/** * Bug 1264573 - A test case for blob url isolation. */ const TEST_PAGE = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/" + "originattributes/test/browser/file_firstPartyBasic.html"; const SCRIPT_WORKER_BLOBIFY = "blobify.worker.js"; function page_blobify(browser, input) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [input], function (contentInput) { return { blobURL: content.URL.createObjectURL(new content.Blob([contentInput])), }; }); } function page_deblobify(browser, blobURL) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [blobURL], async function (contentBlobURL) { if ("error" in contentBlobURL) { return contentBlobURL; } contentBlobURL = contentBlobURL.blobURL; function blobURLtoBlob(aBlobURL) { return new content.Promise(function (resolve) { let xhr = new content.XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", aBlobURL, true); xhr.onload = function () { resolve(xhr.response); }; xhr.onerror = function () { resolve("xhr error"); }; xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.send(); }); } function blobToString(blob) { return new content.Promise(function (resolve) { let fileReader = new content.FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function () { resolve(fileReader.result); }; fileReader.readAsText(blob); }); } let blob = await blobURLtoBlob(contentBlobURL); if (blob == "xhr error") { return "xhr error"; } return blobToString(blob); } ); } function workerIO(browser, what, message) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [ { scriptFile: SCRIPT_WORKER_BLOBIFY, message: { message, what }, }, ], function (args) { if (!content.worker) { content.worker = new content.Worker(args.scriptFile); } let promise = new content.Promise(function (resolve) { let listenFunction = function (event) { content.worker.removeEventListener("message", listenFunction); resolve(event.data); }; content.worker.addEventListener("message", listenFunction); }); content.worker.postMessage(args.message); return promise; } ); } let worker_blobify = (browser, input) => workerIO(browser, "blobify", input); let worker_deblobify = (browser, blobURL) => workerIO(browser, "deblobify", blobURL); function doTest(blobify, deblobify) { let blobURL = null; return async function (browser) { if (blobURL === null) { let input = Math.random().toString(); blobURL = await blobify(browser, input); return input; } let result = await deblobify(browser, blobURL); blobURL = null; return result; }; } let tests = []; for (let blobify of [page_blobify, worker_blobify]) { for (let deblobify of [page_deblobify, worker_deblobify]) { tests.push(doTest(blobify, deblobify)); } } async function setup() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["privacy.partition.bloburl_per_partition_key", false], ["dom.security.https_first", false], ], }); } IsolationTestTools.runTests(TEST_PAGE, tests, null, setup);