(); }); add_task( async function test_handlePlacesEvent_dispatch_one_PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED() { let events = [ { message: "PlacesFeed.handlePlacesEvent should only dispatch 1 PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED action " + "if many bookmark-added notifications happened at once", dispatchCallCount: 5, event: { itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, source: SOURCES.DEFAULT, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded, guid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, title: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, url: "https://www.foo.com", isTagging: false, type: "bookmark-added", }, }, { message: "PlacesFeed.handlePlacesEvent should only dispatch 1 " + "PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED action if many onItemRemoved notifications " + "happened at once", dispatchCallCount: 5, event: { id: null, parentId: null, index: null, itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, url: "foo.com", guid: "rTU_oiklsU7D", parentGuid: "2BzBQXOPFmuU", source: SOURCES.DEFAULT, type: "bookmark-removed", }, }, { message: "PlacesFeed.handlePlacesEvent should only dispatch 1 " + "PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED action if any page-removed notifications " + "happened at once", dispatchCallCount: 5, event: { type: "page-removed", url: "foo.com", isRemovedFromStore: true, }, }, ]; for (let { message, dispatchCallCount, event } of events) { info(message); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let feed = getPlacesFeedForTest(sandbox); await feed.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent([event]); await feed.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent([event]); await feed.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent([event]); await feed.placesObserver.handlePlacesEvent([event]); Assert.ok(feed.placesChangedTimer, "PlacesFeed dispatch timer created"); // Let's speed things up a bit. feed.placesChangedTimer.delay = 0; // Wait for the timer to go off and get cleared await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => !feed.placesChangedTimer, "PlacesFeed dispatch timer cleared" ); Assert.equal( feed.store.dispatch.callCount, dispatchCallCount, `PlacesFeed.store.dispatch was called ${dispatchCallCount} times` ); Assert.ok( feed.store.dispatch.withArgs( ac.OnlyToMain({ type: at.PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED }) ).calledOnce, "PlacesFeed.store.dispatch called with PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED once" ); sandbox.restore(); } } ); add_task(async function test_PlacesObserver_dispatches() { let events = [ { message: "PlacesObserver should dispatch a PLACES_HISTORY_CLEARED action " + "on history-cleared", args: { type: "history-cleared" }, expectedAction: { type: at.PLACES_HISTORY_CLEARED }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should dispatch a PLACES_LINKS_DELETED action " + "with the right url", args: { type: "page-removed", url: "foo.com", isRemovedFromStore: true, }, expectedAction: { type: at.PLACES_LINKS_DELETED, data: { urls: ["foo.com"] }, }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED action with " + "the bookmark data - http", args: { itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, source: SOURCES.DEFAULT, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded, guid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, title: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, url: "http://www.foo.com", isTagging: false, type: "bookmark-added", }, expectedAction: { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED, data: { bookmarkGuid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, bookmarkTitle: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded * 1000, url: "http://www.foo.com", }, }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED action with " + "the bookmark data - https", args: { itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, source: SOURCES.DEFAULT, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded, guid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, title: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, url: "https://www.foo.com", isTagging: false, type: "bookmark-added", }, expectedAction: { type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED, data: { bookmarkGuid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, bookmarkTitle: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded * 1000, url: "https://www.foo.com", }, }, }, ]; for (let { message, args, expectedAction } of events) { info(message); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let dispatch = sandbox.spy(); let observer = new PlacesObserver(dispatch); await observer.handlePlacesEvent([args]); Assert.ok(dispatch.calledWith(expectedAction)); sandbox.restore(); } }); add_task(async function test_PlacesObserver_ignores() { let events = [ { message: "PlacesObserver should not dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED action - " + "not http/https for bookmark-added", event: { itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, source: SOURCES.DEFAULT, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded, guid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, title: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, url: "foo.com", isTagging: false, type: "bookmark-added", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should not dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED action - " + "has IMPORT source for bookmark-added", event: { itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, source: SOURCES.IMPORT, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded, guid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, title: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, url: "foo.com", isTagging: false, type: "bookmark-added", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should not dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED " + "action - has RESTORE source for bookmark-added", event: { itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, source: SOURCES.RESTORE, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded, guid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, title: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, url: "foo.com", isTagging: false, type: "bookmark-added", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should not dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED " + "action - has RESTORE_ON_STARTUP source for bookmark-added", event: { itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, source: SOURCES.RESTORE_ON_STARTUP, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded, guid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, title: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, url: "foo.com", isTagging: false, type: "bookmark-added", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should not dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARK_ADDED " + "action - has SYNC source for bookmark-added", event: { itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, source: SOURCES.SYNC, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded, guid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, title: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, url: "foo.com", isTagging: false, type: "bookmark-added", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should ignore events that are not of " + "TYPE_BOOKMARK for bookmark-added", event: { itemType: "nottypebookmark", source: SOURCES.DEFAULT, dateAdded: FAKE_BOOKMARK.dateAdded, guid: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkGuid, title: FAKE_BOOKMARK.bookmarkTitle, url: "https://www.foo.com", isTagging: false, type: "bookmark-added", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should ignore events that are not of " + "TYPE_BOOKMARK for bookmark-removed", event: { id: null, parentId: null, index: null, itemType: "nottypebookmark", url: null, guid: "461Z_7daEqIh", parentGuid: "hkHScG3aI3hh", source: SOURCES.DEFAULT, type: "bookmark-removed", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should not dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED " + "action - has SYNC source for bookmark-removed", event: { id: null, parentId: null, index: null, itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, url: "foo.com", guid: "uvRE3stjoZOI", parentGuid: "BnsXZl8VMJjB", source: SOURCES.SYNC, type: "bookmark-removed", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should not dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED " + "action - has IMPORT source for bookmark-removed", event: { id: null, parentId: null, index: null, itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, url: "foo.com", guid: "VF6YwhGpHrOW", parentGuid: "7Vz8v9nKcSoq", source: SOURCES.IMPORT, type: "bookmark-removed", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should not dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED " + "action - has RESTORE source for bookmark-removed", event: { id: null, parentId: null, index: null, itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, url: "foo.com", guid: "eKozFyXJP97R", parentGuid: "ya8Z2FbjKnD0", source: SOURCES.RESTORE, type: "bookmark-removed", }, }, { message: "PlacesObserver should not dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED " + "action - has RESTORE_ON_STARTUP source for bookmark-removed", event: { id: null, parentId: null, index: null, itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, url: "foo.com", guid: "StSGMhrYYfyD", parentGuid: "vL8wsCe2j_eT", source: SOURCES.RESTORE_ON_STARTUP, type: "bookmark-removed", }, }, ]; for (let { message, event } of events) { info(message); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let dispatch = sandbox.spy(); let observer = new PlacesObserver(dispatch); await observer.handlePlacesEvent([event]); Assert.ok(dispatch.notCalled, "PlacesObserver.dispatch not called"); sandbox.restore(); } }); add_task(async function test_PlacesObserver_bookmark_removed() { info( "PlacesObserver should dispatch a PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED " + "action with the right URL and bookmarkGuid for bookmark-removed" ); let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let dispatch = sandbox.spy(); let observer = new PlacesObserver(dispatch); await observer.handlePlacesEvent([ { id: null, parentId: null, index: null, itemType: TYPE_BOOKMARK, url: "foo.com", guid: "Xgnxs27I9JnX", parentGuid: "a4k739PL55sP", source: SOURCES.DEFAULT, type: "bookmark-removed", }, ]); Assert.ok( dispatch.calledWith({ type: at.PLACES_BOOKMARKS_REMOVED, data: { urls: ["foo.com"] }, }) ); sandbox.restore(); });