/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* import-globals-from /toolkit/content/preferencesBindings.js */ // This is exported by preferences.js but we can't import that in a subdialog. let { LangPackMatcher } = window.top; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { AddonManager: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs", AddonRepository: "resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonRepository.sys.mjs", RemoteSettings: "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.sys.mjs", SelectionChangedMenulist: "resource:///modules/SelectionChangedMenulist.sys.mjs", }); document .getElementById("BrowserLanguagesDialog") .addEventListener("dialoghelp", window.top.openPrefsHelp); /* This dialog provides an interface for managing what language the browser is * displayed in. * * There is a list of "requested" locales and a list of "available" locales. The * requested locales must be installed and enabled. Available locales could be * installed and enabled, or fetched from the AMO language tools API. * * If a langpack is disabled, there is no way to determine what locale it is for and * it will only be listed as available if that locale is also available on AMO and * the user has opted to search for more languages. */ async function installFromUrl(url, hash, callback) { let telemetryInfo = { source: "about:preferences", }; let install = await AddonManager.getInstallForURL(url, { hash, telemetryInfo, }); if (callback) { callback(install.installId.toString()); } await install.install(); return install.addon; } async function dictionaryIdsForLocale(locale) { let entries = await RemoteSettings("language-dictionaries").get({ filters: { id: locale }, }); if (entries.length) { return entries[0].dictionaries; } return []; } class OrderedListBox { constructor({ richlistbox, upButton, downButton, removeButton, onRemove, onReorder, }) { this.richlistbox = richlistbox; this.upButton = upButton; this.downButton = downButton; this.removeButton = removeButton; this.onRemove = onRemove; this.onReorder = onReorder; this.items = []; this.richlistbox.addEventListener("select", () => this.setButtonState()); this.upButton.addEventListener("command", () => this.moveUp()); this.downButton.addEventListener("command", () => this.moveDown()); this.removeButton.addEventListener("command", () => this.removeItem()); } get selectedItem() { return this.items[this.richlistbox.selectedIndex]; } setButtonState() { let { upButton, downButton, removeButton } = this; let { selectedIndex, itemCount } = this.richlistbox; upButton.disabled = selectedIndex <= 0; downButton.disabled = selectedIndex == itemCount - 1; removeButton.disabled = itemCount <= 1 || !this.selectedItem.canRemove; } moveUp() { let { selectedIndex } = this.richlistbox; if (selectedIndex == 0) { return; } let { items } = this; let selectedItem = items[selectedIndex]; let prevItem = items[selectedIndex - 1]; items[selectedIndex - 1] = items[selectedIndex]; items[selectedIndex] = prevItem; let prevEl = document.getElementById(prevItem.id); let selectedEl = document.getElementById(selectedItem.id); this.richlistbox.insertBefore(selectedEl, prevEl); this.richlistbox.ensureElementIsVisible(selectedEl); this.setButtonState(); this.onReorder(); } moveDown() { let { selectedIndex } = this.richlistbox; if (selectedIndex == this.items.length - 1) { return; } let { items } = this; let selectedItem = items[selectedIndex]; let nextItem = items[selectedIndex + 1]; items[selectedIndex + 1] = items[selectedIndex]; items[selectedIndex] = nextItem; let nextEl = document.getElementById(nextItem.id); let selectedEl = document.getElementById(selectedItem.id); this.richlistbox.insertBefore(nextEl, selectedEl); this.richlistbox.ensureElementIsVisible(selectedEl); this.setButtonState(); this.onReorder(); } removeItem() { let { selectedIndex } = this.richlistbox; if (selectedIndex == -1) { return; } let [item] = this.items.splice(selectedIndex, 1); this.richlistbox.selectedItem.remove(); this.richlistbox.selectedIndex = Math.min( selectedIndex, this.richlistbox.itemCount - 1 ); this.richlistbox.ensureElementIsVisible(this.richlistbox.selectedItem); this.onRemove(item); } setItems(items) { this.items = items; this.populate(); this.setButtonState(); } /** * Add an item to the top of the ordered list. * * @param {object} item The item to insert. */ addItem(item) { this.items.unshift(item); this.richlistbox.insertBefore( this.createItem(item), this.richlistbox.firstElementChild ); this.richlistbox.selectedIndex = 0; this.richlistbox.ensureElementIsVisible(this.richlistbox.selectedItem); } populate() { this.richlistbox.textContent = ""; let frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let item of this.items) { frag.appendChild(this.createItem(item)); } this.richlistbox.appendChild(frag); this.richlistbox.selectedIndex = 0; this.richlistbox.ensureElementIsVisible(this.richlistbox.selectedItem); } createItem({ id, label, value }) { let listitem = document.createXULElement("richlistitem"); listitem.id = id; listitem.setAttribute("value", value); let labelEl = document.createXULElement("label"); labelEl.textContent = label; listitem.appendChild(labelEl); return listitem; } } /** * The sorted select list of Locales available for the app. */ class SortedItemSelectList { constructor({ menulist, button, onSelect, onChange, compareFn }) { /** @type {XULElement} */ this.menulist = menulist; /** @type {XULElement} */ this.popup = menulist.menupopup; /** @type {XULElement} */ this.button = button; /** @type {(a: LocaleDisplayInfo, b: LocaleDisplayInfo) => number} */ this.compareFn = compareFn; /** @type {Array<LocaleDisplayInfo>} */ this.items = []; // This will register the "command" listener. new SelectionChangedMenulist(this.menulist, () => { button.disabled = !menulist.selectedItem; if (menulist.selectedItem) { onChange(this.items[menulist.selectedIndex]); } }); button.addEventListener("command", () => { if (!menulist.selectedItem) { return; } let [item] = this.items.splice(menulist.selectedIndex, 1); menulist.selectedItem.remove(); menulist.setAttribute("label", menulist.getAttribute("placeholder")); button.disabled = true; menulist.disabled = menulist.itemCount == 0; menulist.selectedIndex = -1; onSelect(item); }); } /** * @param {Array<LocaleDisplayInfo>} items */ setItems(items) { this.items = items.sort(this.compareFn); this.populate(); } populate() { let { button, items, menulist, popup } = this; popup.textContent = ""; let frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let item of items) { frag.appendChild(this.createItem(item)); } popup.appendChild(frag); menulist.setAttribute("label", menulist.getAttribute("placeholder")); menulist.disabled = menulist.itemCount == 0; menulist.selectedIndex = -1; button.disabled = true; } /** * Add an item to the list sorted by the label. * * @param {object} item The item to insert. */ addItem(item) { let { compareFn, items, menulist, popup } = this; // Find the index of the item to insert before. let i = items.findIndex(el => compareFn(el, item) >= 0); items.splice(i, 0, item); popup.insertBefore(this.createItem(item), menulist.getItemAtIndex(i)); menulist.disabled = menulist.itemCount == 0; } createItem({ label, value, className, disabled }) { let item = document.createXULElement("menuitem"); item.setAttribute("label", label); if (value) { item.value = value; } if (className) { item.classList.add(className); } if (disabled) { item.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } return item; } /** * Disable the inputs and set a data-l10n-id on the menulist. This can be * reverted with `enableWithMessageId()`. */ disableWithMessageId(messageId) { document.l10n.setAttributes(this.menulist, messageId); this.menulist.setAttribute( "image", "chrome://browser/skin/tabbrowser/tab-connecting.png" ); this.menulist.disabled = true; this.button.disabled = true; } /** * Enable the inputs and set a data-l10n-id on the menulist. This can be * reverted with `disableWithMessageId()`. */ enableWithMessageId(messageId) { document.l10n.setAttributes(this.menulist, messageId); this.menulist.removeAttribute("image"); this.menulist.disabled = this.menulist.itemCount == 0; this.button.disabled = !this.menulist.selectedItem; } } /** * @typedef LocaleDisplayInfo * @type {object} * @prop {string} id - A unique ID. * @prop {string} label - The localized display name. * @prop {string} value - The BCP 47 locale identifier or the word "search". * @prop {boolean} canRemove - Locales that are part of the packaged locales cannot be * removed. * @prop {boolean} installed - Whether or not the locale is installed. */ /** * @param {Array<string>} localeCodes - List of BCP 47 locale identifiers. * @returns {Array<LocaleDisplayInfo>} */ async function getLocaleDisplayInfo(localeCodes) { let availableLocales = new Set(await LangPackMatcher.getAvailableLocales()); let packagedLocales = new Set(Services.locale.packagedLocales); let localeNames = Services.intl.getLocaleDisplayNames( undefined, localeCodes, { preferNative: true } ); return localeCodes.map((code, i) => { return { id: "locale-" + code, label: localeNames[i], value: code, canRemove: !packagedLocales.has(code), installed: availableLocales.has(code), }; }); } /** * @param {LocaleDisplayInfo} a * @param {LocaleDisplayInfo} b * @returns {number} */ function compareItems(a, b) { // Sort by installed. if (a.installed != b.installed) { return a.installed ? -1 : 1; // The search label is always last. } else if (a.value == "search") { return 1; } else if (b.value == "search") { return -1; // If both items are locales, sort by label. } else if (a.value && b.value) { return a.label.localeCompare(b.label); // One of them is a label, put it first. } else if (a.value) { return 1; } return -1; } var gBrowserLanguagesDialog = { /** * The publicly readable list of selected locales. It is only set when the dialog is * accepted, and can be retrieved elsewhere by directly reading the property * on gBrowserLanguagesDialog. * * let { selected } = gBrowserLanguagesDialog; * * @type {null | Array<string>} */ selected: null, /** * @type {string | null} An ID used for telemetry pings. It is unique to the current * opening of the browser language. */ _telemetryId: null, /** * @type {SortedItemSelectList} */ _availableLocalesUI: null, /** * @type {OrderedListBox} */ _selectedLocalesUI: null, get downloadEnabled() { // Downloading langpacks isn't always supported, check the pref. return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("intl.multilingual.downloadEnabled"); }, recordTelemetry(method, extra = null) { Services.telemetry.recordEvent( "intl.ui.browserLanguage", method, "dialog", this._telemetryId, extra ); }, async onLoad() { /** * @typedef {Object} Options - Options passed in to configure the subdialog. * @property {string} telemetryId, * @property {Array<string>} [selectedLocalesForRestart] The optional list of * previously selected locales for when a restart is required. This list is * preserved between openings of the dialog. * @property {boolean} search Whether the user opened this from "Search for more * languages" option. */ /** @type {Options} */ let { telemetryId, selectedLocalesForRestart, search } = window.arguments[0]; this._telemetryId = telemetryId; // This is a list of available locales that the user selected. It's more // restricted than the Intl notion of `requested` as it only contains // locale codes for which we have matching locales available. // The first time this dialog is opened, populate with appLocalesAsBCP47. let selectedLocales = selectedLocalesForRestart || Services.locale.appLocalesAsBCP47; let selectedLocaleSet = new Set(selectedLocales); let available = await LangPackMatcher.getAvailableLocales(); let availableSet = new Set(available); // Filter selectedLocales since the user may select a locale when it is // available and then disable it. selectedLocales = selectedLocales.filter(locale => availableSet.has(locale) ); // Nothing in available should be in selectedSet. available = available.filter(locale => !selectedLocaleSet.has(locale)); await this.initSelectedLocales(selectedLocales); await this.initAvailableLocales(available, search); this.initialized = true; // Now the component is initialized, it's safe to accept the results. document .getElementById("BrowserLanguagesDialog") .addEventListener("beforeaccept", () => { this.selected = this._selectedLocalesUI.items.map(item => item.value); }); }, /** * @param {string[]} selectedLocales - BCP 47 locale identifiers */ async initSelectedLocales(selectedLocales) { this._selectedLocalesUI = new OrderedListBox({ richlistbox: document.getElementById("selectedLocales"), upButton: document.getElementById("up"), downButton: document.getElementById("down"), removeButton: document.getElementById("remove"), onRemove: item => this.selectedLocaleRemoved(item), onReorder: () => this.recordTelemetry("reorder"), }); this._selectedLocalesUI.setItems( await getLocaleDisplayInfo(selectedLocales) ); }, /** * @param {Set<string>} available - The set of available BCP 47 locale identifiers. * @param {boolean} search - Whether the user opened this from "Search for more * languages" option. */ async initAvailableLocales(available, search) { this._availableLocalesUI = new SortedItemSelectList({ menulist: document.getElementById("availableLocales"), button: document.getElementById("add"), compareFn: compareItems, onSelect: item => this.availableLanguageSelected(item), onChange: item => { this.hideError(); if (item.value == "search") { // Record the search event here so we don't track the search from // the main preferences pane twice. this.recordTelemetry("search"); this.loadLocalesFromAMO(); } }, }); // Populate the list with the installed locales even if the user is // searching in case the download fails. await this.loadLocalesFromInstalled(available); // If the user opened this from the "Search for more languages" option, // search AMO for available locales. if (search) { return this.loadLocalesFromAMO(); } return undefined; }, async loadLocalesFromAMO() { if (!this.downloadEnabled) { return; } // Disable the dropdown while we hit the network. this._availableLocalesUI.disableWithMessageId( "browser-languages-searching" ); // Fetch the available langpacks from AMO. let availableLangpacks; try { availableLangpacks = await AddonRepository.getAvailableLangpacks(); } catch (e) { this.showError(); return; } // Store the available langpack