/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { EventEmitter } from "resource://gre/modules/EventEmitter.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { BrowserWindowTracker: "resource:///modules/BrowserWindowTracker.sys.mjs", E10SUtils: "resource://gre/modules/E10SUtils.sys.mjs", HiddenFrame: "resource://gre/modules/HiddenFrame.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "logConsole", function () { return console.createInstance({ prefix: "PageData", maxLogLevel: Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.pagedata.log", false) ? "Debug" : "Warn", }); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetters(lazy, { idleService: ["@mozilla.org/widget/useridleservice;1", "nsIUserIdleService"], }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "fetchIdleTime", "browser.pagedata.fetchIdleTime", 300 ); const ALLOWED_SCHEMES = ["http", "https", "data", "blob"]; const BACKGROUND_WIDTH = 1024; const BACKGROUND_HEIGHT = 768; /** * Shifts the first element out of the set. * * @param {Set} set * The set containing elements. * @returns {T | undefined} The first element in the set or undefined if * there is nothing in the set. */ function shift(set) { let iter = set.values(); let { value, done } = iter.next(); if (done) { return undefined; } set.delete(value); return value; } /** * A manager for hidden browsers. Responsible for creating and destroying a * hidden frame to hold them. */ class HiddenBrowserManager { /** * The hidden frame if one has been created. * * @type {HiddenFrame | null} */ #frame = null; /** * The number of hidden browser elements currently in use. * * @type {number} */ #browsers = 0; /** * Creates and returns a new hidden browser. * * @returns {Browser} */ async #acquireBrowser() { this.#browsers++; if (!this.#frame) { this.#frame = new lazy.HiddenFrame(); } let frame = await this.#frame.get(); let doc = frame.document; let browser = doc.createXULElement("browser"); browser.setAttribute("remote", "true"); browser.setAttribute("type", "content"); browser.setAttribute( "style", ` width: ${BACKGROUND_WIDTH}px; min-width: ${BACKGROUND_WIDTH}px; height: ${BACKGROUND_HEIGHT}px; min-height: ${BACKGROUND_HEIGHT}px; ` ); browser.setAttribute("maychangeremoteness", "true"); doc.documentElement.appendChild(browser); return browser; } /** * Releases the given hidden browser. * * @param {Browser} browser * The hidden browser element. */ #releaseBrowser(browser) { browser.remove(); this.#browsers--; if (this.#browsers == 0) { this.#frame.destroy(); this.#frame = null; } } /** * Calls a callback function with a new hidden browser. * This function will return whatever the callback function returns. * * @param {Callback} callback * The callback function will be called with the browser element and may * be asynchronous. * @returns {T} */ async withHiddenBrowser(callback) { let browser = await this.#acquireBrowser(); try { return await callback(browser); } finally { this.#releaseBrowser(browser); } } } /** * @typedef {object} CacheEntry * An entry in the page data cache. * @property {PageData | null} pageData * The data or null if there is no known data. * @property {Set} actors * The actors that maintain an interest in keeping the entry cached. */ /** * A cache of page data kept in memory. By default any discovered data from * browsers is kept in memory until the browser element is destroyed but other * actors may register an interest in keeping an entry alive beyond that. */ class PageDataCache { /** * The contents of the cache. Keyed on page url. * * @type {Map} */ #cache = new Map(); /** * Creates or updates an entry in the cache. If no actor has registered any * interest in keeping this page's data in memory then this will do nothing. * * @param {string} url * The url of the page. * @param {PageData|null} pageData * The current page data for the page. */ set(url, pageData) { let entry = this.#cache.get(url); if (entry) { entry.pageData = pageData; } } /** * Gets any cached data for the url. * * @param {string} url * The url of the page. * @returns {PageData | null} * The page data if some is known. */ get(url) { let entry = this.#cache.get(url); return entry?.pageData ?? null; } /** * Adds a lock to an entry. This can be called before we have discovered the * data for the url. * * @param {object} actor * Ensures the entry stays in memory until unlocked by this actor. * @param {string} url * The url of the page. */ lockData(actor, url) { let entry = this.#cache.get(url); if (entry) { entry.actors.add(actor); } else { this.#cache.set(url, { pageData: undefined, actors: new Set([actor]), }); } } /** * Removes a lock from an entry. * * @param {object} actor * The lock to remove. * @param {string | undefined} [url] * The url of the page or undefined to unlock all urls locked by this actor. */ unlockData(actor, url) { let entries = []; if (url) { let entry = this.