/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); let { FileUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs" ); let { DownloadLastDir } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/DownloadLastDir.sys.mjs" ); let MockFilePicker = SpecialPowers.MockFilePicker; MockFilePicker.init(window); MockFilePicker.returnValue = Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK; let validateFileNameToRestore = validateFileName; let prefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("browser.download."); let tmpDir = FileUtils.getDir("TmpD", []); let dir1 = newDirectory(); let dir2 = newDirectory(); let dir3 = newDirectory(); let file1 = newFileInDirectory(dir1); let file2 = newFileInDirectory(dir2); let file3 = newFileInDirectory(dir3); // cleanup function registration registerCleanupFunction(function () { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.download.lastDir"); [dir1, dir2, dir3].forEach(dir => dir.remove(true)); MockFilePicker.cleanup(); validateFileName = validateFileNameToRestore; }); // Overwrite validateFileName to validate everything validateFileName = foo => foo; let params = { fileInfo: new FileInfo( "test.txt", "test.txt", "test", "txt", "http://mozilla.org/test.txt" ), contentType: "text/plain", saveMode: SAVEMODE_FILEONLY, saveAsType: kSaveAsType_Complete, file: null, }; prefs.setComplexValue("lastDir", Ci.nsIFile, tmpDir); function testOnWindow(aPrivate, aCallback) { whenNewWindowLoaded({ private: aPrivate }, function (win) { let gDownloadLastDir = new DownloadLastDir(win); aCallback(win, gDownloadLastDir); }); } function testDownloadDir( aWin, gDownloadLastDir, aFile, aDisplayDir, aLastDir, aGlobalLastDir, aCallback ) { // Check lastDir preference. is( prefs.getComplexValue("lastDir", Ci.nsIFile).path, aDisplayDir.path, "LastDir should be the expected display dir" ); // Check gDownloadLastDir value. is( gDownloadLastDir.file.path, aDisplayDir.path, "gDownloadLastDir should be the expected display dir" ); MockFilePicker.setFiles([aFile]); MockFilePicker.displayDirectory = null; aWin .promiseTargetFile(params) .then(function () { // File picker should start with expected display dir. is( MockFilePicker.displayDirectory.path, aDisplayDir.path, "File picker should start with browser.download.lastDir" ); // browser.download.lastDir should be modified on not private windows is( prefs.getComplexValue("lastDir", Ci.nsIFile).path, aLastDir.path, "LastDir should be the expected last dir" ); // gDownloadLastDir should be usable outside of private windows is( gDownloadLastDir.file.path, aGlobalLastDir.path, "gDownloadLastDir should be the expected global last dir" ); gDownloadLastDir.cleanupPrivateFile(); aWin.close(); aCallback(); }) .catch(function () { ok(false); }); } testOnWindow(false, function (win, downloadDir) { testDownloadDir(win, downloadDir, file1, tmpDir, dir1, dir1, function () { testOnWindow(true, function (win1, downloadDir1) { testDownloadDir( win1, downloadDir1, file2, dir1, dir1, dir2, function () { testOnWindow(false, function (win2, downloadDir2) { testDownloadDir( win2, downloadDir2, file3, dir1, dir3, dir3, finish ); }); } ); }); }); }); }