/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { AppConstants: "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs", RemoteSettings: "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.sys.mjs", TELEMETRY_SETTINGS_KEY: "resource:///modules/SearchSERPTelemetry.sys.mjs", JsonSchema: "resource://gre/modules/JsonSchema.sys.mjs", SearchEngineSelector: "resource://gre/modules/SearchEngineSelector.sys.mjs", }); /** * Checks to see if a value is an object or not. * * @param {*} value * The value to check. * @returns {boolean} */ function isObject(value) { return value != null && typeof value == "object" && !Array.isArray(value); } /** * This function modifies the schema to prevent allowing additional properties * on objects. This is used to enforce that the schema contains everything that * we deliver via the search configuration. * * These checks are not enabled in-product, as we want to allow older versions * to keep working if we add new properties for whatever reason. * * @param {object} section * The section to check to see if an additionalProperties flag should be added. */ function disallowAdditionalProperties(section) { // It is generally acceptable for new properties to be added to the // configuration as older builds will ignore them. // // As a result, we only check for new properties on nightly builds, and this // avoids us having to uplift schema changes. This also helps preserve the // schemas as documentation of "what was supported in this version". if (!AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD) { info("Skipping additional properties validation."); return; } if (section.type == "object") { section.additionalProperties = false; } for (let value of Object.values(section)) { if (isObject(value)) { disallowAdditionalProperties(value); } } } add_task(async function test_search_telemetry_validates_to_schema() { let schema = await IOUtils.readJSON( PathUtils.join(do_get_cwd().path, "search-telemetry-schema.json") ); disallowAdditionalProperties(schema); let data = await RemoteSettings(TELEMETRY_SETTINGS_KEY).get(); let validator = new JsonSchema.Validator(schema); for (let entry of data) { // Records in Remote Settings contain additional properties independent of // the schema. Hence, we don't want to validate their presence. delete entry.schema; delete entry.id; delete entry.last_modified; delete entry.filter_expression; let result = validator.validate(entry); let message = `Should validate ${entry.telemetryId}`; if (!result.valid) { message += `:\n${JSON.stringify(result.errors, null, 2)}`; } Assert.ok(result.valid, message); } }); add_task(async function test_search_config_codes_in_search_telemetry() { let searchTelemetry = await RemoteSettings(TELEMETRY_SETTINGS_KEY).get(); let selector = new SearchEngineSelector(() => {}); let searchConfig = await selector.getEngineConfiguration(); const telemetryIdToSearchEngineIdMap = new Map([["duckduckgo", "ddg"]]); for (let telemetryEntry of searchTelemetry) { info(`Checking: ${telemetryEntry.telemetryId}`); let engine; for (let entry of searchConfig) { if (entry.recordType != "engine") { continue; } if ( entry.identifier == telemetryEntry.telemetryId || entry.identifier == telemetryIdToSearchEngineIdMap.get(telemetryEntry.telemetryId) ) { engine = entry; } } Assert.ok( !!engine, `Should have associated engine data for telemetry id ${telemetryEntry.telemetryId}` ); if (engine.base.partnerCode) { Assert.ok( telemetryEntry.taggedCodes.includes(engine.base.partnerCode), `Should have the base partner code ${engine.base.partnerCode} listed in the search telemetry 'taggedCodes'` ); } else { Assert.equal( telemetryEntry.telemetryId, "baidu", "Should only not have a base partner code for Baidu" ); } if (engine.variants) { for (let variant of engine.variants) { if ("partnerCode" in variant) { Assert.ok( telemetryEntry.taggedCodes.includes(variant.partnerCode), `Should have the partner code ${variant.partnerCode} listed in the search telemetry 'taggedCodes'` ); } } } } });