info for later use. this.availableLangpacks = new Map(); for (let { target_locale, url, hash } of availableLangpacks) { this.availableLangpacks.set(target_locale, { url, hash }); } // Remove the installed locales from the available ones. let installedLocales = new Set(await LangPackMatcher.getAvailableLocales()); let notInstalledLocales = availableLangpacks .filter(({ target_locale }) => !installedLocales.has(target_locale)) .map(lang => lang.target_locale); // Create the rows for the remote locales. let availableItems = await getLocaleDisplayInfo(notInstalledLocales); availableItems.push({ label: await document.l10n.formatValue( "browser-languages-available-label" ), className: "label-item", disabled: true, installed: false, }); // Remove the search option and add the remote locales. let items = this._availableLocalesUI.items; items.pop(); items = items.concat(availableItems); // Update the dropdown and enable it again. this._availableLocalesUI.setItems(items); this._availableLocalesUI.enableWithMessageId( "browser-languages-select-language" ); }, /** * @param {Set<string>} available - The set of available (BCP 47) locales. */ async loadLocalesFromInstalled(available) { let items; if (available.length) { items = await getLocaleDisplayInfo(available); items.push(await this.createInstalledLabel()); } else { items = []; } if (this.downloadEnabled) { items.push({ label: await document.l10n.formatValue("browser-languages-search"), value: "search", }); } this._availableLocalesUI.setItems(items); }, /** * @param {LocaleDisplayInfo} item */ async availableLanguageSelected(item) { if ((await LangPackMatcher.getAvailableLocales()).includes(item.value)) { this.recordTelemetry("add"); await this.requestLocalLanguage(item); } else if (this.availableLangpacks.has(item.value)) { // Telemetry is tracked in requestRemoteLanguage. await this.requestRemoteLanguage(item); } else { this.showError(); } }, /** * @param {LocaleDisplayInfo} item */ async requestLocalLanguage(item) { this._selectedLocalesUI.addItem(item); let selectedCount = this._selectedLocalesUI.items.length; let availableCount = (await LangPackMatcher.getAvailableLocales()).length; if (selectedCount == availableCount) { // Remove the installed label, they're all installed. this._availableLocalesUI.items.shift(); this._availableLocalesUI.setItems(this._availableLocalesUI.items); } // The label isn't always reset when the selected item is removed, so set it again. this._availableLocalesUI.enableWithMessageId( "browser-languages-select-language" ); }, /** * @param {LocaleDisplayInfo} item */ async requestRemoteLanguage(item) { this._availableLocalesUI.disableWithMessageId( "browser-languages-downloading" ); let { url, hash } = this.availableLangpacks.get(item.value); let addon; try { addon = await installFromUrl(url, hash, installId => this.recordTelemetry("add", { installId }) ); } catch (e) { this.showError(); return; } // If the add-on was previously installed, it might be disabled still. if (addon.userDisabled) { await addon.enable(); } item.installed = true; this._selectedLocalesUI.addItem(item); this._availableLocalesUI.enableWithMessageId( "browser-languages-select-language" ); // This is an async task that will install the recommended dictionaries for // this locale. This will fail silently at least until a management UI is // added in bug 1493705. this.installDictionariesForLanguage(item.value); }, /** * @param {string} locale The BCP 47 locale identifier */ async installDictionariesForLanguage(locale) { try { let ids = await dictionaryIdsForLocale(locale); let addonInfos = await AddonRepository.getAddonsByIDs(ids); await Promise.all( addonInfos.map(info => installFromUrl(info.sourceURI.spec)) ); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }, showError() { document.getElementById("warning-message").hidden = false; this._availableLocalesUI.enableWithMessageId( "browser-languages-select-language" ); // The height has likely changed, find our SubDialog and tell it to resize. requestAnimationFrame(() => { let dialogs = window.opener.gSubDialog._dialogs; let index = dialogs.findIndex(d => d._frame.contentDocument == document); if (index != -1) { dialogs[index].resizeDialog(); } }); }, hideError() { document.getElementById("warning-message").hidden = true; }, /** * @param {LocaleDisplayInfo} item */ async selectedLocaleRemoved(item) { this.recordTelemetry("remove"); this._availableLocalesUI.addItem(item); // If the item we added is at the top of the list, it needs the label. if (this._availableLocalesUI.items[0] == item) { this._availableLocalesUI.addItem(await this.createInstalledLabel()); } }, async createInstalledLabel() { return { label: await document.l10n.formatValue( "browser-languages-installed-label" ), className: "label-item", disabled: true, installed: true, }; }, };