#cache.get(url); if (!entry) { return; } entries.push([url, entry]); } else { entries = [...this.#cache]; } for (let [entryUrl, entry] of entries) { if (entry.actors.delete(actor)) { if (entry.actors.size == 0) { this.#cache.delete(entryUrl); } } } } } /** * @typedef {object} PageData * A set of discovered from a page. Other than the `data` property this is the * schema at `browser/components/pagedata/schemas/general.schema.json`. * @property {string} url * The page's url. * @property {number} date * The epoch based timestamp for when the data was discovered. * @property {string} siteName * The page's friendly site name. * @property {string} image * The page's image. * @property {object} data * The map of data found which may be empty if no data was found. The key in * map is from the `PageDataSchema.DATA_TYPE` enumeration. The values are in * the format defined by the schemas at `browser/components/pagedata/schemas`. */ export const PageDataService = new (class PageDataService extends EventEmitter { /** * Caches page data discovered from browsers. * * @type {PageDataCache} */ #pageDataCache = new PageDataCache(); /** * The number of currently running background fetches. * * @type {number} */ #backgroundFetches = 0; /** * The list of urls waiting to be loaded in the background. * * @type {Set} */ #backgroundQueue = new Set(); /** * Tracks whether the user is currently idle. * * @type {boolean} */ #userIsIdle = false; /** * A manager for hidden browsers. * * @type {HiddenBrowserManager} */ #browserManager = new HiddenBrowserManager(); /** * A map of hidden browsers to a resolve function that should be passed the * actor that was created for the browser. * * @type {WeakMap} */ #backgroundBrowsers = new WeakMap(); /** * Tracks windows that have browsers with entries in the cache. * * @type {Map>} */ #trackedWindows = new Map(); /** * Constructs the service. */ constructor() { super(); // Limits the number of background fetches that will run at once. Set to 0 to // effectively allow an infinite number. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "MAX_BACKGROUND_FETCHES", "browser.pagedata.maxBackgroundFetches", 5, () => this.#startBackgroundWorkers() ); } /** * Initializes a new instance of the service, not called externally. */ init() { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.pagedata.enabled", false)) { return; } ChromeUtils.registerWindowActor("PageData", { parent: { esModuleURI: "resource:///actors/PageDataParent.sys.mjs", }, child: { esModuleURI: "resource:///actors/PageDataChild.sys.mjs", events: { DOMContentLoaded: {}, pageshow: {}, }, }, }); lazy.logConsole.debug("Service started"); for (let win of lazy.BrowserWindowTracker.orderedWindows) { if (!win.closed) { // Ask any existing tabs to report for (let tab of win.gBrowser.tabs) { let parent = tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext?.currentWindowGlobal.getActor( "PageData" ); parent.sendAsyncMessage("PageData:CheckLoaded"); } } } lazy.idleService.addIdleObserver(this, lazy.fetchIdleTime); } /** * Called when the service is destroyed. This is generally on shutdown so we * don't really need to do much cleanup. */ uninit() { lazy.logConsole.debug("Service stopped"); } /** * Starts tracking for when a browser is destroyed. * * @param {Browser} browser * The browser to track. */ #trackBrowser(browser) { let window = browser.ownerGlobal; let browsers = this.#trackedWindows.get(window); if (browsers) { browsers.add(browser); // This window is already being tracked, no need to add listeners. return; } browsers = new Set([browser]); this.#trackedWindows.set(window, browsers); window.addEventListener("unload", () => { for (let closedBrowser of browsers) { this.unlockEntry(closedBrowser); } this.#trackedWindows.delete(window); }); window.addEventListener("TabClose", ({ target: tab }) => { // Unlock any entries locked by this browser. let closedBrowser = tab.linkedBrowser; this.unlockEntry(closedBrowser); browsers.delete(closedBrowser); }); } /** * Requests that any page data for this url is retained in memory until * unlocked. By calling this you are committing to later call `unlockEntry` * with the same `actor` and `url` parameters. * * @param {object} actor * The actor requesting the lock. * @param {string} url * The url of the page to lock. */ lockEntry(actor, url) { this.#pageDataCache.lockData(actor, url); } /** * Notifies that an actor is no longer interested in a url. * * @param {object} actor * The actor that requested the lock. * @param {string | undefined} [url] * The url of the page or undefined to unlock all urls locked by this actor. */ unlockEntry(actor, url) { this.#pageDataCache.unlockData(actor, url); } /** * Called when the content process signals that a page is ready for data * collection. * * @param {PageDataParent} actor * The parent actor for the page. * @param {string} url * The url of the page. */ async pageLoaded(actor, url) { let uri = Services.io.newURI(url); if (!ALLOWED_SCHEMES.includes(uri.scheme)) { return; } let browser = actor.browsingContext?.embedderElement; // If we don't have a browser then it went away before we could record, // so we don't know where the data came from. if (!browser) { return; } // Is this a load in a background browser? let backgroundResolve = this.#backgroundBrowsers.get(browser); if (backgroundResolve) { backgroundResolve(actor); return; } // Otherwise we only care about pages loaded in the tab browser. if (!this.#isATabBrowser(browser)) { return; } try { let data = await actor.collectPageData(); if (data) { // Keep this data alive until the browser is destroyed. this.#trackBrowser(browser); this.lockEntry(browser, data.url); this.pageDataDiscovered(data); } } catch (e) { lazy.logConsole.error(e); } } /** * Adds data for a url. This should generally only be called by other components of the * page data service or tests for simulating page data collection. * * @param {PageData} pageData * The set of data discovered. */ pageDataDiscovered(pageData) { lazy.logConsole.debug("Discovered page data", pageData); this.#pageDataCache.set(pageData.url, { ...pageData, data: pageData.data ?? {}, }); // Send out a notification. this.emit("page-data", pageData); } /** * Retrieves any cached page data. Returns null if there is no information in the cache, this will * happen either if the page has not been browsed recently or if data collection failed for some * reason. * * @param {string} url * The url to retrieve data for. * @returns {PageData|null} * A `PageData` if one is cached (it may not actually contain any items of data) or null if this * page has not been successfully checked for data recently. */ getCached(url) { return this.#pageDataCache.get(url); } /** * Fetches page data from the given URL using a hidden window. Note that this does not populate * the page data cache or emit the `page-data` event. * * @param {string} url * The url to retrieve data for. * @returns {Promise} * Resolves to the found pagedata or null in case of error. */ async fetchPageData(url) { return this.#browserManager.withHiddenBrowser(async browser => { try { let { promise, resolve } = Promise.withResolvers(); this.#backgroundBrowsers.set(browser, resolve); let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(); let oa = lazy.E10SUtils.predictOriginAttributes({ browser, }); let loadURIOptions = { triggeringPrincipal: principal, remoteType: lazy.E10SUtils.getRemoteTypeForURI( url, true, false, lazy.E10SUtils.DEFAULT_REMOTE_TYPE, null, oa ), }; browser.fixupAndLoadURIString(url, loadURIOptions); let actor = await promise; return await actor.collectPageData(); } finally { this.#backgroundBrowsers.delete(browser); } }); } /** * Handles notifications from the idle service. * * @param {nsISupports} subject * The notification's subject. * @param {string} topic * The notification topic. * @param {string} data * The data associated with the notification. */ observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "idle": lazy.logConsole.debug("User went idle"); this.#userIsIdle = true; this.#startBackgroundWorkers(); break; case "active": lazy.logConsole.debug("User became active"); this.#userIsIdle = false; break; } } /** * Starts as many background workers as are allowed to process the background * queue. */ #startBackgroundWorkers() { if (!this.#userIsIdle) { return; } let toStart; if (this.MAX_BACKGROUND_FETCHES) { toStart = this.MAX_BACKGROUND_FETCHES - this.#backgroundFetches; } else { toStart = this.#backgroundQueue.size; } for (let i = 0; i < toStart; i++) { this.#backgroundFetch(); } } /** * Starts a background fetch worker which will pull urls from the queue and * load them until the queue is empty. */ async #backgroundFetch() { this.#backgroundFetches++; let url = shift(this.#backgroundQueue); while (url) { try { let pageData = await this.fetchPageData(url); if (pageData) { this.#pageDataCache.set(url, pageData); this.emit("page-data", pageData); } } catch (e) { lazy.logConsole.error(e); } // Check whether the user became active or the worker limit changed // dynamically. if ( !this.#userIsIdle || (this.MAX_BACKGROUND_FETCHES > 0 && this.#backgroundFetches > this.MAX_BACKGROUND_FETCHES) ) { break; } url = shift(this.#backgroundQueue); } this.#backgroundFetches--; } /** * Queues page data retrieval for a url. The page-data notification will be * generated if data becomes available. * * Check `getCached` first to ensure that data is not already in the cache. * * @param {string} url * The url to retrieve data for. */ queueFetch(url) { this.#backgroundQueue.add(url); this.#startBackgroundWorkers(); } /** * Determines if the given browser is contained within a tab. * * @param {DOMElement} browser * The browser element to check. * @returns {boolean} * True if the browser element is contained within a tab. */ #isATabBrowser(browser) { return browser.ownerGlobal.gBrowser?.getTabForBrowser(browser); } })();